Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5)

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Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5) Page 14

by Tony Corden


  Leah hurried through the Tower and into Pneumatica where she arrived in the suite of rooms she had rented at the Herrington. As soon as she left her bedroom, Howard, the butler, was waiting. Leah said, “Howard, a Mistress Ellen Bartle and a Mr Henry Ayer are due to see me at nine. Please ask Louise to prepare some tea and cake for when they arrive. I'd appreciate it if you would show them in when they arrive.”

  “Certainly, Captain.”

  Several minutes later as the clock struck nine, Howard knocked on the door. With him were two people. Howard said, “Captain Charlotte, a Mistress Ellen Bartle and a Mr Henry Ayer are here to see you.”

  Leah stood and welcomed the two visitors. After shaking their hands, she indicated for them to take a seat. Louise entered with a small trolley and served the tea and cake. As soon as everyone had been served Louise and Howard left the room. Leah said, “Again, let me thank you for being kind enough to come and see me. I trust your journey was pleasant and without complication.”

  For the next ten minutes, they shared pleasantries and discussed the weather, the war efforts, and the scourge of piracy. Finally, the woman said, “Speaking of piracy, Captain Charlotte, I was pleased to hear of your acceptance of a Privateer.”

  Leah understood that she had observed all the protocols and they could get down to business. She said, “Thank you. Unfortunately, there were some complications, which now need to be solved. I've appreciated the help of Mr Bartle and thank you for your willingness to meet with me.”

  “Indeed, Captain Charlotte, we are more than willing to help Billy and yourself. He was most insistent, and in fact, I am surprised you have waited until now to speak of it. Most from the aether worlds are more hurried.”

  “To forego common courtesy for the sake of my own business would be boastful and proud in the extreme, regardless of necessity. Truly, Mistress Bartle, I have appreciated the opportunity to know you both before we come to business. Still, it is true that I am in need of timely help and would beg your pardon if I appear discourteous in my haste. Please feel free to call me Charlotte.”

  “Then, you must call me Ellen. I understand you require a range of clothes and some weapons.”

  “Indeed, and I was also hoping to have some advice on someone who might assist me with my eye.”

  Mr Ayers said, “Charlotte, please call me Henry. Ellen has experience with clothing and style while I have some familiarity with weapons. Billy made several enquiries, and he suggests that we accompany you to the business of a Master Prosthesis Engineer who goes by the name of Thomas Willeford. He has experience in manufacturing and installing some of the best physical enhancements in Aeolipile. After seeing him, if you are not satisfied, then I have the names of two Anatomical Engineers also recommended by Billy. I suggest we look first to your eye and then Ellen and I can help with your other needs.”

  Ellen interrupted, “For the sake of privacy and to allow both Henry and myself some time to pursue the best course in helping you, might we discuss your requirements before leaving the hotel?”

  Leah said, “Indeed! Henry, thank you for your explanation. I agree that my eye is of first import. Ellen, as regards apparel, I have very little save what I am currently wearing. I would like some general outfits which could be worn when the day is open for a variety of activities. Some should be appropriate for those times I am aboard ship. Some for use in combat and finally several sets of clothing suitable for polite company including attending social occasions such as a ball or meeting with Her Majesty. Cost is no barrier and while I despise pretentiousness, I desire to draw the eye and hold the attention of the Aeolipile’s most influential.

  “Henry, as regards weapons, I am capable with both swords and knives and desire a comprehensive selection of both, both visible and invisible, and some suitable as additions for each outfit. Also, I might add other offensive or defensive weapons as you might think appropriate Henry.”

  Henry said, “Does such a willingness include musketry, rifles, and pneumatic weapons?”

  “Indeed, I desire effective strategies to protect myself and cause damage to my enemies. If it is in your experience, I also require certain tools whereby I might gain entrance to places without recourse to an invitation.”

  “Indeed,” said Henry, “I have contacts for such implements and only ask if you have the requisite skills?”

  “I have.”

  “Ah, I am now more understanding of Billy’s willingness to help you. I assumed his interest was occasioned by your beauty alone but if I also add a penchant for appropriation, then he would find you ineludible.”

  Ellen gave a small chuckle and said, “Henry, be aware that Charlotte also offered help to Billy, unasked and without thought of reward. Indeed, I think it is that which touched him most. Charlotte, may I assume you would also appreciate clothing appropriate to such activities?”

  “Ah, thank you for that reminder, Ellen, I would indeed. Being aware of my circumstances, would you have other suggestions?”

  Henry and Ellen were quiet for a moment then Henry said, “I would be remiss if I did not point out the darker side of our city. Sometimes those whom I understand you might find as your adversaries make use of the elements in this world which only come out after dark. If you plan on visiting establishments unannounced, I suggest you also procure weapons appropriate for use as a supernatural defence.”

  “Thank you, Henry, for this reminder. It may be that I might have recourse at some stage to visit certain individuals, or their residences, unannounced. Any help you offer that might make such visits successful would be much appreciated.”

  There was silence for a few moments, but it wasn’t uncomfortable, merely an acknowledgement by all that any further discussion would be made elsewhere. Leah carefully placed her empty cup on the small table beside her chair and said, “If you have had sufficient tea then I am at your disposal.”

  Both Henry and Ellen stood, and together they made their way from the room followed by Leah. Howard returned them their coats, hats and bags and after handing Leah her hat, he opened the suite’s front door.

  After descending to ground level, they made their way out of the Herrington. Once on the street Henry flagged down a passing horseless carriage and gave the address of Master Prosthesis Engineer Thomas Willeford.

  Leah noticed Henry brushing against the driver as they entered the carriage and once they were underway she asked, “Henry, please excuse my presumption but what information is there regarding any opposition?”

  Henry smiled and removed a small folded note from his glove and said, “There were seven individual watchers at the hotel. Two were your own men, and they have been advised of our itinerary. One belonged to a competing privateer, and she has been sent back to her master with the reminder that you appreciate your privacy. Three had employment with Lord Emerson, and they have been dispatched as has the remaining watcher who was interested in Ellen and me, rather than you.”

  “Thank you, Henry, I appreciate your candour. In return might I share that I saw several individuals interested in our journey in a manner beyond what seemed normal? There were three women, four men and three urchins. I can describe these if such numbers are more than those you might have expected to be helping you and Billy.”

  Henry hadn’t expected that number, and after hearing the descriptions from Leah, he turned and whispered several directions to the driver. Several minutes later there was a loud commotion on the street behind them, and then, after several turns, the carriage stopped. A somewhat dirty teenager stepped inside. He said, “Pardon Mr Ayer, but you was right. It’s all been taken care of, and we’ll be more observant from now on. If it pleases you, I’d suggest you change carriages when we next stop.”

  Henry frowned and said, “So we shall, young Tom, so we shall. I will be discussing this with you later today. Please have a report ready.”

  The carriage turned into an alley and stopped beside a similar contrivance and Leah, Ellen and Henry changed carr
iages. Henry drew the curtains and said, “I do apologise, Captain, I expected better.”

  “It is of no concern Henry. I believe I noticed because I was the one who drew their attention. I understand you must keep your people accountable, but I would ask that you make no additional demands because of me.”

  Henry nodded, and the rest of the journey to Master Willeford’s workplace was completed in silence. The carriage had stopped outside a boutique-sized store in the centre of Aeolipile. Master Willeford’s name was inscribed in golden letters across the width of the store. In each window was a mannequin with almost every part of their anatomy showing some mechanical substitution, addition or modification. Behind each mannequin were curtains and no section of the inner store was visible. Henry helped both Leah and Ellen from the carriage, and together they entered the establishment.

  Inside there were a number of display cases, several armchairs, a reception desk and a receptionist. Henry stepped forward and said, “My name is Henry Ayers, my colleagues and I have an appointment with Master Willeford at ten. I appreciate we are a few minutes early and ask your permission to take our rest inside the store until the appointed hour.”

  “Certainly Mr Ayers, these seats are provided for such circumstances. If you would please be seated, I will inform Master Willeford of your arrival.”

  They had only been seated for a few minutes when the receptionist returned with a tall gentleman with long hair carefully tied in a ponytail. He was neatly groomed with a trimmed beard, and his right arm was mechanical. Leah could see the clockwork mechanism and several pistons. It was evident from his movement that he suffered no loss of function due to its nature. He said, “Mr Ayers, my name is Thomas Willeford, I suggest you and your colleagues join me in my office and there we might be introduced and discuss business.” He immediately turned and led Henry, Ellen and Leah into the rear section of his premises and into a large rather luxurious office. Henry introduced Leah and Ellen, and they all took their seats in some rather well-stuffed leather armchairs.

  Leah said, “Mister Willeford, I appreciate your time and ask that you take no offence if I begin immediately to discuss business.”

  “Indeed Captain Charlotte, I have much to do and prefer to get immediately to the point in most discussions. I, like yourself, am a visitor from the Aether Worlds and understand the limitations of time.”

  “Please feel free to call me Charlotte, or simply Captain if you are amenable to such familiarity. Mr Ayers and Mistress Bartle have conveyed to me a recommendation of your business as exhibiting both technical and professional excellence, both of which I desire in the person chosen to replace my eye. I was hoping to discuss my options and how you might be able to assist. I trust that carrying out our discussions in a manner suitable to their presence is acceptable?”

  “Such familiarity is indeed acceptable as is the style of communication. I ask that you call me Thomas. Do you wish to discuss this in private or are you comfortable to do so in the presence of Mr Ayers and Mistress Bartle?”

  “I have no concern with their presence, rather I find it both comforting and helpful as they have much to offer by way of suggestion and experience.”

  “Indeed. Now, before I make suggestions concerning your options could you please allow me to look carefully at the damage to ascertain what is needed and what is possible?”

  Leah removed the bandage which covered her eye and remained still while Thomas took a close look. He said, “Have you had a look at the damage?”

  Leah hadn’t really, so Thomas took a mirror from his desk drawer and held it up for her to examine her eye. Leah could see an open expanse where her eye usually was. Inside she could see flesh and the optic nerve. Her upper eyelid was gone, and a scar ran horizontally from the side her eye to her ear where she could see that the top third was scarred as if it had been torn off and then healed while held in the wrong position. She looked for a few moments and then nodded.

  Thomas said, “I can replace the eye in whole and the ear in part or in whole. Your options are multiple. The replacement can be similar to your natural eye, or you could have multiple attachments or enhancements which usually adds some weight while increasing visibility. The same is true for your ear. I believe the damage to the ear is only external and it would be unnecessary to do more than provide an external replacement, with or without enhancements and attachments.”

  “Do you have any diagrams or examples to help me better understand what you mean? If not, would you be able to give a more detailed description of the options?”

  Thomas took out some diagrams and prototypes from previous work he’d done and then he described each of them in some detail. Both Ellen and Henry added their comments on how such prostheses were viewed and used.

  After some discussion, Leah said, “Thank you for those insights. I favour a full replacement of the eye including both the upper and lower lids. My preference is for the replacement to be of similar size and positioning as the natural eye. It should include the ability to be used without attachment as either a microscope or telescope with an option to add additional lenses as desired. I prefer your most sturdy materials and finest work. In its normal state, I would like the pupil and iris to be similar in appearance to my insignia. As for the ear, I suggest the upper half be replaced with the inclusion of aids and or attachments to increase hearing and also to supplement that with the ability to include frequencies oft found outside the normal human range.”

  Thomas considered what Leah said for a few moments then said, “What materials do you prefer?”

  “I am impartial and will leave it to you regarding the most appropriate choice including the option of making them from Maxwellian Bronze. I also find myself in a position where I must promote myself among the so-called nobility. I am not against the idea of overt displays of exceptional refinement. As such, should the opportunity exist to elegantly embellish the prostheses with precious metals or gems, then this is desirable.”

  Thomas said, “Charlotte, such as you describe will be somewhat costly.”

  “I understand, and though my good sense and natural inclination declare it an extravagance, I am convinced that availing myself of the best quality will reap sufficient benefit in the long term to defray the additional cost.”

  “I see. Do you have any other suggestion as to possible additional attachments for your prostheses?”

  “Beyond those which improve vision and hearing to the limits of your engineering, and as appropriate and suitable to fit within the designs mentioned, I have three suggestions. First, is it possible to connect a musket or projectile weapon by some means that it might be fired accurately via an image sent to the new eye? This would aid in the event of having to fire from within cover. Next, is it possible to provide a connection to any devices without a physical link? Finally, I would like an attachment for both my eye and ear whereby I can use both eyes or ears in the enhanced mode.”

  Thomas discussed possibilities and though he could affirm the possibilities of Leah’s first and third suggestions he did not think any non-physical connection was possible. He did agree to make enquiries from other engineers. Finally, he asked that Leah return on the following day to review his design and quotation. Once this was done, Leah handed him five hundred pounds and said, “Please accept this as a downpayment and indication of my sincere desire to use your services. I understand some time will be spent in creating the design and I would not be in debt to you.”

  Thomas said, “If I might step away from my role as a Master Prosthesis Engineer for one moment, might I discuss something with you as a visitor from the Aether Worlds?”

  “Certainly. Mistress Bartle, Mr Ayers, would either of you be offended if I have a moment in private with Master Willeford?”

  Both Ellen and Henry agreed readily and stepped out into the reception. When Leah was alone with Thomas, he said, “Charlotte, don’t take this wrong but you’re nuts to take on the Emersons. I’m well connected in the city, as this is m
y favourite game, and I can tell you they are ready and waiting for you and they own this game. I’m willing to help, but if they know I helped you, and they ask me about you then I’ll roll over pretty quickly. You’re new, and you’ve had a lot of luck so far, why not just have fun instead of attacking the number one player in this world?”

  “I joined this world for the express purpose of taking him on Thomas, it’s not a whim.”

  “Then why do it?”

  Leah was silent for a moment and then she described what she’d found on the Tempest. She described how many players were being used as slaves by the wealthy players. Thomas, who'd moved forward in his chair to talk with Leah, finally slumped back looking stunned.

  “So the rumours are true?”

  “Yep, have you had your personal space tested?”

  “Yes, but only because it was recommended, not because I knew what the dangers were. I didn’t believe the conspiracy nuts.”

  “They aren’t nuts.”

  “Some are, just because this is true doesn’t mean everything they say is. I mean, only yesterday I heard the Vault had been breached.”

  Leah stared silently at him and raised her right eyebrow and then purposely squeezed her lips into a straight line.

  Thomas stared back for a moment, then said, “Who are you? I’ve never heard of a Charlotte before, do you work for security?”

  “No, I’m a private player. If you promise not to roll over quickly, I’ll tell you who I am as I’m sure the Emersons will know within days.”


  “I also play as a half-elf in Dunyanin. My name is Atherleah.”

  Thomas squinted his eyes and looked closer. Finally, he said, “I can see it now.” He was silent for maybe twenty seconds then said, “That would mean the Kodomans are like the Emersons and they're involved in slavery, wouldn't it? How many others?”

  “My lawyer has suggested that I shouldn’t ever even suggest a connection one way or another. Personally, however, I think your logic is impeccable.”


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