Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5)

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Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5) Page 36

by Tony Corden

  Dr Roberts said, “Don’t worry. I know what happened and you not moving is my advice. I see you’ve stopped trying to do three things at once.”

  “Well, not really, but my mum always said to give a visitor your full attention. I am actually still thinking through the problem I was studying, and I’m dictating sub-vocally a set of results to Gèng.”

  Dr Roberts looked shocked and glanced over at Gèng, who was sitting in a nearby seat listening. Gèng said, “I am currently talking with you both, copying the results from Leah, reviewing the security data, discussing a project with Reed, viewing the various publicly accessible satellite images of Brisbane from last night to see if I can determine where the shooter disappeared to, monitoring Leah’s vitals, reprogramming and re-tasking fifteen different nanites, among other things. I don’t find Leah’s new ability disturbing as I sense you do. My only concern is whether I will ever get my processors back. If not, then we may need to have more inserted or constructed.”

  Leah said, “I will stop reviewing the problem and focus on doing one thing, and you can tell me if I relinquish control.”

  Shortly Gèng said, “I have full access to my processors, and I believe I always did. My scheduler merely allocated those three to Leah and redirected my own tasks.”

  Dr Roberts said, “Leah, without increasing your processing speed, try and write notes and continue talking.”

  Leah tried but struggled. She tried again, she started saying a nursery rhyme and then attempted to continue the verse while concentrating on a particular geometric shape and how it might be constructed within an aether dimension. She felt the moment her neural system accessed the PAI processor, and the two things became simultaneous. She then picked up the pen and found she could write down her thoughts while she looked up at Dr Roberts. She said, “I’m able to multitask, but I’m not sure if I’ve just found a new ability, or if I’m accessing Gèng’s processor.”

  “You are accessing my processor, but at least it’s only one this time.”

  Dr Roberts sat back and said, “Leah, this is too much for you to keep secret. Think what people could do, what they could achieve with this technology. It’s one of those species-transforming technologies. Sort of a self-actualised evolutionary uplift event.”

  Leah grinned and then became serious. “Maybe, even almost certainly. But who do you trust to tell this to? Which body, government or otherwise, do you consider ethical enough not to profit from this at the expense of someone else? Who would analyse what is happening in me and wouldn’t automatically take away my freedom? I may be being selfish but I would rather you, Gèng, and I continue to look deeper at what is happening and see if we can find a way that it might be repeated, or tested, without hurting anyone or taking away their security, their identity or their freedom.

  “If there is a way to do that, or if there is a group we can find who will do that, then I’m all for it. At the moment though, I’m convinced my own government would make me disappear and I’d be placed in a closed room and tested and experimented on. I also think you’d disappear into a similar room until everything you know is distilled from your consciousness and subconsciousness and you would never resurface. Seriously, what do you think of my prognosis?”

  Ellen nodded slowly and said, “I don’t only think your prognosis is accurate, but as I’ve intimated before, I’ve seen them do that. OK, no sharing at this time but please let’s begin looking at this with greater scrutiny.”

  “OK. That is easy to agree to. The more we know, the safer I am and the safer my family and friends are. I do want to know, though, how it might play out in the multiverse.”

  Gèng said, “The security system actively polices any instance of attempted dual entry. It’s attempted almost every hour somewhere in the world where a person tries a scam and instructs their AI to switch between worlds rapidly. Even if it is possible, you’d be flagged immediately. What may be possible is to enter a virtual world and maintain a presence in the Tower at the same time.”

  The three talked about the possibilities until Leah’s nine virtual hours in the Pod were up. During that time Leah continued to work on the aether-dimension problem she was interested in and then when either Ellen or Gèng were talking, she dictated her results to Gèng. When Dr Roberts had left Leah logged out.


  Lacey was waiting in Leah’s room when the Pod opened, and she lifted a small communicator and asked Jen if she was free to come help.

  Leah said, “Is that a new toy?”

  “In here, yes. The guards have been using them for a week. John decided your helpers needed them.”

  Jen entered the room and while she and Lacey helped Leah from the Pod, Leah said, “Is he still beating himself up?”

  Jen said, “A bit. You were right, he blamed himself. He thought of all the things he could have done that would have made a difference and felt he’d failed you. I think he realises now that blaming himself wasn’t productive. He’s calmed down but I still think he sees what happened as a failure.”

  Lacey said, “It was. That doesn’t mean we could have done anything about it. In an aggressive, violent confrontation like that someone wins and someone loses or some combination of the two. We lost, Leah got shot. We also won, Leah is alive. He needs to learn from this, not whine.”

  Jen said, “He didn’t whine. He just growled.”

  Leah said, “Either way, I am glad he’s moving on.”

  Jen said, “I asked someone to let Dr Kevin know you were getting up. He’s been resting downstairs and wanted to check you were alright.”

  After Leah had been to the bathroom and showered, they helped her slip into a robe just as someone knocked on her door. Michael was with Kevin but after a quick hello, he was told to wait outside until Kevin had examined the wounds. Leah was surprised at how different Kevin looked after a shower and dressed in a pair of jeans, a button shirt, and wearing some slip-on shoes. He was all business as he checked the sutures and redid the bandaging. Lacey had brought a small book-sized tablet, and Leah had Gèng send through the latest scans.

  When he’d finished, he sat down on one of the chairs someone had thought to bring into the room overnight and said, “I’ve been told not to ask questions, so I’ll try not to. The wounds look clean and I can’t see any signs of infection. The swelling is less than it should be and from the scans. It looks like the small chips of bone that I didn’t remove have already begun to move back into position, and some even show signs of beginning to reintegrate. There were some tiny pieces of shrapnel which I didn’t remove. Removing them would have caused more damage than the actual piece of shrapnel. Somehow these have begun to dissolve or something. Your damaged muscles will take some time to heal but whatever that material is that lines and infuses your tissues has already begun to repair itself from the look of things. Besides the fact that my observations so far are apparently impossible to explain in a normal human being, I will not ask any questions.

  “I saw the holes in the room and the marks in the wall across the corridor. The pieces of shrapnel I removed indicate that what they came from was fired at a high velocity and had some computer to help it on the way. I’d say the person who shot you was either a moron or you are really, really lucky. Either way, I’m surprised you’re alive. The scans show more stuff I’m not supposed to ask questions about, so I won’t, but don’t show them to someone who would be inquisitive without doctoring them a bit more than you already did. You can move the shoulder around a bit but be very careful. Do you have any questions?”

  “No. When will you let me know what I owe you?”

  “When you’re better. It’s been a quarter of a century so it can wait.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, although in some way I should thank you. I never thought I’d do something like that again, but it felt OK. I haven’t been needed by anyone for years, and no one has thanked me for something for about just as long. Now everyone I meet is shaking my
hand. You might not know this, but everyone here thinks you’re special. But enough of the nice nice. You go back into the Pod and try and rest.”

  “I’d like to, but I have places to go that can’t wait. I do promise I’ll try and take it easier though.”

  “Good! I’ll send Michael in. Tell him to go have a sleep. He looks awful.”

  At that, Kevin left and Michael came in. They chatted for a few minutes and Michael shared how Lin was doing in the game. While they talked, Jen brought in some breakfast with some supplements and the antibiotic. She also handed Leah one of the high energy bars saying that Kevin said she should take it.

  When Leah had finished, she logged back into the Tower.


  December 16, 2073 - Part 2


  Back in the Tower, Leah said, “I’d best head to Dunyanin. Is there any way we can reduce the muscle stimulation without giving anything away?”

  “I have been working on options with Dr Roberts. Many people have the stimulation removed on doctor’s advice. The safety protocols are in place because so many people in the first few years of Pod use became sedentary and developed a whole range of health issues. I can remove the stimulation for one day out of every thirty without medical advice but only after the first thirty days, and this is day twenty-nine. Dr Roberts is willing to write a waiver but doesn’t want to leave a trail to connect you unnecessarily. She could have an acquaintance write the waiver, but her friends are mostly people of integrity and would ask some details.

  The final option is an accommodation made for employees. If your employment contract has a provision for self-regulated medical leave or personal days then, for at most two of those, you are permitted to forego the Pod stimulation. I checked with Stephen and you do not technically have a contract in place, but he said you should. He suggests that as you operate as the CEO of this educational facility, then it makes sense for you to pay yourself and to be able to take a day’s leave if necessary.”

  “Have you discussed all the implications like tax liability and any legal obligations?”

  “I have, and then I ran it past Sarfaraz. He thinks it is all good and won’t change anything. Leon signed off on it but says you should get together sometime and discuss your salary.”

  “OK, send it to me and I’ll read it.”

  Leah signed the form and once it had been submitted, which took only a few minutes, Gèng was able to give Leah another twenty-four hours free from muscle stimulation in the Pod. Once everything was all finalised, Leah walked to the Dunyanin portal and stepped back into the room which had the gateway to the Labyrinth of Lords.


  As she arrived, Gèng said, “You have several missed messages from your last visit. Do you want to see them now?”

  “Yes, I’d better.”

  Level 5 Named Personal Achievement

  Create a Master Level Dragonfire Spell - First 1 (2, Painite)

  You have completed the Achievement Create a Master Level Dragonfire Spell. You are the first player to gain this achievement. This is your second Level 5 NPA ‘First 1’

  Reward 1: 10000 x 320 = 12928000 (+304%) Experience Points (5650000/5650000)…(2233936/5850000)

  Reward 2: 1 Diamond x 1 = 2 Diamond

  Reward 3: +1% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 50 Fame Points (271565 FP)

  You have achieved the title: Master Mage of Dragonfire

  You have created the spell: Dragonfire Armour

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Level 5 Named Personal Achievement

  Create a Master Level Shadow Spell - First 1000 (2, Sapphire)

  You have completed the Achievement Create a Master Level Shadow Spell. You are one of the first 1000 players to gain this achievement. This is your first Level 5 NPA ‘First 1000’

  Reward 1: 500 x 322 = 656880 (+308%) Experience Points (2890816/5850000)

  Reward 2: 10 Gold x 1 = 10 Gold

  Reward 3: +1% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 50 Fame Points (271615 FP)

  You have achieved the title: Master Mage of Shadow

  You have created the spell: Shadow Armour

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Level 5 Named Personal Achievement

  Skill - Merge Spells - First 1000 (2, Sapphire)

  Atherleah (Level 322) You have learned the skill of merging spells. This is your second Level 5 NPA ‘First 1000’

  Reward 1: 500 x 322 = 658490 (+309%) Experience Points (3549306/5850000)

  Reward 2: 10 Gold x 2 = 20 Gold

  Reward 3: +1% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 50 Fame Points (271565 FP)

  You have achieved the title: Spell Merger

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Level 5 Named Personal Achievement

  Skill - Stack Spells - First 10 (2, Diamond)

  Atherleah (Level 322) You have learned the skill of stacking spells. This is your second Level 5 NPA ‘First 10’

  Reward 1: 5000 x 322 = 6601000 (+310%) Experience Points (5850000/5850000)(4300306/5950000)

  Reward 2: 10 Gold x 2 = 20 Gold

  Reward 3: +3% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 500 Fame Points (272065 FP)

  You have achieved the title: Stacker of Spells

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Leah read through the spells and then stepped through the portal. She’d expected to find herself in either a tunnel system or even a maze with hedges, but instead, she arrived at a set of stairs similar to that which led to the Court of Courtiers. In fact, when she looked behind her, she could see another set leading in the other direction. She put her first foot on the first step of those in front of her.

  Atherleah (Level 323) Before you see the king, you must navigate through the Labyrinth of Lords. Lords are the most influential nobles in the city. Each of them is responsible for managing their own households, which include a section of land outside the city. In addition, they each have a particular responsibility toward the management of the city. Unlike the courtiers who spend their lives basking in the glory of the King, the Lords are continually comparing themselves to Somur T’kan himself. They hope to find him wanting and perhaps to ascend to his position. They follow his orders and many are loyal to the city and its citizens. Nonetheless, they are divided into ever-changing factions looking for an opportunity to increase their own position, power or prestige. It should be noted that the term ‘Lords’ is an anachronism from previous times and that some of the ranking Lords, are in fact, women.

  The natural enemy of a lord is someone beyond their ability to manipulate or control. These stairs lead to the palace offices where the lords conduct business. All ten lords have been advised of your quest to claim the city for yourself. Should they wish to talk with you, there will be an usher standing outside their door waiting for you. The rooms are organised in order of rank. You should first visit the first room on the lefthand side and then the first on the right. If there is no usher, then you should continue through the pattern.

  Each of the lords brings with them ten attendants. The lords will not attack you in any way, and it is advisable not to bring violence to bear against them. They may, however, for reasons of their own, direct their attendants to attack you. They could do this at any time. This hall of Lords has many interconnecting passages and, at times, one lord will support another. Be wary. A lord may decline to attack you in his own room and will instead attack you after having joined forces with an ally. It is not as easy as some think to navigate through this labyrinth of power. You must exit the room at the far end to move to the fifth level.

  Leah made her way up the rest of the stairs and looked down a long wide corridor. A quick count showed ten ushers, each standing outside one of the doors. She moved quickly to the first snake on the left. He was eight metres in length, and instead of scales was covered in a thick fur. His h
ead was shaped like a snake except for the mouth. This was shaped like that of a dog and when he opened his mouth the teeth were that of a wolf.

  LADY ATIK’S USHER - WOLFSNAKE (Level 350) 367500/367500 HP (17500 EP) - (Lady Atik has 10/10 attendants)

  The usher turned toward Leah and said, “Welcome Claimant Atherleah. Lady Atik is expecting you.”

  Leah followed the snake into the room. It was a large room and had six snake guards around the room, one in each corner and two at the far end behind the Lady Atik who was coiled behind a desk. There were three less opulent desks along the length of the room, and an attendant was behind each of these. The guards were all Tigersnakes, while those behind all four desks were Wolfsnakes.

  Leah made her way carefully past the desks and stopped in front of Lady Atik’s desk. The usher stopped and stood behind Leah’s left shoulder.

  LADY ATIK - WOLFSNAKE - MINISTER OF WASTE (Level 420) 529200/529200 HP (21000 EP) - (Lady Atik has 10/10 attendants)

  Lady Atik said, “Claimant Atherleah, thank you for taking the time to visit with me.

  “It is my pleasure, Lady Atik.”

  “Many of the lords will be wanting to know your position on matters relating to their own interests, but I am only interested in the importance that you place on the important matter of waste and its disposal within a city like ours.”

  “Well, I am sure that you know much more than I, but I can describe the principals by which I would approach the issue of waste and its disposal.”

  “Thank you, knowing this would help me prepare appropriately should your claim be upheld.”

  “It is really very simple. First, citizens are primarily responsible for their own waste. Second, a citizen’s waste should not inconvenience another citizen in any way. Third, citizens have a responsibility to uphold the city’s standards for the disposal of waste. Fourth, if the city provides a service to help citizens carry out their responsibilities, then citizens will pay for the service if they avail themselves of a service provided or they must carry out their duties by themselves. After that, it is a matter of agreeing on an appropriate set of standards.”


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