Treat Me: A Naughty Tale

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Treat Me: A Naughty Tale Page 3

by Donn, KL

  How the fuck can they expect her to work such long hours? Especially after she’d been up almost all damn day.

  “Mr. Daily?” Mrs. Archer pokes her head into my office.

  “What?” I snap, my shitty mood being taken out on everyone else.

  “Mr. Glass is here to see you.” I didn’t call for the kid.

  “Send him in.” I tell her as I continue to stare at my computer screen, the words are blurred as my anger continues to rise.

  Seeing a shadow in the doorway, I stand up. “Oliver, what can I—” My words halt as I see it’s not Eden’s younger brother but an older version. “How can I help you?”

  “You’re Jack Daily?” The young man asks. I nod. “The one who gave my little brother a hundred bucks so you could fuck my sister?” And now I know where this is going.

  “Shut the door.” I bark, grateful the office is empty. He slams it shut and storms towards me. I meet him halfway. “Who are you exactly?”

  “Carson, Eady’s older brother.” Ahh, now it makes more sense.

  “I see.” Rubbing a hand along my stubbled jaw, I was too aggravated to shave this morning. Plus, I wanted to see what Eden’s flesh would look like nice and red.

  “Well, are you the one fucking my sister?” Wrong fucking choice of words.

  “First and foremost, show her the fucking respect she deserves.” I bark. I’m older, I’m bigger, I’ll whoop his ass for disrespecting her with his callous words.

  He snorts. “Respect? You’re the one paying my little brother off so you can screw around with her.”

  Hard to deny. “Yeah, I gave him money to get lost. I’ll fucking do it a hundred times over too. Eden is mine. Much as I’d like to fuck her anywhere anytime, I won’t do it with the kid around. I’m also certain he didn’t phrase it that way, you simply took it that way because you feel guilty for not being around.” Eden had explained a bit about their situation and while it angered me, I also have great respect for the sacrifice she’s making so that Oliver can finish school in one place instead of four like she had.

  “Excuse me? I could go to the school board and tell them you’re fucking a student.” He threatens.

  “You could. Except she’s not my student. Not here or anywhere else. So that’d be a big fucking mistake on your part.” I know that he’s just posturing, feeling me out to find out my commitment to his sister, doesn’t mean I’ll put up with his shit.


  “Because it’d hurt Eden, dipshit.”

  “You’re too old for her.”

  “The fuck I am.”

  “She has her whole life ahead of her.” He tries another argument.

  “And she’ll have my support the entire time.”

  Before Carson can try and argue another point, the door opens and in walks Oliver. “Hey, Jack, Eady asked me to—Carson? What are you doing here?” Oliver looked happy to see his older brother for a split second before he realized why he was likely here.

  “You’re phone call last night.” The older of the two says.

  “Phone call? Because he gave me a hundred bucks?” He appears confused.

  Carson turns towards him fully now. “You said he was paying you to sleep with our sister.”

  Oliver pales before his shocked stare meets mine. I lift a brow in question. “I didn’t mean it like that!” His protest is hysterical. “I swear Mr. Daily, I didn’t mean it to sound like she was a hooker. Just because she strips, doesn’t mean—”

  “Strips!” Carson shouts, obviously not knowing how Eden kept them afloat.

  “Shit.” Oliver mutters, looking at his feet.

  “Language.” I scold him. “As fun as this is, and it’s been a fucking blast, Oliver get your ass back to class. Carson, sit before you fall because I am not picking you up off the floor.”

  “Sure.” Oliver mumbles and hands me what he came in for before rushing out and closing the door behind him.

  “Well I’ll be fucking damned.” The little vixen played me. Hard. In my hands is my reservation for The Secret Garden on Halloween, my stripper for the evening is Eden and we’re reserved in the Apple Tree room for the whole night.

  “She really strips?” Carson says. I nearly forgot he was here.

  “She loves it.” I tell him.

  He stares up at me. “How the hell can you be okay with that?” Oh, now he wants me to be the protective boyfriend. Christ.

  “Because it makes her happy. And I know it’s the best club in the city. The owners give a shit about the dancers and the bouncers actually do their job.”

  “How can you be alright with it though? She dances for other men.”

  I see I’m going to have to repeat myself a lot with him. “I’m her man, she can dance and entice anyone she wants but at the end of the day, she’s mine. Eden hasn’t got eyes for anyone but me.”

  We’ve mostly just fucked when we’re together, but I see in her eyes exactly what I feel for her. I have no doubt that she’s as much in love with me as I am with her.

  “I strongly suggest that when you go home, you mention nothing of this outburst of yours, nor the accusations you were throwing around. No need to hurt her over something so foolish.” He nods. “Besides I’d hate to have to kick your ass for making her cry.” I may be joking with him, but I’d do it. I won’t have anyone making her upset over something so ridiculous.

  “Yeah, thanks. I’ll go surprise her. Tell Oli to keep his trap shut, will you?” I nod my agreement and Carson leaves.

  I stare at the ticket in my hand and wonder just how naughty we’re going to be allowed to be at the club on Halloween. Does our room have locks? Will she allow me more than simple touches?

  The better question is, will I be able to control myself and hold back?

  Halloween – One week later.

  “Hey Marcy?” I poke my head in The Secret Garden owner’s office and see her sitting behind her desk.

  “What’s up Eden?” She waves me in. It’s one of the many things I love about working here, Marcy and her husband aren’t just the boss, they give a damn.

  “I’d like to do the last show tonight.” I don’t normally request it, because I like being home at a decent hour for Oli, but this time, Carson is still here. He can be the parent for a couple days.

  “Sure. Any particular reason?” She meets my gaze with a knowing look. I’ve been gushy all week since Jack has stacked his claim. Almost everyone is on a first name basis with him now. Marcy included. She likes that he doesn’t interfere when one of the customers gets too handsy, he lets the bouncers do their jobs.

  “Jack has my ticket tonight. I’d like to bring him up on stage for a dance.”

  “Really?” I nod. “He brings out quite the siren in you, doesn’t he? Two is last dance tonight, the stage is yours.” Her grin is wide as I thank her and walk back out.

  Two is perfect because Jack won’t be here until the party starts at eleven. I have just over three hours to get on stage twice and work the room a couple times. Tips are my saving grace in this business. They pay more than three quarters of my salary, so I’m always certain to walk the room at least three times a night.

  “Eady!” Raine, one of the other dancers closest to my age calls as I walk past the dressing room. “Help me with this?”

  “Sure thing.” I wander in to see she’s got on a button up corset with pearl buttons in the back and she can’t reach the last few at the top. “Is Drake your ticket tonight?” Her boyfriend has never been here before and she’d talked about giving it to him previously.

  “He is. I can’t wait! We’ve got the Ivy room booked and I promised him a complete strip tease.” The Ivy room is filled with all kinds of flowers to draw men in and I’m not shocked it’s the one she chose.

  “Have fun!” I slap her ass as I walk out to make my first rounds for the night. Anticipation strums through me as I watch the clock a little too often.

  After my first dance is done as group of young guys around my ag
e enters and I grab a handful of half masks before walking over to them. “Good evening gentlemen, my name is Eden and for one hour only, I’m all yours.” The last word is barely out of my mouth as one of the men turns and I recognize him from my senior class.

  Thankfully the strobe lights are low and continuously flashing so I can get my mask in place before he recognizes me.

  “Eden huh, from Adam and Eve. Does this mean we get to eat your apples?” His friends howl with laughter at his corny joke. I roll my eyes and fight the urge to not smack him.

  “Sorry boys,” I lean forward to hand them each a mask, “No touching.” They groan their displeasure and I’m able to sidestep one guys hand from grabbing my ass as I walk around the table. I learnt really quick that movement is my friend. These guys drink a lot and get drunk faster than I can run around the table so they’re only going to fall on their faces. From the looks of it they might be three sheets to the wind already.

  “It’s a strip club though, isn’t flesh mandatory?” The guy I know, asks. I think his name is Sheldon, but I don’t remember.

  “We’re a gentleman’s club and no, the flesh showing is at my discretion, not yours.” Our rules here are clear. Consent is required. Choices are ours. Assholes get kicked out. “That guy, right over there,” I point to Manny, our biggest bouncer at nearly seven feet tall and close to three hundred pounds. He salutes as our eyes meet. “Will be watching me all night long. He’s trained to know when I’m uncomfortable and you’re out of hand. Don’t make Manny mad guys, he eats boys like you for lunch. Now what are you having to drink?” I cock my hip and drop my hand on it as they all boo before giving me their order.

  As I walk over to the bar, I stop and speak to Manny. “Watch them tonight please, they’ve already been drinking, and I know the tall blonde from school. He doesn’t like taking no for an answer.”

  His snarl deepens as he watches the boys. “Tell Jo they have a three-drink max and take their keys if you can with their names.” Manny may be primarily a bouncer, but he also decides when it’s been enough for one night for a lot of excited men. “Bring them a plate of wings on the house too.”

  “Whatever you say boss.”

  “Watch it girl.” I giggle as he warns me.

  After giving Jo their drink order, I wait as he places everything on my tray and sway my hips to some Pussycat Dolls song playing while Raine dances on stage. Drake is front and center and his eyes are glued to the girl. I can see him tensing as some of her regular’s cat call and beg for more. Manny signals Alex, one of the other bouncers to keep an eye out and move closer.

  Business seems to have picked up in the few minutes I was at the bar, because we are almost packed to the max now. Lots of men have come in, in regular clothes but I see a few costumes anywhere from Thor to Bruce Springsteen and everywhere in between. Some guys are ripped and look sexy as hell, others are normal looking guys searching for entertainment.

  All the girls are dressed up as one of three things tonight. A sexy maid, the playboy bunny or like me they’re wearing booty shorts and a tube top so small it only covers our breasts, plus a mask of some sort.

  The allure is what’s popular and makes us the most money, so we do what needs to be done. I don’t mind showing so much flesh because I like my body. I’m comfortable in it and I’ve always believed that you should show what you love, no matter what body type you are. I’m by no means considered thin. I have thick thighs, wide hips, and my ass is as big as my C-cup boobs. I’ve worked hard to enjoy who I am and for now, I’ll show what I like. But only on my terms.

  Picking up my drink tray, I get the balance I need before walking back to my table of six and see I have three more tables filled. It’s going to be a long night.

  For a while I don’t get to check the time, so when I feel the air crackle and my body ripple with the effect of just being in the same room as Jack, I turn and search until I find him.

  I’m standing in front of the table of my old classmates, I noticed after a bit they all went to school with me, which means Jack is going to know them too. I search until our eyes collide and the breath is nearly knocked from my lungs.

  He’s Tarzan.

  Dressed in nothing but a toga loin cloth and runners, he grins as my eyes roam his body. His chest is on display, showing every deliciously muscled inch of him as well as the little bit of chest hair he has.

  “Hey gorgeous.” He greets as his hands circle my body and pull me closer. Our lips touch and I moan. I missed him all day long. I’ve been craving his touch since the minute he left for school this morning.

  “Wait a minute, why does he get to touch you like that, and we don’t?” Sheldon complains, his words slur, and I hear his chair scrape across the floor as he stands.

  “Cause I’m her fucking man.” Jack snarls as he stands to his full height and faces the boys.

  “Mr. Daily?” His confusion nearly makes him lose his balance.

  “Jesus Christ.” Jack mutters under his breath. “Maybe you should go on home now Sheldon.” His suggestion is met by outrage.

  “No way, Eden is ours for the night!” They protest.

  “Actually, I stopped being yours twenty minutes ago,” I tell them cheerfully. “You’re Manny’s now.” I wave my hand and the large man comes over with Alex. I got everyone’s car keys earlier and they’re locked up in the safe in Marcy’s office with photocopies of their licenses so they can pick them up tomorrow. The Secret Garden even pays for their cab rides home.

  “Wait, we like you Eden, we want more of you.” Sheldon whines as he grabs for my arm.

  “Yeah, we want between them fat thighs of yours.” Another says, reaching for me.

  Jack pushes me behind his back just as Manny and Alex reach us. Intercepting any problems that may have arose.

  “Jack?” I tap his shoulder until he turns around. “I have a surprise for you tonight.” Grabbing his hand, I pull him behind me to the Apple Tree room.

  “Oh yeah?” I can hear the excitement in his tone.

  “Yup, but you don’t get it for a few hours yet.” I close the door behind us and lock it, directing him to sit in a large chair in the middle of the room.

  “So what do we do until then?” His wolfish grin tells me exactly what he wants to do.

  Placing my hands on his shoulders, I walk around to his back and whisper in his ear, “Whatever you want Mr. Daily.”

  Whatever I want?

  Oh, I fucking want it all.

  Every last one of her moans.

  Each erotic scream.

  I want to devour her flesh and make her beg for more.

  And she’s going to give me everything.

  “Anything I want, huh?” Fuck is she sexy as she waltzes around the room in her too tight clothes, the way too high killer heels and a look of pure sex in her eyes.

  “Mmhmm.” She moans as she reaches behind her.

  The strap of material that was on her chest falls to the ground and bares one of my favorite parts of her anatomy to me. Her breasts are perfectly round with the light pink nipples begging for me to nibble on them.

  “Come here.” I crook my finger at her and relax further into my chair. I’m fairly certain the club didn’t mean for this room to be used for sex, but they had to know or at least guess what would happen between their dancers and their spouses for nights like tonight.

  Eden steps between my thighs and waits for my next order. I spread my thighs further and tell her, “On your knees.” I need her lips wrapped around my cock in the worst fucking way.

  My sexy siren does as I ask and then pulls out a tube of ruby red lip gloss from her shorts and applies it to her pouty lips.

  She’s out to fucking kill me.

  Lightly smacking her lips together, Eden grabs the ends of my loin cloth and lifts the edges up, searching for my aching cock. Like she does so often to me, I went commando in anticipation of this very moment.

  “It shouldn’t be so beautiful.” She murmurs as my d
ick springs free, waving in front of her face. Her cool hand wraps around the base and she wastes no time doing what she wants.

  Licking from base to tip, she wraps her mouth around the head and the heat alone nearly makes me cum prematurely as she sucks me to the back of her throat like a fucking lollipop.

  “Christ almighty, Eden.” I groan.

  I close my eyes and try reciting baseball statistics, so I don’t lose my load to quickly but she’s too fucking wicked and I lose my concentration.

  “Eden.” I growl as I feel a telltale tingle in my spine. She moans and deep throats me again. The second she swallows around the head I lose control.

  Cumming down her throat, I moan my release and grip her hair, holding her to me. I feel her nails dig into my thighs as she swallows. Pulling up, her tongue glides along the underside making me shiver until my dick is free of the confines of her mouth and my body turns to Jell-O.

  “That was fun.” She licks her lips and stares at me. I don’t know what she expects but I’m in fucking heaven.

  “Virgin my ass.” I finally mutter and she throws her head back, laughing at my satiation. “Come on up here and sit.” I pat my thigh. She shakes her head no. “Excuse me?” I snarl as she backs up. I sit up straighter as she turns and unlocks the door, those glorious tits still hanging out.

  “We have fifteen minutes until my surprise for you.” Eden tells me as she cracks the door open. “Alex, knock when it’s time.” She tells someone outside before shutting and locking the door again.

  “Get your fine ass over here now.” I demand.

  Sliding her shorts down her legs, she bends over with her ass facing me and I get a full view of her ass and pussy, my mouth waters. “Don’t move.” I snap, nearly out of breath at the erotic picture she portrays.

  Hands on her ankles, she waits as I stand and walk over. Stroking my cock, I don’t hesitate to take her from behind. “Hold them ankles baby and don’t let go.” I groan as I slide my dick through her warm folds. Enjoying her sweet juices as she coats my cock, making my entrance to her forever tight cunt slightly easier.


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