Fall Knee-Deep In It

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Fall Knee-Deep In It Page 12

by Monica Walters

  “I don’t know, but that’s cool if that’s what this is. My dad loves her. Whatever he did all those years ago, she hadn’t been able to forgive him. I just hope she isn’t playing with his heart.”

  “Me either.”

  She continued driving and when we turned into their driveway, I got a little antsy. There was a talk I needed to have with her dad… privately. I knew that I wanted to marry Yuri. She was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with… no question. But I didn’t know when I would see her dad again and I wanted to talk to him face to face about having his daughter’s hand in marriage. I haven’t even purchased a ring yet, but I knew our fate regardless. Getting out the car, I walked around to open her door as her mama said, “I already know you got questions, so get yo’ nosy ass in here.”

  I chuckled as I followed behind Yuri. “Well, of course, I do. For two people that usually can’t stand to be in the same room, y’all are awful chummy.”

  “One person… not two people. She’s the only one that had a problem with that.”

  “Shut up, Calvin,” Ms. Yulonda said.

  This was gonna be good and I couldn’t wait to hear the explanation. From what Yuri had told me, her mom hated her dad. From what I could tell, it must have been a love-hate relationship. That hate was no longer in sight, though. The way she looked at him didn’t say hate. In my opinion, it said, I missed you. As we walked into the house, Yuri didn’t bother waiting. She dove right in, firing off questions. “What’s going on? You two haven’t been this friendly since shit… I don’t know when. Now you’re cool with sharing a house for the week?”

  “Yuri, I’m fifty years old, and I don’t have to explain a damn thing, but because I love you, I will. Your dad and I decided that we would give this relationship a test run after all these years. It’s perfect that he lives in Baton Rouge, so I don’t feel suffocated. I’ve been alone too long to dive head-first into a relationship. Him living away, somewhat gives me air. I won’t be seeing anyone else, but I know your father. He would want to be all up under me, and I don’t know if I could handle that every day.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned. So, you know I need the story of what really happened. Why didn’t y’all make it before?”

  Both her parents stared at one another, then back at her. “Your mom saw someone kissing me. She thought the kiss was wanted and I could never make her believe that it wasn’t. When I pulled away from ol’ girl, your mom was long gone.”

  “To say the kiss wasn’t wanted, y’all sure held it for a while,” Ms. Yulonda mumbled. She was always firing shots. She continued in a louder voice, “But we said we wouldn’t talk about what happened and why we failed. We were starting fresh and leaving the issues of the past in the past. We’re both different people now. That was twenty-five years ago.”

  “Well, that’s what’s up. I’m happy for y’all,” I said as I shook Mr. Calvin’s hand.

  Yuri shook her head. “I can’t believe y’all were apart all these years because of something like that. It seems so trivial.”

  Her dad chuckled, then went to the table and grabbed a cigar. “You want one?”

  “Why not. Might as well,” I said, then followed him outside.

  As we sat in the lounge chairs, he lit mine and we proceeded to puff. Once I’d gotten mine good and lit, I said, “I needed to talk to you anyway, so I’m glad you invited me out.”


  I frowned slightly, trying to figure out what he was talking about. “Sir?”

  “Yes. You can ask her whenever you’re ready.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I can see in your eyes how much you love Yuri and Lord have mercy, when she looks at you, her eyes sparkle. The love between the two of you is apparent. There’s nothing left to do but get married. So, if you wanted to talk to me, I had to assume you wanted to ask for her hand in marriage. Just know that Yuri is my baby. I’m out of town but I owe this Rocco guy a punch in the damn throat.”

  “Well, I had the privilege of knocking a few screws loose.”

  “I heard.”

  “I told you earlier that Yuri is my everything. You don’t have to worry about her being mistreated. She’s my world and I’m thankful Cameron recommended her for a massage. We would have never met.”

  “Yeah, Yuri is laid back like her old man. She would much rather stay home wrapped up in a blanket, watching TV, than being out on the town. That’s where she and Yulonda differ. Yulonda loves to go out and have a good time. She reminds me of the lady in the movie The Photograph. I’m more like the guy she left in New Orleans. I’m great staying home watching a game of basketball or watching footage of when Yuri used to play. She was a beast on the court… basketball and volleyball. Those girls couldn’t fuck with her. But I suppose things work out the way they’re supposed to.”

  “Indeed they do. I’m glad she became a massage therapist instead of traveling the country, playing ball. It sounds selfish, but there’s no way we would have met had she been playing professional basketball. Then I’d still be searching for the love of my life.”

  “Here’s the way I look at things like that. If God meant for the two of you to be together, no matter what paths you took, He would have orchestrated a divine meet up. Whether it would have been at a basketball game or a social outing, the two of you would have still met. And we would still be having this conversation.”

  “Hmm. I suppose you’re right about that. All I know is that I love her with everything in me and I thank you for giving me your blessing. I’m sure I’ll be ring shopping soon. We’ve only been together for a couple of months, but I knew from the moment I saw her. When she smiled at me, I wanted to start singing. I wanted her to share my life right then and she hadn’t even said a word to me yet. She’s a beautiful creation. It was like God wanted to bestow extra blessings on her, so He kissed her lips. I can’t help but be in awe of her.”

  He smiled, then puffed his cigar and slowly shook his head. “Are you this expressive with her?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Oh, I know she loves that. She’s a romantic at heart.”

  “She was a little rough around the edges at first. She didn’t want to open up to me, because of what she went through with her ex, not to mention how quickly we moved. It seemed like a dream. Besides that one big disagreement about Rocco, we’ve been smooth sailing. What type of ring do you think she’ll like? She would be happy with whatever I got her, but what is her preference?”

  “Well… she likes non-traditional. She doesn’t like looking like everyone else if she can help it.”

  “That helps tremendously.”

  “And she likes colored stones. I don’t know if you’ll be able to find one like that in an engagement ring, though.”

  “I should be able to find it, even if I have to go to Houston.”

  I sat back in my chair, puffing my cigar with my future father-in-law. This would be us, more often than not, and I couldn’t wait to enjoy our new family dynamic. Yuri wasn’t going to know what to do with herself when I went down to one knee and pulled that ring out. Making her my wife had gotten that much realer.

  Chapter Seventeen


  As I pushed my shopping cart through Kroger, I wished I would have saved grocery shopping for tomorrow. I was tired as hell. So tired in fact, I could have sworn I saw Rocco in this store. I was always sluggish the day after my period ended. It was like that shit drained me of everything I had for the six days it was here. I needed the day after just to recoup. After putting some toilet paper in the basket, I headed to the end of the aisle for paper towels. As I was grabbing it from the top shelf, a little old lady turned on the aisle with her motorized cart and said, “Oh thank God.”

  I smiled at her because I already knew she would need me to get something for her. “Hi, sweetheart. Do you mind grabbing a few rolls of paper towels for me?”

  “Hello. Not at all. Which ones did you want and how many?”

>   After directing me to get her six rolls of Brawny, I got them and placed them in her cart. “How tall are you, baby?”


  “Wow. I always wished I was taller when I was younger. You’re so beautiful and graceful. Thank you for your help.”

  “Thank you. Yes, ma’am. It was no problem.”

  When she drove away on the motorized scooter, I smiled and went back to my cart, only to bump into Rocco. So, it wasn’t my imagination. “H-hey, Yuri. How are you?”

  “Hey. I’m great. How are you?”

  “I’m doing well. This is my girlfriend, Rolanda.”

  I extended my hand to her to shake and she hesitantly shook it. Apparently, she knew who I was to him. “Nice to meet you. I’m glad to see you doing well, Rocco.”

  “Thank you. It took some time, but I got it together. I went to counseling for a while and I still go, just not as often. I’m sorry for how I treated you.”

  His girlfriend walked away with the shopping cart as she gave him a look and he nodded. I supposed it was some sort of silent communication between them. He continued, “I found out who I was as a man, and I wasn’t happy with who I’d become. So, you breaking up with me was good for both of us. I was draining you, sucking your energy like a damn leech. I was fat-full, while you were dying from emptiness.”

  This man clearly wasn’t the same Rocco I was involved with. He’d changed and bettered himself, because frankly, he didn’t have a choice. “Anyway, I appreciate all you ever did and tried to do for me, Yuri. I’m glad you’re finally happy. It looks good on you.”

  “Thank you, Rocco. That means a lot. I’m proud of you. And you know I don’t harbor any ill feelings toward you. I forgave you a long time ago. So, I’m genuinely happy that you are doing well. It was good to see you.”

  “Same here. See you around.”

  I nodded as he walked away. That exchange felt great. It was almost like we were old friends instead of partners. I knew that I was crippling him and leaving him was hard, because I felt sorry for him, but it was what was best for both of us. I needed him to grow up, but he wasn’t going to do that as long as I was babying him. Continuing my shopping, I grabbed a couple of packs of meat to cook this evening. It was my dad’s last night in town, so I wanted to cook for him.

  He loved smothered pork chops and so did Maverick, so it would be perfect. After bagging some fresh green beans, a few sweet potatoes, and buying one of Ms. Patti’s peach cobblers, I headed home to get started. Although I was tired, I was excited about cooking for my dad. After talking to him and my mother about their relationship, I was delighted that they were going for what they wanted. My mama had finally stopped harboring so much animosity towards him and gave in to what she’d been feeling all along.

  When I got home, I started the sweet potatoes, then went to take a shower. During my time alone, I couldn’t help but think about Maverick. I was so obsessed with the way he loved me. Things had been perfect between us. The way he cared for me when I was at my worst would stick with me for a long time. Every woman wanted a man that was as compassionate, loving, and caring as Maverick was. His consideration for how I was feeling made me feel like a queen. We took time to talk and get to know one another. I loved that.

  After getting out of the shower and getting dressed, I went back to the kitchen to get dinner cracking. Just as I was seasoning the pork chops, the doorbell rang. I knew that had to be my baby. Since he’d gotten his new position, he’d been having shorter workdays. What I loved about that was when I didn’t have a full day, he would choose to spend his extra time with me. After turning on my music, “Hold On” by the Internet started to play. That was one of my favorites.

  When I opened the door, my man stood there with a bouquet of roses and smelled freshly showered. His cologne wafted its way to my nose, causing me to close my eyes and take it in. After exhaling, I opened my eyes and said, “Hey, baby. Come on in.”

  He smiled and said, “I couldn’t wait to see you. I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too, baby. These are beautiful. Thank you.”

  “Not as beautiful as you, gorgeous.”

  I blushed under his intense gaze. Compliments were nice, but when I could feel them and not just hear them, that made my soul happy. Everything I’d longed for in life from a significant other, I’d found it in Maverick. He wasn’t perfect, but he was perfect for me. Going back to the kitchen with the flowers in hand, I put them in a vase and added water. After setting them on the table as the centerpiece, I went back to the kitchen to start the pork chops. “Is there anything I can do to help?” Mav asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissed my neck.

  “Mmm… don’t get me heated, Mav. Dinner will be late.”

  “So. What’s your point?”

  I bit my bottom lip and continued browning the pork chops. He continued kissing my neck and rubbing his hands up and down my torso, playing with my nipples through my tank top. I hadn’t put on a bra and that was a huge mistake if I wanted Mav to behave. I thought I would’ve been done by the time he got here. “Maaaav, shit.”

  He slid his hand into my shorts and began rubbing my mound, commanding me to spread my legs. “Yuri, you know I enjoy this shit. I’m ready to fall all up in it. Be knee-deep in yo’ shit. You gon’ let me? Please… let me, Yuri. Let me fuck that kitty until she lose a life.”

  My legs were trembling, and my clit was pulsating, wanting to feel his tongue against it, stroking and sucking it like it was his greatest inspiration. After barely being able to pour water in the pot for the meat to simmer, I turned to him and he pulled my tank over my head. He pulled his shirt off and picked me up, bringing me to the countertop near the sink. Pushing my legs up, he slid his fingers over my pussy through the shorts. “This fat shit is my kryptonite. I can see the imprint of it through these thick-ass shorts. You gon’ have to start wearing drawz, Yuri. Yo’ shorts wet.”

  “Wear them for what?” I panted.

  Pulling them to the side, I gave him the view he really wanted. “Fuuuck, Mav! Put me out of my misery. It’s been so long since I’ve had you.”

  It had been a week… while I was on my cycle. Just that quickly, he had me soaking my shorts. I needed his dick inside of me… now. Instead, he lowered his head and pulled my clit between his lips and began sucking it. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I leaned back, resting my head on the cabinet. Ecstasy was my destination, and I was almost there. Lifting my pelvis slightly gave him greater access and he pushed his fingers in my pussy. My eyes opened to find him staring at me. “You think you can give me two nuts at once?”

  “Mmm… I hope so. I don’t think I’ll be able to cook afterwards.”

  “I got’chu. Just focus on how you feel, baby.”

  He began stroking my pussy, then pushed them in further, focusing on my g-spot. After rubbing circles on it for a moment, he brought his tongue to my clit. Having a vaginal and clitoral orgasm at the same time would surely render me speechless. If one orgasm nearly took my breath away, having two at once could possibly kill me. He licked my clit slowly and made love to it. His movements told me he loved it and would do anything for it. As he handled business, I lightly rubbed my fingers over my nipples, creating even more stimulation. My legs had begun to tremble, and I could feel it building. This eruption would be something I would never forget, and I was beyond ready for it. “Maaaav!”

  My nipples ward hard as rocks and the jerks my body was experiencing were unbelievable. Not being in control of my movements proved to be so pleasurable. I stared down at him, while he fucked my pussy and my mind. He was in control and I couldn’t think about anything else when he held the reigns. “Mav! I’m about to cum! Oh my God!”

  He quickened his pace some and when I came, I flooded the fucking area. My pussy was spitting out even the reserved secretions. Standing to his feet, he ripped my cotton shorts through a small hole that was in the bottom of them from repeated washes, then pulled m
e from the countertop and lowered me on his dick. “Oh fuck, Yuri! This shit tight!”

  I was convinced that he wore basketball shorts to my place all the time for easy access. It only took him a second to whip his dick out. My walls were still contracting and the pleasure I was feeling was so overwhelming it felt like I was drunk off my ass. I was high as the fucking clouds. He brought me to the couch, and we fell into the corner of it as he plunged my shit to death, taking a life from it like he said he would. “I love you, baby! Fuck yo’ pussy! Shit!” I screamed.

  I could barely take it in this cramped position already but my talking only fueled his fire and it felt like he was knee-deep, just like he’d said he would be. My cervix had allowed him access and this nigga was fucking my insides up. He’d pushed my legs to my sides and there was nowhere for me to go. I just had to take it. Thankfully, the couch had some give to it to absorb some of the energy. Otherwise, I would be in a world of trouble.

  Lifting my head slightly to see some of the action, proved to be my demise. When I saw his dick plunging in and out of me, I came again. As I watched the liquid squirting out of me as he plunged, I knew Mav had me forever. No one had ever achieved that. “Fuck! Spit at me, girl!” Mav yelled to my pussy. “I’m about to nut!”

  My screams of passion had to have been heard throughout the whole apartment complex. When he came, he pushed in balls-deep… not pulling out this time. I was almost sure I would get pregnant since it was right after my period. I wasn’t exactly sure when my ovulation period was, but I was definitely at a greater risk at this moment. And for some reason, I didn’t care. I loved Mav and having his baby would only amplify that feeling.

  When he pulled out of me, I could tell he was still hard. Glancing back at the clock on the microwave, I realized we had an hour before my parents would arrive. I immediately fell to my knees from the couch and pulled his dick in my mouth. “Oooh shit!”


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