by Ann Algie
time I had no idea what it would be about. One morning I sat up in bed and started to write. I imagined how lonely it could be to be a prince. People think you are very lucky because you have plenty money and a big house, but you also have less freedom and life can be difficult when you are surrounded by lots of people telling you what you should be doing or should not be doing.
I wanted to write a story for young people as I believe that there is nothing more important to society than its young people. They are the future, they will make the important decisions, they will take their turn at looking after the world and they will also bring up the next generation. Therefore any time we invest in our young people is, I believe, extremely worthwhile. However, because we care about our young people and worry for them and their futures, I think as adults we sometimes bombard them with messages about what they should or should not do. No one has the answers as to how a life should be lived and so it feels important to me that young people have the space and time to listen quietly to their own inner voices when deciding what to do with their precious lives. The importance of feelings is frequently downplayed in our society and so I wanted to write a story that redressed the balance between thinking and feeling. I made the story about nature because I think it can teach us so much if we take the time to really look, listen and feel. Finally I hope that The Prince’s Ears is a story that adults will enjoy as much as children.
About the author
I trained as a Registered General Nurse and Midwife many years ago now! I studied with the Open University while my children were young and gained a BSc honours degree in Psychology and a year or two later completed a Certificate in Counselling. Over the last 15 years I have been involved in numerous community projects and worked in Community Development roles where people have been at the heart of what has been achieved. People are fantastic in all their varied forms and can achieve so much more than they tend to realise! I am constantly learning new things about myself and others and believe that we continue to develop and learn throughout our lives - so change is always possible and usually inevitable! Life is all about change and how we adapt and adjust to it. I write books that I hope will help and inspire people to enjoy and appreciate life.
For the last year I have been living in a tiny hamlet, near a small village in Aveyron, France with my husband Tom. We have a little house - which we are in the middle of renovating - and a bit of land. The house was once used to keep pigs - a literal pigsty - but is now becoming a cosy home and the steeply sloped land is slowly becoming an edible forest garden. Previously I lived in Settle, North Yorkshire, England and I maintain strong family ties there and consider it my ‘other home’. I have two grown sons, a step son and a step daughter all of whom live in either the UK or Australia.
My dream is that one day everyone will fully appreciate what a fantastic planet we live on; and will begin to live with love for both the planet and people at the heart of everything they do. In the meantime I continue to do what I do, learning to live closer to nature and to learn from nature.
More about me can be found by following the link below. Thank you for reading this book and I hope you enjoyed it. I am always happy to receive constructive comments and thoughts from readers.
Other books by Ann Algie
‘Being Selfish is Good for You - and the World!’ This book is written with the intention of helping you to love and care for yourself. Even though we are considered to be living in an increasingly selfish society, there are still a great many people sacrificing their own needs, by putting the needs or wants of others first, to the detriment of their own physical and mental health. This book shows how to achieve a balance between the two.
‘Being Happy with Change’: Change is an inevitable part of life and living, yet many of us struggle to accept it. Why do we resist it, try to control it, and spend our precious time being upset about changes that have already happened? This book looks at why. It suggests ways in which we can learn to accept change, and become happier with many of the inevitable changes that occur throughout our lives.
Contact the author
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