The Squad Novelettes 1-5

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The Squad Novelettes 1-5 Page 5

by Stephen Arseneault

  "What? Why would I do that?"

  "So we can find out what it's for."

  "Uh. Yeah. That sounds more like something for Jackson or Mendez."

  "Can't do it." Tanner chuckled. "Sarge said I have to bring them back alive."

  I called back. "Cut the chatter back there. Finish up with this deck."

  Tanner replied, "One moment, Sarge. Collins is getting in. Whoa. It's filling with liquid."

  I stopped at the final forward door, rolling my eyes. "Fill me in."

  "The cylinder filled up to his chin and is now vibrating. It's like some sonic bath or something."

  Collins said, "Feels kind of funky. We should get one of these for the Fracker."

  I sighed. "Back to business boys. We’re not out here for a joyride."

  "Hey? Wait! Where are you going?"

  Tanner laughed. "We have work to do. We'll come back for you in a bit."

  I growled. "Knuckleheads. This is serious. Let him out and get back to work."

  "You're taking all the fun out this trip, Sarge." Tanner chuckled. "And Collins was in need of that bath."

  "I'm in a battlesuit. None of that liquid even touched me."

  "And we can tell."

  A loud gurgling sound was followed by an air-jet.

  "What was that?" I asked.

  Collins said, "That was the sound of a high-speed pump followed by a jet dryer. I'm out and we're back to normal, sir."

  The last rooms of the deck were searched and determined to be clear. I descended a set of circular, metal steps from the forward compartments with Thorsen behind me— as the others did the same from a rear stairwell.

  As I stepped into the hallway, there was movement at the other end. I fell back against the wall. "Mr. Tanner, tell me that was you."

  "Stick your hand out and pull it back."

  I did as asked.

  Tanner stepped into the hall. "It was me."

  I turned. "Thorsen, you stay right here. I'll che—"

  A dark figure darted across the center part of the hall. The wisp sound of a door sliding shut followed.

  "We have activity! Barnes? Tell me you locked that door."

  "As best as I can tell, Sarge."

  Tanner said, "Whatever it was, it looks to be similar in size to us. And correct me if I'm wrong, but it didn't look to be wearing any clothes or to have any gear with it. That was more like a dash to get across the hall for a reason."

  "Collins, you stay with Mendez and Jackson at the stairwell. Thorsen, you stay here. If things go south I want you three rookies heading back up those stairs and straight to the pipe."

  Three yeses were returned.

  "Tanner, come forward to just short of that door. I'm doing the same."

  Ten long, slow steps had the two of us standing on either side of the doorway.

  The lieutenant asked over the comm, "What's the plan?"

  "The plan is you keep Evans and her squad at the pipe. Bickers, you start moving back that way. Meanwhile, Mr. Tanner and I are gonna pay a visit to our guest. That's if I have your permission, sir."

  "You have it, Sergeant. Just be careful. And you've mentioned the pipe twice. What are we talking about?"

  I again rolled my eyes. "The breach tube, sir. It's commonly referred to as the pipe."

  "Very well. Carry on."

  Barnes said, "Uh, I've got things lighting up all around me here! I'm guessing this ship has a remote console and whoever you're looking for has access to it!"

  I looked directly at Corporal Tanner. "I'll go high, you go low, but wait for my signal. I'll give a nod."

  "You about to press that button?"

  "I am, just wait for the nod."

  "Got it."

  I reached out, tapping the button on the wall beside the door. A "wisp" was heard as it opened. Instead of diving in, I hesitated. The room across from us erupted in flame as several intense laser pulses shot from the open door. I gave the nod to which Tanner dove in low as I stepped around the corner high. A single shot came from the corporal's blaster, striking the back wall with a reverberating thud before all was silent.

  I stepped back, catching a glimpse of a dark figure as it caught Magnus Thorsen looking my way. He was jerked from his position and slammed into the far wall as the dark figure jetted by and moved up the stairwell.

  Thorsen slumped to the floor in pain as Tanner came to his feet. "Did you see it?"

  "It went up! Everyone, we have an occupant loose on the main deck!"

  I motioned to Collins to go up. Tanner followed me over to Thorsen to give him assistance. The stairs were slowly climbed. I poked my head out into the hall before jerking it back.

  "Looks clear. Barnes, tell me that door is still secure."

  "No activity here, Sarge. I'm— hey! What the heck!" The comm feed clicked as it disconnected.

  I raced forward to the bulkhead door that sealed off the bridge. It was locked. "Barnes? You OK? Open up!"

  There was no response.

  Tanner entered the other end of the hall. "Taking Thorsen back, Sarge. He's out of it."

  Collins joined me with his two privates in tow. "Tell us where you want us."

  "This ship isn't that big. One of these side rooms must offer a second entrance onto that bridge. We need to find that access. Mendez, you come with me. Collins, you two take that side of the hall."

  Less than a minute passed before Collins blurted out, "What the—" A click followed as his comm channel went dead.

  I charged across the hall only to find the door Collins and Jackson had entered was now locked. This was not a bulkhead door and with that I stepped back and raised my blaster. A loud thud followed as the lock mechanism exploded. I kicked the door open and waited for a laser pulse to pass, which never came. I then stepped inside. Collins and Jackson were gone.

  Mendez came in behind me, her eyes darting around the room. "There has to be a secret panel, Sarge. People don't just disappear."

  I moved over to the walls and began to tap. They were solid.

  The lieutenant demanded. "Balls, tell me what's happening!"

  "I'm down three men, sir. I would recommend you seal off the pipe until we catch whoever or whatever this is."

  "Already done. And bring yourself back, Sergeant. We need to approach this in a more methodical manner."

  Mendez pointed up. "I think I found the access."

  A door panel opened into the ceiling.

  Chapter 4

  * * *

  I twisted the handle and slowly opened the access. Four ladder-like rungs hung on the wall beside it. I grabbed the top rung while placing a boot on the bottom, pulling myself up to have a look at what was in the above.

  Piping and wiring ran in either direction. Another access door was in full view on the bulkhead wall on either end of the access. I pulled myself up and into the ceiling.

  Mendez let out a half scream before going silent. I pushed myself back and dropped to the floor. Mendez was gone. I heard the bridge door out in the hallway pull shut.

  Dumon asked, "Mendez's comm just shut down. What is happening?"

  "They or it got her. Bickers, bring your squad up and camp outside the bridge door."

  "I don't move until the lieutenant says to move."

  A frustrated order came over the comm. "Just do it, Sergeant! Balls is out there by himself."

  Tanner came over the comm. "I'm on my way, Sarge. Doc is seeing to Thorsen. He ain't looking so good."

  I waited until I heard boots out in the hall. I took in a deep breath and turned back to the overhead access panel, climbing up and into the throughway. I crawled forward on my belly. When I reached the overhead bulkhead door to the bridge, I tried the handle— it wasn't locked.

  Tanner said, "Bridge door is secure. And I have Thorsen with me. He insisted."

  Bickers followed. "We have the hall secure along with the access door on the other side."

  "I'm going in," I advised.

  The handle was turned, a
nd the door opened toward me. As the metal hatch swung past my turned head, I looked forward and was left lying face-to-face with the alien who owned the ship. Its shiny black skin had an almost plastic appearance. A clawed hand on a long but muscular arm reached forward, taking my helmet in its grasp. The alien was fast, faster than anything or anyone I had ever come up against. In an instant my blaster was torn from my gloved hand and thrown backward.

  I attempted to struggle but the alien's grip was too strong. I was pulled like a rag-doll through the bulkhead access and into the throughway on the other side. Next thing I knew, my body was slamming the floor beside Barnes and the others, all neatly tied up with a cord.

  I heard Tanner's voice calling out for only an instant before my helmet was ripped from my suit. The air on the bridge was breathable, but with a severe staleness. I was injected with a shot of something through the bare skin on my neck. It burned with an intense pain for several seconds before I blacked out.

  When I came to, the alien was standing in front of me. A skullcap, something akin to a tortoise shell, topped its head. A pair of chameleon-like eyes twitched as each independently looked around the room. Its shoulders, knees, and the backs of its hands had a shell-like bone covering them as well, obviously for protection.

  I could only guess the grunts, squeaks, and hisses it was making were intended as a form of communication.

  I said, "We aren't your enemy. We were only being cautious as this ship is heading toward our territory."

  The alien made a motion with its hand as if it wanted me to continue talking.

  I glanced over at a groggy Barnes. "You OK?"

  "Huh? Oh. I guess. What'd you ask again?"

  I looked back at the attacker and then over at the nav display. It showed the Fracker had disengaged and moved back a short distance. I could only wonder about what might be going through the lieutenant's head.

  I then looked to the other side to see Tanner and Jackson, both still in a seeming stupor. We had each been stripped of our battlesuits before being tied up with restraints, our hands tied behind us.

  "What do you want with us?" I asked.

  The alien continued to swirl its hand.

  "OK. My name is Sergeant Xavier Balls of the Confederation Defense Force. 144567A929."

  The alien replied, in a gruff but understandable tone. "Balls."

  I raised my eyebrows, nodding toward my body. "Balls."

  "Xurpok." The alien gestured toward itself.

  I had the sudden feeling that things weren't as dire as I had originally thought. Communication was not something a hostile alien was interested in doing. The most I had ever gotten from a Maxan or the half dozen other species I had encountered were angry screeches, grunts, and howls.

  I pointed to myself. "Balls." And then at the alien. "Xurpok."

  The alien squatted down to eye-level and returned what I could only reason was a grin. A dozen black, shiny spiked teeth, teeth I would expect to see on an Earth lion or an Alday Buratta, were staring me in the face.

  "So you want to talk? OK, let's talk." I spun my shoulders to reveal my restrained hands. "You want to take these off?"

  A series of rumbles came from its gut. My only interpretation of those rumbles was that I had elicited a laugh.

  I let out a long, slow breath. I lifted a boot and stomped it on the deck. "Boot." I nodded toward the alien's feet. They were almost paw-like, with retractable claws. I could only imagine how unpleasant it would be to take the beast on in combat.

  A finger and claw were pointed at my mouth and then back at its own. "Dura."

  "Dura," I repeated. "Mouth."


  A similar conversation went on for the next several hours as the ship continued along its course. Dozens of words had been exchanged before I looked up to see the Fracker moving away on the nav display.

  Xurpok produced a small handheld device, injecting something into the necks of the others. Seconds later each regained full consciousness.

  Tanner asked, "What is it, Sarge? What's happening?"

  "I think it wants to communicate. I've been talking with it for several hours. I believe its name is Xurpok. Gesture toward yourself and tell it your name."

  "Gesture toward myself? My hands are tied."

  The statement drew an irritated response. "Just nod toward yourself and say your last name."

  A nod gesture was given, followed by the order being carried out. "Tanner."

  The alien pointed at the Human captive. "Tanner." And then back at itself. "Xurpok."

  Tanner spun to the side revealing his tied hands. "Well Xurpok. How about taking these off?"

  A rumble came from the alien's gut, followed by a chuckle of my own.

  "What? Was something funny?"

  "Just that I got the same rumble when I tried hinting at the same. I believe that to be its laugh."

  Tanner looked at the alien with a scowl. "So you’re laughing at me?"

  Another rumble came from its gut.

  Before long the Fracker had disappeared from the display. I could only reason that Lieutenant Dumon was heading back for advice and support. If that were the case, it would be almost two months before their return. My thoughts turned to wondering what we would do for food and water. Would Xurpok provide? Or would we be dead of thirst in three days?

  I chomped my teeth together and emulated a swallow. After several awkward attempts at pretending to chew, Xurpok turned to a far wall where a flask was retrieved. I nodded. A top was flipped open and the flask held up to my lips.

  I had a moment of hesitation as the thought crossed my mind that I had no idea what was about to be poured into my mouth.

  Tanner scowled. "Glad that's you and not me."

  Chapter 5

  * * *

  The liquid turned out to be water. I leaned my head back in an attempt to get more.

  Collins said, "Don't hog it all, Sarge."

  Tanner replied, "We don't even know what it is yet."

  Xurpok stopped the pour and gestured to the others. Collins signaled his willingness to try.

  I said, "It's water. Not bad either."

  Tanner gestured for his turn. Xurpok saw to it he was last. A scowl by the Human corporal had the alien pulling away when his turn came.

  "No. No. I'm OK. It's OK. I'd like my water now."

  Three times in a row the flask was raised up but nothing poured.

  Tanner grew irritated. "OK. Come on. Just pour it."

  Collins smirked. "I think I like this thing."

  The water was poured until the corporal gave a satisfied nod.

  I chomped again. The alien moved back across the room and returned with a tube. A cap was removed and again a gesture was made for me to open my mouth. A squeeze came and a stream of paste inside was ejected. I swallowed and nodded thanks. The others were fed next with Tanner being the last.

  As the paste was squeezed out, Tanner's face contorted, and he pulled away. "Ugh! What is that? Tastes like dog butt!"

  Collins laughed. "Always figured you knew what dog butt tasted like."

  The alien's gut rumbled.

  Tanner looked around at the others. "Not a one of you made a face."

  Isabella Mendez smirked. "Man-up Tanner. It ain't so bad."

  "Says you."

  The next month was spent continuing the language exchange. The alien, Xurpok, had taken to calling Herbert Tanner "Dog Butt". No one else complained and Tanner had to let out a few chuckles of his own— on occasion.

  Xurpok finished with a feeding. "You, Mendez. Xurpok untie you. Be trouble, be punished."

  Mendez nodded. "No trouble from me."

  The ties were undone. She moved her arms slowly forward, wincing at the uncomfortableness of doing so for the first time in a month. Bio breaks had been awkward with the alien refusing to loosen restraints, assisting instead. But these were Marines, uncomfortable wasn't a deterrent to continuing on.

  "Thank you Xurpok. I was beginning to have
a constant pain in this arm."

  Tanner moved his hands to his side. "What about me? How about untying old Dog Butt?"

  A gut rumble gave him an answer. An additional two weeks was spent without incident before Collins, Jackson, and Thorsen were released. Two days after, the last of the ties were undone.

  Xurpok got down in my face. "You cause me trouble?"

  "I'll behave... if you'll answer a few questions."

  "I believe you are ready for answers."

  "Good. What is this ship and where are you heading?"

  "I am fighter— soldier. My planet..." The alien let out a sigh. "My planet conquered. My people gone."

  "Where exactly is your planet?"

  Xurpok moved to the nav console, zooming in on a display. "Here. Monnelit."

  Jackson said. "That's right near the Veil Nebula, right where we thought this ship was coming from. At this speed, he— at least I think it's a he— would have had to have left almost two thousand years ago to get to here."

  I asked, "The speed of this ship, is this as fast as it will go?"


  "Sync up the time keeping on my watch to your system. How long in our terms have you been traveling in this ship?"

  Xurpok entered several numbers into a keypad. "One hundred sixteen of your years."

  Jackson shook his head. "He didn't travel from the Veil at this speed."

  The alien clasped his hands together. "Fold in space-time."

  Barnes asked, "A wormhole?"

  Attention was again turned to the display.

  "Here." Xurpok pointed at a marked location on the display.

  Barnes leaned in. "You jumped from there to here all at once?"


  Barnes turned. "Sarge, we're gonna want that tech. Our jumps are extremely short in comparison."

  I asked, "Any other ships escape with you?"

  "Twenty thousand. Mostly personnel transports. My people. But they never came through the fold. Bardok and I waited."


  "My brother. He remains in a stasis pod below."

  Tanner asked, "Why not wake him? Since we're all friendly here now, I mean."

  "He was not to be awakened until we reached our destination."


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