The Squad Novelettes 1-5

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The Squad Novelettes 1-5 Page 12

by Stephen Arseneault

  Seconds later, the familiar whumps and thuds of his assaults were accompanied by clangs of metal as his combat blade slashed into the alloy battlesuits of our enemy. The combat knife Xurpok carried was more of a short sword than a knife. Either way, it was devastating in his hands.

  We followed along to the end of the hall and around a corner. Constant laser fire had Xurpok pinned in a room just across the next hallway from us.

  Tanner looked at Collins. "You shoot high. I'll take low."

  A nod was returned.

  With a synchronized move, both men leaned around the corner and fired. I reached out, pulling both back at the same instant a dozen laser pulses impacted the wall to our right.

  Tanner looked across the hall. "Xurpok. Why those Herzeks not scream like the Maxans when you're ripping them apart?"

  "Not in their nature."

  "Hmm. That's a shame. Takes some of the fun out of it."

  Collins said, "We got trouble. A big pack of them just came into the hallway we just left. They have us boxed in now."

  I said, "We need to move forward. That docking bay should be about a hundred meters down this hall and then to our left. Xurpok, how many fighters are down that way?"

  "As many as fifteen."

  "And Collins, what'd you see coming up behind us?"

  He leaned out, firing off three plasma rounds before coming back. The wall beside him burned with laser pulses. "Ten. Maybe more."

  "Sammy," I asked, "what have you heard from the others?"

  "Three crews are aboard and I don't have status beyond that for them. Two others never made it out of the pipe before having to abandon their positions and pull away, both are attempting a reattachment now."

  "Get all the captains on the horn. See if you can convince them to pipe-in into and around the docking bay. If we can manage to take it, we might prevent them from reinforcing with those shuttles. Given the number of troops we've encountered, I have to believe most are aboard that station."

  "Will do, Sarge. I'll comm you with status if any comply. How are things there?"

  "We're all still kicking, but they have us pinned down at the moment. Sure could have made use of a handful of plasma grenades about now."

  "I know it doesn't help us now, but you think there's a chance we might pick up a crate or two on the black market once back at Alday?"

  "We'll have to discuss that later. Mercs aren't allowed to carry the heavy stuff. And I don't see them changing that policy any time soon."

  The laser pulses coming our way came to a stop.

  Xurpok leaned out. "Charge ahead! Now!"

  Before I could ask why, our gloss-black friend was around the corner and racing down the hall. A disturbance at the other end had taken the attention of our oppressors. Seconds was all Xurpok needed to make his move. Thirty meters were covered at a blinding pace. The first two fighters to turn back our way were recipients of plasma bolts. The next four got a taste of his blade. Before we could reach his location, fifteen Herzeks lay dead by plasma bolt or dismemberment.

  "Come," Xurpok said. "We are almost there."

  I ran at my best clip only to have our new champion easily pulling away.

  Tanner said, "Look at that jack-rabbit go. I would kill to have that speed."

  Collins chuckled, "Instead all you got were those powerful jaws."

  "You keep trying to make those funnies and these jaws are gonna rip you wide open."

  Xurpok slid to a stop before turning left and disappearing through a set of open doors.

  Chapter 5

  * * *

  The Malfeasance was parked in the docking bay. The side walls had been battered due to repeated firings of a light plasma cannon. I wasn't certain where the captain of the Malfy obtained that weapon, but I intended to find out. A firefight was ongoing just on the other side of the Foxmoor-Class shuttle.

  We joined the captain and the five remaining members of his crew.

  "What are we facing?" I asked.

  "We count sixteen of whatever these are."

  "Herzeks. Physically they aren't much to look at, but those lasers will punch a hole right through you."

  "We're familiar. I've lost eight fighters to them."

  "Why not use your cannon against them. Looks like you beat this place up pretty good with it."

  "We did. But then they closed the bay doors on us. We have no way out. They've positioned themselves right in the cannon's only blind spot. And we made the mistake of trying to rush that set of offices on that wall, believing the door controls would be there."


  "And we never made it. And now they have us cut off from getting back aboard the ship." The captain looked back at Xurpok. "This your Corbo?"

  "His name is Xurpok. And he's not ours. He's a member of our crew."

  "And he's supposed to be a terror?"

  Xurpok sprinted away. Laser pulses were sent his way, but too late to catch him in the open.

  "What's he doing?" The captain asked.

  Tanner smirked. "Just watch."

  Two additional sprints had the enhanced Corbo fighter within twenty meters of the side of the Herzeks.

  Tanner said, "Let's give him some cover fire."

  A parade of whumps followed as our two Human crews opened up on the enemy. At the moment when Xurpok made his move, I called for us to stop firing. Fifteen seconds was all it took for the lightning fast attacker to devastate the group of Herzeks. I stood and hustled over to the scene.

  I came to a stop standing above a dead Herzek. A knife blade had been thrust deep into his chest.

  The captain of the Malfeasance, Tumbe Bradley, stopped next to me. "They look smaller from up close. Those spindly arms and legs look more like an insect than one of us. And that wide flat head, looks like someone beat it in with a shovel."

  Tanner came up behind us. "Those wide-set eyes are what I find freaky."

  "Your friend there, I don't think I've ever seen anyone move at anywhere near that speed."

  Tanner grinned. "He's special."

  Xurpok joined us. "The door controls are in that room. I suggest you position your remaining men to cover that main door and these two side doors."

  The captain turned to face me. "You going somewhere?"

  I replied, "We have a ship to capture."

  A comm was opened to the other captains. "We've taken the main docking bay. If you are back aboard your ships you should bring them here to this bay. If you're aboard and fighting, try to fight your way here. This will be our stronghold. From here we can keep the remaining Herzek fighters on the station."

  Five of the seven other teams reported in. I could only guess the other two had been overrun. We moved crates and other heavy objects over to block the two side doors while focusing on keeping the hallway in front of the main doors clear. I was uncertain as to the response we were seeing from the Herzek. It seemed tepid, especially given the fact invaders were aboard their only ship.

  When the fortifications around the bay doors were in place, Xurpok turned to face us. "This is where I go it alone. I will be making my way to the bridge. The lot of you need to stay here, to protect this bay."

  I nodded. "Check in with us often. Should you become bogged down or trapped, call for us."

  Xurpok was quickly over our barricade and around a far corner. The sound of weapons activity picked up almost immediately.

  Two more of our merc shuttles managed their way into the bay. Our team of fighters had grown to number twenty-two. That number grew to twenty-seven when one of the teams made their way to us from inside the Herzek ship. These were veterans. They had been in many a fight and had the skills needed to stay alive.

  Word then came back that the remaining team was being overrun. Their comm soon went silent.

  Sammy put out a hail. "Open the bay for us. We have a dozen of those shuttles coming our way."

  I turned to the captain of the Malfy. "How much faith you put in your ship to take on the Herzek shuttles.

  "Cannons are weak. Depends on their level of armoring. We could certainly give it a try."

  "Even if you just keep them away it will be a big help. Nothing stopping them from pushing out their own breach tubes and coming aboard elsewhere. You think you could keep them off of us?"

  The captain signaled the remains of his crew. "We have a new mission."

  Tanner worked the door controls, and the Malfy was soon away. Its first engagement saw a shuttle with no weapons. It was easily turned back, but the second ship came armed. A fierce firefight was taking place just outside the bay doors as our ship had to stay close to the Herzek vessel in order to avoid being vaporized by its ultrapowerful laser.

  As the fight outside got underway, the Fracker landed in the docking bay. Sammy stayed aboard with our other pilot as Mendez joined us on the floor. The comm I was hoping to not get came in from Xurpok.

  "I am trapped. I will require your assistance."

  "Where are you in relation to this bay?"

  "Two floors above and perhaps five hundred meters forward."

  "That's almost to the nose."

  "There is another stairwell approximately thirty meters from my location. Three floors up and I believe we will find the bridge."

  "Tanner, Collins, Mendez, let's go." I opened a comm. "Tumbe, I'm taking my team toward the bridge. Keep any shuttles away from us while we're out there if you can."

  I turned. "Captain Markezza. This bay is now yours to defend. We need to keep it."

  We hurried to the Fracker and were soon outside and skimming along the port decks of the Herzek warship. A breach tube was extended and attached. A two-meter hole was cut and a cut-plate kicked in.

  I hurried through, coming up just behind Xurpok. "Come this way."

  "Help me here. Together we can push through their defenses."

  I shook my head and waved him back. "No need. Come with me. We're taking you up the three decks you need. If we have to fight our way out from there, at least we'll be where we want to be."

  We hurried back through the pipe and were soon moving up three decks.

  Sammy said, "Only have two more hatches after this one, Sarge. Make it count."

  A new tube was extended and Xurpok led the way going out. We received light resistance as most of the fighters in that area of the ship were still three floors down. Xurpok made short work of the two guards who had come to check the noise of the hull plating cutout as it clanged on the hallway floor.

  I took position with Tanner, Collins, and Mendez at the stairwell as Xurpok moved down the hall and around the corner.

  Chapter 6

  * * *

  The stairwell was soon flooded with Herzek fighters. My team was relentless, killing dozens and driving the others back down the three flights they were attempting to ascend. Word soon came from Xurpok that the bridge and the ship's captain and force commander had been captured. The fighters aboard the ship were told to stand down, to only hold position.

  We hurried down the hall, eventually making our way onto the bridge. Dead Herzek bodies littered the deck. The commander, the captain, and half a dozen crewmen sat on the floor, huddled in the center of the room.

  Xurpok gave an order in the Herzek language. The captain was to command all personnel to put down their weapons and to proceed to just outside the docking bay the rest of our teams held. Our teams in the bay were to come out to the hall to monitor the event and to them march them into the bay for holding.

  Any attempt at retaking the bay or anywhere else by force would be met with extreme prejudice against the commander and captain. As it was, they seemed eager to keep their heads, arms, and legs, some of which the dead surrounding us were missing.

  Tanner and Collins moved immediately over to the defense console where the controls of the laser weapon were locked down.

  Tanner said, "I think we should pay a visit to where this weapon is, Sarge. I'm betting from inside this hull we can disable it, permanently."

  I nodded. "Go make it happen."

  I opened a comm. "Sammy, tell me what's happening outside."

  "The shuttles have come to a stop. The Malfeasance has stopped firing on them. Everything is at a standstill."

  I turned to Xurpok. "Ask the commander why they attacked a peaceful station."

  A response came back.

  Xurpok said, "You are not Herzek. It is the same response we got repeatedly when we attempted to negotiate a peace. They don't care about peace. They only care about expansion. And now that they have found a Human outpost, they will not stop."

  I let out a growl. "Ask him about the situation on the station."

  A short discussion in Herzek ensued before Xurpok had a reply. "The central section and the spokes going out from it are all under Herzek control. The ring itself is still in the hands of your people. Somewhere in the neighborhood of three thousand are dead."

  "How many Herzek remain on this ship and how many on the station?"

  "I was wrong about the thirty thousand. The number on this ship was closer to twenty-four thousand. Most of those are aboard the station. The Herzek have taken heavy losses, losing upwards of seven thousand. Which is why the current strategy is to hold position. Their intel officers believe food supplies for Cygni residents and defenders will begin to run short in three weeks. Much of the station stockpile was in the center section. Three weeks might be generous."

  "So the Herzek are willing to wait it out."

  "They are a patient species. Relentless in their goals, but patient in achieving them."

  "What do you see as our best option here?"

  "I have seen the Herzek sacrifice their people before. I believe they are willing to do that here. Should we demand an unconditional surrender, they will most assuredly counter with a call for an all-out assault on the station, no matter the cost in lives."

  "If we can disable the weapons aboard this ship, do you think they would be amenable to a trade of sorts? They can have their ship back and we get the station back. They then leave our space with a promise not to return."

  "They would return."

  "Not what I asked. Would they swap the station for the ship and then leave our space? Given their record I would fully expect them to return, but at least we might have a decent-sized fleet waiting if they do. I'm confident enough of our bigger ships would be able to defeat this one."

  Xurpok slowly shook his head. "I believe it best if we dispose of this crew and keep this ship."

  Tanner opened a comm. "I'm looking at the controls and power for this laser weapon. Give me five minutes with my blaster and I can end its use."

  "Hold tight," I replied. "Sammy. I need you to do a scan for me. How many bios do you detect on this ship?"

  "... I'm seeing fourteen hundred twelve. Mostly in three groups."

  "Three groups? Where do you see three?"

  "I'm seeing a few dozen on the bridge, about nine hundred in and around the docking bay, and another five hundred about midway down the ship, again, on your deck."

  "Tanner, you might have five hundred Herzeks approaching your position. Get your ass back here pronto. And forget about disabling that weapon. Come now!"

  Xurpok's expression turned into an angry scowl. Heated words were spewed toward the Herzek force commander. A knife was withdrawn and two of the remaining crew were slain. The commander held up a hand in submission as he knelt.

  Xurpok turned back toward me. "The large force on this deck is armed. He refuses to negotiate."

  I asked, "What are you thinking we should do?"

  "Contact command on your station and tell them to expect an all-out assault. And contact our crews at the docking bay. Tell them to commence terminations."

  "What? They're unarmed now."

  "It won't matter. If their leader gives the command, they will gladly sacrifice themselves."

  Tanner came up behind us. "Then maybe we take out their leader?"

  Xurpok again shook his head. "Will not matter. With
loss of command their standing order is to fight until the end."

  I opened a comm to station command. The bad news of what they could expect was delivered.

  I raised my blaster and shot the commander before turning the weapon toward the captain. Instead of capitulation, he seethed with anger. A second blast had his chest exploding. The other crewmen attempted to stand for a charge, but Xurpok moved into action. Seconds later, the bridge was clear of living Herzek.

  Xurpok moved over to a console, bringing up a schematic of the bridge.

  I opened a comm to the others. "Clear that bay. The Herzek are double crossing us."

  Xurpok hurried past me and out the door. I took a quick look at the schematic and followed; Tanner, Collins, and Mendez were quick behind me.

  Tanner asked as we ran, "What's the plan, Sarge?"

  "The plan is we keep Xurpok alive. This main hall breaks into three just up ahead. Tanner, you and Collins take the right-hand hall, Mendez and I will take the left. The best we can do now is to keep Xurpok's back protected while he does his business."

  The split in the halls came, and we each went our way.

  The whumps and thuds of plasma bolts was followed by the hisses and cracks of laser fire. The hall in front of us quickly filled with Herzek fighters. Mendez took position in a doorway across the hall from me as I ducked into one of my own. The rush of fighters was forty meters from our location when we opened up.

  Bodies exploded, bringing the charge to a halt as the Herzek initially took cover.

  Mendez lay flat on the floor as she sniped at the enemy down the hall. "We have a plan 'B', Sarge?"

  "Plan 'B' is the same as plan 'A'. We hold this position."

  I opened a comm. "Tanner, Collins, report."

  Collins came back. "We have them pushed back to the corner. Tanner is acting like he's Xurpok or something. Just made a crazed charge that had the Herzek turning back."


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