Alpha Shifter Standalone Collection

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Alpha Shifter Standalone Collection Page 6

by Amelia Wilson

  Adeline’s head was spinning, but she held on, despite hearing the revolting things Wayne was saying about her and her father. Wayne walked back over to the workbench, this time grabbing a vial. He held up a needle to the light, filled with a clear liquid. “I was so excited to finally find you,” he said. “I joined the Sentinels in hopes that we’d find you while scouting the town. Lucky for me, Luke was dumb enough to bring you back to our campsite.”

  He sauntered over to her, holding the needle near her skin. “What the hell are you doing?” Adeline asked. Wayne raised an eyebrow. “I’ve been calculating all of this very carefully. See, Hanson had a plan, to unite all the wolf packs in the country. He had this beautiful vision of harmony between us. But I know the truth about us, and it’s that we can never truly function as a pack without an Alpha.”

  He searched Adeline’s arm, looking for a vein to use. “I’m already Alpha of the Bloodmoons,” he said. “But I was so fond of Hanson’s idea, that I took it upon myself to create my own peace, to lead all of the packs under one rule. I started with Hanson, then Don, and then I realized a fault in my plan. I would need an heir, after all. I couldn’t do this forever.”

  Adeline felt a sharp pinprick as the needle slid under her skin. “Get away from me!” She screamed, but it was too late. She could already feel the drowsiness seeping into her. “You’re Hanson’s daughter. Therefore, you’re the perfect mate to create a perfect heir. I figured I’d provide the sedative as a courtesy.”

  Adeline’s eyes widened in horror, but she couldn’t find the strength to scream. Her head lolled on her shoulders, sleep about to overtake her. She tried to fight for her life, to fight against Wayne’s wicked plan to mate with her.

  Something made Wayne back away from her. “Shit…” he muttered, walking out of the shed. Adeline was fading now, and couldn’t tell if the wolf howls outside were real or just a drug-induced illusion.


  Sounds became ethereal, a wild refrain of howling mixed with violent gnashing and growling outside. Adeline’s eyes fluttered as she tried to focus. Her cheek pressed hard against the grungy wooden floor of the shed. The drug was taking its course, and she contemplated her fate, one that involved her as Wayne’s personal sex slave, used to create more and more Bloodmoons.

  She couldn’t tell what was happening on the other side of those walls, but she knew her time was limited. Wayne was bound to appear any second. She closed her eyes, struggling to move her wrists against the ropes binding her. She wiggled her feet, realizing that any move she made would deplete more of her energy, energy that she desperately needed.

  Sleep was overtaking her, and she could only hold on for so long. She could feel herself drifting towards a deep darkness. But then, she heard a voice. It was small at first, barely a whisper. Adeline could suddenly feel dirt under her feet, a feeling of running, of freedom, of the autumn wind whipping against her face. It was just like in her dream, and soon a deep realization finally came to a head.

  Get up, the voice said, it’s time for me to come out.

  Adeline could feel something fighting harder against the drug, a violent, fierce some rush of adrenaline pulsing through her veins. Then, she was wide-awake. Her muscles twitched, fueled with an intense urge to break free. To her surprise, the ropes were actually giving out. She could hear their fibers snapping, as her senses became crystal clear. Every sound was heard, every scent filled her nose, and she could see again. The world became a wonder to her, surrounding her with a frenzy of new information.

  Adeline gasped for air, and it filled her lungs with a burning sensation. Her entire body was shaking, vibrating with a loud hum. Her arms contorted, as she felt a wild tension building up inside of her. With one smooth motion, she broke free from her bindings, writhing on the floor. She cried out in terror and agony as her bones felt like they were going to crack right out of her skin.

  She crawled forward, towards the door, hoping to escape. But the pain was too great, and she curled up into a ball, her teeth clenched. It was unbearable, but somehow Adeline knew it would be over soon.

  She looked down at her hands, which were twitching violently in front of her. She never thought it would make her smile, despite the incredible aching but in this moment she truly discovered what she was.

  With a low, fury-filled growl, Adeline began to shift.

  Her feet trembled as the fur spread out from under her skin, covering her completely. The transformation tore her clothes from her body, pulled at her tendons, and stretched every muscle to its fullest potential. Adeline tried to scream, only for it to be replaced with a prolonged singular note of a howl. In just moments the transformation was complete, and where Adeline once lay there was now a wolf with a coat as dark as the forest.

  Adeline addressed her surroundings. There were no time for clear thoughts; only animalistic impulses had the front now. Run. Fight. Kill. The wolf inside her said. Adeline would do just that. She could hear struggles outside. Violence, she thought. She smelled the air. Good and Evil. The Sentinels were here. Luke was here.

  She clawed at the doorway, frantic, until she decided to use force. She slammed her body against the wood, and it fractured open in splinters as she made contact. Her body rolled into the grass. Chaos surrounded her, as the Bloodmoons were easily taking down the few Sentinels that came to save her. Adeline realized just how small the pack was compared to the Bloodmoons.

  Amongst the cacophony of fighting, she recognized the scent and coat of Luke. He was badly hurt, laid flat against a nearby tree. Adeline bounded towards him. A Bloodmoon stepped in her path, his jaws bared. Adeline recognized the rest of the pack being surrounded. She would have to fight her way towards Luke.

  Fueled by a mixture of fury and bloodlust, Adeline gave in to the violent needs of the wolf. She would tear every single one of them to pieces for what they did to Luke and the Sentinels. Defend the pack, she thought. Tear them limb from limb.

  Without fear, Adeline rushed the Bloodmoon before her, sinking her teeth into his neck. The wolf yelped, but she clamped her jaws tightly around him. She could taste the blood, and it was delicious. She needed more, to indulge her senses. The Bloodmoon tried to break free, but Adeline shook him roughly, growling at him with hunger. He bit her back, right on her shoulder. Adeline yipped, but she wouldn’t be taken that easily. She tossed him to the side, digging her claws into his face until he couldn’t move.

  Who’s next? Adeline thought, scanning the crowd of wolves. She recognized a smaller wolf, who she assumed was Theo, getting tossed around by another Bloodmoon. She dove towards the adversary, knocking him into a tree with a sharp crack. She felt like she wasn’t even thinking anymore. Now, she was only a body with a thirst to kill, and she was enjoying the ride.

  Theo looked up at her from the ground, his bright young eyes terrified. It’s okay, Adeline thought in a comforting tone. To her surprise, Theo reacted. Adeline? He asked his voice loud and clear in her mind. I can hear you, Adeline thought. It’s the pack mind, Theo said. You can talk to us.

  Adeline nudged him back to his feet. Thank you, Theo said. We have to keep fighting, Adeline warned him, sprinting towards the cluster of wolves now surrounding an older-looking wolf with a greyed coat. Charlie. Adeline attacked the first Bloodmoon she saw, tangling herself in a fierce rumble of teeth and fur.

  There’s too many, Charlie said. We have to get out of here. Adeline understood, but she wasn’t going to leave without Luke.

  Her and the other Sentinels rushed to his side, circling around him as the Bloodmoons cornered them. There was nowhere to run. Adeline sniffed at Luke, gently licking his face. His eyes opened, looking right into hers. Addie…he said, his voice barely a whisper in her mind. It’s me, Adeline said, comforting him. She looked quickly at the Bloodmoons, now encroaching on their space, their teeth flashing in the dark. Which one of them was Wayne?

  You look great, Luke said weakly. Adeline nuzzled him, worried that they might
not make it out alive. Then, a sharp howl pierced through the forest. The Bloodmoons circled faster now, pacing back and forth, their ears tucked back. What were they afraid of? As she sniffed the air, Adeline found the source.

  Out through the trees, were dozens of glowing eyes, silently walking towards them. They emerged one by one out of the forest, their coats glossy and their posture perfect, like soldiers. The Bloodmoons shrunk back, their confidence reduced to practically nothing.

  This new pack huddled around the cluster of Sentinels, growling in warning. The Bloodmoons crouched low; ready to attack, though they seemed unsure if they would succeed. A large grey wolf approached Adeline’s side, bowing his head low. The Silver Sons have come to assist, a low voice said. Hanson’s blood heir deserves our greatest respect.

  The Silver Sons howled in unison, a bloodcurdling refrain sent up into the starry sky. Then, they gave chase, bounding towards the Bloodmoons all at once in a furious rush. Bodies collided as teeth dug from one wolf into the other. It became a mass of undistinguishable fur and claws. The Bloodmoons wailed in agony, as each of them were taken to the ground.

  Soon, there was hardly a battle to be fought. The leader of the Silver Sons commanded the pack to chase the Bloodmoons off into the woods. Adeline went straight for Luke, helping him up to his feet. Thank you, he said. I made a horrible mistake, Adeline said. Luke nudged against her muzzle, sniffing at her. It’s alright, he said. It was all a misunderstanding.

  Adeline! Someone called to her. It was Ben, his coat almost matching Luke’s. Where’s Wayne? He asked. Adeline had almost forgotten, but she picked up a familiar scent. It was trailing off into the woods.

  Don’t do it, Luke warned. But Adeline knew she couldn’t let him get away. Not after what he did to her and her father. She had to avenge him, along with the other pack leaders.

  This is my fight, Adeline told the pack, as she sprinted towards the scent.

  Adeline rushed through the trees, the branches whipping against her as she ran. It was all too familiar. Just like my dream, she thought. Her feet found solid footing, a boulder. Now she felt uneasy. She knew what was waiting once she walked through this opening in the trees. But it was too late to turn back now. She moved forward, finding herself on a large cliff jutting out from the forest.

  At the end of the rock was an enormous wolf, larger than any of the others she had fought. His fur was matted down, a deep red. Adeline recognized him as the exact wolf from her dream. And she was determined for it to end differently this time.

  What a surprise, Wayne said, his voice infiltrating her mind. I must say that you discovering your wolf abilities are a plus for me. It’ll make mating much easier. There’s less…attachment when you’re an animal.

  Adeline couldn’t bear to hear him say any more. She rushed towards him, lost in a strange wave of Déjà vu. She was swept to the side, her body inching closer towards the edge of the cliff. Adeline found her footing, trying again, her jaws snapping at him. Her teeth caught on his side, and she could feel her teeth against his ribs. Wayne recoiled, snapping back at her. His teeth found their way into her neck. They tumbled against the rocks, rolling against the sharp pebbles that dug into them. But Adeline wouldn’t allow herself to be distracted.

  She lunged for him, nipping at his heels. Wayne shrunk back, his massive size hovering over her as he knocked her closer to the cliff’s edge. Adeline stared down at the dizzying drop below. She would crash through those trees, pummeling into the ground with a crunch. She would be nothing.

  Wayne hunched over her, his teeth almost curled up into a wicked smile. Daughter of Hanson, he said. You should know better not to go up against an Alpha.

  Speak for yourself, Adeline said. I have the blood of an Alpha running through my veins.

  With that, she bit right onto his muzzle, clamping her jaws tightly around it. She could taste his blood, and it was sweeter and more satisfying than anything she had ever tasted before. She thought of her father, his back to the sky as he floated in that lake, helpless. Visions of Don, a rotted mass pulled from the side of the road. Then, there was Luke, watching over her, a comforting feeling washing over her.

  They rolled one last time along the cliff. But Adeline knew this wasn’t a dream. She had a future, a pack she wanted to protect, and a legacy she wanted to avenge. With a final shake, she watched as Wayne’s eyes widened in horror as he tumbled over the edge. Adeline crept forward, watching as his body fell, weightless, his limbs entangling. The last she saw of Wayne was his final shift, his pale limbs crashing into the treetops without a sound.

  Adeline emerged from the woods, tired and battered. The Silver Sons and the Sentinels ran to her side, sniffing at her. She could feel Luke tenderly licking at her wounds. She collapsed onto the ground with relief, staring up at the moon. She could feel its light shining onto her. It filled her with a strange energy, as if it were welcoming her into a secret realm of the night.

  She closed her eyes, exhausted from her first shift. She could feel her paws becoming hands again, and soon she was covered in the warmth of a wool blanket.


  Adeline had Luke right where she wanted him. His back was pressed against a tree as he held her up. They snuck off to release some of their animal energy, a tension that had been building up between them for a while. Due to their newfound pack duties, they hardly had a chance to be alone except in these parts of the woods.

  The cold surrounded their naked bodies, but they could hardly notice from the heat that was building between them. Adeline bounced herself up and down over Luke’s erection, their bodies colliding with sweat and the smell of sex. “God, you’re an animal,” she told Luke through clenched teeth. Luke smiled at the joke. “Just my instincts,” he told her. He bit into her neck, sending her senses reeling. With her own strength, she tackled Luke to the ground.

  “Whoa, careful,” he said, almost laughing. “Wolf strength is no joke.” Adeline sat on top of him, grinding furiously against him. She was soaking wet, and relishing every sensation of his cock gliding in and out of her. “I think you’re just a little intimidated that a woman’s overpowering you,” she said in between thrusts. “Absolutely not,” Luke said, moaning. “I like you on top.”

  He was so thick, and so hard, Adeline sat back, slowly rising and falling over him as she took more of him in. She moaned, calling out his name as loud as she dared. Nobody could hear them out here, not even the Sentinels patrolling the forest. She climaxed, a wave of pleasure washing over her as she breathed heavily. It was enough to make Luke finish, his face contorting with indulgence as he pulsated inside of her. Warmth poured into her, and they untangled from each other as they lay on the thick layer of leaves surrounding them.

  “Satisfied?” Adeline asked, breathing steadily now. “Definitely,” Luke said. “You?” Adeline shrugged and laughed. “For now,” she joked. Luke elbowed her softly. “That was wild,” he said, turning on his side. He stroked her bare skin on her arm, kissing her shoulder gently.

  Adeline turned to him, deep in thought. “What’s up?” Luke asked. Adeline smiled at him. “You think we’ll be lucky this time?” She asked. Luke’s eyebrows rose. “Here’s hoping,” he said. “We’ve been trying for months now.”

  Adeline looked at her bare stomach, examining it. “I’m a little scared,” she said. “How am I supposed to shift if we’re going to have a baby?” Luke took her hand, softly kissing it. He pulled it back, examining the gold ring on their fingers and smiling. “It’s been done before,” he said softly. “Charlie’s wife is a nurse. She’s delivered babies from shifters for a long time.”

  “That’s good to know,” Adeline said. She buried her face in his chest, sighing with relief. She trusted him, and it was a marvelous feeling for them to finally be together for the past couple of years.

  She stood up, brushing the leaves from her skin. “What now?” Luke asked. Adeline smirked at him, shifting quickly into her wolf form. She had gotten the hang out it now, and
the process became less painful the more she practiced. Luke got the message, shifting into his wolf form as well. I’ll race you back to the campsite, Adeline said as she took off into the trees.

  They made it to their RV, a new addition to the Sentinel pack’s camp circle. They found robes outside the camper, wrapping them around their naked bodies and heading into their home. It was small, but just enough for the two of them. If everything worked out with the baby, they would need to get a bigger camper for their growing family. They dressed and met the other pack members by the fire. Because of Adeline’s bloodline, she was shortly elected as the Sentinel’s Alpha, the first female to become alpha in decades.

  Adeline smiled at her Alpha Male. She no longer had to work at the Hound to stay in a lonely cabin. She was now a true member of the pack, negotiating supplies with other packs around the mountains. She truly felt less alone.

  Joining the meeting were the Silver Sons. After rescuing the Sentinels from the Bloodmoon’s attack, they were able to help them recruit more shifters from the city, hopeful new shifters that were just starting to discover their abilities. The Sentinels’ campsite grew a little bigger every several months. Following in her father’s footsteps, Adeline was able to unite the Silver Sons and the Sentinels, along with several other packs in Virginia.

  Their goal was to provide peace for the entire country, and hopefully the world. No pack would have to be like the Bloodmoons. They could live in peace like what Hanson wanted.


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