The Devil's Son

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The Devil's Son Page 7

by Jennifer Loren

  Lena’s hard headed mother, hunted my father down one day and stormed into our house ready to give him all kinds of hell. Of course, that didn’t work out like she had planned. Much like the rest of my father’s conquests, she fell into his arms and lost her determination to demand anything from him, but granted all of his. I was too young to remember much about that day, but from what Lena tells me, she heard me cry in my crib while she waited for her mother. She waited for someone to see to me, but when no one did, she crept into my room and looked down on me. The moment our eyes met, she instantly fell in love or so she says. She has mothered me to death ever since.

  Lena is waiting for me outside of her mother’s clothing shop, when I round the corner. She already has her motherly stance formed as I walk up to her. “What is wrong now? Don’t most people go away to college, why are you always here?” I tease her as she hugs me.

  Suddenly she smacks the back of my head, “Someone told me that you quit school and that you are going to work for that Rice guy? That better not be true, Nick.”

  “What difference does it make, Le, I was bored at school. It is not as if I am going to college anyway.”

  “Did you talk to your counselor like I told you to do? She should be able to help you figure out how you can.” Smiling I shake my head. “You didn’t meet with her?”

  “Oh, I met with her.”

  “What did she say?” I smile and moan my own name to her instant annoyance. “Son of a bitch, you are absolutely hopeless. I don’t even know how that could happen.”

  “Well she put her leg up like this and then I …”

  “Shut up Nicky! I don’t want to know either. Just please do not work for that Rice guy.” I nod and nod again, until she feels that she has exhausted that argument. “What about Connor? Is he still giving you a hard time?” She shouldn’t have to ask, but since she did, I give her an honest answer by shrugging my shoulders, and looking off into the distance. “You know I saw him the other day. His wife came in here buying up everything and being a total bitch and then … he brought one of his girlfriends in the very next day. I really hate him. Do you know that asshole actually smacked me on the ass and tried to hit on me?” she snaps before realizing what she is setting off within me.

  Suddenly I feel everything begin to churn inside me and I lose focus of what she is saying, until she shakes me back to her attention, “Nick, let it go. It was nothing. I don’t want you to get into trouble.” Lena grabs my face and forces me to look at her, “Do you hear me, Nicholas? Please try to stay good for a little longer, and I promise I will get you out of here.”

  “Oh, I am getting out of here, Le, don’t you worry about that. You worry about you, and I will take care of me. You are too busy studying to be that big fancy doctor, which I am going to need when we get old and senile,” I say earning a kiss to my cheek for trying to be positive for her. Lena is hanging on by a thread trying to stay in college. Even with scholarships she is struggling to make enough money to survive. We both know she can’t afford to help both of us, and I am not going to let her worry about me when she needs to get herself out of this mess we live in.

  Before her break is over, she hands me a bag with some new clothes in it. “And make sure you call me more often, I worry you know?”

  “I know, Le, and I worry about you, so get back to work before your mother fires you again,” I wave to her mother before pushing her on her way.

  With most of the day behind me, I head home to try out my new clothes. I am nearly there when Connor appears out of nowhere. I try to dodge him and his group, but they stalk me up and down the streets, circling me into a corner. When Connor finally corners me, he merely throws a package at me. “Don’t worry little brother, I only have a present for you, candy actually. You will like this stuff a lot, I promise. If you want more, just let your big brother know, and I will be happy to get it for you. Hell, Nicholas, if you really like it, I bet you could sell it for me too. All this fighting between us, is no good for either of us. Let’s make amends and work together. What do you say?” he asks with a smile I will never trust. “You still don’t trust me, it’s understandable I suppose. Try the gift and let me know what you think. We can talk about working together another time.”

  I hand his gift back to him. “No thanks.”

  His smile instantly turns into a frown, “I am giving you the best shit I have, and you are throwing it back in my face?”

  “I don’t need your drugs, Connor, just like I don’t need you. Now leave, before I find a better place to put your cheap ass drugs,” I say dropping my bag of clothes and fisting my hands, reminding myself how much I hate him. It doesn’t take much else to get me going, and Connor knows it. He wants to befriend me for some reason so he backs off. “What’s wrong, Connor, afraid I might embarrass you in front of your employees? You know damn well you can’t beat me on your own.” I laugh walking away, but knowing exactly what I stirred up within him.

  Connor’s roar comes at me fast, but one on one he can’t beat me. I get to take out all of the frustrations I have, out on him. His guards jump in to save their boss, but before they can take care of him, someone else jumps in. He throws each of them on their ass and out of my way. I am grateful until he grabs me and forces me to run.

  A few blocks down, I stop and face off with him. “What the fuck are you doing?” As soon as the last word leaves my mouth, I hear the sirens.

  “Yeah genius, you might want to pay attention to what is going on around you and not be so dead set on kicking someone’s ass for no reason.”

  “I had a damn good reason, and who the hell are you to tell me anything?” I look him over to see if I remember him from anywhere in the neighborhood.

  “Listen, wise ass, I don’t want another neighborhood kid getting picked up by the police because he beat up on some Richy, from uptown. We don’t need cops down here harassing us anymore than they already are. So do me a favor, and think a little more about what you are doing before you do it.” He says with a sharp smile as he walks away from me. “Oh, and if you want to learn how to fight for real, you should come to the Whittaker Street Center. I could teach you how to fight more controlled and with more power. Your emotions are all over the place, and that will only get you killed. What you need is to learn control, control over your fear and most of all control over your anger. Interested? Nick, is it?”

  “Yes, Nick Jayzon. How do you know my name?”

  He laughs at me, “I make it a point to know everything interesting about my city, and you’re one thing I made a point to know. There is something about you, Nick Jayzon. I don’t know if it is good or bad yet, but I am curious.” He looks down at his watch, “Wow, I have to go. I have some other interesting things I have to look into before the end of the day.” He smiles energetically. “If you decide to take me up on my offer, Jayzon, just go to the center and ask for Bo, Bo Sirra.”

  Shaking my head, I turn away for a second before looking back his way again, but he’s already gone. My curiosity gets the best of me, so I run down the street and up again searching for Bo, but it was no use. The man has simply disappeared.

  Chapter 11


  “What do you mean you gave it back to him?” Luke bitches to me. “I hear Connor has some good shit, we could …”

  “Don’t listen to this fool, Nicky, he doesn’t have any brain cells left to know better,” Elijah says.

  “You two are the most uptight pricks I have ever met, I don’t know why I continue to deal with you,” Luke complains, kicking the edge of the table.

  “Me either,” I laugh. “Sit down. Where are you wanting to go anyway?” I ask him.

  “There is a party tonight,” he says watching us both roll our eyes. Luke has a tendency to find parties that are filled with women, none of which are women Elijah or I would ever be interested in. The last time we went to a party with Luke, some freaks tried to drug us and get us into bed. Luckily, I avoided my drink long enough to notic
e Elijah starting to sway and feeling up the disgusting mess sitting next to him. He said he was in love, and she said she was going to fuck him until his dick fell off. He smiled up at me, cheering happily, that is until she announced she was going to have his baby and marry him. Then he grabbed my arm and asked me to shoot him. I shoved him out the door quick, yelling at Luke the whole way home.

  Luke suddenly stomps his feet, jarring us both back to his attention. “Come on! I get your backs every night, and the one time I ask for you to return the favor, you both let me down. It’s been months since that awful party, you guys owe me another chance.” He whines until we finally agree, but as soon as Luke meets up with his girl, Elijah and I slip right back out of the lame party.

  “You want to see a movie? Lots of girls out tonight seeing that new girly movie. Dark theatre, girls …” Elijah smiles, and I agree to follow him. A friend of Elijah’s lets us in from a side door so we can make our way to the expected packed theatre, however, there are barely a handful of people. “What the …?” I give Elijah an exasperated look and take a seat. “Where is everybody?” He gripes. I shake my head laughing at his obvious frustration. “This sucks!” The modest crowd turns around and gives us a dirty look, including someone I know. I nudge Elijah and move us to better seats. Crashing into the seat next to Franky, I force Elijah to crash in next to her friend. He checks her out for a second, before putting his arm on the back of her seat and facing her. “So do you want to make out?” He asks the poor girl, causing me to laugh.

  “Excuse me?” she asks him in shock. “I am trying to watch a movie.”

  Elijah looks at the screen in confusion, “Why? I am much better looking than that guy.”

  “He was horribly disfigured in a car accident,” she huffs.

  “Well, that explains his hideous appearance, so do you want a make out then?” My laughter only encourages him I know, but I just can’t help it. Luckily, Franky starts to laugh too, loosening up her friend a bit. Elijah takes her hand and begins to invoke his charm, “Come sit over here by me, I have this terrible fear and I have to sit near the corner. Please don’t make me feel abandoned and alone because of my disability. I only want to be loved like everyone else.”

  “What kind of disability is that?” she asks seeming concerned about him but glancing back my way to verify her safety with him.

  “It’s called BBD, you know, blue balls disorder. Come help me overcome it.” He somehow gets her to follow him and then smiles back at me in triumph.

  Franky looks over at me as I shrug, “Sorry about that, he has had a rough night.”

  “Oh really, he hasn’t been able to find anyone to screw all night?” she smarts off shocking me.

  “I can go get him and leave if you want me to?”

  “No!” She jumps to the edge of her seat suddenly. When I look over at her wide eyed she instantly blushes and curls back into her chair, “So what about you?”

  “No, I haven’t got laid either, but I am still hoping.” I smile at her, and she surprisingly, smiles too. “Have you? Is your man here somewhere?” I ask looking around the empty theatre.

  “No. And no!” She stresses. “Brandi and I have wanted to see this documentary for awhile.”

  “Documentary?” I ask, suddenly paying attention to the screen. “I thought this was supposed to be some girly movie?”

  “No, but there is some romantic comedy next door, and it is pretty girly.”

  “But this one is Love … something?”

  “Love thyself, it’s about finding inner peace with who you are.” I start laughing immediately, realizing why we couldn’t find any girls in here. “That’s funny?” She asks confused.

  “Yeah, it is, but I can’t explain why,” I glance over at Elijah who is too involved to be interrupted now. I sit back in my chair, noticing her sweet smile and smile back. “So do you want to make out?” I ask, making her laugh. “Your Dad came home pretty early this morning. He decided to make you breakfast this morning?” She nods. “That was nice of him, scared the shit out of me, but nice for you. I tried to leave without waking you, but I guess I wasn’t as quiet as I thought …”

  “No, I was glad I got to say goodbye to you. Although, you barely made out in time, I didn’t have time to get the window down before my father came in. He griped at me for leaving the window open.”

  “Yeah, you should be careful, you never know what kind of scumbags may come through there.” I nudge her, watching her try not to look at me. “Is that my shirt you’re wearing?”

  “Yes, I threw it on at the last minute. I will wash it tonight so you can come by and get it whenever you want.” I nod watching her blush and look away from me. “Umm, and thank you for helping me with my questions too.”

  “No problem, not like I didn’t enjoy it. Even the banana part was kind of nice, although I wish it hadn’t of been a banana but my …” Franky looks back at me biting her bottom lip to keep from smiling fully. “I thought for sure you would slap me before I could finish that comment.” Shrugging, she shakes her head. I move my thumb across her bottom lip and release it. “You shouldn’t do that. Your lips are too nice to be hidden.” She licks her lips, and I am shocked to see her preparing for me to kiss her. “Do you want me to kiss you? What would your true love say?” She backs off and squeezes back into the corner of her seat. “Hey, what’s wrong?” I nudge her playfully but she goes back to watching the movie. “Are you horny?” I ask with a laugh, but she only tenses more. “It’s okay, it is normal. You would be the only one in this theatre if you weren’t.” She doesn’t respond as she focuses harder on the screen. I sigh and sit back in my own seat.

  Franky suddenly jumps to the edge of her seat. “You know you didn’t finish teaching me or answering my questions.”

  Confused, I look her over. “You want to finish? Do you want to have sex with me? I would think you would want your first time to be with this great man you are so in love with.”

  “No, I want to make sure I know what I am doing, I don’t want to be embarrassed,” she says, looking at me strangely.

  “Kitten, I think you got it down now. The next step is all on him. If he can’t do that, then you have bigger issues.”

  “But there is more to it than that.”

  “Yeah, but you have the gist of it down, touch him, kiss him … put your tits in his face, and he will be happy as hell, trust me.”

  “I don’t know about my tits.” She instantly shrinks back into her seat again and with her arms folded.

  “You worry too much. They’re fine. If you’re so concerned, then wrap those gorgeous long legs around him and let him grip that tight ass of yours. Tits or no tits, he won’t care about anything else, but you at that point.” Curling over herself, she looks so sad. “Hey, you’ll be fine. If he really cares about you, all your concerns won’t matter.” She nods with a forced smile. She is so nervous for no reason, but I guess for girls, your first time is a pretty big deal. Taking hold of her face, I lean in, touch her lips with mine. I give her an encouraging touch of my tongue, to remind her that she knows what she is doing. She relaxes so much in my arms that I get a little carried away and pull her into my lap. I find myself squeezing her ass and rubbing her legs, moaning and kissing her hard.

  “Excuse me! I am trying to watch this,” a lady snaps at us from across the aisle. “If you are going to do that, go somewhere else,” she plops back down into her seat with a deep frown.

  I place Franky back in her seat and laugh, “Sorry, I get a little carried away sometimes.”

  “It’s okay. Nick I really …”

  “Oh Eli,” Brandi moans suddenly. Franky and I both snap our heads in their direction.

  “Your friend is she experienced at all?” I ask. Franky looks shocked to see her friend wrapped around Elijah. “I gather that is a no. I can get him out of here if you want?”

  “No. Why?” Franky grabs hold of my shirt trying to keep me in my chair.

  “Kitten, if I don
’t get him out of here now, your friend is going to get fucked. And this is no place for a girl’s first time.” I get up quickly and grab Elijah.

  “What?” he snaps.

  “We need to go, Eli.”

  “Right now?”

  “Yes. Rice just called and said he needs to see us,” I say motioning for him to get up and come with me.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Son of a bitch!” He moans some more and still not letting go of the girl, who barely has her clothes on at this point.

  “Eli, come on. Now!” He reluctantly gets up and gives me a dirty look as he fixes his hardened dick back into his pants. Smiling, I give Franky a wink before guiding my frustrated friend out the door. “Calm down, I have a better idea for you.” I push him into the other theatre where he looks around and smiles at the wall to wall girls.

  “Oh, this is much better, Nicky,” Elijah says. He is off into the dark before I can count to three.

  I take my own look around and find a great option for myself. Taking her hand, I take her attention off the damn movie. “You want to come to the balcony with me?” She nods and follows me happily. I pull her into the dark corner and sit her down in tightly next to me. “Hi,” I hum, blatantly looking her over with a lick of my lips. I gently whisper in her ear all the things I like about her and she melts. Feeling her body, I press her against me and let her feel mine. She easily lets me kiss her and pull her into my lap. She begins rubbing her ass against my cock and her eyes flutter. I am under her clothes and taking hold of what I want within seconds. I take a look around us before I undo my pants and pull my erection out. She lifts her dress up and I help her adjust her panties so that she can sit down perfectly on me. Breathing heavily, she sits up and sits right back down on my cock. Fucking me hard, her ass moves quickly against me. Rubbing her bouncing ass and her tight thighs I encourage her every movement. “Oh you’re doing good, baby.” I moan. She leans back and takes in my tongue with her tits firmly in my hands. When she begins gripping the chair arms, I start to feel her come, signaling that I need to hurry. Taking hold of her hips I move her up and down on my dick, managing to come before she collapses completely. I quickly dress and ditch my condom in someone’s cup as we exit the balcony, I hope they were finished with that. As we wait outside the theatre for her friends, my girl curls up next to me, taking hold of my arm and continuously kissing the side of my face.


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