The Devil's Son

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The Devil's Son Page 18

by Jennifer Loren

  As if that night wasn’t disturbing enough, it was only a few days later I got even worse news.

  The day Braylin died, I was busy working. I didn’t even know until Kayla had already been taken away, but no one knew to where. Maybe I overreacted at first, but I felt I had to find her. I have to bring her to my home and take care of her on my own, before she is hurt any more than she already has been. After I scream at anyone who is not giving me the information I wanted, I begin my search for her on my own with complete dedication.

  I manage to call in a favor to one of my new political friends, and he helps me locate Kayla at her mother’s house. I keep my next moves to myself, so no one can talk me out of going after her. Pulling up to the trash heap of a house, I immediately get an overwhelming horrific feeling running through my veins. Then I hear her. Her screams, her painful cries to anyone who can hear her. I scream out to her, to him until his lewd eyes meet mine with anger. I interrupt his attack on Kayla, but he is not about to let her go now. The fisted hold he has on her, the tears streaming from her eyes, is all it takes to start my blood boiling. He opens his mouth ready to make his threats towards me, but before he can, I capture his heart and squeeze. His soul is mine and he has no choice but to release her. His desperation for life does nothing to ease my grip. Concentrating hard on his eyes, I reach in and release the blood from his suffocating heart. One gasp is all I allow from his dried mouth before plunging my knife into him. He deserves to die in pain, to die like the disgust he inflicts. When I look up, she is gone, and I realize she is never going to run back to me.

  I spend days trying to find her, but there is no sign of her anywhere. The only person I thought, who would know where she might have run to, is her mother. As it turns out, the drunken bitch is more upset about her lover than her own daughter. I want to kill her. The more and more, I scream at her, the more she laughs, telling me stories that won’t help me at all in finding Kayla. The woman’s drunken, disgusting manner works me into such a rage that I hold her up against the wall and stare deeply into her eyes and she laughs at me. She laughed? “I’ll kill you,” I say to her as I let her slide back down the wall.

  She stumbles away from me, “Kill me then. You would only be doing me a favor.” She turns and looks into my eyes. “There is something different about you. You remind of that man that came by yesterday.”

  “What man?” I ask her.

  “The one that bought me this bottle. Nice man I liked him. He asked a bunch of questions too, but I refused to tell him anything, that is until he bought me the bottle.” She says smiling wide at me.

  “And what did you tell him?”

  “I told him that for a price, I would tell him whatever he wanted to know.”

  Grabbing her by the neck, I growl my impatience, “What did you tell him?”

  Her eyes widen, but there is no sign that I have any control of her. “Calm down, handsome. I only told him my daughter died. I have no other family in my life.”

  “What about Kayla?”

  “That little bitch is nothing but a nuisance, and she is nothing to me. No one would ever care to ask about her. Braylin was the one all the men loved. Kayla is too ugly to love.”

  I slam her instantly against the wall. “Where is Kayla? Where would she go?”

  “I might know if you do me a favor.” She smiles wide. This woman has no clue about Kayla. She never told her who her father was, and she never cared enough to pay attention to her daughter to have any idea where she might have run to.

  “I am not buying you any more alcohol. You can shiver and die in your own filth. Enjoy sobering up,” I say, gathering Kayla’s things and carrying them out the door with me, as the evil witch chases after me, begging for her loving bottle.


  With Franky’s scarf wrapped around my neck, I sit down at her grave and try to understand my emotions. “I ruined her life. I selfishly interrupted her life and destroyed it, kind of the way I did yours. I am a menace, Franky. Your father was right. I spent days waiting for word from the man I sent out to find her. That’s his only job, to find Kayla, protect her, and never to tell me where she is, so I can’t cause her anymore pain. I only hope for her sake she stays away from me.” I lay the flowers down on Franky’s grave and leave for home.

  I’m standing with a drink in hand, when Luke comes in and crashes into the seat near me. “How did things go?” I ask trying to hide my original concern.

  “It went great. You were right, everything worked out just like you thought it would. You have come so far, Nick, the things you can do, you are unstoppable. No one can battle you. I can’t imagine how far you can climb, and I am going to be with you every step of the way,” Luke says glancing his way, I try to feel encouraged by his dedication but something inside me feels broken. “I know what you need. You know those two girls we met last night at the club? They really want to meet you, so I brought them both here.” Luke walks in with one blond and one brunette. “Girls, Nicholas Jayzon,” he says, smiling. Both girls instantly take a seductive stance in front of me.

  I take a drink and look them both over from the top of my glass. “I’ll take them both.” Sitting my glass down, I walk in between them and look down at each of them. “I want to fuck someone tonight. Which one of you is interested?”

  Instantly, they both warm up to me, “Oh honey, take me, I am sure I can please you,” the brunette says finding my dick in my pants.

  Turning to the blond, I ask, “So what about you? Do you want to please me too?”

  She nods, “I want to do nothing, but please you.” She says stripping off her clothes.

  They both take turns sucking on my dick, feeling it penetrate deep inside of them, and allowing me to taste their wetness. It was a long night of fucking and trying to forget. Unfortunately, none of it does anything to diminish my thoughts of Kayla.

  I spend years working and fucking, and nothing and no one helps me forget her. My heart continues to search for Kayla, despite my protests.

  It is years later before my search finally ends. When Kayla came looking for me. I couldn’t sleep at all, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I was so happy to see her again, despite the fact that she wanted to kill me. I debated on whether I should protect her from me, or protect her from everyone else. Connor forces my hand, and once I decided that I couldn’t live without her, there was no turning back. I saved her from Connor, and she returned to me with love in her eyes. Her heart finally wanting me, as much mine wants her. It was all a sign, a sign that she was meant for me and I am not about to let her go, no matter what.

  Chapter 29


  “I’m Nicky Jayzon!” I round the corner as the teenager walks up to my six-year-old son and grabs him to force him to watch the dog being beaten. Before I can stop him, the punk releases my son and crashes to the ground wreathing in pain.

  His friends turn in shock, “What did you do? You want a beating too, kid?” Nicky fists his hands and stiffens, standing his ground despite being outnumbered. He doesn’t know his abilities yet, and I am not sure I do either, but I won’t allow him to be tested here and certainly not in this way. I approach Nicky’s back and stare down the punks before they get the notion to try and battle me.

  “I suggest you run and run fast, before I decide to ruin your day any further,” I growl, fighting a smile when they don’t hesitate to all run in the opposite direction. Nicky runs to the dog’s side, petting him to a calmer state. “Nicky, I thought I told you …”

  “But, Daddy, I was only bringing him my sandwich. He was hungry. Then they told me not to feed him, but I wasn’t going to listen to them. They came over and started hitting him with that stick. We need to take him to the doctor,” Nicky says still trying to comfort the dog.

  Leaning down at the bloodied dog’s side, I realize this dog is not going to live much longer no matter what doctor we take him too. “Nicky, I don’t …” My son’s face is heartbreaking and like his mother I am una
ble to say no to him. “We will take him to the doctor, and let them take care of him.”

  “Can we take him home with us afterwards?” Nicky joyfully asks.

  I consider the dog’s condition with a long sigh, “If the doctor says it’s okay, we can.” I take a blanket from the car and wrap the large dog up to carry him. Placing him in the back seat with my so, I drive them both to a nearby vet’s office. The whole way there Nicky is determined to get me to pet this dog with him, while I try and drive too. I manage a few rub of the dog’s ears by the time we arrive at the vet’s office, but am more concerned about how I am going to explain to my son about this dog dying, or even worse why we have to put him to sleep. Once we arrive, I carry the broken dog in and hand him over to the pessimistic crew of vets, who don’t seem to be aware of my son’s concern for the dog. They all stare at me as if they are unsure of what I want them to do.

  “Sir, this dog is …” The doctor says.

  “I know, but my son wants to do everything we can for him, even if it means that we need to find a way to let him rest peacefully and pain free.” I emphasize.

  “Okay, we will see what we can do and then call you back here shortly.” The doctor says escorting the nurses back with the dog.

  “He has big floppy ears, I think we should name him Eeyore, okay Daddy?” I nod and Nicky leans against me, obviously worried about the dog, making it even harder for me to figure out what to say to him when the dog dies. As I sit back, I notice the doctor flirting with one of the nurses and obviously not paying any attention to the dog. I stare at him until he notices. He smiles and disappears for a time before motioning for me to come near.

  “I think you’re aware that there is not much we can do for this dog. I think the only thing we need to do now is decide if you want us to handle his body, or do you want to have him cremated and keep his ashes? There is a great deal on that right now, it comes with a decorative box where you can put a picture of the dog. It will be a wonderful way for your son to remember his childhood pet.” He continues to bring out pamphlets and pictures trying to sell me everything under the sun. I turn away from him to check on Nicky but he has disappeared again.

  “Nicky!” I yell.

  He comes running out from the back with the dog running at his side. “I’m here Daddy. Eey is all better now. Can we stop by the pet store on the way home so we can get him some toys?” Nicky asks looking up at me innocently as the dog sits patiently waiting by his side.

  I glare back at the doctor who is now staring at the dog in amazement. “Ummm, I think maybe we should check your dog over once more, sir.”

  “You think?” I snap. Unbelievable.

  “Mr. Jayzon, your dog is ready to go now.” My dog? No, no we just found him dying in the alley. “We cleaned him up, and gave him his shots so he should be good for awhile. You will want to bring him back for his second set of shots in a few months. We will call …”

  “This is unbelievable, the dog was broken and near death. You had cremation papers out for me to sign and now you are telling me that he is fine?” I say looking for an answer that no one apparently has here.

  “But he is fine, the dog is in perfect health. He must have looked worse than he was?” The doctor shrugs as they bring the now cleaned, tail wagging giant towards us. “Much worse.” Nicky jumps for joy running at the dog as if we have had him for years. Oh great, now we have a dog. Kayla is going to love this, I am just not sure how I am going to explain it.

  My new dog gets out of my car, happily following after my son. I barely step foot in the house before my wife approaches me. Her eyes are curious, but her concern is more about my brother approaching with his arms crossed. All I can do is sigh. Kayla kisses my cheek, “A dog Nick?”

  “It is a long story Princess.” I say noticing Elijah approaching as well. “What are you doing here?”

  “What a guy can’t stop by for a visit anymore?” He says with a drink already in his hand.

  Nicky runs up to me with his new dog right at his side. “Daddy I gave him some water, but he is still hungry can I give him dinner now too?”

  “Wait Son and I will help you. For now take him outside to play for awhile.” Nicky turns and waves at Elijah, in a ridiculously cute way, causing his mother to gush.

  Elijah smiles, “Hi little Nick, how are you?”

  “Oh you know, it’s hard keeping the ladies off my jewels, but I manage to keep them under control.” My son says causing a puzzled expression to Elijah’s face, but sending my wife into a rage at my now hysterically, laughing brother.

  “I am going to hurt you!” She yells at Ryan as he runs away from her.

  “See you tomorrow Nick, talk to you later Kayla.” Ryan laughs running out the door while I hold back Kayla.

  “Did I miss something?” Elijah asks.

  I laugh looking down at my frustrated wife, “No my son is a little bit Kayla and a lot me, right Princess?” Kayla smiles up at me and I take hold of her lips happily.

  “I missed you today,” She says kissing me again with a long inviting sigh, “But I will let you talk business while I go see to our new dog, which I expect for you to explain to me later.” She says gripping my ass and reminding of my earlier promise.

  With a wide smile I look up at Elijah and his shaking his head. “I didn’t need to see that.” He says.

  “Well then what are you doing here? This is my house.” I say leading him to my office.

  “Business Nicky, always business. Why else would I be here?” Elijah sits down already hinting at me to offer him a drink. I hand him one more with concern, but he smiles nonetheless. “Cheer up Nicky, you got it all now, at least let me have my little source of happiness.”

  “So what is this business you want to talk about?” I ask.

  “I have decided to move out west and I was hoping you could look after my interests here until I get myself established in the new place.”

  “Why are you leaving? Your whole life is here.”

  “My whole life? What life Nicky? There is nothing for me here anymore. I need a change. All there is here are old memories that I need to move on from,” he says, as Kayla comes in and whispers something dirty in my ear. She leaves me with my favorite drink and a sinful kiss. Elijah eyes her completely, “Where is my drink Kayla?”

  “It looks as if you already have one Eli.”

  “It isn’t the same without your … special touch.” He smiles.

  “I am surprised you haven’t had enough special touching from your own women.” Kayla says before winking at me and walking out.

  “None of them are like you Kayla.” Elijah yells after her. I watch him carefully as he follows her every move. “You know Nicky you are one lucky man and when I grow up I want to be just like you.”

  “Are you in love with my wife Eli?”

  He laughs, “I am in love with love, that’s all. Don’t worry Nicky, your wife is nowhere near my type besides we can’t stand each other.” Elijah continues to discuss business, but all I can do is wonder about why he is really leaving.


  I try to ignore her eyes on me because I know what she wants. “Just say it.”

  “What baby? What is it you would like me to say?” Kayla nuzzles in under my arm kissing up my neck to nibble on my ear. “Huh baby, what does my perfect husband want from me?”

  “Oh I am perfect now. All because I allowed my son to have a dog? Please do me a favor and don’t ask how he duped me into that one. I am positive my son has too much, of his mother in him.” I smile into her sexually inspired eyes.

  “I won’t ask, if you give me a reason to think of something else.” She hisses forcing me to take hold of her ass with one hand and push her lacy bra to one side with the other. Her breasts taste incredible and always fill my mouth perfectly. Lifting her further I drag her panties down her legs and feel for what I want. Kayla bites her bottom lip and straddles me letting me in fully. I caress her ass and tongue my way deep inside her, lett
ing my fingers trail along her body and into her body. Her head falls back as she moans and shifts her body into my mouth even more. Her orgasm shakes her whole body and tastes better than her breasts. Licking her come off my lips, I move her down onto the bed and slide my hardened dick past the wetness I created and into the soft, tight warmth of my wife. Her legs wrap around my waist while her hands grip my ass enjoying every movement into her.

  “You feel so good, Princess.” Kayla shifts her hips up into mine and smiles with a moan. Her lips play with mine while I enjoy feeling her naked body against mine. I play with her and feel her gasp against my neck. I pick her up and hold her against the wall, pulling her legs up around me. Her breasts playfully bounce in front of my lips, giving me ample availability to her nipples. Kayla fists my hair calling out to me, and encouraging my dick to grow even tighter inside of her. Her softness becomes so wet and tight around my dick that she releases breathing her praises with a blissful sigh. Finding her lips I kiss her soft with satisfaction, “I love you.” I hum leaning up and twisting her body into a new position which surprises her, but she doesn’t protest. “I told you I was going to make it up to you. How does it feel?” While I control her body Kayla looks down at my erection sliding in and out of her and smiles up at me. “I will take that to mean that you like it.” She tightens again with wide eyes and a smile while I also slip away into ecstasy. I groan my pleasure to her while coming strong. “Damn, I love you.” I exhale deeply.

  Kayla reaches up and grabs my lips, “Oh Nick, I love you too.” She continues kissing me while I try to recover.

  “If you love me, then will you please back off of Ryan so he can get his job done and stop whining to me every day?”

  Kayla sighs, smiling and caressing my face, but I know better than to believe she is going to do as I ask. “I wish I could baby, but your brother has crossed a line. I did warn him, but he ignored it and now I have to make him pay.” Frustrated, I look up into her eyes and try another way to persuade her to my way of thinking. “Nick, you know I love when you do that, but you also know …” She squeezes out from under my arms smiling and laughing as I try to bring her back. “You have no power over me Nick.” Kayla gets dressed and leans back to me for another kiss, “But I do love you and I will be happy to come back to your incredible naked body after I check on your sons.”


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