
Home > Fiction > (Mis)Trust > Page 19
(Mis)Trust Page 19

by Sarah Ann Walker

  "No, you didn't," he snaps at the man's face. "I watched this asshole jump up as soon as you two left the washrooms so he could bump into you. But he made a mistake, didn't you?" Malcolm says so menacingly, I don't know what else to say. "Apologize for touching her, jumping her, crowding her, and basically for being anywhere near her. Now," he squeezes the man's throat harder until I yank at his arm again.

  Waiting less than a second, the man looks over at me and Selena and croaks a pathetic 'I'm sorry' between gasps for breath. Between the knee on his chest and Malcolm's hand on his throat he's so red in the face I'm surprised he said even that much.

  "Is that acceptable, Saige?" Malcolm asks not looking at me.

  "Yes," I gasp loudly still pulling at his arm.

  "You're lucky. If you ever jump another woman like that again and I see it, I'll break your fucking arms. Got it?" Malcolm says deadly calm in the guy's face as he tries to nod quickly.

  And then it's over. Again.

  Standing, Malcolm releases the man and turns to me. "Are you okay?" Looking up at him I find myself wordless. Malcolm seems so scary suddenly, and simply put, I'm scared shitless of his anger right now.

  "Please don't look at me like that," he pushes leaning in a little closer to me before I accidentally step back a foot. "Saige, he did that on purpose. I watched him wait for you to be distracted and then he purposely smashed into you so he could grab your ass and hold you against him. I just stopped him, that's all." Nodding, I understand but I still feel uncomfortable. "Saige?"

  "I'm fine. Thank you," I smile quickly before walking back to the table. Followed by Selena, I turn back to see the guy standing with help from someone else and then he's walking toward the front doors. Watching him leave slowly like he’s hurt, Malcolm’s reaction really bothers me.

  I do actually understand what Malcolm did in reaction to what the guy did, but it was so quick and scary, and kind of deadly to watch. I can almost imagine Malcolm being able to snap that man's neck if he'd wanted to, and the calm way he held him, choking him while speaking to him made it even scarier.

  Malcolm seemed way too comfortable doing what he did and that makes me very uncomfortable.

  "Saige, please stop freaking out," Selena tugs at my sleeve. "Malcolm was protecting you, not hurting you," she leans closer to me like I needed the clarification.

  "I understand that. It was just scary seeing him like that," I admit.

  "It was hot seeing him like that," Selena giggles beside me. Looking at her, I'm stunned she thinks that caveman crap was hot. "It was. When was the last time a man took out another for you? Tyler? I doubt it. He probably would’ve stood behind you to let you outsmart the idiot."

  Shocked she would say that about Tyler, the imaginary is pretty funny I'll give her that, and slowly that turns into a quick laugh picturing bigger Tyler cowering behind little me. Finally laughing with her, I exhale the fear I had seeing Malcolm so angry.

  "Drink up. We have a pair’s game of pool to win. Then we can go home if you want."

  Feeling a little better, I take my drink with me to Mike and Malcolm at the pool table having their own game.

  Watching Malcolm he’s completely normal again, relaxed and joking with Mike every time he sinks a ball or Mike does in turn. He looks over at me frequently, smiles often, winks once when he lines up a shot to take out 2 balls, and basically seems just like himself again.

  "Ready?" Malcolm asks as Mike sets up the balls again.


  "I'm sorry if I scared you, but you looked so frightened when he was holding you, I had to stop him." Looking up at Malcolm I realize he's right. I forgot the first part to that scene. I forgot how I froze when that prick had me held against his chest with his hand on my ass. I forgot I couldn't move away or even scream because I’d frozen against him.

  "It's okay. I appreciate you getting him off me."

  "So, we're good?" He asks leaning down to look at me closely.

  "We're good. But I'd be better if I could beat you at pool. I hate losing anything. Ever."

  "Stubborn and competitive," he grins walking back to the pool table just as Selena yells she's breaking.

  10 minutes later, Malcolm and Mike have cleared the table to us, well Selena, sinking only 4 balls. Laughing at our pouting, Malcolm walks to the bar to buy us each one more losers drink as he called it.

  Watching him walk away, I keep smiling because I'm drunk, and watching because I'm intrigued. I think I really like Malcolm until I see a waitress all over him at the bar.

  Laughing and touching his arm, Malcolm leans down to talk to her and with his arm wrapped around her back they seem really cozy together. Almost like Tyler and Kaitlyn did.

  Feeling totally irrational, immature, neurotic and paranoid suddenly, I want to cry. I'm jealous and pissed off, and I'm mad at both of them. And at myself.

  I'm being an ass but I can't really stop it. I feel like I'm acting like my mum did which is about all the reality check I need to stop the shit in my head and the feelings in my chest.

  When I see Malcolm smile at me I turn my head away. I'm not doing this. I won't act like a jealous psycho because of him.

  Malcolm owes me no loyalty, certainly not anything more than Tyler did, so he can do whatever he wants with whoever he wants.

  "Here you go," Malcolm says sitting back down with our drinks.

  "Thanks," I snap unintentionally.

  Shit, I'm losing it. And my anger is directed at the wrong person, I know. Malcolm is not Tyler, I remind myself. God, he's not even my boyfriend so his fidelity doesn't even exist for me. And really, I don't want it to anyway.

  "Saige," Selena pulls at my sleeve while I mentally chastise and berate myself for being an insecure idiot over a stranger I just met. Shit. Here I go on another round of internal pissed off.

  "Saige?" Malcolm asks and as I turn to him I feel nothing but anger. He's been flirting with me for days and then flirting with another woman seconds later. Whatever. My mother was right. You canna trust a man wee yer heart. Not that he has my heart, but if I ever thought I might like him a little that just ended.

  "Hello? What's going on with you," Selena demands and I feel such annoyance for Tyler and Malcolm I finally just spill.

  "It's funny how a man can flirt and be kind to a woman when she's right in front of his face- then he can turn to another woman and flirt with her a second later, isn't it? I was just thinking about how men are and how they can never be trusted, don't you think Selena?" I ask her the question with a voice filled with so much hostility I've effectively silenced our whole table.

  "If you're speaking about me I'd prefer you speak to me, Saige," Malcolm says angrily. "And if you're referring to the waitress at the bar, she's Terry's sister, Agnes, I've known her for 20 years, she's happily married, and I'm even godfather to her youngest son, Devon."

  Feeling my face turn so red my ears burn, I lie quickly. "I wasn't referring to you, I was just speaking in general," I choke. "Um, even Mike said that, right?" Looking at Mike with my eyes begging him to jump in, he looks totally confused by what I'm asking. "Remember you said even when a man isn't looking, he still kind of is. Remember?" I beg desperately.

  Leaning across the table to get my undivided attention, Malcolm says, “I’m going to politely disagree with Mike on that one," while still glaring at me.

  "I wasn't talking about you," I lie again pathetically.

  "Well, that's good. Because when I find what I want I don't keep looking, and I am NOT your ex-boyfriend. I don't cheat, I don't use woman, and I don't let women support and care for me emotionally or financially. I'm a man, Saige. Not a little boy."

  "I didn't say you were," I choke. I don't know what else to say now. I'm blatantly caught being an insecure idiot, so I know I should just give up the fight. But I don't know how to when what I feel feels so real.

  Exhaling and blushing again, I huff, "I'm sorry," to a silent nod from Malcolm.

  "Annnnd we’re done her
e," Selena says so comically I'm grateful for the reprieve from the tense situation I've caused. "Let's go," she tugs at me to rise after we both gulp the last of our drinks.

  Walking out between Selena and Mike, I know Malcolm is following and I wish I knew how to stop feeling like a stupid kid with him. I'm embarrassed and even a little sad, especially when we walk up to his SUV and Malcolm unlocks the doors but still doesn't speak to me.

  Thankfully in the SUV, Selena is loud, drunk, and funny. Mike is quiet but for his laughter at Selena, and Malcolm and I keep sneaking glances at each other in the rearview mirror before quickly looking away. Eventually though we see each other and Malcolm winks back at me which causes such a quick desperation-filled exhale, I know he heard me when he grins.

  Parked out front, Mike stays put but Malcolm insists on walking us right up to Selena's apartment door. He rides the elevator with us silently, and walks to her door silently.

  At our door, Malcolm says only, "See you tomorrow for coffee, Saige," as he walks away to me smiling my relief at his back.

  "That is one fine man you got there," Selena moans stumbling to her bedroom. "Speaking of, I have a date Saturday night and was wondering if you'd watch Griffin for me?"

  "Of course. Who are you going out with?" I ask excited for her.

  "Dave," she giggles at her door to my open-mouthed shock. "Night, Kiddo," she smiles shutting me out.


  At 5:45 I realize I've seen Malcolm every day this week. I saw him when I returned Sunday from my mum’s, we had coffee Monday, and I saw him when he came to the restaurant with Dan Tuesday night before their basketball game for a quick bite. He helped me move yesterday and now I'm waiting to see him again. For not dating, I swear I see Malcolm more than I saw Tyler who I actually lived with.

  "He's here," Aileen smiles brightly. "And he’s so hot, Saige. Seriously." Turning to her, I'm a little uncomfortable talking about Malcolm to her, but it's fairly obvious something's going. "Go get ready. We can switch out easily, and I'll leave your tips with Mike after you leave."

  "Thanks, but I still have 15 minutes."

  "Who gives a shit? I was 20 minutes late on Tuesday and you covered for me. Go," she pushes me until I sneak to the back.

  Changing into jeans, I wear a forest green turtleneck, and black knee high boots for some height. My hair is up in a bun and my makeup only needs to be slightly touched up. Running for the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth, I actually wonder why I'm brushing my teeth.

  Pausing at the sink, I think about kissing. Kissing for me was almost better than sex- okay it wasn't better, it was just different because it was more emotional or something.

  Sometimes when Tyler and I laid around on the couch we would just kiss each other for hours. Yes, sex usually followed, but not always. Sometimes it was just kissing and touching, and holding each other, and it was nice. It was just kissing between us, but I felt loved and secure in my relationship with him. I enjoyed my relationship with him.

  Throwing my toothbrush back in its case in my purse, I powder my face and reapply my lipstick, inhale deeply, exhale slowly, and try to stop thinking about Tyler.

  I may not be ready, or even want anything with Malcolm, but I sure as hell don't want to be thinking about Tyler anymore.

  After Selena played me the pissed off messages she received from him about taking the couch I bought, my dislike for him was complete. He even gave us shit for throwing out Kaitlyn's underwear, calling it 'an invasion of her privacy' that we went through her drawers, as opposed to me who just had her clothing thrown on the floor. The asshole.

  Anyway, Selena texted him to fuck off and never text her again, then she blocked his number from her phone. Thankfully, Tyler still doesn't have my new number so I'm safe from his anger for now.


  Walking around the bar I see Malcolm immediately. Talking with a smiling, blushing Aileen, Malcolm turns like he knew I was there. Smiling at me, Aileen fans herself dramatically behind his back as I try not to laugh.

  "Good evening, Saige," he stands towering over me. "Ready for more coffee?"

  "Yes. Um, where are we going?"

  "Blenders again? Or my brother Tatum has a little pub not far from where we were last night?"

  "Blenders," I reply immediately. "I'm comfortable there and it's only 5 minutes from here so it feels safer," I admit.

  "You know it would take nothing shy of an RPG to get through me to you, don't you?" He asks so seriously I can't even reply. "Saige, you never have to be afraid of your physical safety when you're with me. I promise you."

  Waiting for me to acknowledge him I think, I truly don't know what to say. I get that he's huge, but things happen, and bad people happen.

  "I'm being super paranoid, I know," I sigh embarrassed as he leans closer to me. "It's just the police have no suspects and everything seemed so personal, and I don't know who would want to hurt me, or why they wanted to hurt me. Ah, and I still get scared all the time." Winding down my confession, Malcolm nods and exhales himself.

  "I understand, or at least I'm trying to understand how that would feel for you. I've never had to worry about myself like that before, so I walk where I want and do what I want. I get that you're a woman, and a tiny one at that, but I beg you to try to relax when you're with me. As I said, I can protect you, and I will protect you." When I gasp a little from his intensity, he continues, "I will, Saige. And even if I was somehow taken out, I guarantee I would give you enough time to get away. You will always be safe with me."

  "Thank you," I nearly cry I’m so moved by his promise and intensity, and by just everything about him right now.

  It's like I can put all the bad shit aside when I'm with him. I don't have to worry, and I don't have to be afraid for a while.

  "Okay. Wherever you want to go. Blenders or your brother’s place. Ah, I'll try to relax," I say a little stupidly but he smiles anyway.

  "My brother Tatum’s," he nods motioning for me to start for the doors.

  Once seated in his SUV again, Malcolm asks, "Q&A now or inside the pub?"

  "Inside," I smile looking out the window as we drive. Curious if he lives close by or not, I ask, "Where do you live?"

  "Couldn't wait, huh? I own a house in Montgomery Park," he smiles when I ask really? "Yes, really. But don't get too excited- it might look nice now, but I bought it 6 years ago and I still haven’t finished renovating. It was an absolute dump I bought at an estate sale."

  "Still... I don't know much about this city, but everyone speaks so highly of Montgomery Park. It's like the place to live," I say totally impressed.

  "It is," he grins. "But my house is the smallest in the neighborhood, I don't drive an Lexus, and I'm single. So basically I'm the black sheep of the neighborhood."

  "What made you buy it? Was it overwhelming?"

  "I was 25 and arrogant, and yes it was overwhelming. 2 months after I bought it Dan's guys plus 2 of my brothers had to help me replace the roof after a heavy rainstorm seeped through and destroyed all the walls upstairs. Then the electric was next, which I can do myself. But it was a huge job, and like I said it still isn't completed. It looks great from the outside, but there are still rooms upstairs that are incomplete. The kitchen is awesome though," he grins proud of himself.

  "I'd love to see it," I think out loud before catching myself.

  "Anytime. I can barbecue a mean steak, which doesn't require the kitchen at all, I know. But I love eating in my kitchen. So whenever you're craving a steak I'm your man," he says just pulling up to a storefront looking pub.


  "Very original, I know. My brother is an arrogant bastard that's for sure," he laughs opening his door as I do. "I should warn you, he's a big man," he adds as I look up at his huge body confused.

  Walking inside past Malcolm's outstretched arm holding the door, I'm surrounded by him though still not being touched by him ever.

  "Wait for it," he grins just as a huge man yells
something unintelligible across the room. "He won't touch you," Malcolm adds when I brace myself and step back into Malcolm's chest watching him coming at me.

  Holy shit! Whereas Malcolm is just big, brick shithouse large, his brother is like awkwardly tall. My entire body looks like I could fit in his pant leg, he is that HUGE.

  "Wee Saige? I'm Tatum of Tatum's Pub," he says bending down low extending both his hands to clasp mine. "You failed to mention she was a little elf with witchy green eyes," he says so seriously to Malcolm I can't stop my shocked laughter.

  "I hardly think my 5 foot 2 is the problem here," I shake his hands. "I'm leaning more towards the beast of a man in front of me. And these witchy green eyes? I know how to use them, so be careful," I scowl playfully until he barks a laugh so loud my ears ring.

  "You look like a little Leprechaun for Christ's sake!" He howls making me laugh again. "I feel like I should put you on the bar in a soup pot so people can toss coins at you to make a wish!"

  "What?" I gasp laughing.

  "Okay, Tatum," Malcolm tries to interject but he's laughing too hard. "Stop teasing the wee elf," he says as I turn and smack his stomach. "The vicious wee elf," he quickly amends.

  "Come on, let’s get you a drink," Tatum turns back toward the bar.

  Walking behind Tatum I'm embarrassed to admit I can't stop staring at his butt, and his huge pants, and his huge everything. In truth, he towers over even Malcolm's 6'4 frame.

  Sitting on the high backed stools at the bar Malcolm nods at a few people but watches me closely. Once I'm up, he sits beside me and rests his arm against the back of my chair, kind of circling me in without actually touching me. And I feel protected and safe again with him.

  "What are you having?"

  "Um, do you have coffee?"

  "Anything you like. Tatum's aims to please," Tatum grins and just like Malcolm his whole face transforms into handsome with his smile.

  "She'd like a cafe mocha, no whip cream, with an extra shot of espresso?"


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