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Deserted: Book #3, Auctioned Series

Page 12

by Dee, Cara


  Gray snorted softly. The boy was picking up military slang from Darius.

  “Do you know what that means?” Gray asked curiously.

  Jayden shrugged and placed his action figure on his pillow before he grabbed his pajamas. “Darius says it a lot when you ask him to do something.”

  Gray chuckled and winced. Had he turned into the mother hen of their little dynamic?

  “It means will comply,” he muttered. “Go brush your teeth.”

  “Wilco,” Jayden sang.

  At four, Gray gave up on sleep. He’d been tossing and turning most of the night, worried about Darius up in the loft. He could hear his soft sleeping sounds, a snore here, a grunt there, all of which beat a night of bad dreams, but now Gray would be useless all day.

  To kill time, he got up and prepared some food for the road. Darius’s two loaves of bread were still fresh, and there were plenty of leftovers for sandwich toppings.

  Gray dug this, he couldn’t lie. Taking care of people, making things they enjoyed, anticipating their needs. And Darius and Jayden both deserved to be doted on. No one else did it, least of all for Jayden.

  The boy needed a family. He needed people who were there for him, who could encourage him and watch him grow. He was so fucking smart. And deprived of love, structure, and affection.

  Gray stowed away the sandwiches in a container and packed the rest of the food in two plastic bags.

  He could start bringing shit to the car, or…he could sneak upstairs and steal cuddles from Darius.

  It was a no-brainer.

  He climbed up the steps and frowned when his gaze landed on Darius. He’d fallen asleep on the mattress, wearing only a towel around his hips. Legs crossed at the ankles, one hand resting on his stomach, one arm thrown over his face.

  The dim Edison lights above the small window gave Darius’s form a warm glow, but the temperature was by no means warm enough to sleep without covers.

  Gray ducked his head and bent at the waist as he made his way over to the bed. Then he folded the duvet closer to Darius and shook his shoulder gently.

  His skin was cold to the touch.

  “Dare. Wake up.”

  Darius grunted and scowled in his sleep.

  “Honey, wake up. Get under the covers.” Gray shook him a little firmer.

  It worked after a while, and Darius blinked blearily before he squinted up at Gray. Then he complied on autopilot and got under the duvet, and he was quick to pull Gray with him.

  “What time is it?” he muttered drowsily.

  “Four thirty.” Gray drew his fingers through Darius’s hair and earned himself a low hum. “I packed everything and made some food to take with us.”

  Darius drew a deep breath and fumbled a bit under the covers, before Gray realized he was getting rid of the towel. Mildly distracting.

  “You’re too good to me.” Darius leaned in and gave Gray a long, sleepy kiss. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  “You’ve been at it nonstop for months.” Gray pressed himself closer and kissed his way down Darius’s neck. “It’s my turn to take care of you.” Fuck, he could spend hours kissing Darius’s chest. Tracing the tattoos, the scars, feeling the chest hair against his skin, teasing his nipples…

  Gray needed more tonight.

  They’d had a silent agreement not to take things too far, mainly because of Jayden and the fact that going slow was the only thing that worked. So, they hadn’t bought anything. No oil, no lube. And Gray was beginning to regret the decision, no matter how good it’d been for them to sleep—and only sleep—in each other’s arms.

  “You take care of me all the time,” Darius murmured. He let out a long breath when Gray got comfortable farther down and wrapped his fingers around Darius’s long, soft cock. “I won’t stop you, though.”

  Gray sent him a quick smirk before he leaned in and closed his lips around the head.

  A low rumble emanated from Darius’s chest, his fingers disappearing into Gray’s hair.

  “Fuck,” Darius whispered.

  Gray closed his eyes and pushed everything else out of his mind. He sucked Darius’s cock in long, unhurried swallows and felt him grow thicker and harder in his mouth. It was the best fucking feeling. Swirling his tongue around the head before taking the cock to the back of his throat, he heard Darius’s breathing change.

  No teasing. He listened to Darius’s cues and sucked him hard. When Darius’s breath hitched, Gray knew he’d found a sensitive spot. He sucked, licked, and grazed his teeth along the rock-hard length. Then he got up on all fours between Darius’s solid thighs and redoubled his efforts.

  Darius hauled in a sharp breath and knew an invitation when he saw one. He threaded both hands into Gray’s hair and started pushing his cock in and out of his mouth.

  “You drive me fucking crazy, knucklehead.” Darius sounded like he was trying to bite back a groan. “When we get home—when I have you all to myself in my house—I won’t be able to leave you alone.”

  Gray suppressed a whimper and reached into his sweats to stroke himself.

  “Almost there,” Darius moaned under his breath. He cursed and withdrew his cock, leaving a string of pre-come and saliva between the head and Gray’s lips. “Take a deep breath, baby. I wanna fuck your throat.”

  Oh God. Darius had been way more careful in Florida. For whatever reason, he’d let go tonight, and no one was hornier about it than Gray. He gulped in some air and flicked the tip of his tongue over the slit.

  Darius pushed in again, inch by inch, until he was completely buried. His body tensed up, and his breaths came out in rapid, shallow puffs.

  Gray planted his hands on the mattress and breathed through his nose.

  “Un-fucking-believable…” Darius began fucking his throat in quick thrusts, forcing himself deeper. “Fuck. Fuck.” He was right there. Gray’s mouth watered. “Gray…” Then the first burst of come flooded his mouth. Darius pushed deep and groaned, release after release sliding down Gray’s throat.

  Gray swallowed convulsively as his lungs burned for air. He was so fucking hard that rubbing himself against the mattress would get him off in two seconds.

  When Darius collapsed and his chest was heaving uncontrollably, Gray cleaned him up with his tongue before he crawled up Darius’s body and dropped kisses everywhere.

  “I need you,” he breathed urgently.

  Darius cupped his face and kissed him hard. “Anyth—”

  “Your fingers. Fuck me with your fingers.” Gray couldn’t wait. He lay down on his side next to Darius and nearly shook with desperation. “Dry—no spit. I want it to sting. Just fuck me hard.”

  Darius pressed himself up against Gray’s back and shuddered violently. “How is everything you say so goddamn sexy.” He didn’t phrase it as a question, nor did he wait for a response. He pushed down Gray’s sweats and slipped his hand between his ass cheeks.

  The second Gray felt two fingers pressing against his opening, he fisted his cock and stroked himself hard and fast.

  Darius forced his fingers inside and matched the pace.

  Gray gasped and turned his face into the pillow. Holy shit, that burned. Oh, but it was the sweetest motherfucking agony. He was already close.

  “I’ll give you my cock as soon as we get home.” Darius spoke between openmouthed kisses to Gray’s neck. “We won’t leave my bed for a while.”

  Gray whimpered and sped up further.

  “I’ll have you all to myself,” Darius whispered. “This tight little ass is mine, boy.”

  “Oh God.” The orgasm washed over Gray without much warning. With his face pressed against the pillow, he exhaled a pitiful moan and let go. He fucked his hand jerkily as the ropes of come hit the sheets.

  This tight little ass is mine, boy.

  Gray wanted those words recorded so he could hear Darius say it over and over for the rest of his life.


  They arrived in California a d
ay and a half later.

  Somewhere in Nevada, they’d shed their winter clothes and had ice cream outside of a McDonald’s in hoodies and jeans. Now, after getting gas in Barstow, windows were rolled down and hoodies were thrown off to feel the heat of the California sun.

  Gray was driving.

  He inhaled deeply and listened to the guy on the radio saying that the heat wave would last throughout the weekend.

  Darius appeared to be sleeping in the passenger’s seat, shades on, one foot resting across his knee, but he had a hand on Gray’s neck and was rubbing soothing circles over his skin.

  Jayden was munching on chips and watching a movie in the back.

  It was a good day full of contentment, and Gray was happier than ever that he’d trusted Darius in Colorado and left without any questions. Because he’d gotten his answers eventually, and he was gonna make sure he never repeated Leah’s mistake. She hadn’t trusted Darius. More than that, when he’d arrived with Gray—when he’d shown there was intimacy between him and Gray—she had gone behind his back and called people. She’d called Ryan and a couple friends they had in common, saying she was worried about Darius. Saying it wasn’t healthy for him to be so close to Gray.

  Even if Darius had struggled with attachments in the past, he felt betrayed. She should’ve come directly to him and voiced her concerns. Then, as Darius had told Gray, he could’ve explained shit to her. That this was different. That this went beyond wanting to protect a client.

  Gray caught the hand on his neck, kissed the top of it, and threaded their fingers together on his leg instead.

  Darius gave his hand a squeeze.

  “We should stop and get something to eat soon,” Gray murmured. “Do you have any other friends you’d like to visit?”

  Darius snorted in amusement at the joke, and he leaned forward to check the GPS. “Ironically, I have a couple buddies nearby.” He tapped the point of interest that read Edwards Air Force Base. “You don’t make friends with Air Force pilots, but the technicians are just crazy enough to get jobs in the private sector.”

  Gray chuckled and lifted his gaze to the rearview. “Jayden, what’re you in the mood for? We’re stopping for dinner in a bit.”

  “Nothing with salad,” Jayden replied.

  What a shock. “What happened to ‘food is food’?” Gray teased.

  “Nuthin’. But you give me a lot of vegetables.”

  “I feel ya, buddy.” Darius looked back at the boy. “Remember, he tried to order me chicken yesterday. That’s practically broccoli.”

  “Oh my God,” Gray muttered. “Chicken is good for you.”

  “Only when it’s fried, baby. I tolerated it in Colorado, but I have limits.”

  Jayden found their discussion hysterical for some reason.

  It was two against one, and it was how they ended up at a Jack in the Box twenty minutes later, where Jayden declared he’d found the best burger in the world. Darius wouldn’t go that far, but he was definitely enjoying his food. The two sat next to each other and devoured what Gray could only describe as grease bombs.

  It felt ridiculous, to be honest. Gray could chow down on unhealthy food like a champ and went nuts over cheeseburgers, but Darius and Jayden were on another level. Gray just couldn’t compete with his junior-size sandwich and side salad.

  “Can you quiz me?” Jayden asked Darius and stuck a curly fry into his mouth.

  Darius nodded and chewed what was in his mouth. “What political party should you support, Democrat or Republican?”

  Gray’s eyebrows went up.

  Jayden raised a finger. “Trick question! Neither.”

  “Uh…” Gray managed to utter.

  “What?” Darius smirked and bit into his burger. “I’m bestowing my libertarian wisdom upon him.”

  Oh Jesus Christ. Gray faced Jayden. “When it comes to politics, you’re gonna wanna form your own opinion and understand why you support something. And it can be complicated for an adult—it’s nothing you’d learn in school at your age.”

  “But Darius taught me the First Amenyment already.”

  Darius smiled.

  Gray’s heart fucking melted at the boy’s pronunciation, but that was beside the point. “That’s terrific,” he praised. “Keep learning. You’re doing a great job, Jayden. Just—” He slid Darius a quick, pointed look before making eye contact with Jayden again. “Maybe wait with political affiliations for a bit.”

  “Buzzkill,” Darius said around his burger. “All right, back to geography. Name a city where all they do is smoke weed and eat organic rabbit food.”


  “Good boy.”

  Gray kicked Darius under the table, but all Darius did was lock their feet together. And his eyes danced with amusement that made him so goddamn beautiful Gray couldn’t push an argument.

  That said, it was becoming abundantly clear that Gray would have to sit in on these lessons more often.

  Except, you’re handing Jayden over to a shelter in a few days.


  “Pull over after the lights, knucklehead.”

  “Have you found the place?” Gray peered around them, but all he saw was a Taco Bell and, on the other side of the road, some body shops. They’d been looking for Darius’s friend’s location for the past ten minutes. It was supposed to be on this street, conveniently right next to another car rental place.

  “No, something better.” Darius pointed to a couple cars that were parked outside a garage bay. “See the old Grand Wagoneer at the end?”

  Gray flicked a glance at the lights before following Darius’s gaze. Okay, so, two vehicles. One pickup truck and one ugly-as-shit behemoth from before the wheel was invented. His grandparents used to have one like that. It was a dark burgundy and had the wood paneling on the sides that you thankfully didn’t see much anymore.

  “What about it?”

  Darius smiled. “It was my first car. Jake and I fixed her up over a summer—though not nearly as well as whoever restored this one.” He paused. “I wanna take a look at it. There’s a for-sale sign in the window.”

  He was nuts. They were supposed to find the place where they’d drop off the Jeep, rent another car, then hopefully make it to Monterey before it got too late. But the sun was already dipping low, and Monterey was four hours away.

  The light turned green, and Gray checked the rearview before switching lanes and driving ahead of the truck that was coming up behind them. Then he pulled into the auto shop and parked next to the two vehicles that were for sale.

  Darius stepped out of the Jeep before opening the door for Jayden. “Come on, buddy. I’mma show you a cool car.”

  Darius didn’t know what cool was, but he sure as fuck was cute.

  Gray followed and looked up at the bright blue sky. Not a cloud in sight, not even a single breeze.

  It was summer in Bakersfield. Well, summer by Gray’s definition. He could even smell barbecue.

  “Come check this out, Gray,” Darius said. “It’s fucking gorgeous.”

  Gray made a face and trailed over. Now he was going to start questioning Darius’s taste in everything…

  “The one I had was an older model,” Darius went on. “This one’s an ’89.”

  “Jesus, I wasn’t even born,” Gray muttered. He could feel Darius’s flat stare from behind his Ray-Bans, and Gray smirked. The man didn’t always like being reminded of their age difference.

  “Anyway.” Darius cleared his throat and returned his focus to the ugly car. “It’s beautiful, Jayden, innit? New stereo, and look, custom-made bench seat in the front. That means you can sit three people up there.”

  “It’s big,” Jayden said with a nod.

  “It’s…brown,” was what Gray could offer.

  “It’s black cherry,” Darius corrected. “Perfect condition.”

  Gray watched him ghost a finger along the metallic surface. It did, admittedly, appear brand-new. There wasn’t a single scratch. Everything
metal, like the bumpers and rims, gleamed in the sun.

  “I gotta know what the catch is.” Darius looked over toward the open garage bay, presumably to find someone in charge.

  “I think you’re looking at it.” Gray gestured at the vehicle. “Twenty-seven thousand dollars for a shiny pile of ancient junk. You can get a brand-new car for that kind of money.”

  “Ooof,” someone said behind them. “Don’t let my brother hear you say that.”

  Gray whipped around and spotted a smirking man Darius’s age stepping out of the garage bay.

  “Sorry we didn’t hear ya come in,” he said. “We’re just fixin’ up some chow in the back.” So that was why it smelled like barbecue in the air. The man wiped his hands on a dirty rag. “Can I help you, guys?”

  “Did you restore the Wagoneer?” Darius asked.

  “No, that would be my brother—Cam. You interested? He’s in the back if you want me to get him.”

  “I’m definitely interested,” Darius replied. “There’s gotta be a catch. She seems to be in excellent condition—and less than a hundred thousand miles for that price…?”

  The man chuckled and retied the coverall sleeves around his waist. His white tee was nowhere near white anymore. “A lower price means a quicker sale. A quick sale means Cam can restore more cars.” He paused. “He and his hubby—they have a girl who dreams about the Ivy League. You could say it lit a fire under their asses to save more for her college fund.”

  “Ivy League would do that,” Darius murmured in agreement. “Well, take me to your brother, eh? I wouldn’t mind a chat.”

  “Sure thing.” The man nodded toward the back. “I’m Landon, by the way.”

  “Darius,” Darius said. “Gray and Jayden.” He pressed a kiss to the side of Gray’s head before he walked ahead, following Landon.

  Jayden snuck closer to Gray.

  They walked underneath a car that was raised on some…apparatus. Gray didn’t speak Car Mechanic. He wasn’t his brother. Gage would feel at home here.


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