The Barbarian Bible

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The Barbarian Bible Page 2

by Ianto Watt

  And when Barbarians ally themselves to the right cause, they can accomplish a lot, for themselves and others too. Just ask the Romans, who relied on them to keep order in the Empire during the long slide down into chaos. Don’t believe the common wisdom that says Barbarians were the cause of the destruction of the Western Empire. Actually, they were the primary force that helped it last as long as it did. Did you know that the Latin word ‘Rex’, which is commonly associated with the word ‘King’ was actually the title of the head of the ‘Auxiliary Legions’ which were manned by Barbarians? It’s kind of ironic that in the last years of the Western Empire, most of the fighting was between Barbarians- those in service to Imperial Rome (the Auxiliaries) versus those who were fleeing the chaos in the east brought on by the Huns.

  It was only after the degenerate citizens of Rome wouldn’t fight to save their own civilization that things fell into our hands. They were unable or unwilling to produce strong and virtuous men, or even to pay the Barbarian Auxiliaries who took their place in battle. That’s when the line of Caesars failed and the ‘Rex’ began to rule, by default, over what was left of the Empire. Soon, the meaning of the word began to be understood as the title of a local ‘king’ (versus an Imperial ‘Caesar’).

  But when Barbarians make the right choices, after examining the facts for themselves, they can do pretty well. Which is another way of saying not many have made the right choices, because there aren’t many (or any) of us left, inside the Empire, besides me that I know of. No, most people today are asleep at the wheel. But not me. I have decided to grab the wheel and drive where I want, to see history the way it really happened, to sort out the liars from the friars, and to make my own choices. If I end up driving through the front yard of your mind-set, that’s too bad. You shouldn’t have gotten in my way. I wasn’t out to hit you, but you must have jumped in front of the train. I was only following the tracks of the historical facts and there you were. Sorry, but you should have seen it coming. I blew the whistle, why didn’t you listen?

  So, am I mocking you? No, but I am going to mock the ground you stand on. In fact, I intend to call into question almost every preconceived notion this ‘modern world’ is built on before I’m through. To put it another way, this book will mock and belittle everything except that which is true. The question then is, what is really true? This book is my record of what I have found to be true in the long twisted story we call World History. If you find any of this to be helpful to yourself, welcome to the Barbarian world.

  My work opens in verse form, and its meaning is explained in the book which follows, in prose. If you truly know your history, you’ll know right away from these verses what’s in the rest of my work, and why I have reached the conclusions I have about where we are and where things are headed, and how they will end. For as Shakespeare said, ‘past is prologue.’ And if the poem doesn’t make sense, it’s probably because you’ve drunk the Kool-Aid, or else you’ve never really read any real history for yourself. This book will cure you of either ailment.

  Finally, for those who still labor under the delusion that Barbarians are both rough and uneducated, I will admit to half of that. As you read on, note that I have done my own research and read most of what matters and a lot more of what doesn’t, but it was both necessary and useful. Decide then, for yourself, which half of the foregoing description doesn’t fit me. Then ask yourself if I have earned the right to the other half.

  Now before we begin, let’s also take a moment to look at two important concepts. The first of these is the concept of ‘experts’. An expert is someone who supposedly knows a lot about one thing. The corollary is that he generally knows very little about anything else. And in today’s world of rapidly increasing knowledge, even the thought that he knows a lot about his area of ‘expertise’ is suspect, in my eyes. Why? Because things don’t add up. And we’ll talk more about this later under the topic of ‘Weiner Dogs’, which is my name for today’s experts.

  Let me give you an example. Look at the subject of Economics. Right, just the mention of the word makes your eyes start to glaze over, correct? Why? Because, as the experts tell us, it’s a complicated subject, the ‘dismal science’. And the implication is, of course, that it is best left to ‘the experts’. But of course, we all have to study it in college to graduate. But no one enjoys it (even with an MBA), because it feels un-natural. Why? Because it is. All that talk about M1, M2, M3, etc.

  But let’s back up a second. Where did all that M(oney) come from? Right, as a student, I want to deal first with the origin of M, before we talk about the circuitous trail it weaves. But it’s never done that way. Why? Because that would give the game away. What game? The shell game of false knowledge. Who cares about M1, M2 or M3; I want to know about M, period! Who makes it? How do they make it? How do we get it? And most of all, how can we keep it from all of those Anglish bastards who are trying to take it from us?

  Here’s what you really need to know in order to understand the basics of Economics; if you spend more than you make, you are in a state of debt, which is akin to slavery. If you make more than you spend, you are in a relative state of wealth, which is another way of saying freedom. If you unfairly take more than you give, you are in a larcenous state. If you freely give more than you take, you are in a charitable state.

  And that brings us to the second important concept; liars. Liars rule the world, for the most part. And it is their skills in this art that has brought them to power, and kept them there. If you want the real answer to the questions that matter, you’d better be prepared to believe that liars are more dangerous than bandits. And liars generally live amongst us, while bandits do not. And Liars are usually camouflaged as ‘Experts’.

  Anyway, being a Barbarian, I recognize instantly when someone is of a lying and larcenous nature. And I know the easiest way to accomplish larceny is to get what you want through lies. We’ll discuss this later, under the topic of Liar’s Logic. But the point is this; if I want to take your money, the easiest and safest way is to convince you that I am better at handling your money than you. How? By convincing you that economics is difficult. But real economics isn’t hard, it’s simple. Just look at my four principles above. Couple that with double-entry bookkeeping principles (debit and credit) and you have all the basic tools to manage your own wealth. The wealth of a nation is supposed to be handled exactly the same as that of a household, only on a larger scale. After all, that’s what the word ‘economics’ means.

  I could give you a hundred examples of this same principle of convincing you that ‘experts know best’. And in fact, this book is primarily about this same drill in the matter of History. But it is also true across the board in this crazy world today. And if you don’t believe me, then tell me why, when there are more experts today than ever before, why is the world so screwed up? Why are people so irrational? Why do people do such crazy things that are obviously against their own self-interest? It’s because they’ve been taught to do it. Taught by the ‘experts’.

  The educational system in the Empire is the best proof of this assertion. As the ‘expertise’ of the educators grows, the masses surely grow dumber. So, you want to teach math, and you have a PhD in math? That doesn’t matter, because you have to have a teaching degree first. And in fact, once you get that degree, you don’t have to know anything about math to teach it, because the experts have trained you in their sure-fire teaching techniques. Never mind that whatever technique is in vogue this year, the teaching curriculum will be totally different in 3 years or less, as the latest educational fad bombs out and student’s test scores go ever lower. And as the public grows dumber, the task of fleecing them gets easier. Isn’t that convenient? What a coincidence!

  These two themes of ‘experts’ and ‘liars’ will play a prominent part in the rest of this work. I hope you don’t believe that I am anti-intellectual. I’m not. But I am against intellectualism. That’s the disease that says (any) theory trumps real-world experience.
  Anyway, that’s the perspective I have on this insane world of today. That’s how I see things, and that’s how I will write. Oh, one more note before we begin. It may seem to you that, as I begin to unfold my thoughts, I seem to go off on a number of tangents that appear to have no real focus. At least, not by the standards of ‘expert’ historians. Please note, I know where I’m going, and it will become clear on about page 141 when I finally tie a lot of these seeming digressions together, in a person of great interest. A man whom I consider to be the most important and dangerous Greek since the time of Odysseus at the walls of Troy.

  And please remember too that I am trying to explain to you all of the really important things that have happened since the Fall of Troy in a work that doesn’t overwhelm the mind with its size. Thus, of necessity, I will be looking at cultures and personages on a global scale. This will not be your typical history lesson. But tell me, did any history course you took in school ever really connect all the dots? Did any of them ever give you a coherent picture of mankind as a whole? A truly big picture? I thought not.

  Also, please note that while I will generally follow a timeline from past to present, I will be focusing on significant happenings that don’t simply occur once and then have no further impact. No, most of the chapter elements in this book really refer to an introduction of some new twist in the tale of man’s past, and these elements are cumulative. That is, they will continue to affect the future events, and they will be joined by new elements that all work together to produce the final setting of where we are today. These themes are all intertwined, and they are all still present today.

  So now, let us begin with my short poem that will summarize what is to follow, as we prepare to follow what has been.

  For Alexander Llewellyn

  Life is simply one long play,

  But we only catch one Act.

  So if we want to know the Plot,

  We have to know the fact

  Of what has gone before us,

  To know of what’s to pass.

  So thus we must decipher

  The many tales of old.

  Separate the math from myth

  Before the trail goes cold.

  But many tales are clever lies,

  Yet many lies are true.

  At least in some prophetic way,

  But which is which is Who?

  And what’s to be the yardstick

  When sifting through the chaff?

  Which Bard is to be trusted?

  Which Oracle’s a laugh?

  When is fact a fiction?

  And when is fiction fact?

  Why did Hector fight so hard

  For Paris, who’s an ass?

  Why did Sparta give ten years

  To see Achilles’ feat?

  A Horse is much the faster way

  As wrath can’t beat deceit.

  A Lie is so much stronger

  Than any feat of arms.

  Its only match lies in the lust

  For women and their charms.

  So even tho’ the walls did fall

  And West did beat the East

  The fix was in, ‘the gods’ did win,

  Tho’ one man beat the heat.

  So who was smart, who was dumb,

  And who was blessed of all?

  Who refused the golden crumbs

  The gods threw at Man’s fall?

  Who saved his honor and his men,

  From a funeral pyre’s heat?

  Who saved his (s)kin from Spartan sin,

  Ripped victory from defeat?

  This task is hard, it hurts my head,

  Even as I sleep.

  How can a man stay dry, yet gauge

  The shallow from the deep?

  The gods seem great, they loom so large,

  But never seem to keep

  The promises they make to men,

  They slaughter them like sheep.

  I rend my vest, I tear my hair

  And lay there in a heap.

  The gods do seem to overwhelm,

  I cannot help but weep.

  But now I’ve come to understand

  That all these tales of woe,

  Mask the fact that gods detest

  All men on earth below.

  They say that we are free to choose

  Wha’ever we will pick,

  But gods are cruel, man must lose,

  This storyline is sick!

  That Golden Apple was the bait

  To start that fateful war,

  Once man had bit the bitter fruit

  Of Aphrodite the Whore.

  When Paris took his bridal bribe

  And offered no remorse,

  He gladly kept his ill-got gain

  Till she became the Horse.

  So Troy then burned as Helen sailed,

  Yet few returned, as vengeance failed.

  And on the night Cassandra wailed,

  The gods gave way as Caesar’s hailed.

  Then Troy flew West, and Sparta East

  And ne’er the twain shall meet,

  Until the final Act is played

  And time reveals the Beast.

  But till that time will Alba shine,

  That ’City on a Hill’.

  She rules the earth with iron rod,

  Her law is with us still.

  But soon will come the final god

  Who’ll tempt us once again.

  He’ll tell us that we still can have

  What did the Trojans in.

  Then men again forget the past

  And welcome strangers in,

  To steal away the Palladium

  That kept away our sin.

  Then will Troy burn, once again,

  And Greeks will sound the Call,

  Laughing as the Horse rolls in

  To seal the Final Fall.

  The key to finding the truth of man’s past is to read the writings of the vanquished. Forget the stories written by the victors, for they are filled with the lies that covered their double-crossing ways on the road to power. As Churchill said, ‘history will treat me kindly. Why? Because I will write it!’ I’m not saying you shouldn’t read him and the rest of his kind. I’m simply saying that you must also read the stories of the (apparent) losers, for it is in them that we can find the true story of how their trust was betrayed by those who professed to hold the higher moral ground. You must know how each succeeding civilization was subverted, and by whom, before you’ll know the truth of man’s current condition. You have to know the technique of the betrayers before you’ll recognize their descendants, and where we really are today. And the place to start this search, and where the first historical clues were laid about how man has fallen (and will fall again, at the end), is in the ancient past. The ancient Pagan past. At the Fall of Troy.

  The heart of this book is my belief that there has been given to us, in the Ancient Pagan world, an omen, a foretelling, of what is to come at the end. This omen has been placed before us in and through the foundation of the modern pagan world. That is to say, it is to be found in the world of Greek antiquity. Not in the rational world of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle who came later. No, the key is to be found in the pagan world of ‘the gods’. It has survived throughout the ages, and is well known today, yet most people today are ignorant of its source or ultimate meaning. But where is that clue? In ancient Troy. Where will the Last Fall be? In Modern Troy.

  The fall of Troy is the image of The End. But where is Troy now? And what will be The Horse next time? And who is Odysseus going to be next time? And who is the Oracle, the Cassandra next time? Is it I? Everyone thinks I’m mad, so I certainly qualify. To me, it’s a good sign when this world thinks you’re crazy. So read on and see if you agree with the ‘experts’, any of them. Or will you be one of the few who can think for your own self?

  And so my focus in Part II is on this particular example of ‘prophecy’ in Greek antiquity that is widely known but yet so widely
ignored in our time, just as in ages past. And I will dwell on it at length in Part II of this book, as I relate the thread of understanding I have detected in the history of mankind from that time until now. Knowledge lies in the recognition of patterns. There are patterns in all of life, and those who recognize them can avoid the fate that has befallen those who have come before us. Those who don’t recognize them will repeat the mistakes of the past.

  These patterns, or threads, are woven throughout the history of man, to give us a means of knowing who we are and where we are going. They keep repeating themselves throughout history as a reminder to man of what is coming. And this particular thread, the story of the Fall of Troy, is an explicit lesson on how the final act will come to pass, and who will commit it. (By this, I mean the personage occupying a certain position of power and authority, not the individual person). And I will link its coming consummation with its counterpart in the pagan world of antiquity, showing that they are mirror images of one another. But remember, things in the mirror are reversed. But the pattern is the same.

  But to be able to discern these patterns, we must be systematic. The system a person uses must be organized and operational, or it is of no real use. And that is what Part I of the book is about. About which Operating System to use. Huh? Yes, just like in the world of computing. Every computer needs three things to operate; first there is the physical part (a ‘chip’) which is like the mind. The chip works through the second element, the knowledge patterns we commonly call ‘programs’. But none of this can occur without the presence of the critical third element, the Operating System.

  The Operating System in a man is the basic set of rules about what his mind will listen to. Why? Because the mind only understands the language of the Operating System he has adopted. If the pattern doesn’t fit the language of the Operating System, then guess what? Have you ever tried to find the bathroom in a foreign land where you didn’t know the language and you didn’t have an interpreter? Good luck.


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