The Barbarian Bible

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The Barbarian Bible Page 11

by Ianto Watt

  Does Mosaic Judaism have an unbroken succession of priests and/ or kings? No! This Mosaic-Judaic Operating System has been orphaned in the religious marketplace. Why is that? Because there’s no continuity of kingship or priesthood. In other words, there’s no support for this software. There’s no help desk, and no updates to the system. It’s dead in the water, since the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

  And that is why this Operating System has no desireable messiah. Why? Because the members of this religion failed to recognize their messiah when he came. Or rather, the ones that believed they recognized him reaped all the benefits (the Christians), while all those who didn’t (or wouldn’t) were left with the shell of the cocoon that gave birth to the butterfly within. And they cling to this lifeless shell till this day, still awaiting another messiah that will fulfill their Talmudic notions of ‘justice’ (against the gentile nations) instead of embracing the mercy (for all) that was offered by the one who claimed to be their messiah. But since the proof of their messiah-ship is linked to their ability to determine his paternity (that is, membership from the tribe of Judah), and since that proof has been lacking since the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, it will be impossible for anyone since that time to be able to prove they are the long-awaited messiah. Sorry, Mr. Foxman!

  And so, having seen the feet of clay of today’s Chosen Ones, whether in their original (but dead) Torah version, or it’s mutant Bizarro Talmudic reincarnation, we move on in the quest to find out if there is any truth to be found in the world of Monotheism. Next up, Christianity!

  Before we begin, grandson, let’s re-state my criteria for judging the validity of each contestant. Let’s ask the Christians if they have any or all of the following 5 marks of what, at a minimum, a really World-Class Operating System (religion) should have. Are they a serious candidate for personal belief and more importantly, action? Remember, the big clock is ticking, ticking…………

  Does it have an ancient historical (vs. mythical) document or record?

  Does it have a history of accurate predictions or prophesy? Any big miracles?

  Does it promise us anything of great value or reward? Like mercy? Like love?

  Does it have an unbroken line of priestly or leadership succession till today?

  Does it have a believable and desirable Messiah?

  But before we go any further, let’s also define something important between the Chosen Ones (both Torah and Bizarro versions) and the Christians (both the Holy Roman and the Bizarro versions). Let’s define the term ‘Judaizer’ because it will be important later on in the book.

  First, we have to remember one basic fact; Christianity claims to be the fulfillment of all the promises made to Abraham, the Father of Judaism. Mosaic Judaism, specifically.

  Christianity says it is the New Israel, and that it alone is the heir to all the promises made to Abraham in the Old Testament. This belief that the Church is the New Israel is called supersessionism, and it is the main point of contention between the Chosen Ones of all stripes, and Holy Roman Christianity, over the past 2,000 years. Therefore, Holy Romans must (and do) claim the same scriptural pedigree that the Mosaic Jews did by believing in the Old Testament. But Bizarro Christians don’t necessarily make this claim. And as we’ve seen above in the section on Judaism, this historic document of the Old Testament is pretty darn good from a historical perspective (Wiener-Dogs notwithstanding).

  Now here is where things get interesting. Christians claim that the Old Testament is both historic and symbolic, and that its prophecies point forward to a historic reality that would become clear with the passage of time. And that reality would be the embodiment of what was symbolically described and foretold in the previous Old Testament document. All of the people and happenings of the Old Testament, while historically true, were also a foretelling of the reality that was to come in the times of the New Testament.

  So we have two elements here; the Symbol and the Reality. Or, to put it another way, Jerusalem was the promise and Holy Rome is the fulfillment. Christians say that the promises symbolically portrayed by the real people, real objects and real events in the Old Testament were (or will be) fulfilled by the Jewish messiah, known as Jesus the Christ. And these believers have recorded the people and events of their Jewish Messiah’s time in what we now know as the New Testament (NT). Christians say that the OT is the promise (given in symbols and prophecy) and that the NT is their fulfillment, in a flesh and blood reality.

  The Chosen Ones then are the people of symbols, and these symbols are found in their original text, the Torah. The symbols are many; the Stone Tablets, the Ark, the Manna, the Temple, etc., all of which are inanimate.

  The Holy Romans are the people of substance, and these substances are found in their text, the New Testament, which is the fulfillment of all the promises symbolized in the Old Testament (the Torah). The substances are all animate; the Word, Mary, the Eucharist and Jesus the Christ.

  Now a ‘Judaizer’ is someone who reverts to a belief in Judaism. It should be obvious (but I’ll say it anyway) that the term ‘Judaizer’ can’t be applied to either type of Jew, nor can it be applied to a practicing Holy Roman. The Torah Jews claim to believe in the original form of Judaism, so they can’t be accused of reverting to something they already believe in. And in a perverse way, the same thing applies to Rabbinic Jews who believe in the Talmud. And Holy Romans, who claim to be the substance of the New Israel, can’t revert either, because to do so would negate their claim to being the complete fulfillment of Torah symbolism.

  But this term can be applied to a Jew who falsely converts to Christianity or to a Bizarro Christian who denies the claim that the Church is the New Israel. For example, a Christian who partakes in a Seder Meal is backing down on the dogma that the Passover pointed to the Catholic Mass. Thus, this term of ‘Judaizer’ can only be applied to Converso Jews and Protestant Christians, because they are the only ones who reject the concept of the Church being the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Instead, they elevate the previous symbol from the Old Testament into the place of the substance of the New Testament. Thus they ‘revert’ to an earlier belief. This reversion is what changes their essence of belief, and makes them Bizarro-Christians or Converso-Jews.

  In Protestant Christianity, a Judaizer is one who reverts from belief in substance to a belief in present day symbolism, that is, from the New Testament to the Old. These would be, in the case of ‘Bizarro Christianity’, denominations like Seventh Day Adventists, Presbyterians, Methodists and the like. In fact, every form of Protestantism is a form of Judaizing beliefs. They think the symbol of the manna is replaced by the ‘symbol’ of the Eucharist, which they claim is only ‘symbolic’ of the Body & Blood of Jesus. Now, how smart is that? The purpose of a symbol is to point towards a reality. Why replace one symbol with another? Where does this process stop? Or is it like Hinduism, where there is an endless reincarnation of symbols?

  Let me give you an example; if I were to show you a picture of a brick of gold, and set it next to a real brick of gold, which would you prefer to possess? Right. Obviously, you’re a Barbarian, grandson, because we never make silly mistakes like Judaizers. Gimme the gold! Why would I want another picture of the gold, instead of the actual gold?

  In the Holy Roman system a Judaizer referred to baptized, converted Jews who secretly continued to practice their Judaic beliefs, and who were also called Marranos or Conversos at the time of the Spanish Inquisition. They were accused of false conversion to Christianity, because they still practiced Talmudic Judaism at home. That is to say, they reverted to their original Judaic belief. The Conversos represented a threat to the social order of the time (Christendom), which was built on belief in substance. Their denial of the substance of Christianity led them back to the Talmudic symbols of their original beliefs.

  The real basis of the Judaizing threat was not that these recidivists reverted to a belief in the Torah, as this threat could be easily seen to be impossible because the Judaism
based on the Torah had ceased to be possible. Why? Because the destruction of the Temple and the cessation of the sacrifice by a now-defunct priesthood, in 70 AD, killed their symbols. The proof of this is seen in the relative size of the Karaite community, which is miniscule. They left the movie at intermission, not realizing that there was a second reel to the movie.

  No, the problem with Conversos was that the original symbolism of the Torah had been replaced by the morphing of Torah Judaism into Rabbinic Talmudic Judaism. In other words, a Talmudic Jew has already reverted once, from Torah Judaism to Talmudic Judaism. The symbols written by Moses had been changed into the spoken ‘Oral Law’ of Kabalistic Rabbis, where there is no absolute, unchanging text or meaning. The Talmud was a ‘living’ document. And anyone who has studied the case of the ongoing ‘interpretation’ of the US Constitution by the Supreme Court understands the problem here. The case is never closed. There can always be a new interpretation by a new court, and there is no expectation of continuity. Change becomes the norm.

  Now ‘change’ may sound like a great concept, and politically it is a best seller. But in reality, in a mature civilization, ‘change’ is actually another word for ‘revolution’. It also goes by the names of ‘Innovation’ and ‘Subversion’. Don’t mistake this word for ‘maturing’ or ‘organic growth’. Change is exactly that, a change, morphing from one thing into another. ‘Change’ represents the abandonment of that which already exists, and that is definitely a threat to what currently exists. Politically and religiously speaking, this is rebellion, and it will always draw a response from any regime intent on survival. Any Barbarian understands this. It is a threat to the order of the tribe.

  That’s why the Conversos were a problem. They were a revolutionary movement that sought to re-define the symbolic meanings of life, as fulfilled in the New Testament, into the Talmudic meaning of life, but it occurred within the Christian realm. And this re-defining of the sacred symbols would inevitably lead towards the re-definition of the substance that the symbol was pointing towards. So, if you are an existing civilization (Christendom) that claimed to be the physical fulfillment of symbolic prophecy, then any attempt to re-define the symbols was an attempt to undo the present civilization. It’s as simple as that. Revolution.

  The best description of this process that I have found is the description of the Jewish character named Sidonia in the novel Coningsby. It was written by Benjamin D’Israeli, the (Jewish) Prime Minister of Great Britain in the late 1800’s. It recounts the story of his ancestors who were Chosen Ones, but they had converted. Supposedly. They had outwardly professed Christianity for hundreds of years in medieval Spain. But when they left Spain for England, upon arriving, they immediately went to a synagogue to offer thanks to their God of Israel.

  Obviously, when a man of D’Israeli’s stature writes such things, there is substance to the matter. It’s not some invention of the Inquisition, and this phenomenon of the Conversos truly did represent a threat to any kingdom that had a population of Jewish ‘converts’ who were potentially a fifth column. And that term, ‘fifth column’, ironically, came from the Spanish Civil War that immediately preceded WWII. This war was a perfect example of subversion and revolution. But what goes around, comes around!

  But regardless of whatever system of symbolic belief you believe in, there has to be a point where the symbol becomes fulfilled, and it drops its outward appearance to reveal its inner truth. This transformation is known as ‘magic’. And every belief system has an explanation of how their magic is achieved, and what it really delivers to the believer. Except Hindu’s and Evolutionists, of course, who think things endlessly repeat themselves, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever...………… can we stop now, Richard? I hope so, because we need to move onto the next question in our quest to find the truly effective Operating System. So, here we go…………………

  Does Christianity have a historical written

  document with verifiable facts? Yes.

  In the first place, Christians (the original ones, known as Holy Romans) claim to believe the entire Old Testament, produced by the Jews. But they also have a written body of work known as the New Testament (NT) that records the actions and words of their messiah, and all his followers (and his enemies, too). It too, like the Old Testament, is pretty darn historic. But again, I have to state that this historicity is denied by the Wiener-Dogs of academia. But in my mind, that is simply further proof that the document is historically valid.

  Here’s an example; in the Gospel of St. Luke, it opens with the recitation of the genealogy of Jesus, starting with God, then Adam, then Seth, etc. and going all the way through 77 generation, name by name, to Jesus. Not even the Mormons can match this record-keeping! By the way, that means, over a period of 4004 years, (from creation to the birth of Jesus) each generation averaged 52 years, exactly. Not that this means anything (but maybe it does), but I just like numbers. They’re cool.

  Now you may say that these 77 names mentioned above mean little, and that they are simply a mythical recitation, but nevertheless, there they are. They state their messiah’s pedigree, and thus the writer lays himself open to historic research. And so far, the academic world has been reduced to saying ‘it’s not so’ without ever saying why. Typical Wiener-Dogs. Bark bark bark. Show me the refutation, not just a denial, you pygmies.

  This New Testament (NT) document of the Christians also records the words and deeds of many historical figures that are also mentioned in many records of the pagan world of that time and beyond. Only an idiot would claim that there was never a Jewish person named Jesus, or that Peter and the other 11 Apostles (the word means ‘ambassadors’) never existed. Or that there were never any Christians fed to the lions. But in today’s world there’s no shortage of idiots. If you want proof, just look at Parliament or Congress. Or television. Or public education. But you get the idea, if you’re a taxpayer.

  Here’s another item of interest in our search to determine the historical foundations of the Christian document, and it comes from the Gospel of Luke, concerning John the Baptist. “Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and Philip his brother tetrarch of Iturea and the country of Trachonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilina, under the high priests Annas and Caiaphas: the word of the Lord was made unto John, the son of Zachary, in the desert”.14 Notice how the event is cross-referenced to 7 different rulers, all with a known starting date? Now do you see why Wiener-Dogs hate this document?

  Again, the various books of the NT cite overwhelming numbers of dates connected to known historical figures (Gospel of St. Luke; ‘In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus….’) and again, these historical figures, decrees and dates are indisputable, even for Wiener-Dogs. So, bottom line, I think a reasonable Barbarian has to accept that Christians do indeed have a believable historical document with verifiable facts that answer the basic questions of Who, What, When, Where, How and of course, the important one of Why. Having said that, let’s move on to the next question and ask ourselves…………………

  Does Christianity have an impressive history

  of prophesy and miracles? Yes.

  Again, let’s remember that the Holy Romans fully accepted the OT (Torah), so our analysis of the claims related to it in the previous section on Judaism apply here as well. Our real focus now is on the second half of their written document known as the New Testament (NT) and its claim to believability.

  This New Testament document is, of course, much younger than the OT, and so its historical claims are easier to verify. But when we get into the realm of miracles and prophecy, things get tougher, because miracles are hard to believe if you weren’t there. Nevertheless, we can look at them in several analytical ways that tell us a lot about the people that reported them, and whether their testimony is true.

  Let’s look at the context of th
ese claims first. Let’s remember one overriding fact, and that is that all of the men who recorded these claims of miracles were severely persecuted for making these claims and writing them down, and a huge percentage were actually executed for their part in the spreading of these stories and writings (which came to known as the New Testament, and which was literally their ‘last testament’ as a result).

  Now ask yourself, grandson, a few simple questions, starting with this one: what the heck did these guys have to gain from doing this if these stories weren’t true? Why in the world would all 12 Apostles suffer martyrdom, one after another, if it was all a hoax? They obviously believed what they wrote, and their reports were supposedly made as eye-witnesses to the miracles they reported. So, if these reported miracles weren’t true, we have two choices.

  The first is that it was simply another case of Weiner-Dog mass hypnosis, wherein all those crazy Jews (yes, remember, all the original Christians were actually Torah-believing Jews) believed that their book of prophecies had come true with the arrival of this man named Jesus, but that they had no real reason to believe this. No reason other than mass hallucination.

  The second choice is that they were too stupid to realize they would die if they kept repeating the stories in front of their Talmudic Jewish brethren who didn’t really like this Jesus fellow. Remember, at the beginning, this was a Jewish family feud.

  Let’s pursue this. If this is a case of mass hypnosis, then who hypnotized them all? Jesus? A lot of good it did him, right, because he got killed for it. No book contracts, no Oprah appearances, no endorsements, nothing! Smart guy, right? And if he could hypnotize tens of thousands, why couldn’t he do it to the Talmudic Scribes and Pharisees? Were they Crocodile Dundee, or was he? Either way, this ‘mass hypnosis’ theory is more unbelievable than thinking that the miracles the apostles reported were true. It could more easily be claimed that there is a form of mass hypnosis within the academic world today, where almost to a man, they all claim Christianity is a hoax. And these Wiener-Dogs have no miracles to back them up (except the continuing gullibility of the public, which worships them as ‘experts’).


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