The Barbarian Bible

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The Barbarian Bible Page 21

by Ianto Watt

  Am I kidding? No. Look at their actions. The Muslims abhor abortion, homosexuality, fornication, blasphemy and usury. Usury is a huge hint, because it is the root problem operating in the world today, the source of most men’s practical enslavement to their leaders who would lead them astray. Remember, Jesus came denouncing the leaders of his day (the Pharisees and Scribes). I was going to save this for later in the book, but it seems it might be best to bring this up now. But before I do, remember this; one of the fastest growing sectors in international finance is Islamic Banking, which refuses to base their economy on the concept of ‘interest’ Huh? Be patient, grandson, let me explain. This is important. Very important.

  Yes, Islamic Banking is a very important concept and practice. If you don’t believe me, check it out. Google it up, ‘ Islamic Banking’. It’s one of the prime reasons the Imperial Roman (pagan) world of today is intent on destroying Islamic societies, because they pose a huge threat to western financial hegemony. I’m serious. If you don’t think the Empire is dead serious when it comes to the matter of money, and who controls it, then you are a complete idiot. And this matter of Islamic Banking is a direct threat to Imperial control of the marketplace. A threat that will not go unanswered. Just ask the Emperor.

  Well, if Islamic bankers don’t charge or pay interest, how does anyone profit from their system? Simple. Their institutions become investors (and not lenders) in their client’s businesses. So what? Well, that’s big, because if you have a real partner (instead of a lender), then your partner only profits when you do. If there’s a slow patch ahead in the economy, then your partner has to wait it out with you. That’s what a real partner does. He doesn’t get to profit when you don’t. There’s no interest clock ticking away, regardless of how well or poorly your individual business is doing in the marketplace.

  But in our world of western finance, if your business is slow (for whatever reason) that doesn’t stop the clock on your interest payments that regularly come due. And if you don’t make that payment, guess who eventually ends up owning your business? Yep, the bankers.

  Look at today’s world of finance closer for a minute. What does the term ‘usury’ really mean, and why was it always denounced in the Holy Roman Operating System, just as it was in Mosaic Judaism? Usury has been well described as ‘the unfair shifting of risk’. Here’s an example. Let’s say you want a loan for a business. The bank makes you pledge the assets of the business and usually a personal guarantee, and then on top of that they want an interest rate way beyond the rate of inflation, in return for the loan.

  So where is the banker’s risk here? Right, he has none! I remember in MBA school, they brought in some high-powered banker who exhorted all of us to always give the bank the best and most accurate financial statements possible, ‘because we’re partners’. Hahahah! When I laughed at him, asking him why he said we were partners when the bank’s clock on interest never stopped, he just stared at me like I was a lunatic. Then I asked if he wanted the accurate financial statement so he would know exactly how much interest he could charge before I went broke.

  All of my colleagues were stunned. It never occurred to them that this bastardization of the language (inserting the word ‘partner’ for ‘master’) was the key to the banker’s power. They all avoided me like the plague from that point on. I did graduate, but I was a pariah. Oh well, who cares. I’m not going to succumb to ‘group-think’, regardless of the price. I don’t give a damn about what other people think of me. Neither should you, grandson. You’ll find out who your true friends are, and it saves a lot of time and money at Christmas. And you’ll like yourself a lot better for speaking your true mind when it counts. Don’t be a wimp, don’t give in to human respect.

  Speaking of the ‘ticking clock’, it’s worthwhile comparing the clock of our lives to the clock of the bankers. The banker’s clock never stops, and neither does our life’s clock. Until we die, of course. But even then, the banker’s clock keeps ticking, piling up interest due on our debts we leave. It never stops till the debt is paid, which is never for most people. And the funny thing is the bankers have convinced us that if we are ‘in the market’ with our ‘investments’, the clock can work in our favor. But banks never pay a higher rate on investments than they charge for loans. They can’t, or they would be out of business soon enough. So that means somebody else has to go out of business, because this arrangement can’t go on forever. So guess who loses, almost every time? That’s right, it’s us. Notice the resemblance to a casino?

  But just like with the lottery, there’s always the promise that Somebody’s gonna win big, and this promise is all that’s needed to mesmerize most folks with visions of the Big Win. And so they stay in the market, neurotically trying to ‘earn’ enough (through their attempts at the black magic of interest) to pay for the interest due on their loans. They constantly check the market every hour, praying things will finally go their way. And occasionally it does, just enough to keep them hooked on the fantasy of wealth-through-interest. Math time kids, as usual. The game is rigged, openly. Just look at the rates for loans versus the market rate on deposits. So people turn to the speculation of trying to outguess the stock and bond markets. Good luck. Just look at history if you want a clue here. That would be impossible for the majority (as it would mean the game is up), and that assumes that there’s no manipulation of the market by the big fish. If you have read any newspapers in the last 100 years, you know that’s a joke. Ask Bernie Madoff if you don’t believe me.

  Anyway, back to the matter at hand. When you trip up along the way, as most business ventures do at some point, guess what happens? Yep, kiss it all good-bye, even if you never missed a payment before. In fact, you don’t even have to screw up or have a bad economy to ruin your plans. Your banker can do it to you, for no reason at all. That’s right, for no reason at all. Read your own loan documents closely and you’ll see that this is true. In fact, almost all loan documents today allow the bank to call your loan for any reason, any season, no matter how well you have performed over the life of the loan! I’m serious. I know people who were doing well, but when the bank got in trouble (for making foolish loans to the banker’s friends) they called the loans of good customers (to keep the bank solvent), and this triggered the collapse of the good borrower’s enterprise. Good customers became the fodder that feeds the process that saves the banker’s hide. And the borrower gets nothing, even after years of hard and honest work. Seen any bankers at the local food pantry lately? Seen any of your ‘partners’ at the homeless shelter?

  Be honest now, how many people could come up with the principal due on their loans (for house or business) overnight if the bank called their loan? If they could, they wouldn’t have needed the loan to begin with, right? Starting to get the picture here? No? Let me explain this better, using my favorite thing, math.

  Charging interest (whether simple or compound) requires that the lender pay back more than he borrowed. It’s simple. Imagine that there was only one bank and one borrower. If the bank lends all of its money to one borrower (say, 1 million bucks), and the borrower has to pay, say, one percent (10 thousand bucks) each year, PLUS the principal amount due (the original million), where does that extra 10 grand come from? Out of thin air? Well, kinda. Remember, there’s only 1 million bucks in circulation when we started this exercise. But the bank wants 1.01 million back. So the bank has to create more money for the economy to operate with in order to be able to get paid back. They put it into circulation so there will be more money available for people to spend with the borrower.

  Know what this process is called, grandson? It’s called inflation. It’s done by the process known as ‘fractional-reserve’ banking that allows a bank to loan more money than it actually has on deposit. And it makes every previously-existing dollar worth less, because the newly-created electronic money is flooding the finite pool of goods and services in the market place. And if the bank keeps this up, then each day the value of a dollar slowly e
bbs. This is what the Federal Reserve does, every day.

  But let’s get back to the main point. Look at your house loan. Say you paid 200,000 for your house, at 6% interest. Now the Rule of 72’s says that if you divide your interest rate into 72, it will tell you how long it will take before you have doubled the actual amount you pay for the house (or whatever it is that you bought with your loan proceeds). So, at 6%, in 12 years (6X12=72) you will have paid for your house once, but it’s almost entirely in interest, and you, as the ‘owner’, have very little equity. In 24 years, guess how much? How long is your mortgage period? 30 Years? Feeling good about paying for your house almost three times? 30 year mortgages are banker’s heaven! No wonder they can afford to make bad loans to their buddies- you’re the one that will eventually provide the profit margin to pay them both!

  Now let’s look at this theologically. Why did Moses and the Church condemn usury? Because it is black magic. Huh? Yep, it is man’s attempt to create something out of nothing, a bogus imitation of the Creation by God. Let’s look closely here, if we want to understand why Dante put Usurers (those who lend at interest) and Homosexuals in the same ring of Hell. Simply put, they committed the same crime, in mirror opposite fashion. The Usurer takes something normally sterile (money) and makes it multiply, while the homosexual takes something normally fertile (the sexual act) and makes it sterile.

  So here’s the Holy Roman key to understanding how magic is practiced today. The New Testament (1st Timothy 6:10) says “The desire for money is the root of all evil”. Notice that. ALL EVIL. Now fast forward to 2nd Thessalonians 2:7 where it says “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work”.21 Now think about this for a minute. This, in my opinion, is huge. Iniquity is ‘gross immorality or injustice’. In other words, it is evil, writ large. And now we see that the root of all evil is the desire for money.

  Now if the ‘mystery of iniquity’ (evil) is already at work, and the root of it is the desire for money (which is normally sterile, that is, it doesn’t reproduce of its own, like rabbits), then how can an evil man increase his money without working by the sweat of his brow?

  Remember that phrase, from the first book of the Torah (Genesis 3:19)? That’s where God cursed Adam for taking what was not his (the apple, which Eve got for half price from the serpent). OK, so, the evil man wants more money without breaking a sweat. How does he do this? Easy, he makes you sweat! That’s right, he gets you to bite his apple; no money down, no interest for six months! Then you’re his forever. Or at least for the 30 years on your mortgage.

  Every loan with interest (of any type) is an exercise in black magic, because it makes more money (for the banker) than was originally loaned, without any effort or risk on his part. He says the magic words (“sign here, and here, and here, and initial here and here…”) and the spell is cast and another man is enslaved and driven into the dust. Whereas God took dust and made man, the Lender does the opposite, as all black magic does. Backwards, upside down, inside out, the black-magician always takes God’s words and re-arranges them to produce the result he wants, which is always in opposition to the original creation.

  And now you know the trick of modern man, and how he enslaves his fellow men (who he does not see as his equal). Now you know one more of the keys to understanding what’s coming down the road. Because in the end, as told in the Book of Revelation, it won’t be a political, familial or even religious confrontation men are faced with. It will be a financial Armageddon that individual men face at the end. All political struggles will be past, because all nations will have been absorbed into one political entity (that still can’t deliver the goods of peace and prosperity). It won’t be a family confrontation because families will have been atomized by radical individualism. It won’t be a religious confrontation, as all religions will have been blended into one (that still can’t deliver the goods of truth and wisdom). It will be an economic crunch that man faces after all his earlier attempt at eliminating war and poverty have proven fruitless. And it will be a truly amazing financial wizard who has somehow obtained all the wealth needed for all mankind to live comfortably who will become the ruler of all men. And what do you suppose the tool will have been that enabled him and his kind to amass all the wealth there is? Usury. Duh.

  But wait, you say- ‘I already own my own home’. Do you? What happens if you can’t make your property tax payment? Guess who gets the title to your house at the Sheriffs sale? And at the bargain price of simply paying the taxes? Yep, you’re just a renter, and the government is your landlord. Same thing with your car. And by then, if you won’t put your kids into the public school system, they’ll take them away too. And don’t say anything impolite at your job either, or you’ll lose that too. And forget about raising your own food, they’re busy outlawing that too, with patented, genetically modified hybrid seeds that force you back into the marketplace year after year. And even if you could, are you really ready to do it? Really? Yep, let’s face it, we’re all slaves, to an economic system that is rigged against all men who simply want to live their lives undisturbed. Those days are over, because we’re all bound together in a system that lets no man escape. And the final attempt to escape this prison, by men who have been stripped of all national loyalty and religious belief and familial ties, will be to accept a promise of economic security by the very group that drove us to this point. Not pretty, and it won’t work either. But what choice will you have?

  So now we’re back to where we started, wondering what Operating System we would be willing to die for. Because we’re all gonna die, so, will we make our Pascal’s Wager on this coming promise of Economic Paradise? Or will we have learned anything in the meantime? And even if this new Master of the New Economic Paradise could deliver on this promise of ‘peace and prosperity’, remember, that’s only good for the ‘here and now’. Can the new Masters of the Universe deliver this same product in the afterlife, for eternity? This Barbarian is highly skeptical. I’d rather die for a God that promises what man has never been able to deliver. And so I conclude that history teaches us that any man that says he can deliver peace and prosperity here and now is a liar. And you already know what I think of liars.

  OK, I know, you’re wondering what all this talk about the Five Pillars of Islam, Usury and Islamic Banking has to do with an Operating System, right? Well, what I want you to understand is that as crazy as these Muslims are, they aren’t the morons the western press tries to paint them as being. No, they are much more complex, because they are simple. Huh? Yes, the hardest things to understand are the simple things. At least, for ‘sophisticated’ people. What I’m driving at is that these people are destined for a lot more than being cannon fodder for the Empire. One reason for that is their honesty, by not practicing usury. Another is for their steadfast (if misdirected) faith. And lastly, for their brilliance in opposing the basic strategy of the Empire. Remember that strategy? Divide and conquer?

  So then, what is the best way to resist the Empire’s desire to dominate? Well, what is the opposite of divide? Yes, to multiply. And in that regard, the Muslims excel, and this is what has allowed them to be on the cusp of owning Europe, without a fight. Sun Tzu would be proud of them! But this counter strategy has not gone un-noticed, and we will discuss it further in later chapters, as part of the Three Front War that the Empire has declared on them, and two other groups.

  But for now, it is still true that Islam, in and of itself, is an inadequate Operating System, for all the shortcomings noted above. But let’s be fair, and compare the scorecards, in their entirety, for all three of the Big Three contenders for the title of the Operating System that works!

  Well grandson, we’ve done it. We’ve gone through almost every possible (and all of the probable) contenders in our search to find the best choice in our search for an effective, efficient and believable Operating System. A system that will let us accurately navigate through history in our quest to decipher the many tales of old. Let’s have a drink, because you deserv
e it! Yes, I know your mother doesn’t approve, but I do! Then let’s summarize our findings and confirm our choice, using the 5 criteria used above, and look at the box score for each of the contenders in each category.


  Hands down, the Old and the New Testament have it in this category. And since only the Christians claim them both, this round goes to Holy Rome, especially since they were the ones who produced the New Testament. The Muslims are pretty thin here, and as reported earlier, what little documentation they do have is schizoid, xenophobic, robotic and hypnotic. No contest here in the area of having a central theme (justice and mercy) that addresses all of the elements of the human and the divine.

  Both Bizarro versions (Talmudic and Protestant) come up empty handed here too, and so their counterfeit nature is confirmed by their lack of ownership in the area of believable documentation. And since the Chosen Ones have been without the basic operational requirements of their Old Testament document for two thousand years (temple, priesthood, sacrifice), they are obviously impotent in this area of operational continuity.


  Again, hands down, the Chosen Ones and Holy Rome have it all. And only the Christians have the complete repertoire, lasting from creation till this day. Still don’t believe in miracles? Then try this one, the biggest one: The Church has survived everything, literally, for 2,000 years. And again, the Chosen Ones have come up short for the last two thousand years. When is this fact going to dawn on them?


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