The Barbarian Bible

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The Barbarian Bible Page 27

by Ianto Watt

  So, what am I saying? Simply this- if you believe in the Torah Jewish-Holy Roman story of a Supreme God who has created the angels below Him (but above man), and if you also believe that some of these angels fell from favor (including the most brilliant and powerful one, Lucifer the ‘Light-Bearer’), then you’ve just allowed the possibility that the Supreme God can and might feel like using these traitor-angels (who advertise themselves as ‘gods’) to further His own ends. What kind of ends? Well, to me, the most ironic one would be to use these ‘gods’, whose main stock-in-trade is Big Lies (think of Eve, in the garden), as the unwilling or unwitting vehicles for something that would be abhorrent to them- telling the truth! Yes, turning the tables on them (for His own amusement) and making them speak (through Calchas) something true, just like Balaam, the pagan seer in the Jewish Old Testament. Hahahah! Sweet! I can see them gagging at the thought of it! Idiots.

  But speak they did, and the words came true. Now you can argue that there was no one named Aeneas, and that he didn’t found Rome. What does that leave you with? Romulus and Remus, and their wet-nurse wolf? Oh yeah, and you also have to explain why all the Roman gods were exact duplicates of the Greek gods. And that most cultured Romans spoke Greek, as it was the language of culture. What culture? The Roman culture. The Greco-Roman culture. And if Aeneas wasn’t the means of the importing of Greek culture to the Italian peninsula, who was? Don’t tell me who didn’t do it, Weiner Dogs, tell me who did! I thought so. Idiots.

  Alright, what’s the next element to this prophecy? “There he shall fashion a sacred city”. Well, can you tell me if Rome was and still is known as ‘The Eternal City’? And that Rome is the shorthand name for the Roman Empire? But let’s back up here a minute. Let’s look at the time line. I said earlier we’d look at this. Now, according to Virgil, in The Aeneid, Rome was formally founded in the year 753 BC, by Romulus, the direct descendant of Aeneas. Aneas had founded Lavinium, so named for Lavinia, the daughter of King Latinus, whom Aeneas marries after he defeats Turnus, hero of the Latins. This city was southwest of today’s Rome, nearer to the sea. He ruled there for 3 years, and then his son, Ascanius, founded Alba Longa a few miles away, closer to the Rome of today. He ruled there for 30 years, and his descendants ruled for another 300 years, till Romulus, his descendant, founds Rome on the Palatine Hill overlooking the Tiber. So, 3 plus 30 plus 300 plus 753 equals 1086 BC (or thereabouts) for the laying of the foundation of the Roman civilization by Aeneas. Let’s guess Aeneas’ trip from Troy takes 7 years, so that means Troy fell in 1093 BC. (Note; all the Weiner Dogs say I’m off by 100 years. So what.)

  So, I think it is an incontrovertible fact that Aeneas did, in fact, found a city (Rome) on the western edge of the civilized world after he escaped from Troy, just as all the people that live there say he did, and that the civilizational linkage of the Greco-Roman world is clearly true. And if it didn’t start here (at the heroic level), tell me where it did? Why are there no other cities claiming this pedigree? What are the competing ancient stories about Rome’s origins? And besides all of that, the entire saga of Aeneas’ trek from Troy (through Carthage) is the perfectly natural human explanation of the enmity between Rome and Carthage in the Punic Wars in the centuries that followed. Now let’s look at the next element of the prophecy of Calchas the Seer.

  “There he shall fashion a sacred city, an object of wonder for future generations, and he shall himself be lord of a widespread people.”

  Alright, let’s deal with ‘the sacred’ part. Imperial Rome was a sacred city, the home of the Pantheon. But even before Emperor Hadrian built the building known as The Pantheon in circa 126 AD, the city of Rome was always the center of the religious life of the people of the Republic of Rome, which by that time was much, much more than a single city. It was an Empire. And sure, Rome is an object of wonder for us (a future generation) simply because of its architectural wonders (aqueducts, coliseums, etc.), so nothing stupendous here. There’s lots of famous ancient cities, right?

  But let’s asks ourselves if there is another city on the face of the earth that is and has been, for 2,000 years, the acknowledged center of the largest religion on earth? Now I don’t care what dating system you use (mine or the Weiner Dogs, any of them), or what you think of Christianity, or when you think Calchas spoke, or even if you think Quintus made all of this up. Why, grandson? Because the simple fact of the matter is this: his prophecy came true. And it came true outside of the existing Pagan religion of Imperial Rome, so even if Quintus or Virgil (the author of The Aeneid) were flacking for Caesar, it’s doubly funny that Weiner Dogs would make this claim! And the only thing that allows them to do exactly that (and get away with it) is the fact that all their students, past and present, are so confused and unsure because of the Weiner Dog teaching technique that says we can’t know anything for certain. Except for the coming of The Beatles.

  Anyway, this was no small prophecy by Calchas. It was beyond huge, and anything less than what has transpired (the continued existence and growth of either Imperial Rome or Holy Rome, or both combined) would have made Quintus look like a fool. A huge fool. So what would be his reason for going out on a limb like that?

  That’s simple- Quintus didn’t go out on that limb. Calchas did. All Quintus did was to record the utterance of Calchas. And if Calchas was wrong, so be it. And if he had been, everyone would have forgotten him and Quintus’ story pretty quickly. And people everywhere would have forgotten The Iliad and The Odyssey too. But they haven’t forgotten them, have they? So what does that tell you? Yep, we can confidently connect the dots. But now we’re back to asking why Calchas would utter this prophecy to begin with? Maybe the gods compelled him to. And maybe the gods themselves were compelled to prompt Calchas (who had absolutely no reason to speak well of any Trojan). But all of this ignores this one simple fact; that someone AT LEAST 2,000 years before today, prophesied not only the founding of this city but also the sacred element of it, which would eventually grow to encompass the whole known world, from Russia to America today, and everything in between. Oh yeah, and that it would still be the number one Operating System today (in spite of the rise of Islam in this same sphere).

  This prophecy also, of necessity, included the seeds of the thought that the original (pagan) sacred nature of Rome would be transformed, having been purified and absorbed by Holy Rome. And it would be all the while keeping Rome (whether Imperial or Holy) as the center of the civilized world, from the time of Caesar till now. I don’t care what you say about the difference between Imperial Rome and Holy Rome, the fact is, they are one and the same physical city. The city that was predicted to be ‘sacred’. Pretty good prediction, I’d say. So good, it looks like prophecy to me. The odds on this being right (from a purely human perspective) are too huge. Makes winning the lottery look easy!

  And what about the part of the prophecy that says “he (Aeneas) himself shall be lord of a widespread people”? Now from an ancient perspective, the founder of a place, whether he’s alive or has passed on, is still ‘the lord’ of the place, because everyone who succeeds him is seeking to prove their legitimate linkage to him. And if the city-state-empire is still governed by the rules he set down, it’s easy to understand this way of looking at the thought of continual ‘lordship’.

  Now there’s no dispute that Imperial Rome was vast, stretching all the way from Angland to Armenia. But when you look at the scope of Holy Rome, you are looking at an organization that literally stretches all the way around the globe. And now we’re back to my earlier assertion that Holy Rome is truly a government, with citizens. And because its citizens reside in every country on earth, it truly is an empire, one that makes Caesar’s Rome look puny. That’s saying a lot, as Imperial Rome was and still is truly huge.

  OK, I think we’ve beat that horse to death, so let’s move on to the next element of Calchas’ prophecy; “The stock born from him (Aeneas) shall thereafter rule all the way from the rising to the setting sun.” Well, let’s go to the
heart of the question- did Rome rule the world from east to west? And does it still today? Well, now we’re back to the question of ‘which Rome?, Imperial or Holy?’ My answer is simple; yes, they both do. Huh? How can that be? Didn’t Imperial Rome fall, either in 476 AD (in the west) or in 1453 AD (when Constantinople, the second Rome, fell in the east to the Muslims)?

  OK, grandson, let’s go over this again, shall we? Imperial Rome never fell, it just moved, one step ahead of disaster. It moved from physical Rome in Italy in the 5th century as my cousins, the Barbarian Goths, began to penetrate the frontier and pressed towards the center of the empire, at the city of Rome. So the Emperor Constantine moved his base of operations to the east, to Byzantium (renamed as Constantinople). And when that city became surrounded and was about to fall (and be renamed Istanbul by the Muslims) the real rulers of Imperial Rome (the money-men, who let momentary Caesars pose as the hood ornament on their limo) decided that they needed a new location for their never-ending game. This next move allowed the real rulers, the financiers, to disguise themselves and to rule from wherever they happened to reside, via the control of money and trade. And since the trade moved west, with the fall of Constantinople, it was a natural move they made.

  Now this is not to say that the Imperial Rome doesn’t still exist in a governmental fashion, complete with armies and bureaucrats- it does. What it does mean is that the one who sits on the throne is a little Caesar, while the one who controls the real (financial) action is the true Augustus. You need to become acquainted with the old Roman saying of ‘cui bono’ if you want to know the answer to the question of ‘who is really in charge?’. Cui bono simply means ‘who benefits (most)’? Another translation is ‘follow the money’ to see who benefits most. When you know the answer to that, you are generally going to be right on the money. Literally, on the money.

  So Imperial Rome still exists today, in a number of ways and places. Huh? I know, it seems confusing, until you realize two things; first, even during its original incarnation in physical Rome, the emperors found it useful to subdivide the empire (east and west). And whenever there was a matter of succession to be decided (when a Caesar or Augustus died), then it was usually a power struggle that decided who came next. It wasn’t some Electoral College thing that did the trick. It was usually the Imperial Legions that decided the next Caesar. And guess who they decided to pick? Right, the guys that were funding the Legions. And who would that be? The general that had the money to pay their Legions. And where did he get that money? From those that lent it to them, of course. Remember too, there were many occasions where there would be different groups of Legions that backed different potential ‘candidates’. Why? Because there were various centers of financial influence then, and each one would have a dog in the fight. But the lenders were almost always from the same group- the Chosen Ones.

  The second thing to remember is the purpose for which an empire exists; to control things. Specifically, men and markets (read: money). Now let’s suppose these financial barons got a little smarter as things unfolded over time. They began to realize that you can actually have real control without the outward pomp and ceremony of being a Caesar yourself. Or you can try to be the visible Caesar, with all the worldly pomp and fleeting glory, but when you make that choice, you also get all the things that sort of style tends to attract; rivals. Which would you chose?

  So the smart guys decided to rule unseen, from a distance. Like the Wizard, behind the curtain in Oz. And they simply use the egomaniacs, who want the pomp and glory of public office. They used these egomaniacs as their puppets to accomplish their goals of the total control of men and markets (because neither is any good without the other). These financial barons promote these ego-driven hood ornaments that simple people mistakenly perceive as their actual leaders. These financiers promote them (and often finance both sides of any given power struggle) and then let these puppets take the heat for the policies they have to enact in order to repay their financial barons for their hidden financial support. And these same policies that the puppet-caesar has to enact always work to the benefit of the hidden rulers, and the eventual downfall of the puppet. Idiots.

  Don’t believe me? Then read Benjamin Disraeli’s novel ‘Coningsby’. Remember Disraeli? Of course you don’t, grandson, you wouldn’t know him from Adam, because you don’t read. But he was simply the (Jewish) Prime Minister of Angland from 1871-1877. This was at the height of the Anglo-British Empire, of which it was rightly said that the sun never set on the empire (i.e. it was world-wide). And Angland was (and had been for some time, at the time of D’Israeli) the eventual successor to the Imperial Roman Empire, between the time Constantinople fell (1453 AD) and the end of WWI, when their control of the empire began to collapse (and it passed into the hands of their American cousins).

  I know, it looks like I’m straying from the story line, but I’m not. I’m trying to get you to look beyond the outward form of the empire to see that the reality of power resides away from the public’s gaze these days, as Disraeli so eloquently said in Coningsby. Now when D’Israeli, the man who visibly headed the world’s greatest empire tells you, openly, that the real levers of power aren’t where you, the little guy, thinks they are, what do you make of that? This isn’t some conspiracy-freak spinning a yarn here. This was (in theory) the most powerful man between the Urals and Hawaii. Yet he said that he isn’t the real boss, and that someone else is actually ruling the world. Here’s his own take on political reality;

  “So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”27 This wasn’t some prophecy he was relating. It was reality.

  So what’s my point? Simply this; the visible bureaucratic operations of running an empire have been kept intact, but the actual locus of real (financial) power has moved. And in this way, you will see, in the pages of history, the various moves by various nations, to claim and hold the mantle of the original Imperial Roman Empire. Constantinople claimed it till 1453 AD, whereupon it was claimed by the Russians (who lay claim to everything). But the reality of history shows that it passed to London. And in our day it is the American Empire, although a lot of Anglish holy water has gone under the London Bridge to get to this point. But that’s for later discussion. The real question now, in light of Calchas’ prophecy, is this; is there, today, still an empire that directly descends from Imperial Rome and that rules a world-wide empire today? My answer is yes. And we’ll discuss that in Part III of this work.

  But the real import of Calchas’ prophecy is not to be found in the worldly Imperial Empire of Rome. It is rather to be found in the Holy Roman Empire, which is the world-wide ‘sacred’ empire that Calchas foretells as he looks upon Aeneas, surrounded by the western Greeks as Troy burns all around him. And this empire truly does stretch completely around the world, into every country and province, regardless of the local political entity that also claims that ground.

  And truth be told, for a long while, from Christmas Day, 800 AD (when the Pope crowned Charlemagne as the first Holy Roman Emperor) until the death of Archduke Otto Von Habsburg in July of 2011, there was also a visible political entity that expressed this world wide political element of the Holy Roman Church, with a continuous lineage of men who could rightly claim the title of Holy Roman Emperor. But this Holy Roman Empire was merely the physical political and military opponent of Imperial Rome. Charlemagne and his descendants notwithstanding, the real power of Holy Rome was the Pope. And this power and person behind the throne of the Holy Roman Emperor, unlike the powers behind today’s Imperial Rome, was never unknown or invisible to the public.

  And this is the real outward difference between these two Romes, Imperial and Holy. Imperial Rome has cloaked itself with a succession of outward appearances and rulers, while the actual rulers reside unseen, seeking to consolidate their ever-tightening financial grip on the entire world. Anglo-America is its current incarnation. Holy Rome on the
other hand, has always had an actual visible leader, and it seeks to consolidate its spiritual grip on the entire world. Guess which one appears to be winning?

  But before you answer, grandson, remember, didn’t I tell you earlier that historical truth was generally to be found in the tales of the vanquished? And doesn’t Holy Rome look like it’s about to take another whacking? And why not, right? Because the only way the Church can prove its worth, as a truly effective Operating System, is for it to be taken to the brink. And why not? As has happened all throughout history, it teeters towards annihilation and then some miraculous event occurs to save it, time and again, thus proving its authenticity. Deus ex machina, déjà vu. Comprende, amigo? Da!

  What, are we talking about miracles again? Yes, we are going to look at some miracles, relatively recent ones that show that this element of the Church is what really counts. Remember, I don’t care about dogma, I only care about whether something actually works. Dogma is for believers, miracles are for un-believers. And for Barbarians, who watch as things unfold. Anyway, we’re now to the point where we have to discuss another historical matter, and that is the matter of ‘Conspiracy Theories’, and whether or not any (or all) of them are true. We’ll look at them kind of like we looked at the contestants for the authentic Operating System, to see if there’s any truth to them. But first, let’s wrap up this section on the Prophecy of Calchas, and how it leads us to the conundrum of the Two Romes, Imperial and Holy, and their life and death struggle.


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