The Barbarian Bible

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The Barbarian Bible Page 30

by Ianto Watt

  That’s not to say that there wasn’t a competition all throughout Europe for that prize of hosting the seat of the Empire. It’s not like Angland had the deal in the bag from the beginning. After all, that’s what the Protestant Reformation was really all about. It was the Empire Olympics, where every local despotic member of the nobility in the Saxon-Teutonic world competed. Each local Prince attempted to show the Chosen One-financiers that their own particular little kingdom would be a safe haven that would be able to protect the Emperor and his Chosen One tax-farmers from the external threat of Holy Rome (and its in-house enforcer, the Holy Roman Emperor). Angland had to show it was willing to be brutal enough to protect their lenders from Holy Rome as well as from the Prince’s own people, who would hate both Prince and Chosen Ones for their tax-thieving ways.

  The Germans Princes struck first in the Empire Olympics, with Martin Luther as their front-man. But the German Princes were at a disadvantage, as Martin was an unabashed anti-Semite. (Note; Holy Rome was not anti-Semitic, they were anti-Talmudic. That’s a huge difference). Also working against these Germanic Principalities was the fact that they were small and divided, and open to counter-attack from the Holy Roman Emperor, who fought on behalf of the Pope against this gaggle of would-be Caesars. Now grandson, here’s another point of confusion: don’t confuse the Emperor of Imperial Rome with the Holy Roman Emperor. One was his own man, above all of mankind. The other was subject to a higher earthly power known as the Pope.

  And so, beginning in 1517 AD (or only 64 years after Constantinople fell), the Final Competition to be the next locus of Imperial finance began. But it was clear that Germany wasn’t going to be the winner. Neither was Denmark or Sweden. Neither one controlled anything of interest in the way of international trade and they were too damn cold. But Angland was another story.

  Angland had several advantages for those who held the purse strings of the Empire. You didn’t think that the financiers of the Second Rome decided to hang around Constantinople when they saw it was going to fall, did you? They didn’t get rich by being stupid. And they didn’t get stupid by being rich (as most Gentiles do). No, these guys were big into long-term planning. They looked ahead and saw where they wanted to end up. And they could see that sea power was where the future was, as that was the means of increased trade. They learned that in Venice in the waning days of Constantinople’s run as the Second Rome. They also learned that financing ‘free’ trade was the other thing that produced more money. So anyone with a brain knew that future earnings were tied to the sea-trade. Germany and all the Scandinavian countries (except Norway, which was also too damn cold) could be bottled up with a simple blockade of the Baltic Sea. No, the winner of this Empire Olympic competition would have to be a place where the Chosen Ones and their newly-financed Caesar were relatively safe from Papal invasion and naval blockades. And that would be Angland.

  Now admittedly, the Anglo-Saxons (and their Norman cousins) were all still Teutonic at heart, being descendants of the Norsemen and Danes and their cousins. That was a plus, because they weren’t really tied to Holy Rome like the Mediterranean countries were. And the Anglish hated the non-Teutonic Welsh and Irish who were tied to Holy Rome (but who were very factional, thus they could never challenge Angland’s power). And so it was pretty simple. Angland was where the Third Rome had to be in order to allow the public re-appearance of the Empire. But first it had to apostatize, and then Judaize.

  Yes, I know, the Weiner Dogs are gonna start screaming ‘anti-Semite!’ pretty soon, but remember, we’ve already dealt with that, right? Remember when I talked about Mammonites? You know, those who worship money? Well, both of these groups, the Empire and the Chosen People do exactly that. And so, if I am anti-anything, I’m anti-Mammonite. And that covers a whole lot of people, and a whole lot of nations. Jew and Gentile alike. No discrimination here. Everyone’s a jerk.

  Alright, let’s suppose my supposition is right. We know it fits the facts of historical need. But how was this move from Constantinople to London going to be accomplished? It’s one thing to note that Angland (formerly known as Britain) was an integral part of the Empire when Imperial Rome was still located in geographic Rome. And it’s true that London itself was a Roman garrison from the beginning. But how could Holy Roman Britain be turned into a Pagan Angland? One that was receptive to Imperial Roman ways, including pagan worship and the unrestricted presence of the Chosen People and their magic, known as usury? Easy enough. The usual ingredients of lust and greed and vanity would do the trick. And in Henry VIII, these were all found in abundance.

  So, in 1531 AD, Henry VIII broke away from Holy Rome. He didn’t do it to set up his own religion, although that was a direct and foreseeable result. No, he did it to grab the loose reins of Imperial Rome which, from the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 AD to that time, had been held loosely by the Holy Roman Emperor. Remember, we’ve already seen that the Holy Roman Emperor, who only ruled a fraction of the old Empire, was also subordinate to the head of Holy Rome, the Pope. In other words, he did not have absolute power, and the Pope could, theoretically, depose him if he wished. He was simply the political arm of Holy Rome which, until that time, was monolithic (apart from the Orthodox Schism of the eastern churches).

  And remember too that Imperial Rome, centered in Constantinople for over 1,000 years since Constantine moved the capital, was nominally Catholic. So if anybody wants to argue that Imperial Rome died in 1453 AD when Constantinople fell, they have to explain the continued existence of the Holy Roman Emperor. Why? Because the Holy Roman Empire (Austria, Hungary, etc) was going to take over the role of the Old Empire (on terms dictated by Holy Rome) unless the Chosen Ones found another base for their Mammonite operations. I know, it seems confusing, but it’s like watching a cat-fight. They move and spin so fast that you can’t be sure whose fur and spit is flying. But one thing is clear- there are two cats, or there wouldn’t be a fight.

  Henry knew all this, and he also knew what he wanted- a dynasty. Just like Caesar. And like all efficient despots, he wanted an heir that would allow him to die safely, with dignity in his old age, instead of having to fight younger, stronger men who aspired to his throne. And Holy Rome seemed to stand in his way because they wouldn’t grant him a divorce from his wife, whom he blamed for not producing a male heir. Remember, he didn’t want a divorce because he didn’t like his first wife. He wanted the divorce because she didn’t produce what he really wanted- a dynasty. The divorce was meant to cure that problem. If she had borne Henry a son, they would still be married. But I’m betting Henry would have broken with Holy Rome anyway. Why? The lust for power. It’s usually found in tandem with the lust for women. Libido Dominandi, the lust for power, simply means the desire to dominate everyone, not just women.

  So, Henry dumped his wife, Catherine of Aragon, who just happened to be the daughter of Ferdinand & Isabella of Spain. And what do you know, that was the family that produced Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor. In other words, if Henry thought he could dump her for free, he was stupid. But he wasn’t stupid, and he knew that he had to destroy Holy Rome, or else Holy Rome’s right arm, the Holy Roman Emperor, was going to be gunning for him. All for another woman (Anne Boleyn). What a dolt. Just like Paris, chasing a slut. Oh well. Just the kind of guy the financiers were looking for!

  Anyway, Henry was pretty cagey, and he had paid close attention to the ‘national church’ model set up by the original protestants, known as The Orthodox churches of the east, in 1054 AD. Henry saw that these churches were under the thumb of the local king, and the king could get whatever he wanted from them, precisely because the king appointed most of them to their posts. So Henry got several benefits from his religious rebellion: a subservient national Church that paid tribute to him and not the Pope, and a shot at becoming the next visible head of Imperial Rome. All he had to do was to wait out the Spaniards loyal to the Pope, and produce a male heir. Too bad he was a little short on the Y-Chromosome thing. Too bad, that is, fo
r his successive 5 wives.

  So, Henry dumps Catherine and the Pope, and ends up grabbing all the women and Church property he could find. And since the Holy Roman Church owned about half of Angland by way of the monasteries, there was a lot that Henry grabbed. He got the people to go along with it by telling them that if he got the wealth of the Church, he would never have to levy taxes on the people again. Shazzam, the deal was done! That’s all it took. Too bad he lied, eh mate? Check out his later tax rates for a real laugh fest! Those poor peasants, they were robbed blind. First their faith, then their fief.

  Henry then passed out most of the land (he kept the golden treasure) to his friends. This created a large new nobility that was entirely beholden to him for their wealth, and who were bound by pledge to defend him with their local armies. So, in one fell swoop, Henry shattered the Church, the Nation, the Family. He also destroyed his previous reputation as the ‘Defender of The Faith,’ a title that the Pope had given him years earlier. How did he earn this title? Henry openly criticized Martin Luther for doing one-tenth of what Henry would later do. And in return for this apostasy, Henry gained short-term wealth, more women and a whole lot of enemies, at home and abroad. Such a deal.

  Anyway, Henry eventually dies, but his dynasty is established through his bastard daughter, Elizabeth the First (aka The Worst). Old Queen Bess was pretty mean herself, killing off her half-sister (the legitimate Queen) and any cousins that looked dangerous to her and her throne. And about 30,000 other fools who forgot to duck. By this time the renegade Cardinals and Bishops that had helped Henry break away from Holy Rome had been busy ‘cleansing’ the new Anglican Church of any ‘Popish’ influences. That cleansing included stepping on the necks of anyone that dared to resist (like St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher), as well as any ‘free-thinkers’ that thought the brand-new Anglican Church was still too ‘Popish’. In other words, anybody that looked cross-eyed was a suspect to Elizabeth and her crowd.

  So, the ‘free-thinking’ Puritans (known as ‘Dissenters’) were suspected of disloyalty to the new God of Mammon, just as the remaining Catholics were under suspicion. But there was one group that wasn’t suspect, even though, eventually, they would produce all kinds of weird offshoots to the Anglican Church. Groups like The Seventh Day Adventists, the Christian Scientists, and other Judaizing sects. So just what group was this that wasn’t suspect in the eyes of the Bastard Queen? It was the British Israelites. Huh? The what? Well, remember when I said there were 2 main groups of human conspirators? This is the first one.

  Alright, let’s talk about the group named ‘The British Israelites’. Who were they? Where does this term come from? Is it my own invention? No, as much as I’d like to claim that, I can’t. This term was invented, as near as I can tell, in the early 1500’s by a French Huguenot named M. le Loyer. This story is so crazy that I can’t re-tell it here myself. But suffice it to say that when something this crazy is subscribed to by people like William Massey, the second-longest serving Prime Minister of New Zealand, and certain members of the British Royal family, then we have to pay attention. After all, these were the kinds of people that could (and did) send the world into global wars (WWI & II, and their fore-runners, the Boer Wars) for their own glory and fame. What, you’ve never heard of those Boer wars? You poor, ignorant boy! What do you do with all your time?

  Anyway, let’s look at what Wikipedia has to say about this incredible racial-religious phenomenon, and then we’ll look at what these people have done that has affected the entire world, culminating in the messianic megalomania of the Anglo-American crowd that has run the Empire for the last 500 years or so. Which is to say, since not too long after the fall of Constantinople. Here is the Wikipedia entry;

  British Israelism (also called Anglo-Israelism) is the belief that people of Western European descent, particularly those in Great Britain, are the direct lineal descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. The concept often includes the belief that the British Royal Family is directly descended from the line of King David.[1][2] There has never been a single head or organisational structure to the movement. However, various British Israelite organisations were set up across the British Commonwealth and in America from the 1870s, and many continue to exist.[3]

  Adherents may hold a diverse set of beliefs and claims that are ancillary to the core genealogical theory, but there are central tenets that all British Israelites follow, including Two House Theology, which is at the core of British Israelism.[4] A central teaching of the British Israelites’ Two House Theology is that, while Jews are considered to be Israelites, not all Israelites are considered to be Jews.[5] British Israelites believe that Jews descend only from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin), while the House of Israel gave rise to the British people or Anglo-Saxon-Celtic kindred peoples of northwestern Europe.[6][7][8] (end of citation) 28

  Confused again? Well, there’s a lot more interesting stuff on this under that Wikipedia heading, and I encourage you to read it, just for the sake of a fascinating look at insanity. But when insanity intersects with incredible wealth, look out. And that’s exactly what happened. Oh, and before I forget, remind me to tell you about their mirror-image counterparts, the Israelite-British. Now that name I did coin, but we’ll get to that later. But for now, just remember that the first word in both of these names is the actual root group of who we are talking about. The British-Israelites are delusional Anglishmen, and the Israelite-British are simply Chosen Ones in sheep’s clothing. Or even wolf ’s clothing. But their tailoring was impeccable. So, for example, Benjamin D’Israeli and Lord Rosebery (Rothschild) would be Israelite- British, and Winston Churchill and Lord Monmouth would be British-Israelites.

  So why weren’t the British-Israelites suspected of disloyalty to the newly-minted Protestant Crown? Well, if your weird new theology said that the Kings and Queens of Angland were the direct descendants of King David, doesn’t that kind of give the king a theological pedigree? One that Henry had lost as he crapped in his own nest when he broke with his religious and royal past? One that put a new aura around his claim to be the rightful head of his ‘rightful’ new Anglican Catholic church? One that wiped away the legitimate charge that Elizabeth was an illegitimate Bastard Queen?

  In other words, why would Elizabeth (or her successors) want to step on the necks of anyone who expounded these weird theories that the British people were the descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel? Anyway, these crazies also happened to be rabidly anti-Catholic as well, so all the better to leave them be, in Elizabeth’s viewpoint. And so what if this didn’t quite jibe with the official Anglish Church doctrine? No worries, mate, we can change that doctrine, just watch! No problemo, amigo. After all, Anglicans are not slaves to dogma. If you don’t believe that, just compare the Anglican church of 1532 to the Anglicans of today. Henry would have executed every one of today’s Anglican clergy for heresy, as well as for bad taste. Women bishops? Hahahahahahah!! Without their heads, maybe.

  OK, so now we’ve laid the groundwork for why such a story as weird as British Israelitism could survive the ages without being laughed into oblivion-because it was complimentary to the king and queen. You don’t think this is a sufficient reason? Well, the corollary of this was surely true- if you displeased the royal house, you could (and usually would) lose your head. If you pleased them, on the other hand, you could at least expect to survive, if not thrive. Just ask William Cecil and his friends, the new nobility.

  Now, let’s go forward a little. Let’s look at how Angland was able to cement its position of being the ‘legitimate’ heir to Imperial Rome. First of all, they survived the expected onslaught of Holy Rome when the Holy Roman Emperor’s son, Phillip II sent the Spanish Armada against them. And Elizabeth successfully aided any and all other Protestant groups on the continent who also wanted to resist Holy Rome. After all, they all saw how fabulously wealthy you could become by looting the local Holy Roman church in their own countries, like Henry did. Queen Bess did this to dive
rt Holy Rome from making a frontal assault on her ill-gotten kingdom, and it worked long enough for her to consolidate her grip on the people and her new church.

  So, what does this have to do with my assertion that America is the new locus of power in the Third Rome of today? Lots. Because we are exposing the players in the conspiracies that have shaped these past 500 years. So let’s talk about the big players, and how they have influenced things down to our own time. Let’s talk first about William Cecil, the genius advisor of Elizabeth the First.

  William Cecil was the man behind the throne for over 40 years. He was the navigator of Elizabeth’s ship of state. And for his loyal service, he was rewarded, like all of the other new nobility, with lots of land. Elizabeth raised him to the nobility by making him a Baron (of Burleigh). His descendants were raised even higher, as Lords of Salisbury, with quite a few becoming Prime Ministers and occupying other high posts in the realm over the next 4 centuries. Loyalty has its rewards. What’s in your wallet? Anyway, the Cecil clan (known as the Lords Salisbury) came to represent the landed interest of the nobility, known to us as the Tories, in the House of Lords in Parliament. Today, they are known as the Conservatives. In America, they would have been Old Line Republicans.

  Now don’t get bored, grandson, I’m going somewhere with this. The point of this look at the Cecil clan was to show you how the new nobility was wedded to the Bastard Queen and her new Anglican Church which would become progressively Pagan over the next 500 years. The Cecils and the other new nobility, known generally as the Tory faction, had to defend King And Queen to the end. If they didn’t, and the Kingdom fell back to Holy Roman influence, they would have had to give back their lands and submit to Holy Rome. That wouldn’t be cricket, eh mate? But let’s look at the group that people think of as their opposites of the Tories, the group known as the Whigs. Let’s see how this same paradigm of illicit wealth caused them to also have to support the newly minted Anglican Church (and King) as well.


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