by Ianto Watt
And so it happened. Americans fell for the drumbeat of war, again, at the behest of those who would profit from it. The Roundhead-Yankees by now had fractionalized themselves into hundreds of differing religious sects. All of them were different except in two regards- their undying hatred of Holy Rome, and their undying admiration of Imperial Rome (which, incidentally, would get a lot of them killed). And every President since Lincoln has endeavoured to link his presidency with that of Lincoln in the minds of the people. Just as every successor to Julius Caesar sought to link their reign with Julius. And the result in both has been exactly the same- the destruction of the Republic.
But that’s okay, because it points out the simple truth about both political parties, in both Angland and New Angland. That truth is this; the big-shot Democrats despise the concept of The Big God, and the Republicans big-shots despise the concept of The Little Man. And if you buy the Holy Roman Operating System concept, as I do, then it all makes sense. Because if man is a reflection of God, then both political parties are the same. Why? Because they both hate The Big God, or His reflection, little mankind. And they both hate that Jesus fellow, who claimed to be the embodiment of both. Oh, yes, I know they both pay lip service to him, at election time, but they both kiss babies too. So what? But hey, both parties can live with the Pantheon of The gods, because they both think they will end up there. That’s why I said, in Part I of this book, that Liberalism and Neo-Conservatism (Whig & Tory, Democrat & Republican) are actually religions. They all lead to the pantheon.
And by the way, it hasn’t escaped my notice that the Holy Roman God didn’t allow the ‘Catholic’ Stuarts of Scotland to prevail in their battle with the Anglish Whigs in the matter of who would be King of Angland. Why, you ask? Because just like the other side, they were riddled with Masons. And that’s the other reason for all these wars- the battle for control of Masonry. It’s not for nothing that Masonry today is primarily descended from the British Isles, but in two differing strains; York Rite, and Scottish Rite. And that little intramural scrimmage still goes on today, even though the Puritan-Whigs won the final Round V of the Anglish Civil War. And the Whig’s were the ones who controlled the Scottish Rite. So while the Anglish Civil War is technically over, there are still some mopping-up activities that are still occurring.
As an aside, have you noticed that there was only one Confederate General (Albert Pike) that received a pardon (instead of prison) after the American Civil War? Was it simply a coincidence that he was the head of the Scottish Rite, and that Pres. Johnson was his subordinate in the Lodge? Again, that’s food for another book, even though it is of great interest. Here’s another tidbit- Pike dedicated his book ‘Morals and Dogma’ (known as the Masonic Bible in the Lodge) to Lucifer, the original Enlightened One.
So there you have it. Round 5 went to the Roundheads. Game, set, match. And the Whigs rule, even unto today. But now they call themselves Capitalists. All the better to distinguish themselves from their straw-man opponent, Socialism, which they created with the French Revolution. Why? So that the ordinary people, in their shock at the horrors of the French Revolution, will assume that its counterpart, Capitalism, is the ‘kinder, gentler’ version of revolution. The kind that will gently enslave us, with the bread and circuses of Imperial Rome. And so they have. Would you like another helping of equality, grandson?
Well, grandson, we’ve come quite a way, eh? We’ve seen in Part One that there is no logic to the polytheistic world. And we’ve seen in Part Two that, simply by default, that Judaism (of any stripe) and Islam fail to deliver the 5 things I think are necessary to make me want to die for them, although surely I will die. That leaves me with the Holy Roman Operating System.
And in Part Three, we have seen how the Anglish have correctly perceived that the defining act in all Greek Tragedies is either suicide or murder. And being the bastards they are, they have chosen murder. Why? Well, it’s hard to be the Emperor when you’ve killed yourself, right? So, the only other option, if you’re determined to sit on the throne of Caesar, is to kill someone else. And they were determined to sit in that chair.
And that explains the happenings in Part Three, although the Anglish idiots never realized that in the end, they did commit demographic suicide. Isn’t it funny how tragedies play out? WWI wasn’t such a good idea, was it, you idiots. And that’s how the scepter of Caesar passed to their American cousins, after WWI.
And the Americans, at least the Yankee brand, having shown their determination to subdue all other contenders for Caesar’s throne, became the first to master mechanized war. They have shown a total willingness to use it on their own countrymen. What better proof that they were fit to succeed their bloody British cousins for the title of Imperial Rome? What, you still don’t believe me? Alright, let’s look closer at what America really is, and what it officially stands for; unlimited centralized governmental power. Hail Caesar!
Well, grandson, we’ve now seen how, using the Holy Roman Operating System from Part One, we can make sense of the Prophecy of Calchas in Part Two. This has led us to understand how the British Empire was the natural heir to the throne of Caesar in Part Three. And now, we are going to examine how America (New York) has become the truly legitimate descendant of both Britain (Old York) and Aeneas’ Rome. And because the original Rome was actually New Troy, I believe it is fair to assert that America, the New Imperial Rome, is also the Final Troy.
But we also know now that Aeneas’ Rome was also the fount of Holy Rome. And while Holy Rome is still administratively centered in geographic Rome, we need to remember that from a population perspective, its 4 largest population centers are Brazil, Mexico, the Philippines and, amazingly, America (in that order). And from a monetary perspective, America accounts for approx. two-thirds of the Church’s revenues. Now you know why the Vatican is reluctant to crack down on all those American perverts and dissenters within the walls of Holy Rome. But please, do remember, there is a difference between who sits in the Chair of Peter, and the bureaucracy that supposedly serves him. A big difference. I think this is why Holy Rome appeals to me, because it promises a family in its Heaven. I don’t really trust servants. And in the Muslim Heaven, Allah doesn’t trust the servants either, which is why he won’t adopt them.
More importantly, we need to remember that during the first 300 years of Imperial Rome, from Julius Caesar to Constantine, both Holy Rome and Imperial Rome lived side by side. One was above ground, one was below, literally, in the catacombs. And like Romulus and Remus, they were brothers, but mortal enemies nonetheless. And they still are.
So now we have the Imperial Rome with its military and financial capital in the west, and Holy Rome with its populace and capital (as in money) also in the west. But the battle is still the same, and will continue until the Empire, the New Troy, falls again. And until Holy Rome is subverted from within at the end.
So, am I saying that Holy Rome will fall? That the gates of Hell will actually prevail against her? No. I am saying that there will be a time, at the very end, when her enemies will penetrate her walls and they will attempt to take actual possession of the Chair of Peter. And they will do it by deceit, just as Odysseus did it at Troy. And the Greeks will be the tip of that spear. How will this happen? Well, slow down, grandson. First we have to look a little closer at today’s Empire in America to understand how it will be undone at the end. To do this, let’s read the message given to us in the symbology of America, and let’s see where it came from originally. Remember when I said symbols are important? Well, here’s why………………
As a young boy I was always fascinated by the term ‘fascism’. It seemed to be thrown about by everyone who wanted to demonize their opponents, and yet it was never defined. The closest I could come to a meaning was that it was somehow connected to Hitler, Mussolini and Gen. Tojo (the military ruler of Japan). Oh yes, and Gen. Franco of Spain.
But Hitler was a Nazi, Tojo was a Shinto fanatic, and Franco was a Phalangist. Only Mussolini
was technically a Fascist, which was the name of his (non-socialist) party. Hitler had his Brown Shirts, Mussolini had his Black Shirts. So why was every one of these guys somehow a ‘fascist’, according to modern journalistic/jingoistic usage, on both sides of the Atlantic (and Russia too)?
The term seemed to be synonymous with the Axis powers in WWII, but that only added to my confusion, as this only seemed to me to be a way of saying ‘loser’. So what? So they lost, so what? Somebody had to lose. So why does this word have such a fascination for everyone that they would use it so freely but without any real precise contextual meaning?
Then of course, there was the matter of the Nazi atrocities in WWII. This somehow seemed to embody the heart of the contempt held by the accusers of anyone called a fascist, although Mussolini never seemed to have been involved with the genocidal activity of Hitler & Co. And Stalin had his own genocidal impulses too. Yet Gen. Tojo of Japan had openly given sanctuary to the Jews who were in China during the war with Japan. And Franco sat out WWII, so what gives here, I thought?
And speaking of Franco, let’s look at another little semantic point. Franco’s group was called the Phalange, which is Spanish for Phalanx, which was the battle formation of the ancient Greek armies of Athens and Sparta. Mussolini on the other hand was Roman, the tribe that defeated the ancient Greek City States. Why were they both being labeled with the same word? The irony here will become more obvious as we go along. Anyway, after a little research into the etymology of the word Fascist, I finally came to understand the word, and the even greater ironies that abounded with the almost universal misuse of the term all throughout the second half of the 20th century. Yet it was a term that seemed to be a death-sentence on whomever it was cast upon. In other words, the word ‘fascist’ became an actual curse word. If you were called a fascist, you were cursed, literally, politically, figuratively, socially and of course, economically.
One last note, before we look closer at the meaning and reality of this word. Did you know that in 1917, Mussolini was a paid British agent of MI5 (Military Intelligence, 5th Directorate)? And that Churchill continually praised Mussolini from 1927 through 1937? And Roosevelt too? They thought Fascism was swell. Mussolini made the trains run on time, after all. Don’t believe me? Google it up.
Anyway, why wasn’t the real buzzword ‘Nazism’ instead of ‘Fascism’ when it came to tarring one’s opponent in the post-war period, all the way till today? And why was there a seemingly hazy yet concrete relationship between the ‘fascist’ word and the charge of ‘anti-Semitism’ if it was the Nazi’s and not the Italian Fascists who committed the atrocities of the concentration camps? Well, here is the story behind the word, and why it has such incredible relevance to America today.
The real definition of Fascism is the active attempt to restore Imperial Rome. That’s why Mussolini, the Italian, took that name, as he was intent upon doing just that. But he was doomed to fail, because Imperial Rome never fell. Il Duce (The Duke) never got the memo. The Empire still existed, but not in Italy. It was in New York and that’s why Benito was sure to lose. Don’t believe me? Well, let’s look at things a little closer.
Take a look at the coin shown below. It features the Roman god Mercury on its front. That’s why it is known as a Mercury Dime. Duh. There he is, complete with his winged hat. By the way, that’s what’s known as a Phrygian Cap. As in Phrygia, in ancient Asia Minor. As in Troy. As in Phrygians, which is what the natives of Ausonia (ancient Italy) called Aeneas and his Trojans who came there and defeated them and who then went on to found Rome. Hmmm……. Now Wiener Dogs will say that it’s not Mercury, but rather the goddess ‘Liberty’, but she’s pretty ugly if that’s a gal. And yes, the word ‘Liberty’ is inscribed on the face of the coin. But who ever heard, apart from the French Revolution, of such a goddess? After all, America is supposedly the antithesis of the French Revolution.
But wait, there’s more, as they always say on the infomercial ads for the latest gimmick. Look at the back of this coin. Look at the inscription at the lower right. What language is that? French? I don’t think so! It’s Latin (E Pluribus Unum, or ‘From many, One’). Hmmm…….And is that a laurel branch behind that thing in the middle? Or an olive branch? Either one is a Roman symbol rife with meaning. Hmmm……..And that thing in the middle of the coin, what is it? Well, it’s a ‘fasces’. You know, the symbol of the Imperial Roman authority and might. And just what is a fasces? It’s an axe, with a number of axe-handles (‘staves’) bundled around the center axe-stave.
So what’s the point? Well, if you strike something hard enough with an axe, which is more likely to break, the axe-head, or the handle? Sure, grandson, the handle. So why would you bundle a bunch of other handles around it, and bind them all tightly with leather straps (see the binding straps in the picture)? Because they will then help the center stave to absorb the force of the blow, and prevent it from bending and then cracking apart. It’s a way to strengthen the axe. It’s where you get the concept of ‘there’s strength in numbers’. Or put another way, ‘From many, One’. Get it?
Now this item, the Fasces, was (and still is, I contend) the official symbol of Imperial Roman power. It was carried by the Lictors at the head of each Roman Legion. And interestingly enough, it was usually the means of martyrdom for Holy Romans who refused to worship the Roman Emperor. First the Emperor’s men would flog the Christians, and if they wouldn’t die (as they often wouldn’t), the Romans would stone them. When that didn’t work (because of divine intervention), then maybe a little boiling oil, perhaps? Or a quick toss off the top of a building? But still, so many of these Christians simply wouldn’t cooperate, by dying.
That’s when, at his wits end, the local Centurion (who was being goaded on by a local Rabbi, perhaps?) would call for the Lictor and the Fasces. And then, when it was finally a direct confrontation between the official symbol of Imperial Rome vs. the God of these crazy Holy Romans, only then would this God allow the Christian martyr to die. In other words, the battle was settled when it finally devolved into a direct confrontation between the autonomous man-god (Caesar) and the Christian God-man (Jesus). And in His incredibly wise way, the Holy Roman God allowed his followers to die for him, as a witness to their belief in Him. All of which should have ended this whole thing, right? Except, it made the bystanders (and often-times the actual Imperial troops) wonder about the faith these crazy Holy Romans had that would keep them from fearing death. And this, as history has shown, spawned a whole new wave of conversions. And more deaths. Then more conversions. Again and again and again.
Eventually, there weren’t enough Fasces to go around, so the Romans had to resort to hiring lions and condemned slaves (gladiators) to do this work wholesale in the Coliseums, but that’s another story.
OK, so what’s all this supposed to mean? Well, this coin is still in use. And it’s actually a lot more valuable in the precious metal markets today than its face value of one dime, because it has actual silver in it. And it’s still legal tender here in America where it was minted, the current home of the Imperial Roman Empire. And its symbol of the Fasces is on the official seal (and flag) of the United States Senate. The Senate and People of Rome. SPQR.
Well sure, the Weiner Dogs say, that symbol has appeared on a lot of different flags and seals of many countries. But not before Rome. And afterwards, all of the previous pretenders to the Imperial throne have fallen by the wayside. Byzantium, Bavaria, even Angland, home of the greatest Fascist of modern times, Winston Churchill. Sorry Adolph, you’re a loser once again, Winston beat you by a mile. The Anglish have held the title longer than anyone, starting with Queen Elizabeth after she cut her sister’s head off (and named her ‘Bloody Mary). Who says the English have no humor!
Don’t believe me about Churchill? Read his own words in Nicholson Baker’s book, ‘Human Smoke’. Winston is probably the man most responsible for the Jewish Holocaust, because he was far-sighted enough to know that if he refused to take in the (little) Chose
n Ones, Hitler would do exactly what he did. Once Winston sank the Free French Fleet (yes, his own allies) off the coast of Algeria (where it was holed up after Paris fell to the Germans), Hitler had no way of sending all the Jews to Madagascar, which was his preferred ‘final solution’. He needed those French warships to accomplish this task, which he openly touted as his preferred plan of action to rid Europe of the Jews. Don’t believe it? Look it up, grandson.
Anyway, that’s semi-ancient history. America is the successor capital of the Empire, as any good Anglo-American Club member would say it should be. Just ask Cecil Rhodes, founder of Rhodesia. Remember Rhodesia? The original Apartheid State, now known as Zimbabwe? Funny how the tables have turned. But not for Cecil and his buddies. Nope, they’re all safe in New York, since Old York is no longer the safest place to be. At least not if you’ve got money. Other people’s money that you’ve looted over the last 500 years, starting with William Cecil. Funny how money can buy you a seat at the Round Table, eh? Oh, that’s Cecil’s Round Table, not King Arthur’s, by the way.
So what was the purpose of this ongoing journalistic muddying of the waters about the meaning of the term ‘fascism’? It’s pretty simple, grandson, as most things tend to be, once you understand human nature. The purpose was to come up with a simple word that embodied the world’s disgust with the concentration camps of Hitler, without using the specific term ‘Nazi’, in order to use it on anyone (regardless of what they called themselves) who stood in the way of those who wanted to use this now-fuzzy term as a lead-in shot at those who were suspected of opposing the agenda of the Chosen Ones. And who are those who want to use this term in this manner? The Semites, of course. The Chosen Semites, that is. Not those crazy Palestinian Semites. They’re both descendants of Shem, right? So they’re both Semitic, right? So why aren’t the Chosen Ones called ‘anti-Semites’ when they attack the Palestinians? Simple. They own the newspapers, silly. Any Times, anywhere.