The Barbarian Bible

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The Barbarian Bible Page 36

by Ianto Watt

  Well, anyway, Adolph miscalculated, and more than once, but that’s for later in the story. For now, the point is that Britain had decided to share her Imperial power, but not with the Germans. She had already made her bed in 1918, when she effectively sold the family jewels to the Americans in return for pulling her chestnuts out of the fire in WWI. And in return, the Americans would allow London to remain the eastern capital of the Empire, while the real locus of power (which is money) moved to New York. The price of gold may be set in London each day, but the gold itself is in New York. At the Fed.

  But none of this happened by chance or coincidence, either at the human level, or the level of the gods. No, there had been a lot of planning, and it paid off. How? Simple. Ask yourself the question the Romans always asked themselves when they were trying to figure out who had done something to them; ‘Cui Bono?’ That is, ‘Who Benefits’ from this? In other words, ‘follow the money’. That’s right, if you want to know who the likely suspect is when something bad happens to you economically or militarily (and that’s really the same thing, if you understand the nature of the Empire), then follow the money trail. The Romans understood human nature. A whole lot better than Weiner Dogs do.

  Anyway, let’s follow the money here and see who profited most from WWI. First, let’s ask, who financed WWI? It wasn’t the British, as they thought they’d win for free. Only when they had to beg the Americans for help did they realize they’d been had. And it wasn’t the Germans, as they had to borrow too. From the same family that loaned to the British. And it wasn’t the Russians, because they too thought they’d win for free, but when the writing on the wall became clear, there wasn’t anyone left to borrow from. And it wasn’t the Austro-Hungarians who thought they had enough dough to whip little Serbia. No, they ended up making the biggest mistake of all, because no one was going to loan them money. Why? Because everyone outside of Catholic Europe wanted them to lose.

  Well, where am I going here? To the bank, actually. The central bank. And now we’re back to the story I related before; that wars are planned. Not by the national ‘leaders’. Nope, they are usually dolts or pawns. No, wars are productive exercises for some people, people who don’t really care which side wins and which side loses. And who would that be? People who have a grudge against all sides. All Gentile sides, that is. And all of the losers in this were Gentiles, of course (and I count Britain as a loser in WWI, from an economic and demographic standpoint).

  Well, what about the Americans, you say? Well, which Americans? The ones with the money, who made more money? Or the ones with the blood, who lost a lot of it? That’s right, there are two sets of Americans, just like there were (and still are) two sets of British. Huh? Yes, bear with me. Remember when I talked about the ‘British Israelites’? Now let’s talk about the Israelite British (and Americans)’. Yes, just like in Britain when Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of Britain, let the Israelites back into Britain to finance his war on the Protestant (but still ‘too popish’) King. And the silly Americans had done the same thing when they let everyone and their dog in from the beginning. And who all came? Just some bearded fellows from central Europe, and London too. Guys with names like Rothschild, and Warburg, and Kuhn and Loeb. And their little weasel named John Pierpont Morgan. I know, he’s the son of Junius Morgan, the traitorous descendant of Welshmen who came over in the 1600’s. Every tribe has its traitors. He’ll get his, believe me.

  Anyway, these fellows from the Chosen People were the counterparts to the British Israelites who fancied that they were descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. But these Israelite British and Israelite-Americans were under no illusions of their lineage. And these fellows understood that the surest way to enslave anyone (and especially Gentiles) was to loan them money. Especially for something that was unproductive, for Gentiles, that is. Things like alcohol. Like prostitution. Like war. Especially war. That’s really unproductive. But only if you have a dog in the fight, which Chosen Ones never do. But they always have bets, and they bet on both sides.

  So, let’s look at the bets. The Israelite British, led by the Rothschilds and their kin, had offices throughout Europe. And they had made loans, big loans, to every nation in Europe. Everyone except the Russians. The Czar had steadfastly refused all offers of loans from the Chosen Ones, all the way from the 1600’s till WWI. They preferred to tax their people to death without any outside help, and they did a marvelous job of it. Sure, they had tax farmers too, just like the Romans, but they preferred not to deal directly with the money-lenders. They had their own, called Cossacks. Nice fellows. And this refusal to borrow from the lenders is what marked Russia for elimination by the Chosen Ones. When the right time came and Czarist Russia absolutely needed the money, none was forthcoming, and the Czar couldn’t afford to keep his army fed. That leads to poor morale, and that leads to defeat.

  Don’t believe all this? Then ask yourself who financed the Russo-Japanese War of 1905? Yes, it was the dress-rehearsal for WWI, from the Russian perspective. This was the first war between an Asian power and a European power that was lost by the Europeans. And guess who loaned Japan two hundred million dollars? That would be Jacob Schiff, the father-in-law of Felix Warburg. Felix was the German banker that loaned money to the Kaiser in Germany. And his brother Paul was the American banker who headed up the Federal Reserve in New York. Oh, and Schiff and the Warburgs are intermarried. And so are the Rothschild’s and the rest. But it couldn’t have been a conspiracy, could it? I’m sure they never talked about these things, right? That wouldn’t be ethical, right? Hahaha!

  So, let’s see; we have the British being financed by Morgan (who got his money from Rothschild), the American money directed by Warburg and his Federal Reserve, the German money coming from Schiff and the other Warburgs, and the Japanese were financed against the Russians in 1905 (the year of the first abortive revolution by Lenin, in case you didn’t know) by Schiff. And they are all intermarried. Shazzam. What a coincidence, right? Things just happen, right? Nobody plans these things, right? And these guys never talk to each other, right? Uh-huh. Sure. Idiots.

  But let’s get back to the British Israelites for a minute. These idiots really believed they were the true descendants of the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, and that’s why they had no problem supporting a man named Benjamin D’Israeli when he ran for Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1871. Now Ben was an actual Israelite, and he had no qualms about pointing out who really ran (that is, financed) the world’s royalty in his book ‘Coningsby’. And as a real member of the Chosen Ones, he had no illusions about being British. So while he would be a perfect example of what I have termed an ‘Israelite British’, he was under no illusions as to his real lineage and loyalty. British Israelites, on the other hand, while they may be rich, powerful and famous, are actually idiots because they think they actually share some ancestry (post-Noah) with real members of the Chosen Ones. And the proof of this insanity is so breathtakingly simple- have you ever heard one of these British Israelites express a grudge more emphatic than detesting the Irish? Exactly. The true genetic marker is missing. They don’t hate all Gentiles. Why? Because British Israelites aren’t really Israelites at all, and they’re not really related to The Chosen Ones. They’re actually dumber than the Irishmen they detest. Idiots!

  All right, so let’s sum this part up- the Anglish-led ‘British Empire’ won the Empire Olympics in 1531, eclipsing the Holy Roman version that threatened the pagan world after the fall of Constantinople. The Anglo-British Empire then passed the Scepter of Caesar to their American cousins at the time (1918) when America came to their rescue in the last days of WWI. This was in return for their help in preserving the British image of being the glorious, victorious winners of a no-win war. Nobody won except the financiers, who were now comfortably ensconced in their New York castle known as The Federal Reserve. And the fate of formerly-free America was sealed when the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 essentially sold the American farm (and her far
mers) to these same financiers. How? By giving to the Fed the right to produce little pieces of green paper that they would loan to the American Government. And the government then enslaved their own people by also passing the Universal Income Tax that same year, in order to pay the interest and principal that would come due on these same little green loans. The process was complete, as the new Caesar (the President) now got his money from the same Tax Farmer families that funded Julius in 44 BC. Nothing has changed. Absolutely nothing. Except the latitude and longitude of the crime scene.

  Here’s another thing that hasn’t changed; morality. In Imperial Rome, morality meant this; honor the Emperor. After that, anything was allowed. Feel like killing your slave? Go right ahead, he’s your personal property, right? Feel like sexually abusing your slave? Feel free, she belongs to you, right? Oh, did I say ‘she’? What if you feel like abusing a ‘he’? No problem, it was a Greco-Roman world, after all. And anyone who has studied ancient Greece knows that today’s rise of homosexuality is a natural effect of pagan life. Yes, I know, you’ve been indoctrinated in the ‘whatever floats your boat’ school of philosophy, but that doesn’t make it right, grandson. So, you want to know what the essential difference is between straight couples and ‘gay’ couples? Simple, as usual. Straight couples buy baby diapers, gay couples buy adult diapers. Still don’t get it? You will in a minute, when we discuss the Sept. 2011 edition of The National Geographic magazine, below.

  So, are we now at a point where you can finally understand and believe that America is the true lineal and genetic descendant of the original Imperial Rome? Not yet? OK, let’s look at a few more items. Let’s start with the makeup of the Empire, then and now. They were both extremely multi-cultural. Why? Because they both had troops stationed around the world, and this meant that people from these far-flung places (who had cooperated with the Empire) would gain access to the Empire. And like the Empire under Julius and Augustus, you could gain citizenship by cooperating with the Empire and its ‘peacekeeping’ Legions. And that’s exactly the same situation we have today.

  Just as a Barbarian could become a member of the Auxiliary Legions and gain his citizenship in Imperial Rome under Marcus Aurelius, so today you can be an illegal immigrant who gains his American citizenship by joining the US Army and serving in Iraq (and you survive). And just as Imperial Rome spent all her time and blood battling everyone in her quest to enlarge her borders, so too has America embarked upon endless wars that feed the Imperial treasury. This is not a recent thing. Just read the list of 308 military actions of major and minor wars since the beginnings of the American Empire (oops, I meant to say ‘Republic’) known as the Timeline of US Government Military Operations. It was compiled by the US Senate Committee in Foreign Affairs. Go to wiki/Timeline_of_United_States_military_operations 33 for a real good look at real American history. That’s almost one and a half foreign wars or actions per year for over 200 years. Tell me again we are not Imperial Rome?

  Still not convinced, grandson? OK, let’s look at today, and the 3-Front war being conducted by The Empire against the Barbarian world outside of Imperial Rome.

  Just like it was in the original Empire, under the first Caesars, there is still now a constant and never-ending war against the Barbarians at the fringe of the Empire. The purpose of these wars was two-fold; to subdue those who could be subdued (and then enslaved), and to annihilate those who couldn’t. Pretty simple. Since the ultimate goal was total world domination (Libido Dominandi), it made all decisions pretty simple. But in the original version of Imperial warfare, the choices were rather stark- physical military might was the only real tool, because barbarians had no markets to control (or to be controlled).

  Today, under the American succession of the Empire, the goal is the same, but because of advanced technology, there are many more ways to conduct war. This didn’t happen overnight, of course. The Americans were well schooled by their Anglish fore-bearers. The Anglish are the ones that originated the development of propaganda and psychological operations (know today by those who speak Pentagon-ese as ‘psyops’). It was the Anglish who invented the Concentration Camps in the Boer Wars in southern Afrika, from 1880 till 1902. But this was late in the game. They were busy shredding the meaning of words from the very beginning, when they named Queen Elizabeth ‘Good Queen Bess’ as she slaughtered anyone who stood in her way of bringing ‘religious freedom’ to her subjects. As long as they chose her religion, of course. What a gal. What a bitch.

  Anyway, things are even more sophisticated today, which actually means they are more effective and far-reaching. Here’s an example; data-mining. Whenever you go onto the Internet today, you are being tracked, with little ‘cookies’ leaving an invisible trail back from the site you visited right to your front door. The hilarious part is that we have been sold on the idea that we are entitled to a ‘Right of Privacy’ by those who sold us adultery, gay-marriage and unlimited abortion. Yet, in fact, in return for the right to sexual licentiousness, we have traded our real right to privacy. Privacy from a government that now knows our every cyber-move. And this Imperial government that professes to be safeguarding our ‘sexual privacy’ is aided by a cohort of Google’s and Yahoo’s that will gladly turn it all over to the government on a moment’s notice, with or without a warrant. And better yet, these Internet gateways will gladly sell this same data to whichever advertiser bids the highest for it. And since some of these Internet services are actually fronts for the Empire, there’s really no difference between them. Don’t believe me? Then you should subscribe to The National Review. No, wait – don’t!

  In between these two ‘freedoms’ of religion and sexuality our Imperial guardians have so kindly given us, we have also been given our ‘economic freedom’ by means of ‘globalization’. We are now free to buy cheap products made by slaves in the Barbarian lands, which is wonderful. Unfortunately, the price of this freedom is the loss of domestic jobs and purchasing power in money and wages. But hey, look at my new 200 inch LCD flat screen from Malaysia, dude! Now I can watch ESPN in better detail than my own eyes could detect if I was at the game! Yes, and now I can stay at home and watch them all, with 500 channels, oblivious to the fact that I am now nothing more than a Roman citizen who was entertained by the gladiators at the coliseum.

  Why is that? Because the citizens of Rome in 200AD couldn’t get decent paying jobs. Why? Because everything could be produced cheaper by the slaves owned by the Senators, who owned most of the land. So, to prevent open rebellion, they gave these idled Romans free bread and circuses. We give our ‘citizens’ cheap Call-of-Duty video games where they can take their aggression out against virtual enemies (which, by the way, is great training for drone pilots), instead fighting openly against the Emperor and his men. Oh yes, let’s not forget, we also get free access to the Super Bowl, and the BCS Championship.

  So now, it’s the USC Trojans playing Notre Dame in the Coliseum in LA. See what I meant about our language and lives being the same as it was 2,000 years ago? And the Super Bowl is numbered in what language? And the reason those people were in the coliseum of Rome was that they were there to watch for free to keep their minds off the fact that they didn’t have jobs anymore because the slaves that the Empire had captured made all the food and goods of society soooo cheaply that no employer could afford to hire a citizen. And so, we have the same situation today; free bread and circuses; unemployment checks and cable TV. And the hidden side of this new ‘economic freedom’ to buy the cheapest slave-produced goods in a ‘global economy’ comes about by the destruction of our own government’s ability to control our own markets for the good of our own citizens.

  I know, it sounds like I’m arguing two different ways; that our government is our enemy, and yet it should be our friend. Well, that’s exactly right. Currently, our government is Imperial in nature, and it is controlled by those who finance it. And they are definitely not our friends. But that’s not how it used to be, or how it sh
ould be. Nations are a legitimate concept, when they protect and serve their people. But when they sell themselves out to outside financiers, then we end up with exactly what the original Romans got; enslavement. The Republic is dead. Long live the Emperor!

  Alright, so what has all this got to do with the Empire’s 3-Front War? Plenty. These ploys of supposedly giving us new ‘freedoms’ come at the cost of our old freedoms. And the three basic categories (religion, sexuality and politics) are exactly the three things our wives tell us not to discuss in polite society. Which is another great reason not to hang out in polite society, where nothing of any importance can be cussed. Meanwhile, our old freedoms of faith, family and fatherland have been destroyed. Do you see the connection between the old paradigm and the new? Welcome to the Empire!

  Anyway, these three categories are the keys to the tactics of the Empire’s goal of enslaving the entire world (or annihilating those who resist). And the reason for using these three tactics of ‘new freedoms’ is that they are much more efficient in accomplishing their goal of enslaving all people than the use of raw military power. The Emperor and his financiers know this, and they reserve the open and direct military option for situations where there is open resistance to their goals.


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