by Ianto Watt
And when those crazy Muslims refuse to buy into American hedonism by refusing to kill their own offspring (before they can spring forth), we declare a War on Terror, and we demonize them as terrorists. And we send our troops over to their homelands to pit them against their neighbors, creating a chaotic civil war that consumes them and their culture. And no, I’m not buying the theory that says burning jet fuel can bring down the World Trade Center. Especially Building 7, which wasn’t hit by those supposed Muslim Kamikaze’s. By the way, why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets? Isn’t Hollywood great?
Well, wait a minute. Haven’t I already said Islam is crazy, schizophrenic, robotic and hypnotic and xenophobic? Yes, absolutely. Well, then why am I defending them now? That’s simple, if you’ve ever read any little bit of history about the last 75 years. The Islamic world used to idolize America, as late as 1963, when JFK was murdered. We never had oil embargoes or jihads or suicide bombers before that. Why is that? It’s because the Empire didn’t become officially pro-Israeli until 1964, when LBJ took over after JFK left the building. Prior to that, the Arab/Muslim world had been gradually becoming westernized (in the good sense of the term) for the 280 years after their definitive defeat at the gates of Vienna in 1683. Things would have eventually worked out, with Islam dying of anemia, if one thing hadn’t happened. And what would that one thing be? The Empire began to openly rot, and the stench woke the Muslims up from their stupor. And the source of the rot was that the supposedly ‘Christian’ western world had openly embraced Talmudic Judaism upon the death of JFK and the rise of LBJ and his Imperial Financiers. Just like when the Catholic King was killed in old Angland, and Cromwell replaced him, and let the Chosen Ones run the treasury. And the CIA.
And the same geniuses that financed the Empire had also burrowed deeply into the hierarchy of Holy Rome, but from a different angle. They did it with ‘ecumenical dialogue’ at the Ecumenical Dinner Party, known as Vatican II. Yes, all those modernists who studied the work Teilhard de Chardin, the infamous Catholic Jesuit heretic, the man who made ‘convergent evolution’ famous, finally got their chance at Vatican II to put his theories to the test.
So who was this man Chardin? Well, he was a heretic priest but he moonlighted as a paleontologist who sold us the ‘Piltdown Man’ fraud. This hoax which was used to ‘prove’ the reality of evolution of man from apes. And what does ‘convergent evolution’ really mean? Well, the short explanation is, ‘can’t we all get along?’ And yes, if we all come from apes, and there is no God who is really minding the store, then sure, we can all do what we want. Until someone does something you don’t like, or vice versa. Then the whole thing breaks down, and we go to war, just like apes. But hey, if we simply exist, with no real purpose in life (because, after all, we’re simply hairless apes, and there is no such thing as morality), then what the hell. The strongest ape wins. Or the smartest ape. And who would that be? Well, he wouldn’t be Irish. He would be one of the Chosen Ones. Says who? Says the Chosen Ones, that’s who. Just ask them!
Alright, so what does all this have to do with anything? Well, it’s really pretty simple. If you can get your man inside the other guy’s operation, you can cause a lot of damage without any kind of need for frontal assault. Just like Odysseus and his pet horse, in Troy. And if you don’t have the numbers for a frontal assault on your enemy, then subversion will always be your tool of choice. And that’s exactly what happened, in both Imperial Rome and Holy Rome in the early to mid-60’s. So then, what did happen, and how?
It was pretty simple. The moles had already been in place for two generations inside the government of Imperial Rome (America), and for just as long at Holy Rome. And these moles were from the common enemy of both-The Chosen Ones. What? Am I saying there were Jews in the hierarchy of the Church? Well, not directly, but they were the ones who influenced the teachings at the seminaries for two generations. Ever since Darwin begat ‘evolution’, and that begat ‘social Darwinism’, the students had been spoon-fed the party line of the Pharisees. The line that says ‘secret knowledge’ could make you one of ‘the gods’. In other words, Arianism was back in style. There were plenty of these guys throughout the Church. You don’t think that the predatory homosexual scandals of the Church in the 90’s came about overnight, do you? No, these scandals happened because of the breakdown of discipline in the seminaries of Holy Rome, especially in America, several generations before today.
And these seminarians who were fed on the logic of the Pharisees went on to become the priests who then controlled the seminaries and colleges of Holy Rome in America. They in turn made sure that any good men in the next generation were turned away whenever possible. Read the story, known as Goodbye, Good Men, by Michael Rose. These good men who wanted to become priests were turned away at the door, after having been judged to be ‘rigid and inflexible’. Now if you believe in an unchanging Operating System, then these two words should be a compliment, don’t you think? But they weren’t, because the ones who were administering the psychological profile tests at the seminaries were people who didn’t believe in an unchanging religion. Why? Because, if you believe in evolution, then of course you believe things have to change in order to become better. And so the seeds of revolution were sown, beginning with Darwin the atheist.
And so the new generation of rectors and administrators at the seminaries tried their best to only allow in those who weren’t rigid or inflexible. The ones they did accept were often people who had no moral compass. Why? Because there was no real meaning to the concept of morality, because we’re all just hairless apes, right? And so, little by little, year by year, more and more of these men were let in to become priests, when in actuality, many of them were simply perverts. Not that the perverts were Judeophiles or commies or whatever. No, they were usually just men who had no real political or religious agenda. Their only real agenda was simply self-gratification, the same as any ape. But these apes would become the hidden landmines that would damage the reputation of the Church when the time was right. And in the 90’s, the time was right, as their perversions became widely known. So, how did all of this happen?
Well, there was a little war within the American Catholic Church, starting about the time of the American Civil War. A war most people don’t know about, because they don’t read. At least, they don’t read the story of the vanquished. And the vanquished, in this case, were the German immigrants who came to America. There were a lot of them, so many in fact that they were the largest single group of new immigrants, until the Irish came. Why did these Germans come to The Empire? Because of the Kulturkampf (culture-war) being waged in Germany by Otto Von Bismark, the Chancellor of Germany. And Bismark hated Catholics. These immigrants got Bismark’s message and left the homeland, and came to America. And being the gregarious, outgoing people they were (I’m kidding!), these Germans stuck together. Which meant they kept their language and their Holy Roman culture.
All of that wouldn’t have been a problem, until the Irish came to the western part of The Empire. And why did the Irish come? Because of the Kulturkampf being waged upon Ireland by the Anglish bastards who decided to use the Potatoe Famine to do a little ethnic cleansing of the British Isles. It was pretty simple, Paddy- if you wanted food for your starving family, just go to the local Anglican Church and sign up. Otherwise, you can starve to death, because we Anglish aren’t going to help any Micks that won’t convert. It was that simple. So, both groups, Germans and Irish, were refugees from their Anglo-Saxon Protestant kinfolks who made it impossible to live in their fatherlands without abandoning their faith.
But there was a difference when these two groups came to America. The Germans, as I noted earlier, kept to themselves, culturally and religiously. But the stupid Irish, who had already adopted the language of their oppressors, decided that they wanted to be liked by their oppressors, or at least their American cousins, which is to say, the New England Puritans. Actually, it wasn’t the little Irishmen who wanted this societal approval fro
m their supposed betters. It was the big Irish who wanted this approval. And who were the big Irishmen? The Bishops, of course.
And so, there was a little-noticed war within the Church of Holy Rome in America, and the battle was over who was going to rule the American Church. I’ll shorten this story (known as ‘Cahensleyism’ ) by noting here that the Irish won. How? They got to the Pope first, and told a few fibs. What kind of fibs? Well, here’s the main one; ‘the German-American Catholics are really trying to set up a separate hierarchy in America, one that doesn’t recognize Rome as the center of the Church’. The rest is history, as the Irish became the winners of the race to see who would get the Red Hats. Huh? You know, the ones who would be made Cardinals, and wield all the political influence in the American Church. And the ones who would send all that American money to Rome. Or not, if they didn’t feel like it. The Vatican IRS figured that one out, pretty quickly. Bean-counters always do.
And so, Holy Rome, having fallen for this Irish blarney line, ended up with a bunch of Irish-American Bishops and Cardinals who immediately fell into the trap of ‘American Exceptionalism’. And what is American Exceptionalism? Oh, it’s just a little thing denounced by the Pope, a belief that America is exceptional. As in, the rules apply to everyone except her. Why is that? Because America is so wonderful, so bright, so pure, so just. Don’t believe me? Just ask every nation America has fought. Ask the survivors, if you can find any. Start with the Indians at Wounded Knee. Then talk to the folks in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then ask someone in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Anyway, fast forward a bit, and in the early 1900’s, these silly Irish-American bishops became the ‘patriotic’ mouthpiece for the anti-German propaganda machine that the Anglish and their American-Protestant cousins cranked up. The aim of this propaganda effort was to demonize the German race, leading to the carnage known as WWI. All of this was done in the desire of these Irish-American clergy to be liked by their Episcopal brethren. Episcopal? You know, the Anglish-American churches and their ‘bishops’. And this same process would be repeated in WWII, with the same result- the destruction of Germany, and the Holy Roman Church in America.
And by the early 1960’s, with these same Irish clergymen in power in the American wing of the Holy Roman Church, the stage was set for Vatican II. That was the name of the big party where these Americans would finally try to sell out the world-wide Church with the social and scientific Darwinism that they had bought into in the latter half of the 1800’s. And all of it was done to gain the approval of people who detested them then, and who still do today. Who would that be? The Anglish, in their Anglo-Episcopal Church. There’s a little saying we have amongst the tribes. The Welsh want to be liked by nobody, the Scots want to be liked by anybody, the Irish want to be liked by everybody, but the Anglish want to be liked by the Jews. Hahahahahahah! Fat chance, mate. Only the wish of the Welsh was granted.
But the funny thing is, the Irish sell-out happened in a way that sealed the fate of the Anglish as well. How is that? Well, when the American liberal Irish Churchmen of America sold their souls at Vatican II, they sold them not to the Anglish, but to the Chosen Ones. Just like the Anglish did 500 years before. Now the Irish and the Anglish truly are equal! Hahahahahahah! Life is crazy, isn’t it?
Yes, the Anglish and their apostate bishops like Cranmer sold themselves to the Chosen Ones in the 1500’s in return for becoming the Third Rome. And now, as part of its ritual of becoming the western seat of the newly-divided Empire in 1918 (when America pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for the Anglish), the Americans had to sell their soul too, to the same buyers- The Chosen Ones. And it wasn’t just American members of the Holy Roman hierarchy who had to sell out in order to be liked by their new overlords. The non-Catholic Americans had to be sold down the river too, by their new government, The Empire. And that happened in 1913, with the establishment of The Federal Reserve, and the creation of the Internal Revenue Service. Funny how it’s the same in Angland, with the IRS, but there we call it the Inland Revenue Service. Same purpose, same initials, same result. Slavery.
So, let’s fast forward again, to 1962, when Pope John XXIII call the Second Vatican Council into session. And what did they do? They issued a document that was entitled ‘Nostra Aetate’, which is Latin, of course, because we still live in The Empire (Holy or Imperial). What does it mean? The translation is ‘In Our Times’. And what did this mean? Simple. The basic meaning was that we live in a ‘modern’ world, so of course, things are different. Different from the past. Things had changed because we now lived in the Age of The Beatles, which of course meant that we were free from the shackles of the ancient past. Right? Wrong. Just as I said in the first page of this book, nothing has changed in almost 2,000 years. Nothing at all. We still have the same 4 groups; Imperial Rome, Holy Rome, the Barbarians and of course, The Chosen Ones.
And that’s the whole point, because the sell-out of Holy Rome (and Imperial Rome too) was not to each other, but to the Chosen Ones. The document itself never said so, but the modernist interpretation of the subject matter of the document was clear- the Chosen Ones were now our ‘older brothers in the faith’, and not like the ones who had killed their own Messiah. That’s why things were now supposedly different ‘In Our Times’. And while Church doctrine never actually changed, it was widely trumpeted that it had. Trumpeted by who? By the sell-out American Holy Roman clergy. And the result was that members of Holy Rome now had to look up to the Chosen Ones (who now had their own nation in the mid-East) instead of looking down upon them. Well, you ask, in your youthful innocence, why would Holy Romans look down on the Chosen Ones? Because, like the Anglish, the Chosen Ones had killed their own King. And because they’re short, of course.
I know, this seems cruel, haughty, mean-spirited. After all, in a world of political-correctness, we can’t look down on anybody anymore, right? Which takes a lot of fun out of life, you know? I rather enjoy looking down on the Anglish. And a lot of others too. But that’s just me. Of course, it helps to have history on your side. And history, when viewed through the eyes of the vanquished, tells a different story than the tale spun by the victors. And the victors, since the time the capital moved from Constantinople to London (and then New York), have been the Anglish. And their financiers of course, who are not Irish. Or Norwegians. Or Afrikans of any stripe. Do I need to continue? Good.
So let’s get back to the story. The story is simply this- that the 20th Century was when the financiers decided that it was time to come out of the closet- whoops, I meant to say ‘the vault’. Yes, they decided to openly head the Federal Reserve (which they own, literally, through their ownership of the Big Six Banks). They decided to openly grab Palestine, which the Anglish had promised them in 1916 (the Balfour Declaration), in return for the promise to quit loaning money to the Germans in WWI. Pretty cool move, when you consider that the Anglish didn’t own Palestine. Oh well, it worked, right? So, all you Palestinian peasants (fellaheen), get out, make way, and meet the new boss!
OK, I know, what does this have to do with this Three Front War I was talking about? Everything. Because now that the financiers had decided to become more visible, it was getting to be time to start the open war. The war on those who would not submit to the Empire. The choice each nation had was simple- either succumb to the empire’s economic oppression (via population control), or else face the wrath of the Empire’s military power. Power that would be paid for by the Chosen Ones, who would finance this war.
Most northern nations have already submitted to the Empire’s economic and population-control hegemony, starting with the Anglican Lambeth Conference in 1930. In return, the Empire graced these nations with all sorts of foreign goods flooding their markets as their own manufacturing and industrial base fades away. And in return for trading away their real freedoms, the purchasing power actually increased for those ‘citizens’ who still had jobs, which is most of them (as the cycle began). How is that? Well, you get to buy goods made by slaves no
w, in a global economy. That’s always cheaper than citizen-wage-grade goods. And these same compliant ‘citizens’ were also rewarded with greater ‘freedom’ in the areas of sexuality, religion and politics (the three unmentionables of polite society). But in the end (and it happens rather quickly) they become economic slaves as their appetites outstrip their fading incomes. Then they face the inevitable decision- shall I continue to submit (that is, vote for) the Emperor, or should I resist him and risk losing my subsidized lifestyle? The appetites always win. And inflation never quits.
And for those that refuse to submit, those who continue to have children instead of spending their dwindling wealth on themselves, they are now facing the military wrath of the Empire. And those three groups are the Blacks, the Latinos and the Muslims. And while the warfare is sometimes totally open in Barbarian lands (Iraq, etc), it is also pursued in covert fashion within and without the Empire. These three fronts are disguised as the War on Poverty (which destroys Blacks), the War on Drugs (which destroys the Latino races) and the War on Terror (which destroys the Muslims lands).
Make no mistake, each of these lands and races are being punished for not succumbing to the population-economics of the Empire. And the basic element of this war is population control. And the root tactic of this desire to dominate, this Libido Dominandi, is the desire to destroy the family unit. Why? Because the family is the first step, the first link in building the armor that defends the faith and fatherland. Once the family is atomized, breaking apart into radical individuals, then no one has any allies with which to resist the Empire. You have no one to call on for help when your family (and clan and then tribe) isn’t there. Next thing you know, your church and country, which are simply larger versions of your family, have also vanished.
Now do you see why it was so important for Henry VIII to destroy the unity of Holy Rome? It was absolutely necessary to divide the people religiously before he could divide them at the lowest level of affinity (the nuclear family). This is why divorce was such an important tool in the war. If he could make divorce legitimate, at the level of Church doctrine, then he would be able to sell it to the people. They would then self-destruct when they were given the same opportunity to pursue their appetites. And once the people became addicted to their new Empire-driven wealth (which would soon fade for them, at the little-guy level), then the people’s allegiance to their true fatherland would fade as well, as they accepted the Empire as a substitute for their larger family. A family in which slavery was the norm, because empires must have slavery to continue their existence. Empires are simply Ponzi schemes on a huge scale. And by the time those who buy into it wake up, they are already enslaved themselves.