by Ianto Watt
The president’s family tree is not traced before Putin’s grandfather Spiridon Putin, who left Tver for St. Petersburg at the age of 15. Vladimir Putin’s grandfather was a serious, reserved man of immaculate honesty. Spiridon Putin became a good cook. He worked in fancy restaurants in St.Petersburg before the revolution of 1917. Later, he was invited to cook for Lenin himself. When Lenin passed away, Spiridon Putin started working at one of Stalin’s dachas. Putin’s grandfather managed to survive this horrid period of the Soviet history. When he retired, he lived and cooked at a holiday camp of the Communist Party. Vladimir Putin describes his grandfather as a man who liked remaining silent most of the time.
The researchers did not manage to trace the origin of this last name Putin. The world-wide web knows only one Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, the Russian president. Therefore, using online search engines is completely worthless in this quest. No other scientists of history and no dictionary mention anything about the name Putin among tens of thousands of other names.
On the other hand, there has recently been a surprising fact discovered. Vladimir Putin looks like Prince Mikhail Tverskoy. They both are not tall, with little hair, and similar noses. Is Putin a descendant of the Tver prince? This hypothesis is gaining more and more support. The name Putin is not mentioned among the Russian names. This means that the name is of foreign origin.
The name Ptin appeared recently, sometime in the middle of the 19th century. All Putins originally came from the Putin clan of the Tver region. Illegitimate offspring of noble families were often given shortened names. For example, Russian writer Pnin was an illegitimate son of Field Marshal Repnin. There have been many other such occasions: Betskoy instead of Trubetskoy and Gribov instead of Griboyedov. The new names of unofficial clan branches were formed by means of deduction: a syllable was simply taken out of the original name.
A book on the Tver region mentions the name of Putyanin, a clan of Russian princes. This clan gave Russia many outstanding military leaders, as well as artists, politicians, and priests. This is one of the oldest clans in Russian history. If President Putin is a descendant of the Putyatin clan, this means that Vladimir Putin is related to nearly all the royal families of Europe”.39 (end of citation)
Well, what am I aiming at here? Simply this- we don’t know who we are dealing with, but the range of characters, from Rasputin to Putin, seems to span the divide between Pagan mysticism and Machiavellian rationality, between East and West. And that is exactly my point. Russia is a mysterious, dark force that could be the end of everything we hold dear. Or, the start of a new beginning for western civilization. Huh? Yes, I know, that’s about as wide a range as anyone could state. But there is a reason for this, as we shall soon see.
But first, let’s look at something that was said in the previous citation. It was the observation that in Russia, illegitimate offspring often had surnames that were a contraction of their sire. And while the citation above focused on the connection with the family origin of Putin in the region of the Tver (home of Prince Mikhail Tverskoy), I see another possibility. I see that Putin could be a shortened version of Ras-Putin. Well, am I certain of this? Of course not. That’s the point. We don’t know with certainty what we are dealing with here.
In the one instance of Rasputin, we have a mad Orthodox churchman leading the royalty (to ruin). And if Putin is in reality a descendant, illegitimate or otherwise, of Prince Tverskoy, then we may be seeing the opposite effect- the royalty leading the mad Orthodox churchmen of today. But will it be to their (and our) ruin? We don’t yet know. What we do know is this-the scenario is reversed, for Putin is a layman, not a cleric. But the result, for Russia could be the same. And anyone who has followed Putin’s rise and subsequent rule can see that it would appear that his agenda is not the ruin but the restoration of Russian might. And so, I must surmise that we are seeing the reverse of history being played out. Remember when I said that life is made up of patterns? And that they are often mirror-opposites when they recur in time? But that just like in a mirror, the image is reversed? But remember, the pattern is still the same. Putin or Rasputin, we may be seeing the same thing.
But enough of that for now, because we still need to know more of who these people are. The Rus’ are an incredibly fierce people. I’ll give you an example. In 860 AD, somewhere between 200 and 360 Rus’ (Viking) ships attacked Constantinople, totally taking it by surprise, although the city did not fall. Now think about this for a minute. These Viking madmen had rowed anywhere from 700 to 1,000 miles down the Dnieper River from Kiev (Ukraine) or above, just to attack the Empire. Then they rowed back. How’s that for a little jaunt? And guess who was the Patriarch of Constantinople at that time? Yes, my favorite guy- Photius the Khazar-Faced Fake. And that brings us to the next point in our exploration of Russian history. There are 2 Russias, north and south. Huh?
Yes, sort of like there are two Americas, north and south. No, not the continents (but that is also true, and that’s a legitimate point. Good work, grandson! You’re starting to think for yourself, that’s good!). No, I’m thinking more of the division between the north and the south in the United States. It is more than a geographic difference. It’s really a cultural difference. And up to this point in the section on Russia, we have only discussed the northern branch of the Russian nation. But there is also a southern branch, and here is where the story starts to wind its way through the Empire. We’ve already discussed this people earlier in the book, if you remember? They are called the Khazars.
Now recall, if you will, that we talked about this nation, the Khazars, as the people of the Caucasus region, which is to say, the area between the Caspian (Khazpian) Sea and the Black Sea. These were the people who controlled the trade routes between Asia, Europe and the Mideast, and they made a great living from this control. Until they had to face both the Empire and the Mohammedans at the same time. That’s when, in a stroke of political brilliance (yes, I’m back to that word again) they decided to convert to Talmudic Judaism in the late 600’s AD. They did it to avoid the alternative choices of Holy Rome or Mohammed. And that is how the Khazars (the Ashkenazim of today) of the south became the enemies of the Rus’ in the north.
At first the Rus’ prevailed in this war to control the Russian Empire. Here is what Wikipedia says of this struggle (go to for more):
Between 965 and 969, Khazar sovereignty was broken by Kievan Rus. Sviatoslav I of Kiev defeated them in 965 by conquering the Khazar fortress of Sarkel. Two years later, Sviatoslav conquered Atil, after which he campaigned in the Balkans. Medieval Ruthenian (Russian, my note) epic poems mention Ruthenian warriors fighting the Jewish Giant (Богатырь Жидовин).[24] The Rus and the Hungarians both adopted the dual-kingship system of the Khazars (The kingship is divided between the khagan and the Bek. The Khagan was purely a spiritual ruler or figurehead with limited powers, while the Bek was responsible for administration and military affairs). The Rus princes even borrowed Turkic words like Khagan and Bogatyr. Many artifacts from the Khazars, exhibiting their artistic and industrial talents, have survived to the present day.[17] (end of citation, emphasis mine)40
But that wouldn’t be the end of this tale. No, remember when I said if you want to really and truly win a war you had to kill every last one of the enemy? Well, the kind-hearted Rus’ failed to follow this advice, and the surviving Khazars escaped into eastern Europe, to places like Bulgaria and Hungary. I wonder if there is a connection between their city of Atil and Attila the Hun? Anyhow, the escaping Khazars settled in what is now known as Hun-gary? Take a look at the map below41 (stolen, as usual, from Wikipedia, my favorite place). Notice the ‘Rus States’ in the north, and the ‘Khazar Khaganate’ in the south? That’s what I’m talking about.
Now to shorten the story, just note that the Ashkenazi (Khazar) refugees migrated north and west to settle in Eastern Europe, on the western flank of what we now call Russia. And remember, that 95% of those who identify thems
elves today as members of the Chosen Ones are Ashkenazim by origin, while the remaining 5% or so are known as Sephardic Jews. Which is to say, true-blooded Semites. But don’t think that I am making a real distinction between these 2 groups of people who claim to be the descendants of Abraham, because I’m not. A Jew is anyone who claims to be one and who acts like one. So, how does a Jew act? He denies the Jewishness of Jesus. Even the Mohammedans don’t do that. They call him a prophet. The Talmud calls him a bastard, literally.
And while the Ashkenazim survivors of the Khazar Kingdom of the Caucasus (southern Russia) are simply Jewish by means of a politically expedient conversion, it doesn’t keep them from acting like Chosen Ones. But they haven’t forgotten who they really are. They are the Scythians of Southern Russia, and they are still at war with the Orthodox Viking Rus’ of Northern Russia. And truth be told, the Scythians are winning, just as the Roundheads are still winning in the running civil war that has gripped the Anglish world since the death of Henry VIII.
So where am I going with this? Simple. While the Anglish Civil War is pretty much over (and the Roundheads have pretty much won), the Russian Civil War, however, is still going on. And the outcome of that war is what will decide the direction mankind takes as we plunge forward in time.
Well then, who are the combatants in this war today? First, the northern Czarists (led by Putin, who might be of royal blood?) who seek to restore the throne and empire of the Czars. They are opposed by the southern Bolsheviks (led by Putin, who headed the Communist KGB?) who seek to restore the power and the empire of the Soviet Union. Huh?
Yes, I know grandson, very confusing. But only because we don’t really know who Vladimir Putin represents. But here’s something that may help. The Czarists were (and still are) in the grip of the Orthodox religion. But the Communists were (and still are) in the grip of the Talmudic religion. Both religions are Bizarro knock-off ’s of their original counterparts, so both versions of Russia are off-kilter when it comes to their ultimate orientation. Neither one can be trusted, because each is in the grip of a distorted religion. But we do know this- Putin is extremely deferential to the institution of the Orthodox Church. So my choice to the conundrum I proposed in the previous paragraph is this- Putin is the leader of Imperial Russia, not Bolshevik Russia. He’s a Northern Russian, not a Southern one.
But let’s back up a bit here first. I called the Khazars ‘Scythians’, right? So what does that mean? Didn’t the Scythians pre-date the Khazars by 600 years or more? Yes. But that’s not my point. My point is, the Khazars occupied the same turf (at a later date), and mimicked the Scythian traits of warfare, which are slave-selling and the control of trade between the east and the west. And the Khazars took the image of Scythia (the scythe) and its smaller counterpart (the sickle) with them in their journey of exile after their defeat at the hands of the Rus’ Vikings from the north. And in their counter-attack on the Rus, known as the Russian Revolution of 1917, they planted this sign on their new flag. You know, the red banner that bears the hammer and sickle. The flag of the Bolshevik Soviet Union. And of course, they also put the Northern Russian symbol there too, to further the confusion, which is always their tactic. And what does that hammer symbolize? Thor, the Viking god of war, alongside the grim reaper of the Khazars.
OK, so what am I saying here? Simply this- that the people of the Caucasus (the Khazars) eventually overcame the people of the northern Urals (the Rus’) after the Khazar’s lengthy period of exile in Eastern Europe, where they have masqueraded as Ashkenazic Jews for over 1,000 years. And the struggle in Russia today is the renewed warfare between these southern ‘Soviet’ Russians and their northern Viking Rus’ counterparts. I know, you think I’m an idiot for thinking that today’s struggles in Russia could have anything to do with events from 1,000 years ago, right? Well, have you talked to any Serbs and Croats lately? Some people know how to nurse a grudge. And these two groups, the Vikings and the Khazars are champions in this category.
Let’s not forget that the Bolshevik Revolution was led almost exclusively by what was commonly known as Judeo-Bolsheviks. Just look at the words of Winston Churchill on the subject;
Sir Winston Churchill, writing in the Illustrated Sunday Herald of 8 February 1920; Churchill wrote “With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of leading figures are Jews. Moreover the principal inspiration and the driving power comes from Jewish leaders.” (end of citation)
But an even clearer look at what happened in the Russian (Bolshevik) Revolution was written by the London Times correspondent Robert Wilton, in 1920. In his book, originally written in French, Les Derniers Jours des Romanofs (The Last Days of the Romanov’s), he wrote of the racial (national) background of the actual rulers in the Bolshevik party at that time, 3 years after the revolution. The real power in the government was concentrated in 4 groups, and Wilton listed each member and their national/ racial origin. The four groups were, in descending order of power, the Central Committee (12 members), the Council of Peoples Commissars (22 members), the Central Executive Committee (60 members) and the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow (36 members), for a total of 130 positions of power. Guess how many were occupied by the Chosen Ones? Ninety two, or 71%. And you’re guessing the rest were Russians, right? Wrong.
There were only 13 positions held by Russians (10%), and of those 13 positions, Lenin occupied three of them. In other words, less than 10 % of the positions of power in the Russian Revolution were held by Russians. And the original leader, Ulyanov (aka Lenin) sported a Jewish wife. And his successor, Josef Djugashvili (aka Stalin) was a Georgian. And his main opponent for succession, Lev Bronstein (aka Leon Trotsky) was also a Chosen One. In short, the Russians on these committees were tokens or puppets of Jewish wives. Hell, there were more Latvians (12) on these committees than there were Russians (11)! And of the total of 556 top rulers of the revolution listed (by position) in Wilton’s work, 457 (or 82%) were Ashkenazim. That is to say, Khazars.
By the way, check out the Encyclopedia Judaica (Vol. V, p.91) to see that these Judeo-Bolsheviks were often instructed by the Communist Internationale to change their last names to hide their Khazar identities. Don’t take my word for it. Or Wilton’s. Go to and see for yourself. Get it straight from the horse’s mouth.
“In some countries Jews became the leading element in the legal and illegal Communist parties and in some cases were even instructed by the Communist International to change their Jewish-sounding names and pose as non-Jews, in order not to confirm right-wing propaganda that presented Communism as an alien, Jewish conspiracy .“(end citation)
In other words, this was not a Russian Revolution, rather it was a Khazar Counter-Attack Payback for the fall of Sarkel in 965AD. And it worked, for at least 74 years, from 1917 till 1991.
And now we are at the pregnant question as it concerns Russia and the Empire. Did the Soviet Union fall on Christmas Day in 1991 (with Gorbachev’s resignation)? Or did it just fade into black, as every good Cheshire Cat does when things get rough? Like the question of ‘who is Putin’, the question of the fall of communism is a puzzle. But we have some good clues here, so let’s take a closer look, as any good Barbarian would do.
To begin with, let’s recall the favorite tactic of all Russian rulers (whether they be Royal or Red) since the time of Napoleon. Whenever the enemy approaches, the strategy is to lure them forward by falling back behind the Ural Mountains. As the enemy approaches Moscow, the counter-offensive is launched. This always happens in the dead of winter, of course, as it seems only idiots attack Russia, and they always do it too late in the year. And the invader is then bled white and left to die in the snow as his extended supply lines are cut. Field Marshal Kutuzov did it to Napoleon, and Marshal Zhukov did it to Hitler. And maybe the craftiest Russian of all times, Nikita Krushchev, has laid a trap for the American Emperor? Remember what
I said about patterns? This is a big one, and it is going to repeat itself till the lesson is learned. But of course, the Emperor won’t learn. He never does. That’s why history has to last so long.
What am I talking about here? After all, wasn’t Krushchev removed from power in 1964 by the Central Committee (and replaced By Leonid Brezhnev) after his embarrassing shoe-banging episode at the UN? Sure, dude. Do you actually think that’s the way things work in a dictatorship? I remember when I was taking a poli-sci course on the political systems of Eastern Europe (this was in the 1970’s). I asked my professor if he actually believed that the so-called parliaments of Bulgaria and Romania, etc. truly had any say in the running of those countries. He looked at me like I was a maniac when I said that the guy with the gun runs the whole show. Meaning, the dictator. Call him whatever you like, those Eastern European satellites of Moscow had one thing in common. That one thing was one-man rule, by men loyal to Moscow. Anyway, I flunked the course (as usual), and moved on to another field of scholastic debacle (psychology), where I suffered the same fate for pointing out the obvious about Freud the fraud.
OK, back to Little Nicky (Nikita Krushchev). Why did he go away peacefully? Why wasn’t he executed by his successor, as any good Stalinist successor would have done? After all, didn’t Krushchev de-Stalinize the Party? Wasn’t that one of his ‘crimes’ against the Motherland? Why did his succession look more like an Western transition of power instead of the usual Commie coup? Simple. It was planned. Planned from the beginning.
What? How could that be? How could the guy who said to the West, ‘We will bury you’ ever get away with not being buried himself when he was ‘deposed’? Well, let me ask you a question or two, grandson. First of all, where are all the nukes that the Soviet Union commanded? Did they disappear? How about all the nuclear submarines and ICBM’s? And all of the Bear-class Bombers carrying the nukes? Where are they? I haven’t seen them on Ebay or Craig’s List. Oh sure, a lot of them (the outdated ones) have been de-commissioned, but the Empire has its own bone-yard of dead B-52’s in Arizona. So what?