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The Barbarian Bible

Page 49

by Ianto Watt

  And that brings us to our next point- what will the Western Empire do when all this crap hits the fan in southern Asia, and all of the sudden the Russians are sunning themselves on the beaches of France? What will the Western Emperor do when the Eastern Emperor in London is threatened with defeat, if not death? Will he respond with force? How much force? How quickly? With how much resolve? Or will it be another reverse replay of history, like when the West was under attack by the Huns and such in the 400’s AD? Will the West abandon the East, much as Diocletian did when he started the exodus out of Rome in 286 AD? He saw the coming disintegration and said ‘I’m outta here!’ Next stop was Constantinople.

  So ask yourself this; say you’re the Western Emperor, and all of this has transpired. Quick now, you’ve got about 30 minutes to decide. What will you do? Demand that Russia withdraw from Western Europe? Hahahahah! Sure. How will you enforce that demand, short of a nuclear war? Besides, what if Putin decides to take this same opportunity and he finishes off China? He then tells the world that he saved the West (America) from an attack that his intelligence forces informed him was imminent. An attack from the Chinese, who suspected that America was behind the double-crossing that started the southern Asian war I’ve described? What if Putin portrays himself as the savior of the West, instead of its enemy? How will you counter this portrayal-betrayal? Quickly now, you’ve only got about 20 minutes left before your ability to push the big red button is removed. And why is that?

  Well, in another reverse of history, there are probably some reverse-Strangelovians in our military’s midst today. Some who would be willing to think Putin is right, or at least that he’s a better choice than a Chinese-run world. Or maybe, just maybe, there’s an agent or two of a foreign power that has paid them to resist the Emperor when he wants to push the big red button. Am I saying that we have a Burgess-McLean-Philby trio of communist spies in our State Department that could or would do such a thing? Heavens no, because communism is dead, remember? But there could still be those in service to their successors. After all, the paycheck is the thing, right? Who cares who signs the check, the only thing that matters is whether it clears at the bank, eh?

  And don’t discount the Chosen Ones here either, my friend. Remember, they are serving both sidelines here, and the Imperial sideline is now in chaos. Forget the vast propaganda display we’ve been subjected to over the past hundred years. Forget the official game card of the last 100 years or so, where it was always the Empire versus her Russian Impostor. The reality is that for 2,000 years, it’s always been Empire versus Church. And now, in an incredible display of macho chutzpah, in the midst of international chaos, we have the scene of the Barbarian Russian pretenders pouring out of the stands to supposedly assist the Empire in holding back the forces of inscrutable Chinese treachery charging the field from the stands on the other sideline. Or at least that’s the way Putin might portray it. And who would doubt him, with force? Quickly now, Mr. President, you’ve only got about 10 minutes left to decide whether to incinerate Russia to save those ungrateful Western Europeans.

  Never mind that the dangerous Russians (the ones with the tanks and tactical nukes) are parked outside the bistros and cafes in Paris and Rome and Berlin and so on. They don’t really care if you nuke Russia because nobody’s home, they’re all on a European holiday, mate. And in fact, they like their new vacation homes a lot better than the old place. And remember too, you’re the Western Emperor who called for a ‘re-set’ of Russian-American relations, right? So what are you going to do, Mr. President? You’ve got 5 minutes left, and CNN is calling, wanting a statement clarifying what your response will be. The Pentagon is calling too, but you can’t be too sure if they’re actually wanting to take a message, or to leave one. One that goes like this; ‘Mr. President, we’re sending over Chopper One to take you to a secret base for your own protection’. Hmmm… Do you really trust these guys, Emperor?

  More importantly, do they trust you? And there’s the whole problem, isn’t it? Nobody trusts anyone anymore, do they? Why? Because of the continuous trail of betrayal that has emanated from New York (and more importantly, Old York) over the last 500 years. Or, in the long view, for about 2,000 years, as every Caesar from the first has taught them all to do.

  Well, there’s the scene, and I can buy it, because it ends up for the moment in a stalemate between the Empire and Russia. But vis-à-vis the rest of the world, Russia has won, hands down. Southern Asia is now a Chink-Free Zone. And there are no more Holy Cows either. The starving Hindu remainder of that country and culture have woken up to the undeniable and eternal truth; cows are delicious. And they’re already cooked and ready to eat. The hamburger has even been irradiated (heavily), which according to modern science should make it even more sanitary, eh?

  Am I being a racist here? Am I treating these poor people as if they were less than human? I don’t think so. But I am making fun of their cultural Operating Systems that indeed treated the common Asian man as if he were no better than an ant. An Operating System that will keep them ignorant, illiterate and poor all the days of their too-short lives, even if my scenario doesn’t happen anytime soon. I’m not the one who came up with the concept of the ‘untouchable’, but I do think it’s funny when it gets applied to the upper-crust too. Just imagine the look of horror on their faces when they realize that their fate is no better than the teeming masses living in the slums of Shanghai or Bombay. No, I won’t say their names the new way, I like the old names better. Peking too!

  Alright, so there’s the political construct in the aftermath of the Southern Asian Conflagration. But what does that mean for the rest of us? And what about all those Muslims that weren’t in the way of the atomic-powered train that roared through the sub-continent? There will still probably be a half billion or more of them left, but none will have the Bomb once Pakistan is gone. What are they going to do about all of this? After all, they can’t blame it on Israel, right? I know, they’ll want to, and it may in fact have been true, but who could prove it? I mean, if you can’t connect the dots on the Kennedy Assassination after 50 years, how can you see clearly in this matter, in such a short time? Right, you probably can’t. And even if you can, there will still be a thousand other voices crying that it was the Paki’s, the Hindu’s, the Chink’s, the Russians, the Americans, etc. that started it all. Plenty of blame to go around. Hell, somebody will even blame the Canadians. It will be an AP reporter, no doubt.

  And what if Putin is a smart guy (and he is), and he says the occupation of Europe isn’t an offensive operation but rather a defensive one. One designed to safeguard the continent from a certain attack by the Muslims who see an opportunity to take the rest of what they’ve already tasted? Who could fault Vladimir in this magnificent effort that is intended to save Europe from Mohammedan Sharia Law? Who indeed? I’ll tell you who- the Pope, the leader of Holy Rome. And he will have to pay for that, I promise you! Why? Do you think that a guy like Putin, who would gladly nuke the rest of China and India (if it’s necessary to finish the job somebody started), and who cheerily jails punk-rocker chicks who mock him, will flinch from thumping an old man in Rome? And as Uncle Joe used to ask, ‘how many divisions does the Pope have’? No, this defiance by Vladimir Putin will elicit the same response that Vladimir Lenin would give, if the opportunity arises. Break some eggs! Even the Beautiful Lady said so in her prophecy. Read it if you don’t believe me.

  And so now we get to the real showdown, as the military standoff between Russia and the Western Empire is simply another step down in the organic decomposition of mankind. I believe it is inevitable that Russia will take Europe (by the throat), and to supplant Angland as the center of the Eastern Empire. Why? Because Angland is now hollow, and has been for nearly a hundred years. Only the weight of America (and her Chosen financiers) has kept the image propped up, so that TV shows like Downton Abbey continue to be produced and the remaining inhabitants can still pretend to be civilized. But remember, this is the island that a
lso produced ‘A Clockwork Orange’ over 40 years ago, presaging the final descent of the isle into today’s sad state of savagery. Make no mistake, Angland has made the final descent, and Henry VIII’s Faustian deal is now complete. In return for the souls of all his subjects, the royals and their thieving friends known as The Lords all got to live make-believe lives that are no longer believable. Or livable. The fact that London has the greatest number of remote police cameras in the world is all the proof needed to know that the last and only prophet of the Anglican world was Orwell, indeed.

  And so, Russia is simply filling the vacuum of Henry’s cold-hearted theft. The Church was beaten, stripped and left to die, and it has nearly expired in Angland. But not quite yet. So here’s the funny part- Russia has finally claimed the prize of becoming true co-equals in the Empire, only to find out that the prize is made of lead instead of gold. Instead of a vibrant, thriving, growing Empire, it’s all hollow, rotted to the core! Strip away all of the immigration numbers and you’ll see that all of the European nations are collapsing, growing collectively grayer with each passing minute. Now Russia will be the master of a global geriatric ward. Hahahhahaah! And the same is true in America, the Western half of the Empire. Take away the Latino numbers and you’ll see that America too has fallen into the death spiral, though not as deeply as the rest of the Northern Hemisphere. It could still recover. And it may yet. Maybe. Padre Pio said it would.

  But at the moment, the illusions still linger, and Putin will look like a genius. Even a hero, as he claims to be the savior of a Europe too weak to reproduce or to defend itself from Islam, and of an America too stupid to see a Chinese threat coming their way as the Dragon writhes in its death agony in the Asian conflagration. Once the Chinese, Indians and Paki’s are mutually self-destroyed, the only hand that can seem to stay the western Muslim advance on Europe will be Russia. And in a delicious irony, most of the world will hail Putin as they did King John Sobieski when he defeated the Muslims at the gates of Vienna in 1683. Which is funny, because King John was a Pole, and the Russians have envied him and his nation for this ever since. Which is another reason the Poles will pay, again, at the hand of The Angry Rus’.

  Anyway, once the Russians reach the Atlantic (and the Indian Ocean too) after the devastation of the Asian sub-continent, it will simply be a matter of physical presence that wins the day. Putin will be bullet-proof. Why? Because Europe is out of bullets. And the Americans will be too scared to use their nuclear ones. And the American troops are everywhere else but Europe, so it will be a moot point. The Western Emperor will be checked, and if he openly resists, he will be checkmated. Now you know why Russia has always been the home of all true chess grandmasters (save one). It has all been in preparation for this day.

  Militarily, Russia will have won the day, following Sun Tzu’s advice of fighting asymmetrically. Or not at all, if circumstances permit. But as I said, it will be a hollow victory, from an economic standpoint. It will be a zero-sum game, economically, because none of these populations or economies in the northern hemisphere is expanding naturally. But even in a zero-sum game, one side can gain a relative benefit, and Russia will gain as Western Europe is looted. Behind the scenes, of course. I can see it all now- all these governments that refused to pay America for defending it for 65 years will now have to pay the Russians for ‘defending’ them from the Muslims who actually do all the real work in these countries. And unlike the wimpy Americans, Russia will collect on this debt. The Europeans will finally get to see what their collective elective socialism has bought them. Nothing.

  But there’s still going to be one problem here, and it won’t be a military or economic one. It will be religious. Why? Because even though Russia will claim that its real intent is to ‘save’ Europe from the Muslims, it can’t claim this from a religious standpoint. Why? Because the people they are supposedly saving, the ones of Western Europe, they aren’t religious anymore. So that argument won’t gain any traction. No, they will have to fall back on the ‘cultural’ card, which is all Europe has left. Never mind that ‘culture’ comes from a cult, which is another name for religion. And if there is one common culture that Europe shared, it was the Holy Roman Operating System, for over 1,500 years and more. But in the Orwellian world of political correctness (where tolerance and diversity rule), this cannot be openly said any longer. And that’s why the Muslims cannot be defeated by Europe. Why? Because the Muslim world is animated by religion (which produces their culture), whereas Europe has abandoned their religion. This makes their ‘modern’ culture hollow, somnolent and defenseless. And so, the Russians actually will be seen as secular saviours. But not for long.

  So the choices will be grim for the Western Europeans. They must either allow continued Muslim emigration (and lose control politically and demographically), or else they must stop the flow and go back to work themselves. Realistically speaking, Europe will have to try and evict the Muslims, because the cost of paying Russia for ‘protection’ will make it economically impossible to maintain their social-welfare state and pay the bills Russia presents them with. Which means that either the Muslims must go (and Europeans will have to go back to work), or the Muslims stay but the social welfare state collapses because the state will also be paying Russia to maintain the peace between the Europeans and the ever-increasing Muslims. There’s not enough money to pay for both a high standard of living and the ‘protection’ services Moscow is so benevolently supplying. So Europe has a choice- become a vassal of Islam, or become a vassal of Russia.

  So what will happen? We know the Muslims won’t repudiate their faith, and so they won’t relent in their desire to establish Muslim religious rule. Even Moscow knows this, in her long experiences in southern Asia. Ask any Chechnyan if he is afraid of Russia. He’d rather die than to renounce Mohammed. And that is what Russia wants him to do. To die, that is. That’s what Russia has tried to do all throughout the Asian subcontinent in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and all the other ‘Stans’ the Russians have occupied or tried to rule for the last 500 years. And it never worked. So, ultimately, there has to be a ‘final solution’, or Russia itself will succumb to Islam. Why? Because Russia too is in a demographic death-spiral.

  So let’s think a bit here. Let’s assume the subcontinent is glowing from the Hindu-Paki-China war we’ve already discussed. Now the largest Muslim nation is Indonesia (which can’t really project any power beyond its own archipelago, even with 205 million people). And if Muslim Bangladesh (formerly known as Eastern Pakistan) was part of the war, then from Afghanistan to Indonesia there are (or were) over 840 million of the world’s Muslim population. Almost all of them are in the theatre of operations we have already discussed. So, if a billion Chinese (who also hate Muslims) are fighting a billion Hindus who are fighting almost a billion Muslims, then where does that leave the rest of the Muslim world when there’s nothing but the warm afterglow of radiation left in this neck of the woods? Suddenly, Islam is not so intimidating, eh? I wonder if the Persians will be dumb enough to try and intervene on behalf of their Muslim brothers? I don’t think so. After all, Persia (Iran) is Greek in origin. Greeks have never saved anyone, let alone themselves. Hahahahah!!

  And let’s ask another question before we answer that pregnant question. What is the perception of the ‘civilized world’ to the results of the supposed Arab Spring movement. You know, the movement that has toppled so many Arab despots throughout the Mideast these past few years, only to be replaced by adamantly militant regimes that stridently oppose the West? Now let’s get real ugly here and ask the real question- would any tears be shed by the ‘civilized’ West if these remaining Arab / Muslim countries were also to be somehow obliterated? By someone like Russia? Would anyone condemn Putin if he was to lose control of a few hundred nukes and that somehow were used against the Muslim world? I doubt it. But there would be a few voices, and one in particular. That one would be the Pope. There he is again, that pesky fellow. He’s getting to be just like t
hose three brats at Fatima, eh Vlad? What is to be done, komrade? Omlets, anyone?

  Now before this could all come about, sequentially, it will probably dawn on a few folks, outside of Tel Aviv that is (where it was already known, of course), that this could all happen, in a chain reaction, because this is how atrocities always happen. Thing get out of control, or at least they appear to do so. Like the Armenian genocide. Like the Ukrainian genocide. Like the Jewish genocide of WWII. Like the Cambodian genocide. Like the American Indian genocide. Before you know it, things (supposedly) fly out of control, and huge numbers of people are missing. Permanently. Then the crocodile tears begin to flow, until the next time it happens again.

  I know, you think I’m a cynical beast, but you’re wrong. The cynical ones are the ones who pull the triggers. I’m merely commenting on their work, and I’m not buying the story. I think most, if not all of these kinds of things are planned, and pretty well executed, if that is the word. I think it is, by the way. And I’m betting that I’m not the only one who thinks this way. I think that there’s at least one fellow left that has an equally jaundiced view of un-repentant mankind, and this guy lives just outside Rome. And if you look at the past hundred years, this man and all of his predecessors have raised their voices (in vain) trying to get the leaders of the world to stop doing exactly these kinds of things. And these men, the Popes, seem to have an affinity for standing up for any group (regardless of their religion) that has become targeted, by the Empire or their own local tyrant. And I believe it will happen again, on a grand scale, as it relates to the scenario I have drawn above.


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