The Barbarian Bible

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The Barbarian Bible Page 51

by Ianto Watt

  I know, you think that Russia, like the Eastern Empire in the time after the fall of the Western Emperor (476 AD) was a Caesaro-Papist enterprise. Now, you can make the point that it’s hard to tell one from the other at any given time, and you would be correct. Especially in the case of Patriarch Photius and Emperor Basil back when this whole idiocy started in Constantinople in the 800’s. But if you really want to understand Russia, ‘the riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma’ (the only truth Churchill ever spoke), you’ve got to think outside the party line. The Orthodox pre-dated the Czars, and they still post-date the Commies. And they ruled everything in between, just like the rabbis have ruled the scattered Chosen Ones since the Fall of Jerusalem. They rule with fear. Eternal fear. And so, I contend that no ruler of Russia, since the fall of Constantinople in 1453 AD, has ever ruled without the consent of the Patriarch of Moscow. No, my boy, the key to understanding Russia is to see that it is not Caesaro-papist in nature. It is Papo-Caesarist.

  But all this really means is that the Eastern Churches (the Orthodox ones, that is) are not really spiritually oriented. But they hide this by hiding their real worldly ruler in the robes of the Khagan, instead of the Bek (the military general) who seems to rule with real power. But the Orthodox are all about power. Earthly power. And the supernatural? Sure, but remember, there’s two parts to the supernatural world. Which door would you like to open?

  So, what am I saying? I’m saying that Russia has adopted the Southern Khazar-style of governance, wherein one person (the Khagan) was revered as a god, while the running of the day to day matters of the kingdom was left to the Bek, the military leader. But in a cunning twist, these two roles have been mixed in the Russian world of the North that was subdued by the wandering Scythian-Khazars after they were routed by the Huns. There in Northern Russia, the religious personality, the Patriarch of Moscow, is seemingly the ultimate spiritual image of their nation, but in reality he is the one who actually runs things.

  Meanwhile, the erstwhile Bek, Vladimir Putin, reputedly the military leader, is on a short leash held by the Patriarch. I know, this seems confusing, and it is, because it was meant to be confusing. Confusion leads to exhaustion, which leads to early defeat. So says Sun Tzu, the only Chinaman the Russians respect. So don’t let this nifty bit of role playing and political cross-dressing confuse you. It’s very simple- there is a straw man (Putin) and a man behind the curtain (the Patriarch). Just like the Wizard of Oz. But in this remake, pay no attention to the man in front of the curtain! Putin doesn’t matter! How many times do I have to tell you, grandson? Quit listening to what people say and watch only what they do!

  Well, just how sure am I of all this? Once again, I’m pretty damn sure, but we’ll have to watch and see how it all plays out, right? But remember this- if there ever comes a time that the military arm of Russia is stayed by the hand of the spiritual master, the Patriarch of Moscow, then I’ll be proven right. It will then be obvious to anyone with eyes that just as in the days of Communism, when the Party controlled the military, so it still is, but the Atheist Party has been replaced by the Orthodoxy Party. Now we’re back to the old question of whether the Communist Party was actually the creation of the Orthodox, for the purpose of creating the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR). You need a boogeyman to create a Diaspora, right? So, as Comrade Lenin said, the best way to control the opposition is to lead it. After you create it, of course!

  And that would be that, if that was all there is, but it isn’t. Before we go any further forward, we have to ask, again, if there is one more mask that needs to be ripped off of somebody before we know who the real players are. And the last mask that has to come off is the mask of Orthodoxy, pretending to be Holy Rome. Now we’re back to the most dangerous Greek since Odysseus. That would be Photius, of course. And if I’m right, then he is the willful originator of this creation known as Orthodoxy (as a separate, self-thinking auto-cephalous religious entity). An Orthodoxy created for the purpose of future treachery against Holy Rome and all other Gentiles. Because Photius was a Khazar-Faced Crypto-Chosen One. He wasn’t Christian at all, and every step in his power-driven life was lived in opposition to the concept of a unified Church. Unless it was under his leadership, of course. As the real Caesar. Just ask Emperor Basil. He figured out Photius’ game and finally banished him, and so Photius’ personal dream of actual direct rule of the Empire got de-railed.

  But the dream of Photius lived on, just as the Oral Tradition of the Talmudic Pharisees lived on after the 71 elders at the base of Mt. Sinai had passed on. And if Phariseeism could persevere for 3,000+ years, why couldn’t Photius’ auto-cephalous Orthodox dream live on for 1,000 years? And in fact, are the two actually related? As in, are they siblings? Or better yet, are they one and the same? What’s the difference between Orthodoxy and Ultra-Orthodoxy, from a semantic standpoint? And from a semantic standpoint, how the hell can you be ‘ultra’ orthodox if orthodoxy means ‘right thinking’? How can you be righter than right?

  Anyway, the Orthodox and the Ultra-Orthodox sure dress alike. And they sure act alike. Well, as Arthur Koestler, a Chosen One, pointed out in his book The Thirteenth Tribe, the Biblical quote of Noah, blessing his sons, contained the biblical statement that ‘Japheth will dwell in the tents of Shem.’ And the Khazars were of Japheth’s tribe, but then they converted to Judaism (the religion of Shem-ites). So, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck….? And so, we have the trail. Not one of documents, but one of actions. Quit looking at labels! Don’t act like a Weiner-Dog. Look only at their actions.

  So Photius betrayed the Church in pursuit of personal political power, and used the Emperor just like any Bek would have used the Khagan. But Photius was smart, and he stole (literally) the aegis of the Pope before he did it. Remember that word? The cloak of religious authority? And who, in all of history, do the Orthodox Patriarchs look like, in their dress and appearance? The Jewish High Priest, that’s who. And Photius’ successors used their adopted Talmudic ways to create a scientific-materialistic version of themselves known as Communism. And this charade would mask their end-game maneuvers for almost a century before they let that masquerade die on Christmas Day, 1990, as Gorbachev abdicated his role. Merry Christmas, everyone! Gorbachev was the new Kruschchev, and the West bought the same lie again, and began to disarm in the euphoria of the ‘victory’ in the Cold War. Ultimately, Moscow wants to replace not only Imperial Rome, but Holy Rome as well. The errors of Russia. Plural.

  Meanwhile, the ROC and the ROCOR kissed and made up, without so much as an ‘I told you so’. And no KGB moles were ever outed from the ROC, because, of course, they weren’t really Communists, they were always Ortho’s. Which is to say, Orthodoxy was the poison, not Communism. And just as Orthodoxy killed the Communist Party, when it became convenient (beguiling the West to begin to disarm), it will kill anyone else that swallows it. And now it’s everywhere, masquerading as a world-wide church that appears to have the blessing of Holy Rome. After all, they were invited to the Ecumenical Feast of Vatican II, thus giving legitimacy to their claims to be Christians. Which would be fine, if they were obedient Christians. How do I know the leaders of Orthodoxy are not real Christians? Because they’re not obedient. Just ask the Imperial Roman Centurion who Jesus praised. And the reason they are not obedient to anyone, let alone Holy Rome (or even Imperial Rome), is because their intention is to destroy the universal church by occupying the Throne of Peter.

  Pretty slick, pretty sick. And of course, there’s the little matter of several other impostors who are playing the same game, although they are merely lesser versions of Orthodoxy. The Anglicans and the Lutherans, to be specific. And all the other Protestant denominations that sprang from their medieval imitation of Orthodoxy. And this parallel play of Ecumenical Brotherhood is playing out, even as I type, preparing the world for the upcoming ‘final unification’ that will take place right before the end.

  What am I talking about? I’m talking about the
gradual re-absorption of all the Protestant denominations (of any importance) back into the fold of Holy Rome. And this re-absorption will have all been facilitated by the Ecumenical Bash of 1962. The only problem is that as each denomination comes back, they will do so on their own terms, and not Holy Rome’s. And what does this mean? It means they won’t abandon their original auto-cephalous position, which, to put it simply, is this; ’every man his own pope’. Yep, in the end, every man gets to make his own decisions, because that was the price each denomination has laid down before they would agree to return to the Big Tent of the new and ecumenical Holy Rome.

  And by now, the practical but disastrous results of Vatican II have become clear to nearly everyone (except the bishops) - empty pews, empty cribs, empty skulls. But to those who pushed for the Big Reunion Dinner (instead of having a party to read the Third Secret letter of Lucia), the only way to save face was to pretend it all worked as planned. To give in one final time and let in anyone who wanted to call themselves ‘Holy Roman’ to do so, for free. To let Odysseus and Diomedes pass in through the gates of Troy in their disguise. That is the only way to mask the membership drop (or at least Sunday participation) into the Holy Roman churches in the nations of the northern hemisphere.

  And so we now have the spectacle of the Anglicans returning to the fold, led by their married priests, who will now be Holy Roman priests. So, how is Holy Rome going to resist the wailing of the liberals who demand that all Holy Roman priests should be able to marry, and not just the Anglican ones? And to marry whom? Man or woman (or goat, in Reggie Dwight’s world)? And the next bunch that will come back will be the Lutherans, who will pull the same stunt, plus their silly ‘consubstantiation’ theory that directly contradicts the Holy Roman dogma of ‘transubstantiation’. Now remember your physics? Where it says two objects can’t occupy the same space at the same time? Well, how is it then that that the Lutheran communion wafer can be both bread and flesh at the same time? Which is it, guys? It’s one or the other, but it can’t be both. Holy Roman dogma agrees with me (or vice-versa, actually), saying that only the appearance of the bread remains. As in, it’s a miracle. Every day. That takes guts, Holy Roman guts, and I like that. Lutherans on the other hand, are supposed to be Germans, and real Germans don’t make math and physics errors like this. Idiots. This is so stupid I can’t even laugh!

  Then finally the Baptists will come knocking, saying they’ll come back if Rome will let them have mass without communion of any kind (consubstantial or transubstantial)! I’m sure a way will be found to accommodate this request, because accommodation is the rule of the day. And accommodation is the antithesis of logic. I know, you think I’m not being logical here, but the reason is I’m not using real logic. I’m using their logic, which is defective. And why is that? Because it is deficient. It only applies to them. In other words, it is not universal. And what is the other word for universal? By the way, how do you say ‘accommodation’ in Italian? Aggiornamen to? And wasn’t that the supposed purpose of holding the Vatican II bash? To accommodate the world? How? By bringing the Church up to date. Welcome to the modern world, the world of the all-powerful Wiener Dogs.

  I know, you want to know about why certain past Popes (like good Pope Benedict XVI) eased up on the traditional Catholics if liberalism is supposedly the official Vatican agenda? How does this comport with my storyline? Easy, my grandson. Just because you are the Pope doesn’t mean you totally control your own household. Ask any man with children, he understands this truth. And like I said in the opening pages of this book I have written for you, the Vatican household is riddled through and through with traitors, spies and simple weasels. It has been for centuries. Impostors of every stripe (Freemasons, Illuminati, Carbonari, Gramscians, etc.) have burrowed their way in under the walls of Holy Rome. And they did it first to the original and authentic Eastern Churches, before they re-branded themselves as ‘Orthodox’, before the split with Holy Rome was engineered by Photius. But don’t worry, things will end well, for as I also said earlier, all these conspiracies will fail at the end. Freemasons are such idiotic tools. And tools, as you know, are meant to be used. The mechanic is the one who is really in charge.

  Anyway, this Vatican II Dinner process of making concessions to every splinter group from the past will continue for a while longer. It will prepare everyone inside and outside of Holy Rome to blindly, even euphorically, accept the final step in this reverse version of the Prodigal Son. And that step will be at the end, when the Orthodox Horse finally re-enter the walls of Holy Rome, triumphant at their victory. Why? Because there will not have been any demands made of them to repent of their auto-cephalous ways before being allowed re-admittance. All the advance leg work will have already been done by the admission of the Anglicans and Lutherans and Baptists, etc., before the Orthodox return. And how will this return occur? I’ve already told you! But let’s review, OK? Because there’s going to be a test, remember?

  Alright, let’s summarize a bit here, and try and get the fog to lift from your poor young mind. I know, you are only a child, but you must grow up, and realize that the adult world is adulterated. You must think for yourself, and the time is coming soon when the need for real decisions will be thrust upon you. You must become a man, and do it soon, because there is no one who can do this for you. At least, no one who has your ultimate best interests at heart. Now let’s get to work, and see how the final act plays out.

  So, grandson, we’re at the point where the Russian Army has swept through Europe, after the Southern Asian Conflagration that was started by somebody, anybody, and plenty of folks had a reason to do it, including and especially the gods. Never forget the gods! The Western Europeans, those impotent fools, are stunned, and the Western Emperor is paralyzed. The Eastern Emperor, in London, is screaming for help as the Russkies stare at him across the Channel. The Eastern Emperor is screaming at his Chosen Financiers, telling them to cut off all trade and funds to Moscow, but they are laughing at him, as history is played back in reverse. The Anglish are in anguish, as they realize that they don’t really own these Israelite British, who are making it clear that they never bought that line about the British Israelites. Hahahhahah! Take that, Tommy! Hahahhaah! Idiots.

  And in the West, the other Emperor is finding out that he never owned these Chosen Ones either, as they make his life unbearable. He has no funds as well because The Fed owns the fuel of government. And he doesn’t own The Fed. But even if he did, his troops are everywhere but where he needs them to be. And besides, there are those who want the Russkies to win. People everywhere outside the Empire, who have waited many centuries for this time to come about. People who have been exploited, enslaved and destroyed by the Empire’s wars. The wars of frontal aggression and the hidden aggression of the Three Front War. The chickens are coming home to roost.

  And in Israel, there is seeming consternation, especially amongst the smaller members of the Chosen Ones, as the Muslim world begins to stir. These Muslims are thinking now may be the time to wipe out the carpetbaggers of the Middle East, while Russia is sunning herself at the Riviera. But those plans never gel, because Russia has eyes in the back of her head. She has eyes everywhere. Eyes that see both west and south, because she has friends in both places. Friends who have no other friends. And who are they? They are the eyes of the Mossad, the other arm of the Orthodox. After all, the Orthodox and the Ultra-Orthodox have identical goals, and a largely overlapping membership at the top. The Orthodox and the Ultra-Orthodox. The new Third Rome and the old First Jerusalem have formed the new Axis Powers of the coming world.

  Now don’t misunderstand me, my grandson. I’m not saying something bad won’t happen in Israel. In fact, it probably will. Something like a backpack nuke going off in Tel Aviv. And just like in Southern Asia, there are plenty of players who could and would do it, including the gods, if they could. But remember this- if something catastrophic happens in Israel, but it isn’t in Jerusalem, I’m still on the money. Why? Simple. I
t will be another false flag operation, just like the USS Liberty attack in 1967. The point is this- the powers that be will gladly sacrifice Tel Aviv in order to gain all of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, which is the only piece of real estate they are missing. Why? To rebuild the temple, silly. And if a nuke goes off in Tel Aviv, then guess who will get blamed? Yes, the Muslims, of course. Very good, my boy!

  What, am I saying that Israel will gladly sacrifice its own people for a measly 20 acre parcel of rocks in Jerusalem? Sure. It’s simple, as always. They were willing to sacrifice millions of their ‘lesser brethren’ in WWII to Adolph and The Gang. Why not throw in a few more to gain total mastery of the Muslim world through the indignation of world opinion? Oh, so you still think I’m an anti-Semite? Well, let’s ask ourselves a few pertinent questions here. How many Chosen Ones were saved by Winston, the Eastern Emperor, and Angland in WWII? How many by the Western Emperor, FDR? How many were saved by the Hindus? How many by the Russians? How many by the Confucians? And most importantly, how many were saved by the big-shot Chosen Ones in the Western Empire, and in London? How many did the Rothschild’s save? How many did the Warburg’s save? How many did the Kuhn’s save? How much money did the big shot Chosen Ones spend trying to save their continental kin in WWII? I’ll tell you the answer- the Pope, Pius XII, saved more than all of these combined! Hell, Gen. Tojo saved more in Japan and China than all of these others besides the Pope.

  Don’t believe me? Then why did Golda Meir, the fourth Prime Minister of Israel, say in front of the United Nations, in 1958 (when the Pope died) that “We share the grief of the world over the death of His Holiness Pius XII. During a generation of wars and dissensions, he affirmed the high ideals of peace and compassion. During the 10 years of Nazi terror, when our people went through the horrors of martyrdom, the Pope raised his voice to condemn the persecutors and to commiserate with their victims. The life of our time has been enriched by a voice which expressed the great moral truths above the tumults of daily conflicts. We grieve over the loss of a great defender of peace.”


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