KNOCKOUT: An Opposites Attract Romance (Unlikely Matches Book 1)

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KNOCKOUT: An Opposites Attract Romance (Unlikely Matches Book 1) Page 3

by Gabrielle Snow

  Without responding, she gradually moved her hand along the curve of her neck and upward, eventually meeting her earlobe as her fingers mindlessly fiddled with her silver hoop.

  “Enough about Mr. Bond.” I lightheartedly closed the menu and folded my arms over the table, looking her dead in the eyes. “How did someone who looks like you and acts like you become my trainer?”

  “You must have been born under lucky stars.”

  I sensed a bit of sarcasm in her tone before she took a sip of water.

  “Did you always want to be in MMA?”

  “Pretty much.” Her slow blink made my stomach flip.

  “Ever fought in a real match?”

  “Dozens, in fact.” My eyes grew wider, and she continued with an exhale, “I, uh—got injured... badly. After that, I had to retire and train instead.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Brushing it off with a wave of her hand, she straightened her shoulders and flipped a lock of hair away from her neck. “It’s been two years. I’m over it.”

  The composure with which she spoke of a life-altering, career-shifting incident left me in awe of her power and ability to remain collected. If that were me, I would have probably still been in shambles about it.

  Gosh, was she something else.

  Something I could use more of in my life...

  Chapter 5


  CONNOR’S GENERAL AVERSION to offending me or saying anything that could have been taken wrong was actually new to me.

  Most men treated me like the tough, independent coach that I was—and sometimes, the hot chick with muscles—forgetting that I was also...

  A woman.

  He, on the other hand, was more than well-behaved. His tact and consideration warmed my heart, and I wondered about the kind of woman who brought up such a perfectly mannered gentleman.

  Another part of me wondered if that was also his lovemaking persona.

  Surprised at my own pace, I blinked quickly and pulled myself back to the moment when the waiter came to remove our plates.

  I had a couple of glasses of wine in me, perhaps that was it.

  Mentally laughing at myself, I thought, Who are you kidding, Aza? You want him.

  Something about those pure blue eyes, straight brown hair, and clear creamy skin, always blushing, made me think about straightforward encounters and pure, uncomplicated pleasure.

  I didn’t know why.

  And then, came his question.

  “Wanna go back to my place?” He closed the bill book before I even realized that he had paid. “I have some new movies I haven’t watched yet.”

  “Wait, aren’t we splitting that?”

  He scoffed, “In your dreams, Miss Warrior.”

  “Who?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “Don’t change the subject.”


  I was buying myself time to consider his suggestion. Going back to his place would only mean one thing.

  The thing I wanted and feared at the same time.

  “Movie it is.” Afraid that I would change my mind, I placed both palms on the table as if I knew what I was doing.

  He smiled.

  God, those lips.

  I wondered if they were as smooth as they looked.

  Throughout the entire ride to his place, I fought an overpowering urge to touch him. He was driving, and I hung on to my self-respect. The last thing I needed to do was throw myself at him in the middle of the road. What message would that send?

  But then again, I was far more aware of his intoxicating cologne than I had been on our way to the restaurant. It was funny what one conversation could do to your perception of a person.

  After what felt like forever, we arrived at his apartment in a nice area not too far from my neighborhood.

  As soon as he closed the door, it was as though tight shackles had been lifted off my limbs.

  Throwing all caution to the wind, I pressed myself against him, slightly pushing him against the wall. His blue eyes darkened as mine pierced through them, telling of the volumes of desire that flooded over my insides like tsunamis.

  Slightly shaking my head, I hungrily studied the expression on his face. He wanted this.


  I lost all interest in analyzing any longer, and our lips locked upon the first touch.

  Yes. They were as smooth as silk.

  Before I could savor the moment, I felt his hands gripping my shoulders as he pulled away.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered, his eyes imploring mine.

  God, have mercy.

  “Yes.” I mirrored his tone, deliberately enunciating before I gave him a kiss much lighter than I had intended.

  To my surprise, he deepened the kiss, nibbling on my lower lip as he did. I made a low growling noise in the back of my throat, his hands moving all over my body, fire trailing in his wake.

  What was it about him?

  Slowly, deliberately, he moved over the fabric of my dress as my tongue plunged into his mouth, a sensual dance for dominance. Then, I took his hand in mine and firmly slid it under my dress, pleased at his surprised reaction.

  Clearly, the doctor was far too used to taking it slow.

  Without warning, I pulled up and placed my hands on my hips. “Where’s the bedroom?”

  Connor swallowed, his eyes darkening with desire as he jabbed his thumb in the direction behind him. My eyes never left his face as I took two steps back, and slid the dress off. It pooled at my feet then I kicked it away. His eyes raked over me, taking in every inch of exposed skin. My tongue darted out to lick my lips, and I offered him a lazy seductive smile.

  Then, I was headed in the direction of the bedroom, wriggling my hips as I left my panties in the hallway, and my bra by the door. I had no idea what it was about him that was making me feel so confident, so sexy, but something about Connor brought out that side of me.

  Seconds later, Connor stepped into the room, having left his own clothes outside, and clad in nothing but his boxers. His eyes scanned the room before they landed on me, standing with one leg up on the bed, and my hands on my hips. I glanced down at his erection, straining against the fabric of his boxers then back up at his face and grinned.

  “I think you’re standing too far, Dr. Kelly,” I purred. I cocked a finger in his direction and beckoned him forward as if I was pulling on an invisible thread. “Wouldn’t you like to do a more thorough examination?”

  Connor smirked. “Why, yes, I do believe I need to, but this could take hours and hours.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind,” I told him, tossing my hair behind my back. “I’m all yours, Doctor.”

  Connor made a low choked noise in the back of his throat as I climbed onto the bed, spread my legs open, and stared at him. For a few minutes, he stared at me, drinking in every feature, and making me warm and slick with desire.

  His eyes traveled up to my face, and my breath hitched in my throat. His eyes remained on my face as he slid down his boxers and joined me on the bed, all taut muscles and pale skin. With the tips of my fingers, I ran my hands down the slope of his back, gave his buttocks a firm squeeze then moved to the front. After playing with the hair on his chest, I found myself moving down until I gripped him.

  “I think I should be allowed an examination too,” I whispered.

  “Oh, absolutely,” Connor agreed, voice thick with desire. He reached for me, traced the curve of my hip, back up to my neck then paused at my breasts. In an instant, he had one nipple between his teeth, tongue darting out to lick before he moved onto the other one, low guttural noises pouring from his lips.

  Holy hell, I was in trouble.

  Just the sound of his voice alone was enough to make me throw my head back, my free hand curling at my side. Connor shifted, and was on top of me, pressed against my center. Unable to wait any longer, I spread my legs even further, and he thrust in, my entire body tingling as he did. My head fell back against the pillow, a thin sheen of sweat breaki
ng out across my forehead. I raked my hands across his back, taking my time with it as he hissed and dropped his head to my forehead. In one quick movement, I rolled him off and came out on top, pressing my breasts against his bare chest as he did.

  Connor stared at me as I took both his hands in mine and pinned them above his head. Slowly, I began to move my hips, bouncing up and down, and watching as his eyes widened, his body squirming underneath mine.

  God, he felt amazing.

  Filling up every inch of me while his eyes practically devoured the rest. The fire in my stomach spread to the rest of my body, wild and untamed, as I continued to move on top of him. I released his hands, and they fell to my thighs, digging into the sensitive flesh there. He held me still, grunting as he pounded harder and harder, driving me closer and closer to the edge. I let out a deep throaty moan and leaned forward, my head coming to rest in the crook of his neck, the scent of his soap doing strange things to my heart, the steady pounding building up to a crescendo, potent, loud, and impetuous.

  Until I exploded, my entire body writhing as I rode out my orgasm, my hands curling into fists at my side. Spots danced in my field of vision as I shuddered, gulping in mouthfuls of air. He leaned forward, pressed his lips to mine then rolled us over, so he was on top with my leg thrown over his shoulder.

  “I’m not done yet,” Connor told me, his voice low and full of whispered promises. “I’m afraid I can’t let you leave until you’re completely satisfied.”

  I arched my back and licked my lips. “I think that can be arranged.”

  Connor bent down, pressed his forehead to mine then pushed himself in until he filled every inch of me. I gasped at the sensation, my nails digging into his shoulders, our bodies fusing together.

  Abruptly, he stopped, drew back and looked at me. “I want to see you.”

  I nodded.

  His hips began to move, in circles at first, coaxing me, teasing me until my eyes closed, and I threw my head back. He pressed his mouth to my neck, drew his lips back, and grazed the sensitive skin there. Goosebumps broke out across my flesh, my entire body growing slick with sweat as he moved on top of me, driving me wild with every touch, every thrust.

  All too quickly, I was tumbling over the edge, panting his name over and over as I clung to him. His own release came soon after then he moved off me, and we both lay there panting, our hands brushing against each other.

  Chapter 6


  MY OFFICE WAS A FAMILIAR space, granted. What was new this time was that I had been working while walking on a cloud.

  Flashbacks of my night with Azaria kept resurfacing in my mind, forcing a stupid smile on my face whether I liked it or not.

  She was, most certainly, a spectacular woman. And it went far beyond her appearance. Her whole energy was positive and overwhelming, taking over me, making me feel alive in ways I had never thought possible.

  The cat that was splayed out in front of me on the exam table breathed serenely since I had put her under for a small procedure.

  I had done this a thousand times, and even though it was initially a case for Dr. Banks, the Assistant Manager at the clinic, he delegated it to me and chose to just stay and observe.

  As my hand reached for the ampule of medication to administer as the last step, Richard Banks’ terrified shout tore through my ears.

  “Connor, stop!” he yelled, his hand frozen in the air halfway between me and the helpless animal sleeping a few inches away from my needle. “What are you doing?”

  Blinking quickly with eyes wide open, I stared at him with complete bafflement.

  His glare descended to the syringe in my hand, and when I looked down, I saw the broken ampule on the tray. Instead of the antibiotic, there lay an empty vial of a potent antidepressant. The entirety of its contents was right under my thumb in a plastic tube, ready to fatally invade the blood of the poor, unassuming creature.

  “Where’s your head, Doctor?” Without having to utter another word, his disappointed tone alone slashed through my confidence, almost destroying every shred of pride I held in my skill.

  “Shit,” I whispered, furrowing my eyebrows as I squeezed my eyelids shut.

  “Why don’t I finish this?” He shifted closer, gently pulling the syringe from my hand before making his way over to the wash station and emptying it out in the sink. “Go home, Dr. Kelly. You’re clearly exhausted.”

  “I’m not. I—”

  He quickly turned around to face me, and it was as if I could see the last drop of his patience vanish in front of my eyes. “Would you rather be tired or irresponsible? Your choice, Connor.”

  Slouching my shoulders, I realized that if I wanted to pick my battles, this wasn’t one I was going to win. I obviously made a huge mistake, almost killing an innocent feline.

  ‘Exhausted’ was a fine title at the moment.

  Without saying anything, I calmly took off my coat and walked over to the hooks, hanging it behind the door before grabbing my phone and keys and stepping out of the office.

  As I walked over to my car, I launched the messenger and located Richard’s number.

  I’m sorry. I guess you’re right. See you tomorrow.

  Don’t let it happen again, he immediately texted back.

  I was beyond ashamed.

  How could this have happened? To me, of all people? It was most certainly a first.

  My entire life, I had been attentive to detail to a fault. My scrutinizing eye had no match, even my professors took note of that. It was what made me excel. What got me through vet school with flying colors. What landed me here with a lucrative job and my own apartment.

  Where’s your head, Doctor?

  His brief question bared it all.

  My head was with her.

  Her soft, caramel skin. Her shiny locks smelling of musk and coconut conditioner. The slight twitch of her muscles as she closed her eyes and whispered my name.

  Goddammit, Connor.

  I was already inside my car, yet I had no recollection of how I got there. This was becoming dangerous. How could one night with that woman have such an influence on me?

  I wasn’t accustomed to being consumed with anything or anyone while on the job. Let alone crossing the street, unlocking my car, and getting inside without knowing.

  Was this going to be my life now? Was Azaria threatening to take over my senses with her divine body and alluring soul? If I were to have a relationship with her, how was it going to impact me?

  Shaking my head, I pressed my eyelids together and pulled my eyebrows upward as my fingers vigorously rubbed my face. It was a desperate attempt at waking myself up from a reality that was already looming.

  I looked down at my phone and dialed Adam’s number. He was already spending a lot of time with his girlfriend and could afford to move things around for a friend in crisis.

  “Hey, man,” he cheerfully greeted me.

  No. I wasn’t about to admit to being in trouble. I changed my mind. “Hey.” I chuckled, trying to make it sound casual. “Wanna grab a drink later?”



  “Sure, seven at Luke’s?”


  “Nice. Wanna tell the guys?”

  “Nah, I’m kind of feeling mellow today.”

  “Sure thing. See you then.”

  In the hours between leaving work early and meeting Adam at the bar, I didn’t have the slightest clue on what to do with myself. I didn’t want to call Azaria, after all, her appearance in my life was the reason why I was distraught at the moment. I also couldn’t go to the workout studio, I might run into her there.

  Was my existence really that limited?

  What a ridiculous thought.

  I shook my head and turned the key in the ignition. I was clearly in dire need to clear my head.

  When I arrived at my apartment, I thought it would be a good idea to give my parents a call and check on the family. The conversati
on went smoothly as always, with my mother’s usual question, “Have you met anyone interesting lately?”

  Oh, Mother. So interesting, in fact, that I wasn’t going to tell you about her.

  “I don’t have time for romance, Mom. Not right now.”

  “You’ve been saying ‘not right now’ for years, Connor. When will it ever be the right time?”

  “When I’m established enough in my career.”

  “And what does that mean for you?”

  “Dr. Banks is about to become the manager at the clinic.” I paused, polishing my words to be persuasive, “I’m one of the candidates for his position.”

  It was, indeed, a due promotion. But after that situation with the cat earlier, I wasn’t so sure anymore. My mother, however, didn’t need to know that.

  “Well, sweetie,” she sighed, “you know I think you deserve the world.”

  “I know. And I appreciate it.”

  By the time we ended the call, my mind was already made up about focusing on building my career. It was the right thing to do. Not only had I jeopardized my chances of getting ahead at work, but I was also forced to act like nothing was wrong while speaking to my mom. And that... that was not the nature of our relationship at all.

  When I saw Adam at Luke’s later that evening, I headed straight for the beers and gave myself permission to loosen up for the night.

  “So, what happened with that trainer you had a crush on?”

  “Crush?” I winced. “What are we, twelve?”

  He chuckled. “Sometimes, I think you are.”

  I raised my eyebrows, forging amusement. “By all means, do explain yourself.”

  “The lack of an answer from you says it all.”

  I cringed again and shook my head at him in confusion.

  “You haven’t asked her out yet, have you?” He defiantly pointed the tip of his bottle at me. “And I bet my arm she likes you back. Who wouldn’t? A successful doctor, good looking, charming, always smiling, and saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’?”


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