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Liar : An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance (Sold to The Don Book 2)

Page 13

by Callie Vincent

He’s got a point. “All right, then. What does he do?”

  I heard murmuring on the other end of the phone before Lorenzo’s voice sounded in my ear.

  “My apologies, Miss Pettigrew, but I have a meeting to attend.”

  I stood to my feet. “Wait wait wait, what is it Teo’s doing when he leaves?”

  “You know what you need to do. Do it, and I’ll give you access to every file that answers every question you have.”

  “Wait, wait, no!”

  The line went dead and I scrambled to dial the number back. But, the phone didn’t even ring on my end before the electronic voice sounded in my ear. And even though the words were in Italian, I knew exactly what they were saying.

  The number you have reached has been disconnected. This is a recording.

  “God damn it!” I roared.

  I threw the phone against the wall and it shattered into a million pieces. Then, I sank back to the tub floor and curled my knees to my chest. I placed my face against my knees and started crying, allowing the tears of fear and anger and uncertainty to fall.

  I hated myself for feeling so weak.

  I hated myself for feeling so vulnerable.

  I hated myself for accepting this position on Teo’s staff.

  But, more than that, I hated myself for not knowing which side to choose.

  Because now, both sides had something I desperately wanted.

  If he’s hurting people and kidnapping women, he has to be stopped.

  There’s no proof that he’s working with them, though. You’ve been combing over the files yourself.

  Files can be altered for appearance purposes.

  Lorenzo can’t be trusted either, though. He tried to be your original purchaser.

  According to Teo, yes.

  I rocked back and forth as my mind argued with itself. It was the most exhausting thing to witness, and yet it brought up a lot of points. I was placing a great deal of faith on these men’s words and not enough faith in their actions.

  And actions always spoke louder than words.

  What does Teo do when he’s not here with me?

  If I could figure out the answer to that question, I knew damn good and well it would help me choose which side I needed to be on.

  But, how the hell did I go about figuring that shit out?



  A knock came at my door and I flinched. For the past couple of days, if I hadn’t been working I was holed up in my room trying not to take up space. I had no passion to run into Teo, nor did I want to even look him in the eye until I knew what was going on. The phone call with Lorenzo had me shaken to my core. Two days after that burner phone call, and he still hadn’t come around.

  Had he been lying?

  And who slid the phone under my door in the first place?

  Is this a test from Teo?

  Another knock came at the door. “Open up, Char.”

  I sighed. “I’m not decent, Teo.”

  “I don’t really care.”

  “Well, I do.”

  He chuckled. “You never have before.”

  I scoffed. “I have plenty of times. You know, like when you still had me locked in the basement.”

  He paused. “Rough day?”

  Rough month. “Something like that.”

  His voice grew sultry. “Then, why don’t you open the door and let me make it better?”

  I rolled my eyes. What a typical man answer. Of course, he thought everything could be solved with his dick. The thing I hated the most, though, was how badly I wanted to open the door. I drew in a deep breath as I stood from my bed. I inched my way toward the wooden barrier between myself and Teo, wondering if there was any ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ decision anymore.

  But when I opened the door, I wasn’t any closer to answering that question for myself.

  Because Teo looked like sin on a stick and I wanted to take a bite.

  “Hey there,” I said with a sigh.

  He slipped by me. “Thank you for finally opening the door.”

  I snickered. “I’m shocked you didn’t use your key.”

  He started removing his tie. “It’s about time I started giving you a shred of privacy around here.”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “Wait, seriously?”

  He grinned. “Seriously.”

  Then, it hit me. He’d been gone all night last night. In fact, I’d been in my office for the majority of the day, and not once had he come to check on me. Or get me for any meals. Or even been in his own office.

  Ask him where he’s been. “So, I missed you at work today.”

  He slid his suit coat off. “Why don’t you come sit on the edge of the bed?”

  I giggled. “So you can take a bite of me?”

  He chuckled. “Or a lick of you.”

  A shiver worked its way up my spine. “Must’ve been a rough day.”

  He slid his belt out of its loops. “You have no idea.”

  I swayed my hips as I sauntered over to him. “Why don’t you tell me about it, then? Maybe I could give you two kinds of releases.”

  I cupped my hand over his cock to see if that might help him yield. But, all he did was shove me down onto the bed.

  “Or, I can stuff that pretty little mouth of yours full until I fill that stomach. How does that sound, Miss Pettigrew?”

  I smirked. “No nickname during this encounter?”

  He gripped my chin. “Only if you’re a good girl.”

  I smacked his hand away. “I thought I told you not to--.”

  He threaded his fingers through my hair. “I can call you whatever I want, whenever the hell I want. That’s the convenience you provide for me. And if you don’t like what I’m calling you--.”

  I stood to my feet and shoved him away. “Where were you last night?”

  He stumbled backward. “Char, I didn’t--.”

  I pointed at him. “Don’t you dare ‘Char’ me now. One of the only lines I’ve ever drawn with you is that fucking nickname! Now, answer my question.”

  He glared at me. “No.”

  I straightened my back. “Then, get out.”

  He took a step toward me. “Don’t forget your place in this house, Miss Pettigrew.”

  “Oh, I know my place. But, I also know my rights. I’m not your slave, Mr. Emiliano. I’m on your payroll. And I don’t fuck you for money. That’s some other whore’s job. Now, if you want to continue fucking around with me while you’ve got a wife at home--?”

  “That place is not my home!” he roared.

  And when my eyes dropped to his chest to avoid his angry gaze, I saw it.

  “What is that?” I asked.

  He gripped his fists at his sides. “What?”

  I pointed. “The red splatters on your collar. What is that?”

  He didn’t flinch. “It’s nothing.”

  I felt the blood drain from my face. “That’s someone’s DNA, isn’t it?”

  And when he didn’t respond, I felt bile creeping up the back of my throat.

  “Did you kill someone last night?” I asked breathlessly.

  He bent forward and picked up his suit coat. “That is none of your concern.”

  I snickered. “I’d beg to differ, since I’m your fucking lawyer, Teo.”

  He whipped up, looming over me like the monster he was. “If you want it to be your business, then I’ll give you a live demonstration. And you can be my willful volunteer. How does that sound?”

  I shook my head slowly. “You’re a monster.”

  His brow twitched. “What? Did you think I was some sort of hero?”

  I slowly sat on the edge of the bed as he redressed himself.

  “Contrary to how you’ve painted me, Miss Pettigrew, I live in this life. I have a business to run, and it’s a lucrative business. But, there are consequences to actions that go against the contracts people sign with me.”

  “So, it is true.”

  He slid his belt through its
loops. “What’s true?”

  My eyes slowly met his. “You can sign your life away to the Devil.”

  His jaw clenched. “I’ve always been on the side of evil, Miss Pettigrew. I’m not sure why you suddenly began expecting something else.”

  I scooted myself to the middle of the bed. “Did you kill someone?”

  He wrapped his tie around his neck. “I plead the fifth.”

  “Doesn’t work in a court outside of the U.S. Did you kill someone, Teo?”

  His eyes flickered to me. “And if I did?”

  Tears rushed my eyes. “You’re sick, you know that?”

  “And you, Miss Pettigrew, are delusional. I think I’d fix that log before pointing to the stick in mine.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “I quit.”

  He chuckled. “It’s cute that you think you can.”

  I propped myself up on my knees. “I quit, Teo. I quit being your lawyer, I quit being your plaything, and I quit being in your life. And if that gets me killed? Then, it seems like you’ve got practice in the matter so I expect it to be swift.”

  In that moment, something flashed behind his eyes. But, it wasn’t a look I was expecting. I expected anger, or--as much as it turned my stomach--maybe a bit of pride. However, the look behind his eyes almost looked like pain. Like I had wounded him with my words.

  Is that possible with a man like him?

  “And here I thought we’d do such great things, Miss Pettigrew.”

  I blinked. “Maybe you should’ve thought about that before going out and murdering someone. I don’t work for the bad guys, Teo. I work on the side of justice. You’re the kind of man I put away, and I won’t help you while turning a blind eye to the same exact thing I’m attempting to prosecute.”

  “In my defense, the Luccheses don’t kill their women. They simply sell them.”

  I stood to my feet on the bed. “You have no defense!”

  As I stood there, finally looming over him for once with my fists clenched at my sides, I accepted a fate worse than death as I stared down Satan himself. I didn’t want to be involved in this man’s life anymore. I didn’t want any part of this world. The only side I’d ever fight for so long as I lived was the side of justice. And if that meant being chained in the basement until I starved to death, then so be it. I wouldn’t help a murderer. I wouldn’t defend a torturer. And I sure as hell would never entertain the likes of his body ever again.

  Because anything that man did for him would forever taint me, and write upon my life in judgement the kind of person I had become by entertaining his company.

  No matter how much I loved him, it took more than love to make something like this work. It took respect, and trust, and loyalty, none of which we had. I didn’t trust Teo as far as I could throw him, and I didn’t respect him after finally having proof that he was more than willing to take innocent lives for the sake of financial gain.

  And once I left this house with Lorenzo, he’d understand that I had absolutely no loyalty to him whatsoever.

  Teo’s voice pierced my thoughts. “Is this really what you want?”

  I blinked. “I want you to get out and leave me alone for good.”

  He chuckled. “You know I won’t do that.”

  “Then, whatever you want to take will have to be taken. Because I will never freely give it to you ever again.”

  A blood-boiling grin spread across his cheeks. “Let the games begin, then.”

  I watched him like a hawk as he exited my bedroom. But, not before he dipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out the ring of keys he kept there. He dangled them in front of me before plucking a red key from the fold and showing me exactly how he could lock and unlock my door.

  Then, as he smirked at me, he snapped his fingers.

  And Lyle was quick to respond.

  “Before you leave this evening, Lyle, turn this knob around. I want the lock on the outside where I can access it.”

  My nostrils flared. “It’s cute that you think that’ll work with me.”

  Lyle eyed me curiously. “Are you sure, Mr. Emiliano?”

  His eyes snapped over to Lyle. “I’m always sure. And if you question me again--.”

  I interrupted him. “He’ll kill you. Because that’s what he does.”

  The entire room fell silent as Teo’s eyes swept over me. “Turn the lock around and make sure the windows are reinforced from the outside. I’ll pay you double for the overtime.”

  And when Lyle responded with his good ol’ ‘Yes, Mr. Emiliano’, I wanted to claw all of their eyes out of their sockets.

  While I prayed Lorenzo showed up sooner rather than later.



  I patted Lyle on the shoulder and walked away, taking big, silent breaths through my nose. I was too worked up over the torture session I just witnessed at the hands of one of my guards to deal with this shit. And if things continued, I was liable to snap someone’s neck. I walked over to the small kitchenette afforded to Miss Pettigrew and opened the refrigerator, smirking when I saw the bottle of very expensive red wine I knew she’d enjoy in the door. I reached for it and plucked the wine opener from the magnetic wall mount, readying myself for a much-needed glass.

  And as I reached for the crystal in the cabinet above my head, Lyle peeked around the corner.

  “Got the knob turned around.”

  I nodded. “Now, lock the door and tend to the windows.”

  But, when he didn’t respond, I looked over at him.

  “Is there something you want to say?” I asked.

  Lyle blinked. “Permission to speak freely.”

  “Just know that actions have consequences.”

  He nodded. “I don’t think she’s going to run.”

  I sipped the wine. “And what makes you think that?”

  He shrugged. “She’s already shown you she’s capable of taking down big men with big guns with nothing but her words. She does it for a living. If she wanted to get away from you, she would have already done so.”

  I set my glass down. “Are you done?”

  He nodded. “Yes, Mr. Emiliano.”

  “Good. Now, go do as I said.”

  I heard him flip the lock on the door and I polished off my glass of wine. I needed to settle myself down, lest my anger be directed at the woman I was trying to crack open like a walnut. I drew in deep breaths through my nose before pouring another glass of wine, chugging it back as if it were my life’s purpose.

  Then, I cleaned the glass, poured Miss Pettigrew a drink, and walked to her bedroom door.

  Where I flipped the lock and let myself in.

  “Care for a drink?” I asked.

  She turned her back to me, gazing into her closet. “I would rather die.”

  I walked over and set it on her bedside table. “Very well then. It’s here if you want it.”

  She snickered. “Don’t think for one second that your kindness is going to erase everything.”

  “Don’t worry, I know you better than that.”

  “You don’t know me at all.”

  I grinned. “I know that if you really wanted to escape, you would have already done so.”

  She peered over her shoulder. “Oh. And that’s just something you know?”

  I slid my hands into my pockets. “I’m not the only one who knows it, either.”

  She turned to face me, and the anger behind her eyes etched itself all over her face.

  “You’re not as hard to read as you might imagine,” I said.

  She folded her arms over her chest. “Is that what you came in here to tell me?”

  I reached out to tuck a strand a hair behind her ear. “Not particularly.”

  But, she smacked my hand away. “Get out.”

  My eyes narrowed. “You don’t tell me what to do in my own house.”

  She pushed my chest, forcing me to stumble back. “Get the hell out of my room.”

  Her words punched me straight in my gut and I fe
lt myself pop. I wrapped my hand around her throat and lunged her at the wall, pinning her there so tightly that her eyes widened. I pressed my knee between her legs, feeling a deafening heat trickle up my thigh. I rubbed my knee there, listening to her raspily moan as her eyes fluttered close.

  And after tucking that strand of hair behind her ear with my free hand, I leaned in to whisper.

  “Why did you ever think I could be something other than a criminal, Char.”

  I felt her swallow. “Because I know you’re capable of it.”

  I kissed the shell of her ear. “Everyone is capable of good and evil. I simply make a conscious choice every day to be the latter.”

  She whimpered. “Why?”

  I chuckled before kissing her cheek. “Because it’s what I enjoy. Just like I enjoy you.”

  “You’re a sick man.”

  My eyes met hers, our noses nuzzling together. “Maybe so. But, I bought you from your kidnappers. I can do anything I want with you, whether you like that fact or not. I have a receipt that tells me you’re mine and a clause that states you’re non-refundable.”

  I felt her pulse racing as her eyes danced between mine. “You have the capacity for a bit of good. Why don’t you just give into it?”

  I moved my hand and kissed the bruises I’d already left behind on her. “Is this what you wish?”

  She sighed. “Yes.”

  I lapped at her pulse point softly. “Softness, and passion?”

  She shuddered. “Oh, yes.”

  I chuckled against her skin. “Tenderness, and care?”

  She swallowed hard. “Please, Teo.”

  I gripped her hair and pulled her head off to the side. “Only those who are loyal to me and give themselves over to my power get to see that side of me. And I thought you were there. I really thought I had you. But, I was wrong. And I promise, I won’t be wrong again.”

  She started giggling. “Oh, Teo. You’ve already been wrong once about me. That’s how I got the skin of your face beneath my fingernails.”

  I growled. “That’s it.”

  I tossed her to the ground and started unbuckling my pants.

  “You want to fire that mouth off? Then, I’ll give it a job to do.”

  She started backing away from me. “Teo, stop it. This is ridiculous.”


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