Love In Moments: An opposites attract hockey romance (Love Distilled Book 2)

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Love In Moments: An opposites attract hockey romance (Love Distilled Book 2) Page 13

by Scarlett Cole

  “Anders,” she gasped. “Go high and deep.”

  He followed her instructions immediately, and she writhed against his hand, gripping his wrist to hold him exactly where she wanted him.

  “I could get off just watching you.” He took a nipple between his lips before circling his tongue around the tip. When he sucked again, she felt a tug deep inside her.

  Without thinking, she reached for his hair and held him close while he held her to the bed with his fingers and mouth.

  His fingers left her suddenly, and she missed them immediately. Her breath came in short gasps as he moved to the end of the bed and pulled her panties down. For a moment, he simply studied her, dragging his lower lip between his teeth. Then he stood and removed his own underwear, and she was reminded just how big Anders was. As he squeezed his shaft once, then twice, everything inside her tightened.

  It turned her on immensely, the way he held himself, and she sighed when he let go to reach for the vibrator and kneel between her thighs. A calloused palm stroked her thigh before Anders dipped his thumb into her wetness and circled her clit.

  He held the small bullet-shaped vibrator toward her. “Show me, Liv.”

  Olivia’s heart raced into overdrive. A flicker of embarrassment passed through her, but as he continued to stroke himself, she became aware that there was nothing to be ashamed of. And its use would guarantee she’d get off, if she could just put her worries to the side and trust him.

  Or perhaps more importantly, trust herself.

  She took the vibrator from him and turned it on, the buzz the only sound in the room.

  A look of pure hunger filled his gaze, a gaze that told her she could do no wrong when they were in bed together like this. His eyes tracked her movements as she lowered the vibrator’s smooth tip to just above her clit.

  “Wait,” Anders said, his voice rough. He squeezed a little lube onto the back of his hand. With his index finger, he circled the lube, warming it, before he gently rubbed it over her clit. He took the remaining lubricant and spread it around her opening.


  Olivia tried to answer, but words were stuck in her throat at his thoughtfulness. She wasn’t the person her ex had told her she was. She wasn’t frigid. Or cold. There wasn’t something medically wrong with her. She’d simply needed a man willing to spend just a few moments of extra effort, someone who would ensure she had the time she needed to feel comfortable.

  Her eyes flickered shut for a moment.

  “Liv?” His hand slid into her hair as he leaned forward and kissed her. The kiss tilted her over the fuzzy edge of feeling slightly out of her body.

  As his kisses heated, she slid the vibrator between the two of them and placed it just where she wanted it. She’d learned she liked pressure and pressed down firmly as she ran it back and forth.

  “Do you know how hot this is, feeling you move beneath me, Liv? Feeling your hips raise, feeling the vibration through you?”

  He groaned as he sat up and reached for a condom. Unable to look away, she watched as he rolled it down his length.

  Olivia couldn’t decide who was in control. It felt as though he was letting her do whatever she wanted to. Yet, somehow she knew he’d planned to take care of her and ensure they enjoyed sex together. For so long it had felt like a solo endeavor.

  “Don’t make me wait,” she gasped, clenching as the sensations grew stronger, as her orgasm fluttered closer.

  “A part of me wants to make this last for a lot longer, but there’s a part of me that’s right there with you.” He lifted her gently until she was closer to his knees. He pressed down on the base of his hard length, watching her as he rubbed the tip against her.

  The lube helped ease his entry.

  “Anders,” she gasped.

  “Yeah, älskling, I feel it.”

  She wasn’t sure if she should continue with the vibrator and began to remove it.

  Anders grasped her wrist. “Leave it,” he said, his eyes dark. “It feels really fucking good, Liv.” He leaned over her, resting his weight on his forearms, giving her just enough room to slide the vibrator between them. Sensations overwhelmed her. Pinned down by his body, she felt her anxieties slipping away. The vibration and sense of fulness with Anders inside her left her hovering on the edge of climax.

  When he kissed her again, she felt everything coalesce deep inside her core. He swallowed her gasp as she cried out, her back arching from the bed as wave after wave of explosion blew through her. She was too full, too aroused, so much so the orgasm hurt in the most delicious way.

  It was deeper, more complete, than anything she’d experienced. The vibrations suddenly became way too intense and she yanked the vibrator away.

  “I’ve seen some pretty amazing shit, Liv. But you coming apart like that was incredible,” Anders growled. He pushed his hands deep into her hair, cradling her face gently while he hammered into her, chasing his own end.

  His eyes focused intently on her as if his last breath depended on her. He filled her completely, sliding out as far as he could without leaving her body before slamming home. Faster and faster, their bodies drenched in sweat, until he gasped her name, his face contorting as he came.

  When he let his weight fall on her, Olivia slid her hands up his back, holding him close. They gasped for air, his breath hot against her neck as he pressed a kiss against her damp skin.

  Silence settled around them, the room emptying of the frantic energy and sounds that had filled it only moments before. He ran his hand down her ribs, and the other stayed knotted in her hair.

  “Four,” he whispered against her ear, and Olivia couldn’t help the laughter that escaped.


  “Confident,” he replied, before lifting onto one arm to look at her. “Are you okay?”

  She loved that he’d asked, that he cared enough to check. “Definitely. You bring something out in me,” Olivia said.

  Anders grinned as he knelt up, holding on to the condom as he slid out of her. “I think it’s fair to say you bring something out in me.” With that, he disappeared into the bathroom. “Go do whatever you need to do,” he said when he returned. “But don’t be too long. After scoring four points, I’m really fucking tired, Liv.”

  She nudged him playfully with her shoulder as they passed each other, and he tapped her butt. “You are beyond,” she said.

  He grabbed her wrist and stopped her, placing a palm on her cheek. “Maybe. But I’ve also wondered what it would be like to fall asleep with you in my arms and then wake up with you still there, Liv . . . Don’t make me miss it because I’m so tired I fell asleep.”

  His words made her feel squishy inside. And desired.

  “I’ll be quick,” she said, and was back in his arms within four minutes.

  Within five, they were both asleep.

  “Why do I feel like I’m skipping school and will get into trouble with the principal?” Liv said, as she shucked her jacket and hung it over the stair post two days later.

  Anders grinned and opened his arms to her. “It’s your company. Can you not set your own hours?”

  Liv stepped into his embrace and he hugged her close. She smelled good enough to eat. The scent of her lingered on his pillow, even though it had been forty-eight hours since she’d woken in his arms. Forty-eight hours since they’d made love slowly before she had to leave for work.

  “I can, I suppose. I guess we’re just stuck in a pattern. I told Em I was working from home this morning.” She placed her hands on his chest and looked up at him.

  “Well, technically, you aren’t lying. We’re working . . . physically. And you are at my home.”

  Olivia laughed and she looked too damn pretty for how early in the morning it was. “That feels a bit like a technicality. You played great last night.”

  He hadn’t, but he kissed her anyway, loving the way her lips were so soft against his. “It was a win. We’ll take it. You should have come to the game. Or
should have come over later. We could have made out instead of me watching video clips of the plays all alone.”

  “I wish I could have. But it’s getting harder to schedule family dinners with Em and Jake, and I didn’t want to bail.”

  Anders ran his palms down her arms. She wore a T-shirt and leggings, ready for their workout. “You know, it’s going to be a bit like this. Stealing moments when we can fit things in. But it’s only during the season. It won’t be like this once the season has ended.”

  “I don’t mind. I think we’ve done pretty well. I woke up here Wednesday morning. Then you slept over on Wednesday night. Yesterday, it didn’t work out with the game and all, but I get to see you this morning.”

  “But only because I’m off on a road trip later.” He’d thought about it more than he should have. It was easier to go and play away when he had nobody back home waiting for him. Instead, his mind had been on Olivia and their fledgling relationship.

  Liv grinned. “Just think of the mischief we can get up to over video chat.”

  He rolled his eyes. “As much as I’m down for that, I don’t think Wyatt will want to be involved. I’m going to have to kick him out periodically so I can say what I want to.”

  “Oh, right, roommate. Forgot. I’ll come and see you on Tuesday morning. It’ll be fine.”

  Anders hoped she was right. Plenty of hockey relationships floundered because of players’ schedules. He ran his hands down to her ass. As fun as it would be to lead her upstairs to his bedroom, they had limited time and other plans. “Let’s go work out,” he said, taking her hand.

  “How can you work out after playing last night?” she asked, following him to the basement.

  “This isn’t really my workout. I cooled down and did legs after the game last night.”

  “Wait, you work out after a game?”

  “Yeah. Best time to work out your lower body. If you work out after a game, especially when you don’t have a game the next night, your legs get a full forty-eight hours to recover.”

  He led Olivia to the treadmill and watched as she started to jog. “Most people don’t even think about how hockey players train during the season. But I can’t do a heavy leg session on game day, then play that evening. And yes, I could do it on the off-day, but even then, I don’t get enough time for muscles to repair. So yeah, after the game, we work out.”

  Liv’s ponytail swished back and forth as she ran. “That’s commitment, I guess.”

  Anders hopped onto the bike next to her. “Maybe. It’s my job. I feel like crap if I don’t work out. I enjoy being in shape.”

  “Well, I definitely like . . .”

  He looked over at her and noticed she was blushing. “You definitely like what?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing.”

  “Liv,” he warned.

  “Fine. Looking at you. Naked. I mean, you look good naked,” she said. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  Anders grinned and Olivia threw her towel at him. “Don’t look at me like that,” she said.

  “Was just thinking I like looking at you naked too.”

  An hour later, Olivia lay on the mat. “I prefer this stretch,” she said, lying flat on her back, her head resting on her hands.

  Anders grunted as he moved back and forth over a firm foam roller, which helped release his IT band. “Yeah, I prefer you in that stretch too.” In fact, he focused on her as he rolled, wincing when the roller reached a particularly tender spot.

  She moved to her side to watch him, and like a fucking teenager, he had to bite back the urge to flex his muscles just to get a reaction from her.

  “Want me to go make a start on breakfast?” she asked.

  He slid the roller out from beneath his thigh. “I’m done,” he said. “Let’s go make it together.”

  Olivia was first to her feet and offered him her hand.

  “You think you can pull me up, kämpe?” He reached for her.

  “Of course,” she said, leaning back to brace herself.

  He laughed as she pulled once, then tried again. With a swift tug, he pulled her down on top of him, both of them letting out winded gasps as they collided. He adjusted her so she was lying flat on top of him.

  “You’re an ass,” Olivia cried.

  “Maybe. But I’ve got you where I want you.” He slid his hands down her back to the curve of her butt.

  Their mouths met, gently at first, before becoming heated. It happened each time they came together. Too little control, too much spark. Anders gently pushed her face away from his.

  “As much as I love the idea of rolling you over on these mats and seeing what you’re wearing beneath these leggings, I promised you breakfast.”

  He rolled her away and then stood before pulling her to her feet with one hand. “You did.”

  Anders glanced at the clock on the wall. The one she’d insisted he buy at Target, and that he’d been convinced he’d never use, until he did. Every time he worked out down here. “I need to leave in an hour for the training center, so we need to get moving.”

  He tapped her ass as she walked up the stairs ahead of him, encouraged by the playful smile she threw him over her shoulder.

  Ten hours later, he thought of that smile as he and Wyatt let themselves into their room. And it wasn’t just her smile. It was the way they’d worked seamlessly together making breakfast—not that omelets and ham were hard. She’d chopped, he’d cooked. She’d made coffee while he squeezed fresh orange juice. It hadn’t felt like work, hadn’t required any effort.

  And it had felt better than he’d imagined. He hung his coat in the closet but left his case by the door. He’d deal with it later.

  “You coming down for dinner?” Wyatt asked as he threw his coat onto the bed by the window.

  “Just got something I have to take care of. I’ll see you down there.”

  When the click of the door confirmed Wyatt had left, he reached for his phone.

  “Hey, sweetie,” Liv said as she answered. The soft tone of her voice settled him.

  “Hey, yourself. How was your day?” He sat back on his bed, rearranging the pillows behind his head.

  “It was a good day, actually. I had a meeting with the architect and builder for the renovation. I think I told you Christopher was an old family friend. It makes it so much easier when you don’t have to second-guess whether you are being screwed over or not. How was your day?”

  A year ago, if someone had suggested that the thing he’d wanted to do most when he arrived in a different city the night before a game was to lock himself in his room and talk with a woman, he wouldn’t have believed it.

  “Morning skate went well. Was nice and loose after all that rolling earlier. Good team meeting about the road trip. Slept on the plane. I’ll be heading down for dinner in a little while.”

  “How does that happen when you are on the road?”

  “It all depends. There’s food on the charter. Food in the hotel in a private dining area. Sometimes the team chef cooks something in a private kitchen. It’s always the same kind of food. Chicken, fish, steak. Pasta. More salad than anyone could eat in one sitting.”

  Olivia laughed. “I ate leftovers from dinner at Emerson’s last night.”

  Anders had a thought of Olivia’s goals to lose weight. Perhaps he could find a food delivery company to send her meals. “What do you have planned for the weekend?”

  “Nothing big. Natalie and I are going to find a movie to watch tonight. Work tomorrow morning for a half day. Then I’m at the distillery on Sunday.”

  That’s what he’d do. He’d figure out how to send her meals. He got the feeling she’d like them more than flowers.

  “You must be hungry,” Olivia said. “You should probably go get some food so it has time to digest before you go to sleep.”

  He liked the idea that she cared enough to let him get off the phone, and while he’d happily sit for a while longer listening to her just talk about mindless stuff, she
was probably right. “Okay, älskling. I’ll speak to you tomorrow before the game.”

  “In case we miss each other, good luck. I’ll be watching.”

  And, man, did he like the idea that she would.


  Anders cracked an eye open and hissed. The light was too bright, his mouth felt dry, and his body felt as though it had gone seven rounds with a heavyweight fighter.

  Shit. After three exhausting days on the road, he was home. Finally.

  Tentatively, he reached for his phone and checked the time.


  It was only eight thirty. There were a couple of messages from Olivia, but he was in no shape to deal with them.

  As shitty as he felt, there was no going back to sleep. Ignoring the low-grade headache, he threw the covers back, walked to the bathroom to take a piss, then chugged the bottle of water he’d left on the dresser between pulling on his workout clothes.

  The road trip had been a disaster. San Jose had kicked their ass, and Anaheim had claimed a buzzer beater to win by one goal. Then their charter flight home had been delayed because of a mechanical problem.

  He’d crawled into bed with the coach’s words ringing in his ears.

  Where the fuck were you tonight, Berg? Five days at home, you should have been rested, but you played both games like your skates were filled with concrete.

  And the coach was right. He’d played like shit. The rhythm he’d thought he’d been gaining with the guys on his line had slipped through his fingers like melting ice, leaving him out of place. Thank fuck there was no game that evening. And training was scheduled to start at noon with a review of the games.

  Coach had pushed it back on account of the flight, but Anders’s body still craved rest. A slow cycle, a hot soak, a mountain of food to fill the hole in his stomach while he watched the games to see if he could find a reason his performance had been so off.

  The two losses hadn’t completely damaged their playoff chances, but it had certainly eaten into their security blanket. And it felt like it had all been his fault. One of the major networks had called his performance against Florida a fluke.


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