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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

Page 31

by E. L. Todd

  My heart melted at his words. I felt special, cherished. Cayson was the perfect guy and he only wanted me. “I can’t believe I was immune to your charms for so long. Now, I can’t stop thinking about kissing you when I’m in class. At night, I think about you in ways I never did before.”

  “I like what I’m hearing.”

  I smiled. “I just can’t believe it took me so long to open my eyes.”

  “Tell me more about these fantasies.” His hand moved to my waist.

  “I just…think about us.”

  “Doing what?” He rubbed his nose against mine.

  “Making love.”

  “I’ve been thinking about it for five years. And I’m looking forward to the real thing.”

  “I am too…”

  He kissed my forehead again.

  “When did these feelings start?”

  He shrugged. “A long time ago. I can’t recall the exact moment. It wasn’t something you did or said. It just happened. I started to notice the sound of your laugh, the way your hair shined in the sun. I hung on to every word you said. I didn’t think about other girls, only you. And it hit me one day; I was in love with you. And the fact those feelings never went away only solidified that.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re mine now, Cayson. I never want to be without you.” I clutched him tightly.

  “Neither do I, baby.” Emotion filled his voice as he said it. His hand moved through my hair again, being gentle like always.

  I rested my head on his chest and listened to the beating of his heart. It was slow and steady. His chest rose and fell with every breath of his lungs. It felt like the rising tide on the shore. I listened to him breathe, treasuring the quiet companionship. Feeling his body wrapped around mine in his sheets felt right, felt perfect. It was what I’d been missing my whole life. He was the guy for me, the one I had all along. I just never noticed.

  The front door opened and closed. “It’s time to play ball. Cay, get your ass out here!” It was Slade.

  Cayson sighed. “Damn.”

  “What’s Slade doing here?”

  “He said I’ve been ditching him for weeks. He wants to hang out. I told him you were coming over tonight but he obviously doesn’t care.”

  “How did he get in?”

  “I have no idea.” He pulled the blanket off then pulled on his sweatpants. “I’ll be right back.” He walked out and shut the door, leaving it cracked.

  I heard their conversation.

  “Can you stop barging into my apartment?” Cayson demanded.

  “Could you stop being a dick and actually hang out with your best bro?”

  “I said tomorrow.”

  “I want to play today.” Slade bounced a basketball on the hardwood floor.

  “Thanks for getting my floor dirty,” Cayson said sarcastically.

  “If we were at the courts, it wouldn’t matter.”

  “How did you get in anyway?”

  “Through the front door, idiot.” Slade bounced the ball again. “I’m starting to think Uncle Sean paid your way into this school too.”

  “But it was locked.”

  “It’s called a lighter.”

  “What?” Cayson asked. “How did you get in with a lighter?”

  “I’ll show you.”

  “I don’t want you to show me,” Cayson said immediately. “I just want to know how you broke into my apartment.”

  I left the bed and pulled on one of Cayson’s shirts.

  “I’m not breaking in. Do you see me stealing anything?” Slade asked.

  “That’s looting,” Cayson corrected. “What you are doing now is breaking in.”


  “Slade, I think it’s time for you to leave.”

  “What are you guys doing in the bedroom anyway?” Slade dropped the ball then moved to the kitchen. “What smells good?” He opened the oven door. “Ooh…chicken.”

  I opened the door then stepped out. “Cayson, go play ball with him.”

  “Listen to your woman.” Slade came to the living room then spotted me only wearing Cayson’s shirt. Then he glanced at Cayson’s naked chest. A wide smirk spread on his face. “About time you guys started to get it on. Shit, I thought you were waiting until marriage for a second. I was about to call a psychiatrist.”

  Cayson didn’t bother commenting to that. “Baby, it’s okay. I made plans with you first.”

  “No, you should spend time with Slade. I’ve been hoarding you.”

  “Damn right you have,” Slade said.

  “Can I have a private conversation with my girlfriend?” Cayson asked, giving him a glare.

  “I don’t know,” Slade said. “Can you have a girlfriend and keep your best friend at the same time?”

  “Conrad, Theo, and Roland haven’t complained once,” Cayson argued.

  “Because they’re rubbing their dicks together. They’re fine,” Slade said.

  Cayson rolled his eyes.

  “Babe, just go,” I said. “I’ll see you later.”

  Cayson’s eyes lost their light. It was obvious he didn’t want our time together to end. “Okay.”

  “Thank god,” Slade said. “Let’s go. Then we’re hitting the bar after that. I need a wingman to pick up chicks with.”

  “Having a girlfriend means I can’t pick up girls anymore,” Cayson reminded him.

  “But you can help me. You know, distract the fat ugly ones so I can go for their cute friends,” Slade said.

  “That doesn’t sound fun at all,” Cayson said.

  “Then dump Skye,” Slade said.

  I laughed then looked at Cayson. “Just go and have a good time.”

  Cayson sighed then joined me in the bedroom. “I’ll be out in a second, Slade.”

  “’Ight. Hurry up,” Slade said. “No quickie before we go.”

  Cayson shut the door and sighed. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’ve been neglecting Trinity and Silke too. We’ve both been bad friends.”


  I changed back into my clothes then fixed my hair.

  Cayson put on his gym shorts and a t-shirt. Even in that, he still looked hot. “What?” He caught my look.

  “You’re just…really hot.”

  He smirked. “I’m always uncomfortable when girls say that, but I really like hearing it from you.”

  “I’ll say it more often then.” I grabbed my purse then walked out.

  Cayson grabbed his wallet and keys. “Alright, Slade. I’m coming. But don’t light your way into my apartment again.”

  “Don’t be pussy-whipped and it won’t be a problem.” Slade dribbled the ball as we walked out.

  Cayson walked with me to my car. Slade was beside him, spinning the ball on one finger.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Cayson cupped my face and kissed me.

  “Okay. Have fun.”

  “Thanks.” He kissed me again before he stepped back and watched me get into my car. Then, like a perfect gentleman, he watched me drive away.

  As soon as I got back to my apartment, the longing hit me. I missed him like crazy, needing him desperately. I thought about when my mom talked to my dad on the phone when she visited. She would always say she missed him even though she saw him just a few hours earlier.

  Now I knew exactly how that felt.



  The house was crowded with people. One side of the wall was stuffed with kegs, and every one held red Solo cups while they mingled. A haze of smoke filled the air. The scent of cigarettes and marijuana came into my nose.

  I took a deep breath. “Man, I love that smell.”

  Cayson cocked an eyebrow. “Of pollution and body odor?”

  “It’s the smell of a party.”

  He shook his head and sighed.

  I practically had to drag Cayson here. “Loosen up, man.”

  “I just feel weird coming since I’m not single.”

Please don’t tell me you’re going to be one of those guys that stops living his life because he has a girlfriend.” I gave him a firm look.

  “No. But I don’t want to pick up girls with you either.”

  “Just calm down. Skye trusts you. And she knows you’re whipped hard. She hasn’t got anything to worry about.”

  Cayson sipped his cup then looked bored.

  I rubbed my hands together. “Now…who should I ruin tonight?”

  “Why do you have to ruin anyone?” Cayson asked.

  “It’s not fun otherwise.” I eyed the girls in the room, noting their curves in their sweaters and jeans. “There’s a lot of talent here tonight.”

  Cayson glanced at his watch. “The sooner you get laid, the sooner I get to leave.”

  “You’re no fun anymore.”

  “I was never any fun before.”


  “Where are the other guys?” Cayson asked.

  “I don’t know. They said they were coming.” I glanced at my phone to see if I missed any messages.

  A loud commotion happened in the center of the room. Girls were pulling down their pants and having a thong contest. They were shaking their asses, making their bright underwear turn heads.

  Cayson turned away, more interested in a picture on the wall.

  “Now this is my kind of party.”

  “Why don’t you try to meet a nice girl? I’m telling you, the sex is so much better if you’re with the same partner.”

  “How would you know?” I snapped. “You aren’t even having sex with your girlfriend.”

  He didn’t bother to respond.

  “Besides, we both know I’m not the girlfriend type.”

  “I think you could be if you wanted to—for the right person.”

  “Nope.” I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to pick someone to take back to my place. I narrowed my eyes on a cute brunette. “She’s cute.”

  “Yeah…” Cayson didn’t seem impressed.

  “But her thighs are too big.” I scanned the crowd again.

  Cayson laughed. “You’re such a jackass.”

  “You act like you didn’t know that already.” I continued to look, my eyes searching for the perfect girl to hit my sheets.

  “Cayson!” A geeky guy with glasses came over. “Isn’t this party awesome?”

  He had ‘loser’ written all over him. “First-timer?” I teased.

  The guy didn’t catch on. “Did you finish that lab report?”

  “No.” Cayson sighed. “I’ll probably do it Sunday night…or Monday morning, actually.”

  “I never considered you to be the procrastinator type.”

  “He’s pussy-whipped now,” I explained.

  Cayson rolled his eyes. “I have a girlfriend so I’ve been distracted…”

  “Oh.” The guy nodded. “Cool. I got a lot of girls hanging around but I can’t make up my mind.”

  I tried not to laugh. “I’m going to go for the kill.” I patted Cayson on the shoulder then walked away.

  Cayson continued to talk to his geek twin.

  When I came closer to the other brunette I was looking at, I realized she wasn’t as pretty as I thought. Distance and darkness had that effect. I continued to move through the crowd, looking for something worth my time. The house was packed and it was difficult to scan my options. Then I spotted a blonde on the other side of the room. She had long thin legs that stretched for days. Brown heeled boots were on her feet and skin-tight black jeans clung to her form. Her ass was toned and prominent. Her waist was petite, and her hour-glass figure was noticeable. I couldn’t see her face, just her back. But I liked what I saw. Her long blonde hair trailed down her back in slight curls. “Bingo.”

  “Just drop it in. It will dissolve in seconds.” The guy standing nearby held the red cup out.

  He dropped the pill inside and stared at it. “Alright. You’re good.”

  The hair stood up on the back of my neck. I knew what they were doing. And I didn’t like it one bit. If you had to use date rape drugs to get laid, you were lower than dirt.

  “I’m going for it.” The guy with the cup walked across the room. And he headed right to the girl I had my eye on. He reached her and engaged her in conversation. When she turned slightly, my heart fell.

  The beautiful girl I targeted was someone I knew. Trinity.

  Her deep green sweater clung to her curves tightly, showing off her flat stomach and boobalicious chest. For a moment, I felt awkward. She was annoying as hell yet I was stalking her like prey.

  Then she took the cup from his hand, accepting his offer.

  Fuck. No.

  Anger exploded inside me like a lit stick of dynamite. I was livid, seeing red. My hands were shaking, and I couldn’t see straight. My head was about to ignite because I couldn’t hold the blood rage.

  I marched through the crowd, time suddenly slowing down. Every one moved like a snail. The music stopped. Trinity slowly brought the cup to her lips, about to take a drink. That sped me forward.

  I slapped the cup to the ground, watching it spray across the girls’ boots and jeans.

  “Slade, what the hell?” Trinity snapped.

  My fury was focused on the piece of shit. Without thinking or speaking, I slammed my fist against his jaw so hard he flew to the ground. “Fucking asshole.”

  The entire crowd backed up, knowing a serious fight just broke out.

  “Slade?” Trinity’s eyes widened. “What the hell are you doing?”

  I grabbed her arm and pulled her behind me. “Stay out of the way. Now.”

  The guy rubbed his jaw then came back to his feet. He squared his shoulders and stared me down. Then he rushed me. Using my Krav Maga training, I spun him around then threw him to the ground. He groaned when his bare back hit the tile.

  “Slade, behind you!” Trinity’s voice came to me.

  I figured his boys would come to his aid. I turned around then grabbed the first one by the neck. I choked him hard then threw him on top of his buddy. A third guy came after me and I took care of him too. Taking on three guys at once was no problem for me. I kicked their ass, making everyone in the vicinity gasp and step back.

  “Slade, knock it off.” Cayson grabbed my arm. “You’re going to kill them.”

  I jerked away. “You think I care?”

  Roland came out of the crowd. “Knock it off. Seriously. You made your point.”

  “What the hell did they do?” Conrad asked.

  The guys were lying on the ground, gripping their bloody noses and choking.

  I spit on them. “If anyone else thinks about using roofies around me, they’ll meet the same fate as these guys.”

  The crowd was deadly silent, hanging onto my words.

  I turned around and grabbed Trinity by the arm. “Come on. Let’s go.”


  “Don’t argue with me,” I snapped. I dragged her out, parting through the crowd and pushing people aside. When we were outside, our feet crunched against the hard snow. Trinity was struggling to keep up. She was wobbling on her heels, clearly drunk off her ass.

  “What the hell is going on, Slade?” She tried to turn me around but only managed to fall over.

  She was going to break her ankle at this rate. I pulled her back into my arms. “What the hell is going on?” I yelled in her face. “You were about to take a date rape drug. The only thing I should be hearing from you is your gratitude.”

  “How do you know?” Her words were slurred.

  “I saw them. Now what the fuck is wrong with you? You don’t take an open drink from a random dude! How many times have I told you that?”

  “I…he was nice.”

  “You just put out for any guy?”

  “You’re one to talk,” she snapped.

  “I’m a dude. I don’t need to worry about being raped. It’s not the same thing at all, Trin.”

  She pushed me away. “Just leave me alone.”

��To do what?”

  She tried to walk back to the house but she was struggling through the snow.

  I grabbed her arm and pulled her in the opposite direction. “We’re heading home.”

  She twisted her arm away. “You don’t care about me anyway. What does it matter to you?”

  “I don’t care?” I asked incredulously. “I just beat the shit out of three guys for trying to fuck with you.”


  “No. Not whatever. Now come on.”

  “Just leave me alone, Slade.” Her voice was becoming quiet. “You hate me.”

  “I don’t hate you!” I picked her up and pulled her to my chest. “Now stop talking. You’re fucking annoying.”


  “See what? Like you aren’t a brat to me every other second.”

  She tried to squirm out of my grasp. “I’m just going to drive.”

  “You’re drunk, Trinity.”

  “Fine. Then you drive.”

  “Didn’t bring my car.” I carried her across the snow toward my apartment. My place was much closer than hers, at least by a mile.

  “I can walk!”

  “No, you can’t. And you can’t take off your shoes.” She was light in my arms. Weighing a little more than a hundred pounds, she was like an easy day at the gym.

  She finally shut up and rested her head against my chest. Her hand grabbed my shoulder then loosened.

  Silence finally fell. My feet crunched against the snow while I walked. Small flakes fell from the dark sky, landing on my nose. My phone kept vibrating in my pocket, telling me everyone was calling me to ask what the hell happened. I ignored it and kept walking, hoping Trinity would fall asleep so I wouldn’t have to hear her bitching about how I beat up that ‘nice’ guy.

  I finally ascended the stairs to my apartment then got the door open.

  She stirred when she realized where we were. “I thought you were going to take me home?” Her voice was hoarse.

  “I’m not walking a mile in the snow. You’ll have to stay here.” I put her down on the ground, but she wobbled. “God, you look like Bambi.”

  “You look like a douchebag.”

  “Good one,” I said sarcastically.

  I moved into the hallway then grabbed an extra blanket. My apartment was packed with shit. My guitar leaned against the TV in the corner and my Playboys sat on the coffee table.


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