Until Amy

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Until Amy Page 3

by Jessica Ames

  That makes a tendril of unease furl in my belly. I shouldn’t be thinking about him like this, but when I do, heat infuses my belly.

  “You look great,” I tell Harmony, meaning every word of it.

  “You look banged up. What happened to your head?”

  I let out a long breath. “I was in a car accident. I’m okay.” I hurry to add at the look on her face. “I was barely hurt other than the cut to my head.”

  We both sit and she pushes a coffee mug in front of me. “Ordered for you.”


  I bring the cup to my nose, sniffing at the delicious smell. I love coffee. Working wonky shifts in the ER, I live on it. It’s the only stuff that gets me through the long shifts and late nights.

  “How’re things?” I ask as I blow the steam from the top of the mug and take a tentative sip. It’s still pretty hot.

  “Good, better than good. Harlen is amazing.”

  I want to ask her questions about being with a biker, but I get the impression Harlen’s club isn’t as bad as Shane’s and the answers I’d get wouldn’t help me. I’m on my own with this dilemma.

  “How’s the new job?” I ask as I wrap my hands around my mug.

  It’s not that new anymore. She’s been at the children’s hospital for a few months now.

  Harmony and I used to work in the same hospital, but she left after an incident with a doctor. Dr Hofstadter assaulted more women than I can count, and tried to kill Harmony. He’s dead now, but it doesn’t stop the nightmares, nor does it stop me reliving what he did. I don’t blame Harmony for wanting to put the hospital behind her. I sometimes think I should have done the same.

  I was also one of his victims. It’s how Harmony and I met and became friends, which seems like a strange way to start a relationship, but she’s been a great source of comfort for me since it happened and I hope I’ve been the same for her.

  I’ve been wary about men, about getting too close to them, afraid it might happen again, which is why I should keep my distance from Shane. I should never have agreed to dinner and as soon as he messages me, I’m going to cancel our plans.

  “I love it,” Harmony says, her eyes lighting up, the passion clear. “It’s sad sometimes, with the kids being so sick, but it’s rewarding in a lot of ways.” She takes a sip of her drink and I can’t help but smile at how settled she seems.

  “How do you deal with Harlen’s lifestyle?” I ask after a moment, unable to keep my question from slipping out. I need to know.

  She frowns at me, but then says, “It’s not an issue. Why?”

  “I was just curious.”

  Harmony eyes me and I see the suspicion in her gaze. “What’s going on with you?”

  I’m not sure it’s a good idea to spill what’s going on with me, even to Harmony. From Cobi’s reaction to Shane at the accident scene no one is going to see this dinner as a good thing.

  “Amy?” Harmony presses and I sigh.

  “The accident I was in… There was a rider who was hit by a car.”

  She gasps, probably thinking about Harlen and the risks he takes riding his motorcycle. “Was he hurt?”

  “Nothing too serious. A broken wrist and bruises. But he and I… There was something between us I can’t explain. He asked me to dinner and I stupidly said yes.”

  Harmony’s mouth pulls into a smirk. “You like him.”

  “I do, but I can’t.”


  “I can’t put myself in that position again. I can’t be vulnerable.”

  Her face softens and she snags my hand. “Honey, you shouldn’t let that bastard Hofstadter take anything more from you. If you like this man you should see where it goes.”

  I do like Shane. It seems weird, considering how short a time we were together, but my heart rate quickens whenever I think about him and the butterflies take flight in my belly.

  “There’s one small problem—”

  I break off as the fine hairs on my arms suddenly start to tingle. I twist around, trying to work out why my senses are suddenly on high alert and it’s then I see him.


  He’s strolling through the doors toward the counter. He looks amazing. His blond hair is cut short to his head and that jaw of his looks even more pronounced than it did before. His face is bruised from the accident, the stitches I put into his cheek still in place, but the way he carries himself, the confidence of his movements, makes me feel hot all over.

  I’m not sure what to do. Part of me wants to rush over and say hi, but another part keeps my ass rooted to the chair. I shouldn’t get involved with a man like this, but I want him.

  “You know that guy?” Harmony asks, snapping my attention back to her.

  “That’s the rider I was just telling you about.”

  Harmony’s eyes slide toward him and I let my eyes go back to him too. God, he’s so attractive, it should be illegal. The way his jeans hug his ass and thighs just right and the tight fit of the Henley he’s wearing under his leather vest make me feel light-headed.

  “You more than like him,” Harmony caws at me.

  I snap my eyes to her. “I do not.”

  “You’re flushed.”

  My hands go to my cheeks, which do feel hot to the touch.

  “You’re smitten,” she accuses with a smile.

  I am, but I don’t understand why.

  “I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s like when I met him my world tilted on its axis. I’ve never had such a strong reaction to a man before.”

  She gives me a knowing smile. “It’s the BOOM.”

  Her words don’t quite compute. What the heck is the BOOM?

  “The what?”

  “BOOM. He’s the one for you and no matter how you try to escape it, he’ll just keep coming back.”

  I scoff at this. Is she crazy? “I only just met him.”

  “Amy, you’re practically glowing. I’ve seen the BOOM go through my family for years. I thought it was a myth too, until I met Harlen.” She gets a dreamy look on her face.

  I open my mouth to argue with her, but she nudges me.

  “He’s coming over.”

  I twist so fast in my chair, I nearly knock the table over. Harmony is right, though. He’s coming over. Panic attacks my belly as I feel his presence come nearer to the table.

  “Amy,” he says, his voice gruff, deep and delicious. Like melted, dark chocolate.

  I want to devour him whole, but instead, I manage to choke out a, “Hi, Shane.”

  Harmony holds her hand out and he takes it with his good hand, shaking it. “I’m Harmony.”

  “Hey,” he says before bringing his attention to me.

  “How’s the wrist and stitches?”

  His arm is in a cast and his face still looks sore. I hope he’s all right.

  “Better after your help.”

  I flush at his words.

  “I’m glad you’re on the mend.”

  He eyes me and as his gaze crawls over me I resist the urge to shift under his scrutiny. “I was going to call you later.”

  My stomach flips at his words. “You were?”

  “About Saturday. Dinner. You and me. I booked us a table at Flame at eight.”

  My eyes bulge. Flame is notoriously difficult to get a reservation at. The wait list can be months long because the food is just that good.

  “How did you manage that?” I ask, forgetting that I’m supposed to be canceling.

  “Club knows the dude who owns it.”

  “Wow.” Harmony sounds impressed. I don’t blame her, I’m pretty impressed myself.

  Even so, I need to remember my plan and stick to it. Even if I would die for a chance to eat at Flame. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea for us to go out,” I tell him.

  “Why not?”

  “Patient, remember.”

  “Ain’t your patient anymore.”

  “That’s not how it works,” I tell him, wrinkling my nose.

p; He ignores this, and says, “So, Saturday… You give me your address I’ll pick you up.”

  I stare at him. “My address?”

  “Yeah, babe. I need to know where you live.”

  “How about I just meet you there?” I have no idea what I’m saying anymore, but my words sound breathy as I speak.

  He shrugs. “Ain’t a problem to pick you up, babe.”

  The endearment makes my heart skip several beats. “I know.”

  “So, I’ll come to yours?”

  “What if you’re a serial killer?” I blurt.

  He blinks at me then laughs. “Ain’t one, but if it makes you feel better you can meet me at the restaurant.”

  I nod. It does make me feel better. I doubt Shane is anything like Dr Hofstadter, but after what happened, I’m still wary. Even if this man does funny things to me, I’m going to protect my safety.

  He gives me a smile that makes my stomach flip flop. “See you Saturday.”

  “See you then.”

  He walks away to the counter to grab his order, and Harmony’s eyes flare. “Oh my God. I can see why you’re smitten.”

  I frown. “I’m scared.”

  “Honey, all good things require being a little scared, but if it is the BOOM, resisting is pointless.”



  Sitting in church with the Tennessee boys is a hell of a lot different to sitting with my London brothers. I hate to say it, but I miss Titch and Levi goofing off, Fury’s stoic silence and even Rav’s bad temper. Omen is a lot like my president in a lot of ways, though he’s calmer than Rav.

  “Someone give me an update,” Omen demands, drumming his fingers off the table as his eyes go around the room.

  He’s a huge guy with a bushy beard and dark eyes that are like looking into the depths of hell. There’s a reason he’s called Omen. Seeing him is a bad fucking one. He’ll gut anyone who tries to destroy what he’s built. Brotherhood and protecting the Sons is his first priority. That’s why he’s a good president and it’s also why he’s the national president in the US. Rav looks to him to keep the States on track and organized.

  “Guns came in yesterday,” Havoc says, leaning back in his chair.

  Like Omen, he’s got a thick beard, but his is wild, just like him. His shrewd gaze sees everything and his ability to get shit done, no matter the cost, is why Omen has him at his right-hand side.

  “We can move them to London as soon as we get word from our guy that we’re good to go,” Flash adds.

  He lives up to his name. He’s a flashy fucker and he doesn’t look like a biker. Right now, he’s wearing a quality made button-up blue shirt, open at the collar, beneath his kutte paired with what I’m sure are designer jeans because what I know of Flash is that he likes his labels. His boots aren’t run of the mill motorcycle boots either, but fancy as fuck looking things that probably cost more than my entire wardrobe.

  “Reach out and see what the holdup is. Ravage needs these guns.”

  He does. Our Manchester chapter back in the UK has run into some problems with rival gangs in the area. Rav wants the weapons in case shit goes down and they need to go to war. I hope that doesn’t happen. I hate the thought of my brothers fighting while I’m not there to help, but they’ll do what they need to protect the club. Tennessee picked a shitty time to have a rat in their ranks.

  “I’ll get on it,” Flash assures him.

  “We find out any more about the fucker who hit Whizz?”

  My eyes snap toward Omen at these words. I didn’t realize they were looking into it, but I should have expected it. I’m a brother, and Omen protects his own.

  Chains, secretary of the club, sits forward. He’s the quietest of the brothers, rarely speaks unless he has to, so it surprises me to hear his voice now.

  “Got a name.”

  I arch a brow, wondering what the fuck they’re planning. Generally, we don’t mess around with civilians, unless they cross the club.

  Omen leans forward, his hands clasping together. His eyes come to mine, as serious as a heart attack.

  “You want us to pay that fucker a visit, say the word.”

  His words don’t surprise me. The guy hit me because he wasn’t paying attention. I could have died. Many bikers do die when they’re hit by cars and trucks. The brothers want me to know they have my back.

  “Ain’t worth the hassle,” I tell him, “but I appreciate it.”

  “You’re sure?” Havoc questions, rubbing a hand over his beard and tugging the end of it. I’ve noticed he does this a lot when he’s annoyed. “That bastard nearly killed you and he fucking wrecked Betty.”

  It would be easy to seek revenge, to gut that fucker for running me off the road, but unlike these boys, I preserve life, not take it. It’s what I was trained for as a doctor. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll kill if the situation calls for it, but I don’t think it’s warranted here.

  “Ain’t wanting revenge.”

  Hatchet, their sergeant-at-arms, looks a little disappointed and huffs under his breath.

  “Why the fuck not?”

  “Wasn’t intentional and I’m still breathing.”

  My mind wanders to the little dark-haired nurse who has been filling my mind lately. Amy is never far from my thoughts and waiting to see her again is a slow, painful torture. There was a connection between us I can’t deny and my heart seems to beat for this woman in a way I don’t understand. Looking into her eyes was like looking into heaven. I want more of her sunshine, even though I shouldn’t mar her with my darkness.

  “Okay fuckers, we’re done.” Omen smacks the gavel down on the table and the brothers start to file out. “Whizz, stay.”

  I sink my arse back into the seat and wait for the others to leave. Crank’s the last one out and he gives me a ‘good luck’ thumbs up as he goes. Havoc stays behind and eyes me as Omen leans back in his seat. The atmosphere in the room suddenly feels close, tense, heavy.

  “Moving these guns is going to be difficult,” Omen tells me. “Everything we’ve moved lately has been intercepted.”

  “Those fuckers have ski-masks hiding their features. They act fast, shoving guns in the brothers’ faces and stealing the trucks before they can even react,” Havoc says.

  “Without solid evidence, I won’t act. I won’t start a war without knowing for sure.”

  And that’s what this shit is leading to. War. You don’t steal from the Sons and stay breathing.

  It’s bold as fuck, whoever is doing this. Ballsy as all hell. I’ve never known anyone to come at the club like this before. They’ve got a fucking death wish.

  “Rav needs those weapons,” I tell him something he already knows.

  “And he’ll get them,” Havoc assures me.

  “We’re going to have two separate runs. You and Havoc moving the real guns and a decoy shipment that won’t contain any weapons. Not much else we can do until we have more evidence. You and Havoc are the only fuckers I trust right now.”

  It’s a good plan. Whether it will work or not is another matter, but it’s worth a try.

  “You got any idea who could be behind it?” I ask. In the few weeks I’ve been here, I’ve come to know these men. I just can’t imagine any of them being involved in this shit.

  “Nope. Not that we haven’t tried to find out, but whoever is ratting us out is clever. They haven’t pinged our radar yet, but it’s only a matter of time before they fuck up and show us who they are.”

  Having a rat in a club is a fucking death sentence for that club. Who knows what secrets are being spilled, what truths are being uncovered? It’s why Rav sent me. This needs to be shut down and fast.

  “We’ll figure it out, brother,” I tell him. “Won’t go free for long.”

  “Hope you’re right, because I can’t run a club with a traitor in my ranks.”

  He can’t, and whoever it is, he’s a dead man walking.



  What the hell am I sup
posed to wear for a dinner date with a biker? Will he turn up in jeans? Should I wear jeans too? I blow my hair out of my face and peer around the destruction I’ve created this afternoon. My bedroom looks like an explosion in a department store. I have dresses laid out across the bed, pumps littered around the floor and I’m no closer to finding an outfit that works.

  Desperation has me grabbing my cell off the nightstand and dialing the one person I know can help.


  She picks up after the second ring.

  “I was just thinking about you,” she says to me. “Are you ready for your big date?”

  “I need help,” I blurt out.

  “What’s going on? Do you need me to send Harlen over?” Concern laces her words.

  The fact she would even say this has my belly filling with warmth.

  “No, it’s nothing like that. I’m freaking out about my dinner date with Shane. What am I supposed to wear?”

  “Whatever you’re comfortable in.”

  “Will he expect a dress? Jeans and a nice shirt?”

  “What would you wear if you were going to Flame with me?”

  I consider that for a moment. “Jeans, boots, nice shirt.”

  “That’s what you should wear tonight then.”

  “I shouldn’t even be going out with him,” I mumble, sinking onto the edge of the bed among the chaos. “Am I crazy?”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Because he’s a biker. An outlaw. Your cousin warned me about him.”

  “Which one?”


  “What did he say?”

  “That the Sons are bad news.”

  There’s a pause. “I’m sure my family thought that about Harlen. I know my uncle had questions about Wes when July got with him. If it is the BOOM, nothing you do will stop you being together.”

  I flop back on the bed. “I’m scared of getting close,” I admit.

  She knows why. Harmony is the only person I’ve really opened up to about my Dr Hofstadter nightmare. We both understand what an evil bastard that man was. I was sexually assaulted by him, but he’d done worse to Harmony. It’s no wonder she couldn’t stand staying in her job any longer.


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