His Saving Grace

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His Saving Grace Page 7

by Lynn Hagen

  “The noise.” Noah sighed. His speech sounded slightly slurred. Had he been drinking?

  “What noise?” Justin headed for the door and to his car. He tossed the bag into the backseat and started toward Mikko’s, and still Noah hadn’t answered him.


  “Yeppers. I’m here. What were we talking about?”

  Jesus. “The noise.”

  “Oh! Mikko and I thought we heard something in the kitchen, but nothing was there. I think my face is numb.” Noah laughed. “Has your face ever gone numb?”

  Now Justin knew to watch out when those two got together. Noah hadn’t seemed the drinking type, but at least his mate was talking to him. “I can’t say that it has.”

  “Well.” Noah said the word in a long, drawn-out way. “We think it might have been raccoons getting into the trash outside, so we ordered some pizza.”

  He needed to get to his mate. Not only was Noah drunk but Justin didn’t like the fact that they’d heard noises. It could’ve been innocent, but with what was going on, he wanted to make sure.

  “Give me the phone,” Mikko said in the background. “Stop drunk dialing people.”

  “I’m perfectly fine,” Noah said. “I can call my boyfriend if I want to. Did I tell you we had phenomenal sex?”

  “No, because you won’t give me any details,” Mikko argued.

  Justin had to get Noah out of there, though the mention of their sex made him smile.

  “I’ll be there in a few minutes,” he said to Noah. When he didn’t get a reply, Justin pulled the phone away and saw that Noah had hung up.

  His mate definitely needed a keeper. Noah, left up to his own devices, seemed capable of getting himself into a lot of trouble.

  When Justin pulled into the driveway, Fang walked over and leaned an arm on the roof. “All is quiet. Do you need me to stick around?”

  “Thanks for your help, but I got it from here.”

  With a nod, Fang walked away, got into his car, and drove off. Justin got out and headed toward the house, praying that, when Noah sobered, he would be more amicable to the idea of their mating.

  * * * *

  Noah had a killer headache when he woke. He grabbed his temples and groaned as he turned over, unsure where he was. That last thing he recalled was… Hmm. He and Mikko had checked out the noise, ordered food, and…had he called Justin?

  God, he really didn’t need to drink. He was a lightweight and clearly even wine went to his head.

  He jerked around when he heard a grunt. Justin lay next to him, wearing nothing but his boxer briefs. Noah looked down and saw he had his T-shirt and underwear on. Clearly Justin had undressed him and put him to bed.

  Noah threw the covers back and padded to the kitchen to start a cup of coffee. What he needed was a hot shower and some aspirin. He also needed some fresh air.

  With a groan, Noah started the coffeepot then went to the back door and opened it. The sun entered the kitchen, warming Noah’s face. He might have a headache, but at least he was thinking clearly now.

  Kids. How bad could that be? It wasn’t as if Justin had them full time. That would give Noah time to get to know them, in small increments, so he could get used to them.

  Noah smiled. Look at him, coming out of his shell. Now he was kind of looking forward to meeting them. Who knew? Maybe Noah would hit it off with them.

  As the smell of fresh coffee filled the room, he started to turn, but he noticed something on the back porch. Brows furrowed, Noah opened the screen door and walked outside.

  His heart thundered when he recognized the picture frame and the picture inside. It was the one he kept on his bookshelf at home. The picture of him and Mikko when they were kids, their arms around each other, smiling as if they didn’t have a care in the world.

  Noah remembered when the picture was taken. It was a month before he’d lost his mom. It had been a long time after that before he’d smiled again.

  He bent and picked it up then looked around. Justin had a huge backyard, with plenty of trees for shade. No one was out there. How did the picture get from his house to Justin’s? Had Justin brought it and it had somehow fallen out of the bag?

  “What do you have?”

  Noah turned at the sound of Justin’s deep, sleepy voice. He stood in the doorway, one arm propped on the frame. Fuck. The guy was sex on two legs. Noah almost forgot about what he had in his hands as he openly ogled his mate.

  “A boner,” Noah admitted with a smile.

  Justin’s grin was breathtaking. “Besides that?” He nodded toward Noah’s hand.

  “This must have fallen out of my things when you brought them here.” Noah held up the frame. “I just found it.”

  Justin straightened and looked at the frame with furrowed brows. “Noah, I looked at that photo when I was at your place, but I left it there.”

  “Then how did it get on your back porch?” Noah’s stomach tightened. “How did it find its way here?”

  “Get inside.” Justin stepped forward, and Noah hurried past him, ducking into the kitchen. Justin moved into the yard and walked around, looking left and right as if searching.

  Noah clutched the frame to his chest, his mind in a whirl. Had the person who’d broken into his house left this here? How? How did that person know where Justin lived or that Noah was with him? Why would he leave the picture? Was that some kind of message? What message?

  Noah didn’t have any enemies because the only person he talked to or hung out with was Mikko. Sure, he’d run into that guy from high school, but that had been a coincidence. His attack had been horrifying but random.

  He set the frame on the counter and poured himself a cup of coffee to calm his nerves. Why was this happening to him? Why had he become some whacko’s target?

  Justin returned, his brows dipped, anger lines around his eyes and mouth. “I’ll have that frame dusted for fingerprints, though I doubt we’ll find any. None were left at your apartment after the break-in.”

  Despair settled inside Noah. He felt as if this nightmare was never going to end. All he wanted was his life back, without people attacking him, breaking into his apartment, and now leaving his personal items on Justin’s back porch.

  “Hey.” Justin pulled Noah into his arms. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  “Why does this keep happening to me?” Noah was on the verge of tears, though he fought not to shed them. “What the hell did I do to someone to make them come after me?”

  “I don’t know, babe.” Justin curled his arms around Noah, making him feel safe in the cocoon. “But I won’t stop digging until I have answers. Until then, get dressed. I have to go to the station, and I’m not leaving you here.”

  “But Mikko is at work,” Noah pointed out.

  “I’m taking you to the alpha,” Justin said. “You’ll be safe there while I handle this.”

  “Wait.” Noah pulled back, wiping at his eyes. “Isn’t he the guy who married your ex-wife?”

  “John is a great guy who will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”

  That meant Noah was about to meet Justin’s sons. He was more nervous about that than the guy who had left the picture. How crazy was that?

  “How old?”

  Justin frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “How old are your children?” Noah grabbed his mug and took another sip of coffee, hoping Justin didn’t notice how badly his hands shook.


  Eight. What were eight-year-olds like? What were they into? Could Noah even relate to them? It seemed he was about to find out.

  Justin grinned. “Don’t let them intimidate you, sweetheart. They’re great kids. I promise.”

  Noah was sure they were, but he was a new guy in their father’s life, and he wasn’t sure how they would take the news. He would’ve been more comfortable meeting Justin’s parents than his kids.

  “Let me get dressed.” Noah walked away, praying he made a good first imp

  An hour later, they pulled in front of a really nice home with a manicured lawn, a flowerbed, and hanging plants on the porch. Noah hesitated in the car.

  “What are their names?” He looked at the house as if it would come to life and eat him.

  “Josh, Brody, and Aaron.” Justin pulled out his cell phone and showed Noah their picture. God, they looked just like Justin. Dark hair, hazel eyes, and they were adorable. Though the one in the middle had a mischievous look in his eyes.

  “They’re gonna love you.” Justin gave Noah a quick kiss. “Now stop stalling so we can go inside.”

  After taking a deep breath, Noah got out and met Justin on the porch. He fiddled with the front of his shirt as Justin rang the doorbell.

  Noah grinned when one of the triplets answered the door. “Daddy!”

  He jumped into Justin’s arms as a large, muscular man appeared. “Didn’t I tell you time and again not to answer the door, Brody?”

  “I’m Aaron,” the kid said as he unwrapped himself from his father and Justin put him down.

  “Sorry, Aaron,” the guy said.

  “I’m just kidding.” The boy laughed. “I’m Brody.”

  He took off with a peel of laughter as if tricking his stepfather was hilarious. That had to have been the one with the mischievous look in the photo.

  “Hi, I’m John. It’s nice to finally meet you, Noah.” John stuck out his hand, and Noah shook it. His grip was gentle. “Come on in.” Then he turned and hollered,” Trish, Justin and Noah are here!”

  A petite woman with dark hair that flowed down her back came rushing into the room, a warm smile on her face. “It’s so nice to finally meet the guy who’s stolen Justin’s heart.”

  “Trish,” Justin snarled.

  Stolen his heart? They hadn’t known each other that long. Noah was falling for Justin. Who wouldn’t with a guy like that? But he wasn’t sure if his own heart had been stolen yet. Had it been? Noah wasn’t sure. His emotions had been flip-flopping all over the place for the past two weeks.

  “Come into the kitchen with me.” Trish grabbed Noah’s hand before he could even answer her. She was a demanding little woman. Noah was afraid to defy her. She might’ve been small, but she looked like a spitfire.

  Noah entered a spacious kitchen that would make any homeowner envious. The space was brightly lit, had plenty of cupboards, an island in the middle with a sink, and a large, country-style kitchen table to one side. There were even French doors that led to the backyard, which held a swing set, toys strewn about, and a sandbox.

  “Don’t look so frightened.” Trish smiled. “I swear I’m not kidnapping you. I’m just so excited that Justin found his mate.”

  This was the woman who had married Justin, had borne his children, who had built a life with him until she’d figured out that her husband was gay.

  Noah couldn’t think of anyone who would’ve been cool with that. If he and Justin had married, then Noah had found out that his husband was straight, he would have flipped his shit.

  But she looked genuinely happy. “Um…thank you?”

  He wasn't sure what else to say.

  Justin entered the kitchen, John right behind him. Justin pulled Noah into his arms, making Noah’s face catch fire.

  “I won’t take long,” Justin said. “Just don’t let the boys talk you into anything.”

  “Two of them are pranksters,” John said. “Don’t worry, Justin. Trish and I will keep him from being overrun by the boys.”

  Speaking of, the three of them walked into the kitchen and simply stared at Noah. He realized their daddy had him trapped in his arms. Noah tried to pull away, but Justin refused to let him go.

  “Noah, this is Aaron and Josh. You’ve already met Brody,” Justin said. “Boys, this is Noah.”

  They still kept staring at him as if Noah had two heads.

  “Go do what you have to do, Justin,” John said. “We’ll take care of your mate.”

  Noah could’ve died from embarrassment when Justin kissed him. He looked at the floor when Justin released him, too afraid to look anyone in the eyes. The triplets might have been okay with their father being gay, but Jesus, Noah had just met them and their dad had kissed him in front of them.

  “Do you play video games?” one of them asked when Justin left.

  He couldn’t tell them apart, so he had no clue which one was speaking to him. He wished Justin hadn’t left. It was daunting meeting new people, but even more so when he was left alone with them.

  And already Noah missed his mate.

  “I don’t have my Xbox with me, but yeah,” Noah said. “I’m on season four of Fortnite and have like a gazillion V-Bucks.”

  They looked at him as if he’d just told them tomorrow was Christmas.

  John chuckled. “You’ve just become their hero.”

  Before Noah could answer John, the boys whisked him away.

  Chapter Eight

  “Anything from the picture frame?”

  “It’s gonna take a couple of days to get the results back.” Justin held Noah’s hand as he drove. “But there was a solid one on the frame, so I’m hopeful.”

  Justin was also beyond frustrated. He was no closer to finding the perp in either case. The fingerprint was a break, but that was if the print was in the system. If not, they were back to square one.

  Noah looked a bit drowsy as he looked out the window. Justin knew he should get his mate home. It had been a long day, but it was past dinnertime, and they needed to eat.

  Instead of thinking about something he could whip up at home, Justin steered toward a little Italian place he loved where the pasta was amazing and the breadsticks were always warm.

  “Where’re we going?” Noah yawned, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “We’ll grab a bite to eat before heading home.” Justin waited for Noah to contradict him, to say it wasn’t his home, but his mate simply nodded. Justin’s stomach tightened as he stared at Noah, the backdrop behind his mate of the setting sun.

  Could the guy look any more ethereal? The glow made his cheekbones more pronounced, made him see that the sun was there just to bathe Noah in the softness.

  “I am starving.” Noah looked at him and gave Justin a warm, tired smile.

  Trish had asked them to stay for dinner, but Justin had declined. He’d seen how worn out Noah had been and just wanted to get his mate home. Maybe they should’ve stayed, because now he was famished.

  Justin parked next to the restaurant and helped Noah from his side of the car.

  “Aren’t you the gentleman?” Noah grinned. “You better stop spoiling me before I get used to it.”

  Noah had no idea just how badly Justin wanted to spoil him rotten. Noah didn’t seem to get too many breaks, but Justin planned on changing all that. He wanted to see Noah smile more, laugh more often, and although the past two weeks had been great, Noah always seemed to have his guard up.

  Justin was tired of seeing the tension lines around Noah’s eyes and the bags under them. What Noah had gone through was stressful, and Justin wished he could close both cases so his mate could finally put all of it behind him.

  He placed his hand on the small of Noah’s back and guided him to the front door. As soon as they walked in, the smells surrounded them, making Justin’s stomach grumble.

  They were seated and served in less than thirty minutes.

  “This place is cozy.” Noah tried his best to hide his yawn, but Justin saw it. “I’m just letting you know that if I eat this pasta, I’ll pass out before we make it back to your house.”

  “How was your day?” Justin picked up a breadstick and took a bite. “Did the boys torture you?”

  This felt so domestic, so right. As if they were already a family and this was a part of their everyday life. Justin could see forever in Noah, his future, his happiness, and Trish had been right.

  Noah had stolen Justin’s heart.

  Noah’s eyes sparkled under the
lighting. “They were great and funny. Your sons are comical and sweet.”

  Justin was relieved. Not that he thought the triplets would give Justin a hard time, but they normally didn’t warm up to strangers so quickly. But with Noah’s personality, he knew they would hit it off.

  “I told them they could spend the weekend.” Justin forked his pasta and took a bite. “I figured we could go to the movies or the mall.”

  “Who goes to the mall anymore?” Noah dug into his food, his eyes barely open as he ate.

  Justin shrugged. “I guess we could barbeque and play football.”

  Noah frowned and waved a hand over his slender body. “I’m not exactly the athletic type. You throw a football at me, and I’ll either get a bloody nose or run from it.”

  A part of Justin had thought that Noah would be nervous about being with the triplets the entire weekend, but Noah hadn’t objected. They really must have hit it off, which made Justin happy. Those three boys were the center of his world, and he would do anything for them. Now Noah was a part of Justin’s life, and knowing the most important people to him got along took a lot of weight off his shoulders.

  Noah’s fork was halfway to his mouth when he froze. He paled as his hand started to shake. Justin frowned as he looked around and saw who Noah was staring at.

  “What’s wrong, Noah?” Justin instantly went on alert.

  “That’s him,” Noah whispered as he set his fork down and cringed. “The guy who attacked me at the party.”

  “The blond with the blue shirt?” Justin stood, ready to go after the guy. He was with some woman, and the two were smiling and talking as if the guy wasn’t a predator.

  Justin’s wolf wanted to rip the son of a bitch to pieces. Justin wanted to knock that smile off the guy’s face.

  “Yes.” Noah nodded, his head bobbing like it was on a spring. Tears brimmed his eyes as he stared at his attacker, watching his every move.

  “You wait right here,” Justin demanded. “Don’t move from that seat.”

  He took off, heading right for the door. Justin had to sidestep a crowd who had come in, delaying his exit.


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