Oberon Academy Book Two: The Zephyr

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Oberon Academy Book Two: The Zephyr Page 3

by Wendi Wilson

  He nodded. “I’ll leave you to it then. Now, on to other matters. I have hired a new sociology teacher.”

  A white-hot spear of pain lanced through my chest, making me gasp. Reminders of Rowan always did that…reopened the wound, making me bleed out all over again.

  “I’m sorry, dear,” Finn said. “The holes that Rowan’s death created are cavernous. I know thoughts of him pain you, as they do me, but we must go on. We need a teacher for his class and you need a new mentor.”

  “What?” I exclaimed, snapping out of the despair I was spiraling through.

  No. Absolutely not. I felt myself rolling into a panic, which was ridiculous considering I’d gone to Finn myself and requested help. I was being irrational, and I knew it, but no one could replace Rowan. How could I even let anyone try?

  “December, I can see that you’re torn.”

  “I’m not torn. Not at all,” I said. “I simply changed my mind. I am one hundred percent sure that I am not taking on a new mentor.”

  Even though I knew I really needed one.

  “Yes, you are,” he said, and I could feel his power washing over me.

  I arched brow at him. “That still doesn’t work.”

  As king, Finn held immense power over the Sylphids. He could infuse power into his words so that no Sylph could disobey him. They couldn’t resist.

  Well, until me, at least. Because of my half-Sylph, half-Zephyr nature, his power didn’t work on me and I could break his control of those around me. I’d learned that the night of the attack, when he’d ordered all students to leave the academy. I’d resisted, yelling at them to stop, and those who heard my words had snapped out of it, staying behind to defend our home.

  “It was worth a shot,” Finn said, one corner of his mouth turning up. “He would want you to learn all you could. He would want you to protect yourself with knowledge and control of your talents. He would want you to move on with your life, December.”

  Unshed tears burned in my eyes. I knew he was right. Rowan would want me to move on, to live up to my potential and learn complete control of all my powers. But I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t let him go. I couldn’t replace him.

  “Will you at least think about it?” Finn asked, offering me an out so I didn’t have to give him a concrete answer. “Meet the man and see how you feel then, okay?”

  My head bobbed up and down, and I rose from my chair. We said our goodbyes and I headed back to my room to get ready for the party with Shaela. I needed to get it together. I didn’t want to bring her down when she was so excited about tonight.

  Finn was giving me time. I wouldn’t meet this new teacher until after winter break, and then I could give him my decision. Of course, that decision had already been made. I didn’t want a new mentor.

  I’d figure everything out on my own, just like I always had.

  The music was so loud, I could barely hear myself think. I’d somehow lost track of Shaela, and though I was supposed to meet Easton at the party, I hadn’t come across him yet. I stood in the corner, forcing a smile every time someone stopped by to wish me a happy birthday. At least, that’s what I assumed they were saying. I couldn’t actually hear any words.

  Shaela was a miracle worker. Our gymnasium had been completely cleared out of mats and equipment. A small stage sat in one corner. A boy stood behind a bunch of technical looking equipment, pushing buttons and turning knobs to keep the music pumping. The main lights were turned off, but small, rotating globes flashed multi-colored beams of light in every direction.

  Another group of kids stopped in front of me, and a girl from my math class leaned in to scream in my ear.

  “Happy birthday, December,” she yelled. “And Merry Christmas!”

  I nodded and smiled, cinching my arms tight around my waist to keep my bare midriff hidden. I couldn’t believe I’d let Shaela talk me into wearing a half a shirt. On top of that, the waistline of the jeans rode low on my hips, baring even more skin.

  My attempts were useless. No amount of pulling down on the sweater or crossing my arms over my midriff would cover my pale skin. I was sure I looked ridiculous.

  I decided to sneak back to my room and change when arms circled around my waist from behind. On pure instinct, I raised my arm in preparation to jab my elbow backward into the person’s ribs. But a familiar voice in my ear made me freeze.

  “Happy birthday, December.”

  Easton’s voice soothed me instantly. His warm hands splayed against my very bare stomach revved my nerves right back up. I turned in his arms and leaned into him, wrapping my hands around his neck. Raising up on my toes, I brought my mouth close to his ear and shouted, “Thank you.”

  He pressed his mouth to mine, giving me a sweet, quick kiss before reaching up to unlock my hands from his neck. Holding onto them, he took a step back and lifted my arms up to my sides as his eyes roved down my body. I tried to free my hands so I could cover myself, but he was too strong.

  “What are you wearing?” he yelled loud enough for me to hear him.

  I shook my head and leaned in close to his ear, shouting, “It was all Shaela. I was just about to go to my room and change.”

  Easton put space between us again, his eyes burning a path across my skin. I was suddenly glad for the darkness. My heated blush had turned me cherry-red, I was sure of it. My heart picked up its pace as Easton’s eyes lifted to meet mine.

  He shook his head slowly, and walked me backwards, into the crowd of gyrating teenagers. As if on cue, the music changed. The beat was slow, the melody lyrical, and volume cut by more than half. The space around us cleared as people left the area or coupled up to slow dance.

  Easton’s hands landed on my hips, his fingers spreading upward across my skin until his hands were cupping both sides of my bare waist. He pulled me closer, and my arms slid up to lock around his neck. His palms moved around to press against my lower back as he began to sway to the music.

  I tried to follow his lead, unsure of what to do. I’d never danced with a boy before, and I felt all gangly and awkward. I concentrated on copying Easton’s movements and tried not to step on his feet.

  “Why are you nervous?” he asked.

  “How can you read my aura in the dark?” I countered. “Do the colors glow?”

  He laughed. “Yes, I can still see them in the dark, but I don’t need to read your aura to tell that you’re nervous. I can feel your heart pounding against my chest.”

  “I never danced like this before,” I admitted, glad that the music was at a tolerable level and we didn’t have to shout.

  “I never would have guessed,” he said, a soft smile on his lips. “You’re doing great.”

  “All I’m doing is swaying back and forth to the music,” I said.


  I laughed and my body relaxed. Without all the tension, my mind registered several things at once.

  Easton’s belt buckle pressing into my belly.

  The slight brush of his fingertips drawing circles across the skin of my lower back.

  His eyes, locked on mine, a raging inferno burning in their depths.

  “I want to kiss you so bad right now,” he said, bringing his face so close, I could feel his breath on my lips.

  “The why don’t you?” I breathed.

  His tongue darted out to wet his lips before he answered, “All these people. A lot of them are watching us. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or embarrassed.”

  His hands moved, one flattening along my spine as the other splayed out across my lower back. His pinky burrowed underneath the waistband of my jeans and froze there. My heart started to pound again, but for a completely different reason.

  “Does my aura look uncomfortable or embarrassed?” I asked, so quietly I wasn’t sure if he heard me.

  He shook his head, keeping his eyes locked on mine.


  “Then kiss me.”

  Before my heart could pound another beat, his lips were
on mine. I opened my mouth and touched my tongue to his. He groaned, his arms tightening around me. I could feel myself getting carried away as the blood roared through my ears and heat pooled in my center.

  Easton broke the kiss and pressed his cheek against mine. His breath huffed against my ear, tamping down some of the disappointment I felt. He wasn’t unaffected by that searing kiss. He was just as worked up as I was.

  “Sorry,” he breathed. “I had to stop before things got out of hand.”

  For some reason, that made me laugh. Maybe it was the nervous energy. Maybe it was the sexual tension. I didn’t know, but the thought of me making Easton lose his cool in public…it made me feel good.

  “That’s funny?” he asked, leaning back to search my face.

  “I don’t know. Sort of,” I teased. “The always cool, calm, and collected Easton Oberon losing control over a simple girl like me? It’s pretty funny.”

  “You, December Thorne, are anything but simple,” he said, his face growing serious. “Speaking of which, I have something for you.”

  I could feel my eyes light up.

  “You do?”

  He nodded, saying, “Later.”

  The slow song ended and the music cranked back up to a glaring beat, so Easton took my hand and pulled me off the dance floor. People watched us as we went, the guys waggling their eyebrows at Easton as the girls frowned or stared wistfully.

  But for once, I wasn’t embarrassed. I felt like kissing my boyfriend, so I did. And boy, what a kiss it was. A grin stretched across my face as we reached the edge of the room.

  Best. Birthday. Ever.

  I spotted Shaela, standing by herself next to the snack table. I steered Easton in that direction and, as we neared, I noticed the expression on her face. I followed her line of sight with my eyes to see what was making her look so sad. My teeth ground together when I saw them.

  Charles was dancing with Tiana on the edge of the dance floor.

  “Ugh, who invited her?” I asked as I came to halt next to Shaela.

  Easton moved in close behind me, his arms circling my waist as he propped his chin on my shoulder. Shaela shook herself at the sound of my voice, spinning to face me with a big, phony smile plastered across her face.

  “Oh, hey guys. Having fun?”

  “Yeah,” I said, “but it would be a lot better if you’d stop freaking me out with that creepy fake smile. Are you about to pull a knife from behind your back and stab me or something?”

  Shaela’s whole body sagged as the forced smile dropped from her face.

  “I might,” she said, “since you’re the one that got me all excited and worked up about possibilities.”

  “What’s she talking about?” Easton asked as Shaela turned back to face the dancing crowd.

  “Nope. Sworn to secrecy. Best friend code,” I said.

  “Oh, you may as well tell him,” Shaela said. “He’ll probably drag it out of you sooner or later anyway.”

  “You sure?” I asked. “I mean, he might be able to help.”

  Shaela nodded and waved a hand for me to carry on.

  “Shaela likes Charles, but she’s too scared to tell him. Now he’s dancing with her royal bitchiness over there,” I said. Looking back at Shaela, I asked, “Who did invite her, anyway? I thought we left Tiana and Aubrey off the guest list.”

  “We did,” she said. “They crashed the party.”

  Easton’s hand snaked out and grabbed Shaela’s wrist, pulling her close so that I was pretty much sandwiched between them. Before I could ask what he was doing, he started to speak.

  “He doesn’t want to be there, Shaela,” he said, loud enough for her to hear, but not so loud that anyone else could.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “His aura,” he answered. “It’s all murky reds and oranges. He’s angry and frustrated. He doesn’t like her at all.”

  “But…he’s smiling,” Shaela said.

  “Yeah, so were you a minute ago, and maybe everyone else would have believed it.”

  She looked at Charles again and sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, biting down on it. Then she looked back at me.

  “Should I go save him from her?”

  “Yes!” I shouted enthusiastically.

  Shaela seemed to ponder it for a moment, then straightened her shoulders and took a step back. Giving me one firm nod, she spun on a heel and marched toward the dance floor.

  I turned my head to speak into Easton’s ear, asking “Did his aura really tell you that?”

  “Do you think I’d lie to her about it?” he countered.

  I shrugged, nearly dislodging his chin from my shoulder.

  “Maybe. If it meant she’d feel better.”

  “Well, if I was lying, she’s about to really embarrass herself in front of Tiana Avery,” he said, tilting his head in that direction.

  “Oh God, you weren’t lying, right?” I asked in a rush, feeling a little panicked on behalf of my friend.

  “No,” he chuckled, “I wasn’t. Relax. I might have a secret or two of my own about this situation.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Shaela had reached the dancing couple and, though I could see her lips moving, I had no idea what she was saying. The music was way too loud and she was too far away for me to read her lips.

  “I may or may not have seen Charles watching her. And his wings weren’t the only things that were pink.”

  “Watching her when? Like a stalker or something?” I asked as Charles turned to Tiana and said something. By the look on her face, she didn’t like it.

  “No, not like a stalker,” Easton answered. “I saw him staring at her in the dining hall last week. His aura was bright pink.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked.

  “Well, it’s open to interpretation,” he said, “but it usually indicates friendship, love, and sometimes, desire. You’re usually a light pink when you’re talking to Shaela, which means you love her.”

  My heart stuttered in my chest as a really stupid question rolled off my tongue before I could stop it.

  “And what color is it when I’m around you?”

  Oh, shit. Take it back. Take it back. Take it back. I don’t want to know.

  The panicked thoughts scrolled through my head on a loop. I couldn’t believe I’d just asked that. Sure, I’d thought about it. About how I would never be able to hide my true feelings from him. About how he’d probably know before I did when I fell in lo—

  “Come with me,” Easton said, taking my hand and leading me to the gym doors.

  I followed him silently as he led me down one corridor, then the next, until we reached the boys’ wing. He led me all the way down the hall, stopping in front of his bedroom door. Without pushing it open, he turned to me, taking both of my hands in his.

  “It’s time for your present,” he said.

  Oh my God.

  Chapter 6

  “Woah, get your mind out of the gutter, Ms. Thorne,” Easton laughed, pushing open his door and dragging me inside. “I didn’t bring you here to ravish you, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  I tamped down the twinge of disappointment as I walked farther into the room. Of course, he hadn’t snuck me into his room, on my birthday, to…do…that.

  “Are you disappointed?” he asked, tilting his head to the side as he studied me.

  I scrunched my face, squeezing my eyes closed as I plopped down on his bed, saying “As if you don’t know.”

  He chuckled, and my eyes flew open to meet his. He pinched his lips together, making a big show of erasing the humor from his face. I stuck my tongue out at him, and he shook his head. He turned away from me, reaching into his desk drawer and pulling out a small box.

  “I just wanted to give you your birthday present in private,” he said, suddenly looking a little nervous.

  I stared at him with wide eyes, unable to believe what I was seeing. Easton Oberon, unsure of himself? It had to be a trick o
f the light.

  He sat down on the edge of the bed next to me, and we angled our knees toward each other. Easton handed me the box—a tiny blue velvet thing with a hinged lid. Kind of like the box Shaela’s gift came in, only smaller.

  I bit my lip and lifted the lid. Nestled inside was a ring.

  Blackness swam in at the edges of my vision, and I felt myself sway a little. I sucked in a deep breath, realizing I’d forgotten to breathe. Was it hot in there? Why did I feel so hot?

  “December,” Easton said, snapping me out of my panic.

  I tore my eyes away from the box and met his stare. “What?”

  “Relax. It’s not what you think,” he said, taking the box from me and pulling the ring out.

  He held it up in front of my face so I could see it in the light. The band was a shiny silver, and the setting held a square emerald flanked on either side by small diamonds. It was beautiful. Elegant. Sparkly.

  And definitely way too much for a seventeen-year-old girl he’d been dating for six weeks.

  “And now, you’re panicking again,” Easton deadpanned, picking up my right hand and slipping the ring onto my third finger.

  I felt a rush of magic zip through me and reveled in the pleasant feeling of it for a moment before focusing back on Easton. I gasped, my eyes widening at the sight of him.

  A golden glow emanated from his head and shoulders, sparkling like the sun.

  “What is that?” I breathed.

  “It works,” he said, and the color shifted from gold to a light yellow. “I know it’s unfair that I always know what you’re feeling and you don’t have that same advantage, so I decided to level the playing field.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, shifting my gaze from his halo of sunshine to the ring on my finger.

  “I asked Grandfather to help me put magic in that ring. When you wear it, it allows you to read my aura.”

  My eyes widened and popped back up to meet his. “What does yellow mean?”

  “Happiness, usually. Sometimes relief.”

  “When I first put the ring on, the color was more golden and sparkly, but now it’s a pale yellow,” I said.


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