Distant Thunder

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Distant Thunder Page 2

by Mary Alford

  Amani turned toward them, still smiling.

  “See that no one ever connects him to me. Us.”

  The commander confirmed with a nod. “Consider it done. Your vehicle is waiting for you. Two of my men will go with you to secure your safe passage.”

  He shook his head. He’d gotten good at working alone. Blending into various settings seamlessly without detection. “I’ll be fine on my own. Make any traces of our presence here disappear. The evidence is all in place. She will take the blame for this. It’s all set. First, we convict her in the eyes of her comrades. Then we make sure she’s the most wanted terrorist in the world. Every branch of police and military and the intelligence community will be too busy hunting her to see what is coming next.”

  With those promises still ringing in his ears, he pivoted on his heel and started toward the waiting vehicle. There was work to do. People to recruit. Years lay ahead before their time would come. But it would come. He’d see to it.

  Chapter Four

  “Is she going to make it?” Reed jumped to his feet when he spotted the doctor coming their way. Zach and Sylvie hadn’t left his side since they’d landed in Bagram and were met by the trauma team from the Craig Joint Theater Hospital.

  “She’s stable,” Doctor Campbell informed him. “So far, there doesn’t appear to be any internal injuries. The cut on her leg from the shrapnel was deep. Her face has lacerations as well. We’ve treated both. She has second-degree burns on her face and arms. There will be some scarring there.” The doctor pushed out a sigh. “But she’s alive and awake. She’s asking for you,” he told Reed.

  Relief flooded Reed’s limbs. Piper would make it. He fought back tears.

  “Go,” Sylvie told him. “Zach and I will stop by later on.”

  With a nod, Reed followed the doctor to Piper’s room.

  “I’ll give you some time,” Campbell said as he stopped outside her door. “Don’t tire her out too much, though.”

  Reed entered the room without answering. The woman in the bed bore only a small resemblance to the one he loved so much. More than half her face was bandaged. Her left arm wrapped. Red hair singed in several places. Her frantic green eyes latched onto him and didn’t let him go as he crossed the room.

  “Hey, you,” he said, smiling down at her. “You gave me quite a scare.” He tried to sound upbeat because the tears glistening in her eyes assured him she was remembering her fallen comrades.

  “They’re all gone. Everyone is gone. They’re families,” she whispered, the tears falling down her face unchecked. He realized he’d never seen her cry before.

  Reed carefully gathered into his arms and held her while she wept for the men who were like kinfolk.

  After a while, Piper pulled away and he let her go. She wiped her face. Got control of her emotions. “Is there any news from the site?”

  He shook his head and picked up her uninjured hand and held it. “None so far. The house is gone, the explosion destroyed any evidence that might have been there. Zach and I lost communication with you long before the explosion. What happened? How did you end up outside the house?”

  She shifted slightly. Winced and closed her eyes for a second.

  “There was something off in Amani’s behavior right from the start,” she said, her voice a little more than a whisper. “He’d been so emphatic about meeting with us. He claimed to have news about the Serpent and the VX. But when we got there, he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to talk. And he appeared extremely nervous. Like he expected someone to show up at any minute.” She stopped. Pulled in a breath. Stared into Reed’s eyes. She appeared so vulnerable.

  “Andy heard a noise outside. Like someone moving around out there. I went to investigate. Amani ran away. I’d gone around to the side of the house and saw someone off in the distance. He was watching me. He didn’t appear to be concerned that I was coming after him…” She stopped. Shrugged. “The house exploded, and I was blown some distance away. That’s the last thing I remember until you found me.”

  The uneasiness inside his stomach kicked up. Something had been wrong about the whole ordeal from the start. He’d noticed it in Piper’s nerves. It was the first time he’d ever seen her consider calling off a mission.

  “Whatever happened—whoever’s behind this—we’ll figure it out. Right now, you should get some rest.”

  She nodded, yet she seemed melancholy. “Can you stay with me? I don’t want to be alone.”

  He smiled tenderly. He’d do anything for her. “Of course. And when you wake up, Zack and Sylvie will be here.” He kissed her briefly. “Rest now. I won’t leave your side, I promise.”

  A hint of a smile lifted the corners of her mouth. She closed her eyes. He stayed where he was, still holding her hand. Slowly her grip loosened and her breathing became steady. He stared down at her lovely injured face and fought back anger. Lives were lost today. Good people died without deserving what happened to them. Piper as well.

  Reed eased his hand free from hers and drug a chair over near her bed.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The jeweler’s box in his pocket was a reminder of the outcome he’d hoped for after the meet. Far different from the reality of what happened. It should have been simple. Yet nothing was further from the true outcome. There were questions to be answered, and he planned to be part of the investigation. His and Piper’s future together would have to wait.

  Someone knocked. Reed jerked toward the sound. Zach stuck his head in. Right away, Reed understood there was news.

  He made sure not to wake Piper as he followed Zach outside to the hall where Sylvie waited.

  The door closed. “You have news?” he asked, keeping his focus on Zach’s telling face.

  “The investigators are on the scene. It’ll take weeks to identify remains from the ashes. But get this, the commander of the National Directorate of Security who was supposed to be deployed to the house said he never got the notification to report there.”

  Reed’s knees threatened to desert him. “That’s impossible. Piper verified it with him herself. He was notified.”

  “That’s not what he’ll collaborate. He said she never contacted him. And get this. The surveillance drone picked up an image of someone at the house two days ago. The image isn’t clear, but it appears to be a woman.” Zach never broke eye contact.

  Reed’s mind whirled. “No. It’s not her. Piper wouldn’t do this. There has to be some other explanation. She would never betray her team like that.”

  Sylvie squeezed his arm. “We know that. There was a mixup somehow. The image could be anyone. Someone from Toro Boro. There’s an explanation. We have to find it.”

  Reed latched onto Sylvie’s words. That had to be the case. The woman was someone else.

  “Sylvie and I are being transported back to the states later today. We’ll be debriefed once we’re stateside,” Zach told him with a strange look on his face. “In the meantime, we’ve been told not to talk to you or each other.” Zach glanced down the hall. “I don’t like it, Reed. Something’s in the works here and it isn’t going to be good.”

  Reed could feel it, too.

  “Anyway, we’re on our way to the transport plane now. With any luck, we’ll see you when Piper can travel,” Sylvie said. “In the meantime, I’ll keep you both in my prayers.” Sylvie hesitated. The tense set of her jaw was like a jolt to Reed’s system. Sylvie was the most upbeat person he knew.

  “Watch your back, Reed,” Sylvie said with concern. “Someone will take the fall for this one. I’d hate to see either you or Piper blamed for what happened in the desert.”

  With those chilling words still hanging between them, his teammates left. As Reed watched them leave, something warned him what happened today was just the beginning. A storm was on the horizon. One he wasn’t sure any of them could weather.

  Chapter Five

  Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland. One week later…

� Reed spotted his friend and was grateful for a friendly face amongst the crowd. After they’d landed and were transported to Walter Reed, CIA Deputy Director Jake Evans had met then. He waited as they wheeled Piper away for further examination to confirm Bagram’s diagnosis.

  “We need to talk,” Jake said, his tone hard. The stone-cold expression on his friend’s face renewed Reed’s fears.

  “All right. I’d like to get Piper settled first.”

  Jake shook his head. “This can’t wait. I have a vehicle outside. Come with me. We need to talk in private.”

  Reed watched as Piper disappeared down the hall. He swung to Jake. The same serious look remained, and he wanted to question his friend now.

  Like a zombie, Reed followed Jake outside to the SUV parked near the entrance.

  Jake stared straight ahead as Reed got in. Waited. When he couldn’t stand the silence any longer, Reed asked, “What’s this about?”

  Still Jake remained silent and dread swamped every inch of Reed’s body.

  Blowing out a breath, Jake turned in his seat. All the color had vanished from his face.

  “We have a huge problem with what happened at Toro Boro.” Each word settled between them uneasily.

  “Like what?” Reed pressed when the answer didn’t come readily.

  Jake held his gaze. “Starting with trace evidence of the explosives used to ignite the house. The C4 was wired to a timer.”

  “Okay.” Reed didn’t get the significance. “It’s not an uncommon explosive.”

  There was more. The other shoe was about to drop.

  “Then there’s the fact that Piper never called the National Directorate of Security. I spoke to their commander myself. They had no idea about the meet until we contacted them.”

  Reed shook his head. “He’s wrong,” he insisted. “Or he’s lying. I know Piper. She’s thorough. She called them.”

  “Did she?” Pity flashed in Jake’s eyes. “We found materials like the ones used for the explosion amongst Piper’s things. And something else.” Jake swallowed deeply.

  Reed couldn’t look away as Jake held a piece of paper out to him. “What’s this?” he asked without taking it.

  “The truth. Behind what happened at the house. Behind the Serpent, this new threat Piper spoke of. The one Amani was to confirm. It’s all been a lie.”

  In a daze, Reed took the paper from Jake. It was for an offshore bank account for someone by the name of Marsha Stewart. A single deposit of over five hundred thousand dollars dated two days earlier flashed before his eyes.

  “What does this mean? Who’s Marsha Stewart?” Reed asked, fearing he knew the answer.

  “The name‘s a fake. We traced the account to the real owner. It’s Piper, Reed. The money came from an account we believe is associated with the Taliban.”

  Reed shoved the paper back at Jake. “No. There’s no way she’s behind this. How can you believe Piper would betray her country in such a way? You know her.”

  Jake shook her head. “I thought I did.” The bleakness in his friend’s tone was hard to take.

  The engagement ring was still in Reed’s pocket. He clutched the box. Something tangible in a world spinning out of control. “Let me speak to her. I’m sure it’s all a misunderstanding.”

  “No.” Jake’s tone turned sharp, forcing Reed’s attention back to him. “You are not to tell her any of this. As soon as she’s cleared of any serious injuries, she’ll be brought in for questioning. The FBI will take over the investigation. Until then, I don’t want her tipped off. If you think your presence will do that, then stay away from her. I’ll let you know when she’s being arrested.”

  Arrested. The ugly word stuck in Reed’s head. Without another word, he opened the door and got out. Jake did the same.

  “Reed, come back,” Jake said over the top of the SUV.

  Reed didn’t listen. He slammed the door and walked away. He wasn’t mad at Jake; he’d just chosen to take out his anger on his friend.

  Instead of heading inside, Reed rounded the corner of the hospital and sank against the wall. Tears he couldn’t stop poured from his eyes as he slumped to the ground.

  He didn’t believe it. Couldn’t. Wouldn’t. He knew Piper. Trusted her. Loved her. She wasn’t capable of being a traitor.

  Scrubbing a hand over his eyes, he squeezed them shut to stop the flow. He still hoped he’d wake up and find this was just a nightmare. Like what happened in the desert.

  The need to go to her was strong. He wanted to look into her eyes and see the truth he was certain of. But he couldn’t. If he went to see her now, he’d tell her everything.

  For the first time in longer than he could remember, Reed hit his knees and prayed with all his heart. He couldn’t lose her. Not like this. Never like this.

  Chapter Six

  She stepped out of the bathroom where she’d changed into clothes someone provided. They weren’t hers, but the fit was good enough.

  The hospital room was empty. Doctors had been in and out since she’d arrived. Where was Reed? She hadn’t seen him in hours.

  Outside, someone stood guard near the door. She tried to dissect the meaning. Was she still in danger? Was Reed? Sylvie? Zach?

  Piper limped to the bed and eased onto it, ignoring the pain surging through her body. She craned her neck to see outside. The person standing guard wasn’t in uniform. Not a cop. Not military. One of her own? It didn’t compute. If her life was in danger, wouldn’t someone have told her about the threat by now?

  The door opened. A man in a doctor’s coat came inside. She didn’t recognize him.

  “I’m Doctor Soffer,” he offered as an introduction. “How are you feeling?” The man didn’t make eye contact. Something akin to fear shot up her spine. Something was wrong.

  “I’m…not sure. What’s going on outside, Doctor Soffer.” She indicated the man guarding her room.

  “I have no idea,” he answered, still without looking at her. A lie. She’d turned enough assets to know when someone was lying to her. Doctor Soffer was lying. Why?

  The doctor examined the wounds on her face and leg. “Everything appears to be healing nicely. The doctors at Bagram did a top-notch job. Get some rest. I’ll see you soon.” He headed for the door at a fast click. Couldn’t wait to be away from her.

  “Wait.” Doctor Soffer froze. Slowly turned. Still without making eye contact. Now that she had his attention, she wasn’t sure what to say. “Where’s my phone?” she asked. She needed to call Reed. Hear his voice. Have him tell her everything was okay.

  “Your phone?” The doctor appeared perplexed by the question. “I don’t believe it was with you when you arrived.”

  Destroyed in the explosion or taken by command? She tried to untangle the meaning.

  “Thank you,” she muttered. With a nod, the doctor left without another word.

  Piper glanced around. No phone in the room. No means to communicate with anyone outside these four walls. What was going on?

  With the question still rattling around in her head, someone came into the room once more. Reed. Relief flooded her limbs. Now that he was here things would make sense again. He’d tell her she was overreacting and not to worry.

  “Reed.” She smiled her love at him. Got a good look at his face. The happiness quickly left her face.

  Before she could ask what was wrong, the door opened again. Deputy Director Jake Evans came in along with four people she didn’t know with guns visible. FBI agents would be her guess.

  Piper’s gaze shot back to Reed. “What’s going on? Tell me?” she asked when he didn’t respond.

  There were tears in his eyes. “There’s been a misunderstanding, Piper. I’m sure that’s all it is. I know you can explain everything.” He forced a smile.

  Jake swung angrily toward him. “That’s enough. Stand down, agent.” Jake motioned to two male agents. They flanked Reed.

  Panic spiraled through Piper as Jake advanced to her bed, his eyes boring into her

  Reed started forward. Tried to reach her. One of the two men near him grabbed hold of his arm.

  Jake watched her with contempt on his face and Piper waited for her world to shatter.

  He threw a folder onto her lap. “Piper Morgan, you’re being arrested for espionage leading to the deaths of American citizens.”

  Reed charged once more. “No. Not like this. Let me take her in. She’s one of us, for crying out loud. You know she’s innocent, Jake.”

  Reed tried to untangle himself from the man who held him back, but the second man barred his path.

  Words formed in her head. She couldn’t bring them out. Couldn’t make sense of what she was being accused of.

  Jake motioned to two female agents, and they neared the bed. “Get to her feet, Morgan. You’re being transported to Quantico for questioning.”

  Piper didn’t respond. She slowly opened the folder. Saw the pages of detailed evidence against her. Bile rose in her throat and she covered her mouth and shut the folder.

  “This isn’t true. None of it.” No sympathy was found in Jake and so she glanced at the man she loved. “Reed, tell him. I wouldn’t do this.”

  “I know you wouldn’t,” Reed insisted with tears falling from his eyes. “It’s just some freak misunderstanding. We’ll clear it up. I promise, will clear it all up.”

  One agent grabbed her uninjured arm. Forced her to her feet. “Let’s go, Morgan.” The second agent flanked her opposite side.

  “Reed!” Horror. Helplessness drenched her voice. She needed him now more than ever.

  Reed tried once more to break free. The two male agents intercepted his move and held him back. He struggled like a caged animal, but it was pointless.

  Piper struggled to reach out to him. Her hand was yanked back. She was forced from the room. With the FBI agents at her side and in front of her. Jake fell in behind.

  “Piper!” Reed called out, the sound like a wounded animal. “I’ll find you, I promise. I’ll help you clear this up.”


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