Falling In Love

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Falling In Love Page 13

by Emma Easter

  It was the one problem she had encountered in all the stores she had been to since she’d come to America. In Nira, you only had one or two choices of whatever it was you wanted to buy. At the women’s camp, only Miriam went to town to shop for all the things they needed. She never had to worry about what type of brand to buy. Here, however, shopping for just the basic things she needed felt like such a huge chore.

  Carrie had walked up to her on that day and asked if she needed help. When she’d told her about her dilemma, Carrie had looked through her list and then helped her to pick out each item, advising her on which brands were better. After they finished shopping, they walked out of the store together.

  “I like your accent,” Carrie told her, smiling. “Where are you from?”

  When Zainah told her and said she had come to the United States to marry her fiancé, Carrie said she had also just moved to Rosefield. When they reached Carrie’s car, without thinking, Zainah asked if Carrie would come to her house to visit the next day. She was so happy to have someone friendly to talk to that she didn’t consider how weird it might be to invite a virtual stranger to one’s house. With Faizan on his mission, wherever that was, Audrey and Ken still in Miami, Sienna and Bryan back in Peru, and Trisha and Frank away on their honeymoon, all she wanted was someone to talk to so she would not feel so lonely. She just wanted a friend.

  Carrie looked taken aback, and Zainah worried that she had committed a faux pas. Back at the women’s camp and even in Nira, she would have invited someone she liked and wanted to be friends with to her tent or home. But here, maybe the rules were different. When Carrie smiled and said she would love to come and visit, Zainah was relieved.

  Carrie came the next day with her cute two-year-old son, James. He was a mischievous boy, and he reminded her a little of Ruby. Ruby had been taken to Frank’s parents’ house before Trisha and Frank went away on their honeymoon.

  While James ran around the living room, Carrie asked Zainah if she could tell her about where she came from. Zainah told her about Nira and then about the women’s camp.

  Carrie listened with a look of fascination on her face as Zainah talked about the women’s camp, how she had come to live there, and the different Christian women from all over the world who lived there to escape persecution or who were chased out of their communities like Zainah was. She also told her a little about how she met Faizan but left out the violent details like the time a terrorist attacked her at the camp, and parts about Faizan’s connection to terrorism.

  After she finished, Carrie shook her head. “Wow! That is a fascinating story. Who knew there was such a place? I would love to visit there one day.”

  She told Zainah that she’d grown up in Rosefield but left when she got married at twenty. She had come back a month ago with her husband mostly to take care of her grandmother, who now resided in the old people’s home.

  Yesterday, when she and Carrie had gone out for coffee, Carrie had invited her to come with her to see her grandmother today.

  Carrie drove into the parking lot of The Fruitful Vines and smiled at her. “We are here,” she said. They walked into the old people’s home together, and Zainah followed Carrie down a long hallway and into a small room.

  An old lady who looked about ninety was in bed, reading a book, her glasses perched on her nose. She looked up at them, removed her glasses, and beamed at Carrie and then at Zainah.

  “Carrie, you are here!”

  Carrie went and hugged her tightly and introduced Zainah.

  The old lady greeted Zainah as though she’d known her all her life. Zainah sat on a chair near the bed, while Carrie sat on the bed beside her grandmother. The old lady began to entertain them with stories from her youth; stories about how she met her husband, about their lives together, and how in love they were. Zainah listened carefully, a little sad that this dear woman’s husband, who had been her everything when he was alive, had passed away.

  When Carrie’s grandmother finished telling her story, she looked at Zainah and said, “My dear, you’re so beautiful. Do you have a sweetheart?”

  Zainah smiled and told her she did. “We are getting married in a few days,” she added.

  “That is lovely!” the old lady exclaimed.

  Carrie laughed and said to Zainah, “My grandmother is obsessed with love and romance. Yesterday, when I came to see her, there was a lovely couple who had come to visit and they were standing beside her bed. They were holding hands and my grandmother had her hand on top of their joined hands. The moment felt so solemn, as though my grandmother were marrying them. But it was also really funny. I didn’t want to disturb them, and so I went away quietly without being seen. I came back after they left and she didn’t stop telling me throughout my visit about what a beautiful and wonderful couple they were.”

  Carrie’s grandmother nodded. “That is because they are a wonderful couple.” She looked up with a thoughtful expression. “Such an attractive young couple. They’ve visited me before and I just love them together. I think their names are Faizan and Lauren.”

  Zainah’s eyes widened in fear and her heart began to pound. Did she say Faizan? She couldn’t possibly mean her Faizan. Then again, how common was that name in Rosefield? In all of America? Her heart grew cold at the second name. Lauren … God, no, please.

  Hesitantly, she opened her purse and brought out her phone. She found a picture of him and then stood up. She showed the old woman the picture. “Is this the man you’re talking about? The one you said came to visit you yesterday with a girl named Lauren?”

  Carrie’s grandmother’s eyes lit up and she nodded. “That is him! Do you know him?”

  She sucked in her breath sharply. Maybe this old woman was mistaken. She turned to Carrie, who was gazing at her curiously, and showed her the picture. “Is this the man you saw holding hands with the lady?”

  Carrie looked at the picture and then looked up at Zainah. “Yes.” She frowned.

  Zainah’s heart raced wildly and she shook her head. She began to back out of the room, her mind filled with awful images of Faizan and Lauren together, wrapped up in each other’s arms. She fled the room and ran down the hallway and out of the building. She could hear Carrie calling out to her, but she did not stop until she was far away from the building.

  She flagged down a taxi, entered, and gave the driver directions to Trisha’s house. And then she changed her mind. Faizan would come looking for her at Trisha’s tomorrow. She could not bear to see him. She swallowed a sob that threatened to escape her lips and told the driver that she had changed her mind and wanted to go to Hattie’s Bed & Breakfast. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do after she got there, but she was sure of one thing: she couldn't marry Faizan. The thought that she wouldn’t marry the only man she’d ever loved felt like a dagger in her heart. But she couldn’t bear the thought of getting married to him when she knew he would carry on his affair with Lauren.

  All through the short ride to the bed & breakfast, she ran through her mind what Carrie’s grandmother had told her. No wonder Faizan had evaded her questions when he had received that call from Lauren yesterday. He’d had a guilty look on his face and she had wondered about it. Now she knew why. He was cheating on her with Lauren.

  Her heart began to tear into shreds and she felt pain unlike anything she had ever known before course through her.

  When the driver stopped in front of the bed & breakfast, she paid him and got out of the car. Taking a deep breath, she somehow managed to hold herself together while she paid for a room. After she entered her room, however, she sank to her knees on the floor and wept bitterly.

  “Lord, how could he do this to me?” she cried out. She stood and collapsed on the bed. Turning and tossing, she wept and muttered to herself over and over again, “Why, Faizan, why?”

  Soon, she mercifully fell asleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  Faizan parked his car in front of Trisha’s house. He walked to the house, rang the doorb
ell, and waited.

  The door opened almost immediately and Trisha came out in her house robe, eyes bleary. She stared at him, a surprised expression on her face. “Hi, Faizan! Where is Zainah?” she asked, looking past him. “I thought she was with you.”

  He blinked in surprise and shook his head. “She is not with me,” he said to her. “Isn’t she in the house?”

  Trisha shook her head slowly and a look of fear took over her face. “Are you saying she did not spend the night at your place?”

  Faizan frowned. “No, she didn't,” he said, his head beginning to buzz. “You know we have this rule that she doesn’t sleep over at Audrey’s or I here, just to avoid any temptation. I’m very sure she’s in her room. Where else could she be?”

  Trisha shook her head and said, “And I am pretty sure she didn’t come back home last night.”

  Trisha opened the door wide and Faizan stepped into the house. They both quickly made their way to Zainah’s bedroom door. Without knocking, Trisha opened the door and entered the room, and Faizan entered after her. His heart began to pound with fear when he found the bed made and the room empty.

  He turned and said to Trisha, “I don’t understand. If she didn’t spend the night here, then where did she sleep last night? Where can she be?” He brought out his cellphone from his pocket and dialed her number. He put his phone to his ear and pressed his lips together, praying she would answer his call. But her phone didn’t even ring.

  “Did she tell you where she was going last night?” Trisha asked.

  He sat on Zainah’s bed, starting to feel sick with worry. “She told me she was going to see her friend, Carrie. They were both supposed to go to see her grandmother in the old people’s home. You’re telling me she didn’t come back?”

  “Yeah, she left with Carrie in a hurry yesterday, but she told us she would come back early. Frank and I went to sleep almost immediately after we put Ruby to bed. Zainah has her own key to the house. I just assumed she changed her mind and returned late in the night.”

  Faizan sprang from the bed and faced Trisha. “Do you know where her friend Carrie lives?”

  Trisha looked up thoughtfully and nodded. “Yes, I think I remember one of my friends telling me that Carrie and her husband live near her.”

  “Okay. Just give me the directions to the house and I will go look for Zainah.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Trisha said.

  Faizan shook his head. “You’re still in your pajamas, Trish. Let me go. I will get back to you when I find her.”

  “No, Faizan. I won’t be able to stay here not knowing where she is. I’ll come with you. Please just give me a second to change and I’ll be out.”

  Trisha quickly left before he could say anything more and Faizan began to pace the living room. He shut his eyes as different images, frightful and dismal, went through his mind. He saw Zainah lying somewhere in Rosefield, hurt, and without anyone to help her. He tried to force the thoughts out of his mind, but they remained. He whispered harshly to himself, “Stop it! Rosefield is a safe place. There’s no way something has happened to her.” But his words could not assuage his fears.

  Trisha came into the living room again, wearing an old t-shirt and shorts, her purse slung over her shoulder. Frank was beside her in his robe, a frown on his face. He said to Faizan, “I wasn’t worried when I didn’t hear her come in last night because I thought she was at Audrey’s with you.”

  Faizan felt like yelling, but held himself together. She was probably at Carrie’s. Even though it was a bit strange that she didn’t call Trisha or him to say she would not be coming back yesterday, there was still no need or cause for alarm.

  They quickly got into his car, he and Trisha, and she began to give him directions to Carrie’s once he pulled out of her driveway. They got to Carrie’s house in no time, and he rang the doorbell. He tapped his feet impatiently as he waited, mentally fending off fear and worry. A minute later, a short man wearing glasses and holding a newspaper opened the door and stared at him and Trisha.

  “Yes, can I help you?” the man asked, gazing quizzically at them.

  Trisha said, “Is Carrie home? We would like to speak with her.”

  “Yes,” he said and gazed at Trisha. “You are Trisha Gardner, aren’t you?”

  “I am,” she said.

  He let them in and told them he would go get Carrie.

  Faizan sat on the loveseat while Trisha sat on the couch. He took a deep breath and prayed silently, Lord, please let her be here.

  He looked up as a blonde woman with a pleasant-looking face came into the living room. She rubbed her face with her hand and smiled at him. She looked quizzically at Trisha and said, “Hey, Trisha! Nice to see you again.” She looked at Faizan and faced Trisha again. “My husband said you wanted to speak with me.”

  Trisha nodded. “Yes. Is Zainah here?”

  Carrie blinked rapidly and then she said, “No, she isn’t here.” Slowly lowering herself on the couch beside Trisha, Carrie looked at Faizan and then at Trisha.

  Faizan held his head in his hands, his heart racing with worry. He lifted his head again and turned to Carrie. “She told me she was coming to see you yesterday, but she didn’t come back home.”

  Carrie’s eyes widened and she said to Faizan, “You are Faizan, her fiancé. Aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” he said. “Do you have any idea where she might be?”

  Carrie covered her face with her hands. When she raised her face to look at Faizan, the expression on her face was one of fear and dismay. “Your fiancée found out about your affair,” she said haltingly. “Yesterday, Zainah and I went to visit my grandmother at the old people’s home. My grandma asked her if she had a sweetheart and she said she did. After that, my grandmother began to talk about a couple who had visited her the day before. She told Zainah how in love the wonderful couple was.”

  As Carrie talked, Faizan’s heart flooded with dread. He began to put two and two together.

  “I told Zainah how my grandmother was obsessed with love and couples. I then told her I came to visit my grandma yesterday and saw her with the couple. I’m so sorry,” Carrie said. “I told her the couple looked like they were really in love. Their hands were joined together and my grandmother had her hand on top of theirs like she was marrying them. Zainah showed my grandmother a picture of you on her phone and asked if the guy in the picture was the man she was talking about, the man who had visited her with his sweetheart. When my grandmother confirmed that he was, Zainah immediately ran out of the room and out of the building. I tried calling her back, but she did not answer. I ran out after her, but by the time I got out of the building, she was gone.”

  Carrie pressed her lips together and sighed heavily.

  Trisha looked at Faizan and asked, “Who did you visit Carrie’s grandmother with?”

  “Lauren. A group of us from the welfare department went to The Fruitful Vines. Lauren and I had promised Carrie’s grandmother we would come and see her last time we were there. So we went to her room to visit.” He looked at Carrie and continued. “I tried to tell your grandmother that Lauren and I were not a couple, but she didn’t seem to get it. I actually removed my hand from Lauren’s, and I then told your grandmother again that I already had someone else who I was engaged to and who I loved. But I guess she still didn’t get it.”

  Carrie shook her head again and said, “Once more, I am so sorry. I should not have jumped to conclusions and thought that you and the lady I saw were a couple.”

  Faizan did not have the time to acknowledge her apology. He got up from the sofa and turned to Trisha. “Let’s go, Trish. We have to find her as soon as possible. She thinks I am cheating on her. Who knows what she’ll decide to do?”

  Carrie said to them, “Should I come along?”

  “No need,” Faizan said. “You should wait at home. If she calls you, please contact me or Trisha.” He gave her his cell phone number and then he and Trisha left the house and got int
o his car.

  Trisha said to him, “Where are we going to look for her now?”

  He replied, “I have no idea. I don’t think she knows anyone else in Rosefield who she can spend the night with.”

  “I don’t think so, either,” Trisha said. “If she did not spend the night with any friend, where could she be? I just hope she hasn’t left Rosefield. Since she believes you have been cheating on her with Lauren, she might be so angry that she actually decides to leave the country again.”

  His stomach twisted in fear, but he brushed aside the feeling so he could focus on the matter at hand. He had to find Zainah. They were getting married in a few days. A firm determination entered his heart. No matter where she was, he would find her and marry her.

  “I will search every single house in Rosefield and even Green Valley if I have to. I have to find her, Trisha,” he said. “I have to find her now.” An idea suddenly came to him and he said, “If she hasn’t already left Rosefield, she might be in a hotel.” The idea seemed like the only thing that made sense under the circumstances.

  “But we have no hotels in Rosefield,” Trisha said. And then her eyes widened. “Hattie’s Bed & Breakfast!”

  “Yes,” he said. He started the car and began to drive to the popular Rosefield bed and breakfast. All the way there, he prayed to the Lord, asking that they would find Zainah there. Because if they didn’t, he didn’t know where else to look for her. That was the one and only place visitors to Rosefield checked into when they had no other place to stay.

  When he got to the bed and breakfast, he parked directly in front of the building, quickly exited the car, and walked briskly to the front door. Walking into the lobby, he went straight to the check-in counter and said to the young woman behind, “I’m looking for a lady named Zainah Keita. I think she checked in here yesterday evening. Could you please confirm that she’s here? I would like to speak to her.”


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