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Sex Stories Page 22

by Mary Jaine

  To my surprise, I could see she was almost in tears, and I held out my arms to her, and she came and hugged me, being careful not to hug me too tight, her head buried in my chest.

  "Mom was always afraid we'd get robbed, or worse, someone looking for some helpless women, she was terrified of that, so was I, and I know no-one around here would help us, so I'm just so thankful you came home, even if it wasn't the way it should have been!"

  I was horrified that the women in my family were so vulnerable, so frightened, so alone, that there was no-one they could depend on. Well, now they had me, and I would protect them. I tilted her head up, and was shocked and distressed to see tears in her eyes, and need for reassurance written on her face.

  "Ashley, I will never let anything happen to you or Mom. I'll make sure you and Mom are safe, I promise! Tomorrow, we're going to find a hardware store, and we're getting some proper locks and security hardware, and we'll fit them so you can sleep secure in your bed. OK?"

  Ashley looked up at me. "Thank you for coming home just when we needed you, Nicky, you really are a godsend." She looked so sweet, so vulnerable, I bent down to kiss her forehead, brotherly and proper, but she tilted her head up to me and pressed her lips to mine, kissing me properly, and I kissed her back, enjoying the feel of her lips against mine, her body pressed against mine, her sweet breath on me as she broke our kiss to rapidly kiss me on my face, my neck, my throat, and again my lips, her tongue darting in and out of my mouth, fencing with my tongue as I tasted her again, feeling myself harden as she moved against me. Ashley hugged me and held her head against my chest, like she was listening to my heartbeat, and spoke softly.

  "Nicky, can I stay with you tonight, please? Just ...stay, nothing else, I just want to feel safe again, like when my daddy was still here."

  My heart broke open and bled for her, and there was nothing I could say except "Yes, of course, stay tonight, stay as many nights as you need, whatever it takes to make you feel safe. You just rest now, OK?"

  She climbed into the bed, and wrapped the covers around herself, and I lay on top of the covers, with my arm around her. She immediately squirmed right up against me, and, with a happy sigh, closed her eyes, and was asleep in a couple of minutes. I lay awake for a while, trying to sort out how I felt about this girl who had become a part of my life so suddenly. I knew intellectually that she was my sister, but another, more visceral part of me wanted to ignore that altogether, it just wanted her, and I was feeling very conflicted about it. The truth was, I had no experience of her as a sister, we had no history whatsoever as siblings. All I knew was Ashley, the very pretty, no make that beautiful, girl I had just met, and I was enormously attracted to her, and found it remarkably easy to discount the sister aspect of her completely. I wondered how, if ever, I could be more than her older brother to her. She appeared to be opening the door for me, but maybe I was just misreading her intentions –my experience with girls wasn't exactly extensive, and I needed some guidance here, but from whom? My mother? Not very likely! I fell asleep pondering this puzzle that was Ashley Lowry.

  I woke with the lark, my watch said 5:30 and I lay there, with an unfortunate morning erection pressed hard into Ashley's rump as she spooned up against me. I tried thinking about doing the work on the car, hoping to make it go down, or at least back off a little, as I was dying for a pee, but it had no real effect. I was desperately doing my French grammar exercises, conjugating verbs in the hope of distracting myself, when I saw Mom, smiling at me through the open door. That immediately had the desired effect, oh yes!

  "So she stayed here last night, then?" she whispered, and I smiled and nodded.

  "She was frightened; she asked if she could, I couldn't very well say no, so..."

  Ashley stirred and opened one eye. "Could you two please save this for later, I'm trying to sleep!" before patting me on the hip and rolling over to go back to sleep.

  I got up as gently as possible so as not to disturb her further, and found the bathroom, then followed Mom into the sitting room.

  She was making coffee, and brought me a cup, sitting down next to me. "I'm glad you're here, Nicky, Ashley already feels safer in her home; she's been afraid for a long time now, ever since..."

  I felt a cold hand on me. "Ever since what, Mom?" I asked, suddenly afraid I already knew the answer.

  Mom sat down, and looked at me. "She was...attacked, outside, two years ago, a boy followed her home and grabbed her on the porch, dragged her out back, and ...and..." she stopped, swallowed, and continued. "The police found no useable evidence, he used a condom, so no DNA, and she's been hurting and terrified ever since. My daughter was raped because I couldn't do anything to protect her!"

  I nearly blacked-out with the shock. My sister, my kid sister, abducted off her own porch and raped, and no-one could do anything about it! That's what she'd meant when she'd said anyone could do what they liked to her! I was outraged, horror-struck, nearly blinded with anger; I'd only been home a few days, but already my protective instincts were kicking –in, and my rage towered inside me, my whole body trembling as I fought for balance, trying to suppress the urge to go looking for him, find him, whoever he was, and throw him around until I'd broken every bone in his body, beat him into a quivering mass of flesh, crush him to pulp with my bare hands.

  Suddenly Mom was there, holding me tight, waiting for the rage to subside, smoothing my hair, talking urgently to me.

  "Stop it Nicky, leave it, it's gone now, please baby, calm down, it's in the past, you're here now, and she's safe, she's got you to protect her now, that's what matters, please, baby, stop this, don't be the man your father is!"

  That brought me up short; blind, unreasoning rage was one of my father's trademarks, and I would rather burn in hell than become in any way like him. Mom felt me relax as her words penetrated the haze of anger and outrage, and suddenly I was back in the room with her, muscles twitching in reaction as I relaxed, tears welling up as I thought of that poor, vulnerable girl and the shocking violation she'd endured, the theft of her most basic right; the right to say 'no'.

  "Mom, I promised her I'd protect both of you. Today I'll be fitting new locks and hardware around the house, make this place as secure as I know how, so at least you can sleep easy at night. I'll always be here for both of you, I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you before. If I'd known about you, known how alone and frightened you were, I'd have come to you years ago, please believe me!"

  Mom hugged me. "I know, Nicky, I'm just grateful you're here now, my family is back together again, that's all that matters to me."

  "So what's with the love-fest?" said a sleepy voice from the doorway, and I looked round to see Ashley, hair dishevelled but looking adorable, standing in the doorway, eyes still sleepy."I'm trying to sleep, but you two yakking in here is keeping me awake!"

  Mom grinned. "A miracle, she's up before 11 o'clock!"

  Ashley sat down next to me, leaning against me with her head against my shoulder and her arm through mine, and I instinctively moved my arm to put it around her, hugging her close to me so she could cuddle up against me on the couch, tucking her feet up under her. She pulled my head down and kissed me on the cheek, whispering "Hi, Big Boy!" as she did, and I felt my face and ears heat up again as I blushed.

  Mom looked at me, then at Ashley. "Baby, Nick knows, I told him; I thought he should know."

  Ashley looked up at me with those luminous smoky green eyes of hers, and said in a small voice "So now you know; now do you think I'm trash, too?"

  I nearly choked with all the things I wanted to say, and I hugged her to me, fiercely, protectively. "Ashley, I could never, would never, think that of you; you're my little sister, and my job is to protect you, no matter what. I wasn't here to look out for you before, and I'm so sorry, but I'm here now, and I'll never let anyone hurt you again, I swear!"

  She reached up and pulled me down to kiss me on the cheek again. "Thank you Nicky, I'm glad my big brother came home at last!"

  Mom got up and stretched. "I have to get to work, if anyone wants breakfast, now's the time to ask, otherwise I'm getting a shower."

  There were no takers, so Mom went to the bathroom and I remained seated, nursing my coffee while Ashley snoozed against me. I thought she'd probably be more comfortable in her bed, but when I tried to get her to move, she just hugged herself closer to me, muttering adorably, and refused to wake up, so I sat there, in my shorts, waiting for her to waken so I could get a shower.

  Mom left before 7 am; even though it was Sunday, it was month-end and she had to sort out the payroll at the firm she worked at part-time, and she told me she'd be back late. Kissing her fingertip and touching it to Ashley's forehead, and doing the same to me, she left for work. I was happy to sit there for a while and finish my coffee, but my arm was beginning to go dead from her weight against me.

  "Ashley, Ashley, time to get up!" I tried whispering loudly, hoping to rouse her, but she seemed determined to sleep through anything I had to say, so, in desperation, I reached across and pinched her on her pneumatic little backside. That did the trick, as her eyelids slammed open and she gave a little cry as she started up.

  "Sorry Ashley", I said "My arm went to sleep, it was really uncomfortable, I tried waking you but..."

  She grinned. "That's OK, Nick, you can pinch my butt anytime you like!"

  That was a little unexpected, not to say strange, but I couldn't help smiling at her cheeky grin. "Now you're awake, do you want some breakfast, or do you want to go back to your room?"

  "Take me to my room, please, Nicky!" she smiled, so I handed her up from the couch and took her hand to lead the way.

  "No, I meant take me, you know, carry me!" Feeling faintly ridiculous, I picked her up, marvelling at how little she weighed, and carried her to her bedroom and laid her down on her bed.

  "Thank you Nicky, now you shall claim your reward, good sir knight!" she grinned, and as I wondered what she was talking about, she hooked her arms around my neck and pulled me down to her, kissing me again like she'd done last night, lips parted and gentle against mine, her tongue gently probing my mouth. I have to say, it was a very enjoyable kiss, the fact that she was beautiful, and very sexy, adding enormously to my enjoyment!

  I suddenly realised what I was doing, and pulled away, stuttering apologies for taking advantage of her, but she just put her finger on my lips.

  "Shush, Nicky, I wanted to do that again ever since last night, so don't apologize, I liked it!"

  I was a little confused now; she was my sister, and she wanted to kiss me; what was wrong with that statement?

  "Umm, Ashley, I really don't think we should do that, it's...wrong, not normal, not what brothers and sisters do...!" She just grinned at me, her grin getting wider as I stumbled over what I was trying to say. Finally I dried up, and just looked at her helplessly.

  "OK, are you finished?" she asked, and I nodded mutely. "Good, my turn. Nicky, for a long time I pretended that my big brother would come home one day, save Mom and me, be the man of the house and keep us safe. You came home, and you were as handsome, and as nice as I'd imagined, and you were my Prince Charming on his white horse when I needed him, saving me from the wicked witch, and you were a perfect gentleman, you made me feel safe and protected no matter how badly you were hurting inside. I kissed you last night to welcome you home, and to thank you for coming back to us, and because I wanted to. And I liked it, and I wanted to do it again, so now I want you to kiss me, or I'm going to kiss you. Now come up here, and sit next to me, because either way, it's going to happen!"

  I was a feeling a little shell-shocked, and so I sat on her bed, resting against the headboard, and made no protest when she kissed me again, and it was as good as the last time. She seemed to be making an all-out effort to kiss me properly, and it was a wonderful kiss. I felt myself responding, and I slid my arms around her to hold her close as I kissed her back, feeling her yielding softness against me. She broke our kiss to grin impishly at me. "There now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" and I had to agree; not bad at all, which made what I had to say doubly-hard.

  She leaned over to kiss me again, and I held her off, while I looked her in the eyes.

  "Ashley, where are you going with this?" I asked her, "Because if you just want sex, then perhaps we should call it quits right now. I won't lie; I'm enormously attracted to you, I could seriously fall for you, and if you don't feel the same way, then please don't take it any further; I'm not sure what I want from you, but it's more than just sex, and if you got the wrong idea, that I just wanted a bit of fun, then I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mislead you. There has to be more, I want more than just a bit of slap and tickle, and if you feel the same way, then perhaps we can make a go of with this, otherwise I have to leave, now; I'm sorry, but that's just the way I'm made, and I don't want to hurt you!"

  She suddenly slid onto my lap, straddling me with her hands on either side of my face, holding me.

  "Nick, when I first saw you I thought you were the handsomest, most charming, nicest boy I had ever met, and I was delighted you were my big brother, come home at last. With all that happened to you, your only thoughts were for your family, for that poor lady in England, and when you cried for her because you couldn't save her, well, I melted inside when I heard that, when I saw how caring and good you were. I thought you were sexy, and beautiful, and something deep down inside clicked and I knew you were the one for me! You make me feel safe, and loved, and protected, and you do that just by being near me, and I want that feeling to keep on happening. I admire you for what you just said; not many other people would have had the character to do and say that, and that just makes me want you more. You are a very sexy guy, did you know that?"

  Now she was pulling me closer for another wonderful kiss, her tongue soft and gently probing against mine, her lips soft and gentle but insistent, and her body slim and supple to hold as we kissed, no more misgivings or doubts. Something was definitely happening further south, and she was well aware of it, sliding back and forth in my lap, rubbing herself against me, teasing me and making my burgeoning erection harder and more obvious. As my erection swelled, so her movements became more insistent, and her breathing started to hitch as she became more aroused. I realised what she was doing, and almost stopped breathing, I was so anxious not to break her concentration. She broke our kiss again to throw her head back, her cheeks flushing and her eyes closed as she squirmed and rubbed on me, until her body went rigid, and her eyes snapped open, and she gave a sobbing groan as she climaxed, keeping up her rubbing motion to extend her orgasm. I wasn't a virgin, although not vastly experienced, but I knew my way around a seduction routine, and this was the first time I'd been ambushed, and it was a doozy!

  At last her breathing returned to normal, and she smiled at me, tears in her eyes.

  "I did it, Nicky, Oh God, I really did it! I didn't think I could, not ever again!"

  She glued her lips to mine again for a long and very satisfying kiss, before jumping off me and pulling me upright and off the bed. She began pulling off her pyjama bottoms, and I stopped her.

  "Did what, Ashley, what do you mean?" I asked, and she smiled at me, a truly beautiful, happy, dazzling smile.

  "I came, silly! All because of you! Ever since I was raped, I never thought I could have that again, but you made it happen for me!"

  She carried on pulling off her pyjamas,

  "Ashley, what do you think you're you doing?" I asked her. She grinned that grin again. "Getting naked Nicky, what does it look like, aren't you going to join me?"

  I watched her as she finished pulling off her pyjama pants to reveal small tight pink cotton panties with a large damp patch around the crotch area. When she pulled off her top, I almost groaned at the sight. She had small but perfectly-formed breasts, 32B maybe, high and firm, tipped with delectable rose-pink nipples at least half an inch long, just begging to be pulled and sucked, and all I could think was, sister or no, I wanted her, the realisation that
I was falling for this girl suddenly rising up and slamming into me, catching me almost unawares.

  She grinned as I caught her up and pressed my lips to hers, her arms going around my neck as she ground herself against me, my hands sliding down to cup her tight buttocks and pull her in closer to me. I slid my hands inside her panties to feel her smooth skin and hooked the waistband to edge them down, getting them past her thighs before she stepped away from me to slide them off and stand before me naked and gorgeous, her shaven pussy bare and smooth, the lips just visible as she stood.

  "Your turn, Nick!" she grinned, and I obliged, sliding down my shorts and kicking them away, Ashley stepping close to me again, her hands fondling me as she kissed me, one small hand rubbing and pumping my solidly erect cock while the other gently cupped and massaged my scrotum. I backed up to the bed, and she pushed me lightly, causing me to sit down, and she pushed me over backwards, grinning all the while, as she climbed onto the bed and hooked a finger at me. I needed no further encouragement, and swung up on the bed to lie next to her, enjoying the sight of her nakedness and the silky smooth feel of her supple, sexy body.

  Ashley lay on her side, smiling at me as I drank in the sight of her, before I pulled her closer to me, my head dipping down to suck and lap at her lovely sexy nipples, feeling them become taut and rubbery against my tongue and lips, and when I gently rubbed them with my teeth, she groaned and held my head in place as she quivered and writhed against me.

  She pulled away from me and gently urged me onto my back, climbing on top of me and kissing me again, her tongue probing and rubbing against mine, while I found her buttocks and slid my hands into the warm cleft, gently brushing her anal pucker and sliding further, to rub gently at her slit, feeling the wetness as her juices flowed and dampened her labia, lubricating her and making her ready.


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