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Sex Stories Page 102

by Mary Jaine

  Lara had discovered a buffet cabinet in the passenger compartment, with sandwiches and cold drinks in an ice bucket, and so they shared an impromptu picnic while they sped toward their unknown location. At first they talked about what the party would be like, speculated on where exactly they were going, Lara allaying Finn's suspicions by spinning a yarn about how her friend was a devotee of 'Murder Mystery' weekends, and that was probably what this whole cloak and dagger business with the blacked-out limo was about. She couldn't tell if he was completely convinced, but he seemed to relax and after they'd lunched, she leaned against him while they both dozed.

  The car slowing woke them both, and Finn checked his watch; almost three hours had passed, so they'd come a considerable distance from Ledbury, although for all they knew that could have just taken a wide, looping trip around Herefordshire and be 500 yards from their front door. The car seemed to pass through some doors into an enclosed area of some sort, and as it came to a halt, the door was opened by a large man in a black suit, white shirt, and black tie, wearing dark glasses and a forbidding expression.

  As Finn gave Lara his hand to help her out of the car, he caught a glimpse of the outside before the doors the car had come through closed with a hollow thudding noise, but what he'd glimpsed was unrevealing, just a line of trees and a strip of blue sky above, so still no real clues as to where they actually were.

  The driver passed them, carrying their bags, and the man who'd opened the door indicated that they should follow him. They walked through the corridors of what was obviously a very large, exquisitely decorated, and very elegant country house, red plush, Regency-stripe wallpaper and ornate, beautiful, and obviously antique and very valuable wall-clocks very much in evidence, as well as highly decorated plaster ceilings with Regency-style dental mouldings, intricate ceiling roses, and elegant cornices and dado rails, all very much in the style of John Nash.

  Lara and Finn walked in silence, drawing closer together, slightly intimidated by the opulent decor and the sheer size and extent of the building, and when Lara finally slipped her hand into his, Finn didn't object; in fact, he was feeling the need for a little human contact himself, here in this grandly intimidating warren.

  The man led them along a bewildering series of corridors, and up and down short flights of stairs, to eventually arrive at a pair of immense mahogany doors. The man opened the door and indicated they go through, to join the group of people already assembled there. As they walked through into the room, the doors closed behind them with a soft click. Finn looked at Lara, but she didn't look in the least apprehensive about the whole manner of their arrival here, so he relaxed, studying the other people around them.

  There were 15 or 16 couples, none of whom seemed to be much older than him. Finn was relieved; at least it was a young crowd, no older fuddy-duddies, although none of them seemed the type to be enthusiastic about spending a weekend solving 'The Murder At The Vicarage', or playing at being super-sleuths.

  There was a table with bottles of sparkling water and soft drinks in ice buckets, and Finn was just pouring a glass of Pellegrino for Lara when the double-doors at the other end of the long room opened and three people came in. Immediately all talk ceased as everyone focussed on the new arrivals. They were in their early to mid-twenties, two girls and a young man, all three of them grey-eyed and chestnut-haired, with a strong familial resemblance. They had warm, welcoming smiles, and Finn assumed these were their hosts for the weekend, although they looked a little young to be the owners of such a grand and opulent house. One of the girls, who looked to be the older of the two, smiled as her gaze swept the room.

  "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending our little gathering, it's good to see so many of you here; we shall strive to make your weekend a memorable one!"

  The way she emphasised the word 'memorable' caught Finn's attention, as though it had special connotations for this particular gathering. He listened as the girl continued.

  "You may be wondering why you are here, but by the end of the weekend, all your questions will have been more than satisfactorily answered, of that you can be certain! My name is Sylvie, and this is my younger sister, Robyn, and my older brother Evan; we are your hosts for the weekend, welcome to our home!"

  She smiled again, and Finn was taken by just how beautiful she really was, clear-skinned, bright, gold-shot chestnut hair hanging almost to her waist, dove grey eyes, tall and willowy. She had a tight and alluring figure under her rather daring skin-tight white satin jumpsuit, the plunging neckline split almost to where her pubic hair would be visible, and split from ankle to hip on both legs, allowing her long slender legs to be fully on display. But he also realised one thing; she was beautiful, yes, but Lara was gorgeous; even dressed in a simple one-piece shift-dress, she outshone the two beautiful brunettes, or any other girl in the room, there was no question in his mind about that.

  While Sylvie was talking, Robyn had been quietly circulating through the crowd, whispering to each of the girls in turn, who nodded and left her partner to go and stand with the others near the double doors the trio had entered through. Robyn approached Lara, and whispered something in her ear, Finn didn't catch any of it, but Lara smiled and patted him on the arm, smiled brightly at him, and left his side to join the rest of the girls thronging around the double doors.

  When all the girls were collected together, Sylvie smiled again and addressed the group of young men left.

  "Gentlemen, as you've no doubt been made aware, this is a special weekend, and the ladies have made a special effort as regards their...attire for the festivities to come, so if you will excuse them, they will have to leave for a short while, to get ready to look their best for you. Please, there are refreshments, I invite you to help yourselves, we won't be gone long. Until later, gentlemen!"

  With that, the doors swung open, and all the girls filed out behind Robyn, Lara giving Finn a bright smile over her shoulder before disappearing through the door, and Evan and Sylvie bringing up the rear, with the doors clicking shut behind them.

  'Okay, so that wasn't odd!' thought Finn, puzzled at the need for the girls to leave en-masse like that, and feeling a vague disquiet about this whole affair. Lara hadn't once mentioned this bloke she said she was afraid of, in fact she'd rather hurriedly changed the subject when he'd tried to bring it up, visions of cornering the guy and having a big-brotherly chat with him, perhaps giving him a couple of discreet thumps to teach him some manners playing in his head for a few seconds, but Lara had seemed reluctant to talk about it, almost evasive now that they were actually here. Something was funny here, but funny peculiar, not funny ha-ha, and he was definitely feeling out of his depth, confined in a room with a bunch of strangers, in a place God only knew how far from home, with no way to get back there; yep, he was definitely feeling on-edge and off-balance right now.

  He poured himself a glass of sparkling water and considered his options; he could leave, but not without Lara, and God knew where she was in this warren right now, or he could stay, wait and see if this whole build-up was part of the 'Mystery' they were supposed to solve this weekend, and try and enjoy the mystery as it unreeled. He decided to wait and see; Lara had seemed chipper, unworried, almost smug when she'd disappeared from view, so Finn decided to let the evening bring whatever it did; if things happened he wasn't happy with, then he'd take steps, but until then, he'd hold his peace.

  Time dragged on, and Finn, feeling the pangs of hunger, dug into the sandwiches and canapes provided, managing to have a decent snack while waiting for something, anything to happen. There was precious little conversation; nearly everyone else there seemed to be as uneasy as him, and from the few remarks he overheard, he realised that an inordinate number of the guys there were there with their younger sisters, just like he was, which led him to wonder just what the hell was really going on here.

  Just as the tension had risen to almost unbearable levels, the double doors swung back, and Sylvie and Robyn strode
through; but what a difference now! Sylvie was dressed in a clinging, red micro-dress, her hair swept over her shoulder, and teetering red stilettos. Robyn was dressed in almost the same outfit, but her dress was a glossy black, almost like PVC or latex, with her long hair caught in a pony-tail tied with a silver band. All eyes were suddenly on the two stunning girls, and when she was sure she had everyone's undivided attention, Sylvie smiled and stepped forward.

  "Gentlemen, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long, you know how it is, sometimes it takes a little extra effort to make that bigger bang! The ladies are waiting to show you their chosen attire for the evening, so, if you please...the ladies!"

  On cue, the girls filed back into the room, but what a change; gone were the simple dresses and casual combinations, now they were dressed to thrill, to entice, to attract and distract, and it was working, judging by the sudden in-drawn breaths and open mouths!

  None of them were wearing dresses; in fact, most of them were wearing almost nothing, instead bikinis, bustieres, teddies, and corsets were much in evidence. Finn's mouth fell open as Lara strutted towards him wearing the tiniest black panties he'd ever seen and a brief matching bustiere, to stand in front of him, hands on hips, posing in killer heels and lacy black hold-up stockings.

  "This is for you, Finny, do you like it?" she whispered, her nipples clearly visible through the sheer material of the bustiere. She stretched her arms above her head and slowly turned, displaying her perfect bottom, the thin, clinging material of her panties disappearing into the cleft between her buttocks.

  Finn stared in lustful astonishment, aware only of her, and the erotic image she portrayed as she posed for him, until the need in his own crotch brought him back to reality. A furnace was now burning below his waist, and he was aware that Lara could see his excitement, but this time he wasn't ashamed for her to see, to know what he was feeling in her presence. Judging from the low-voiced cries and comments coming from the other men in the room, they were feeling the same thing, as the girls, a galaxy of loveliness, strutted and posed in front of them.

  Sylvie spoke again, cutting across the murmurs and giggles now audible in the room.

  "Gentlemen, I know you were wondering why you were brought here, to my home, to enjoy this weekend. Each of you was invited at the request of your younger sister, for one reason only; she wanted you to come here, because only here, this weekend, could she tell you what she felt for you, and do the one thing she's always wanted to do with you. Gentlemen, you are here because your sister wants to fuck you, she wants you to fuck her, and here, in this place, you can do that, with no judgement, no recriminations, no consequences; you are safe here to indulge any fantasies your sister wants to explore with you, to do those things with her she's longed for you to do."

  She paused to let that sink in, waiting until the murmured comments and exclamations died away before continuing.

  "Gentlemen, if you don't want to do that, if you feel that this is something you can't do, you are of course at liberty to leave, now; this isn't a prison, and you are not captives, but if you do leave, I must tell you; you will never be invited to return. I would ask that if you do leave, you never mention this meeting, but I know human nature; however, consider this; you arrived here in blacked-out cars, and you will leave the same way, in order that we protect our location; this is a GPS dead-spot, so your cell-phone GPS apps won't work here, so really, you can tell anyone you like, anything you like, and it won't make any difference. Why? Because these things don't happen, and almost no-one will believe you…"

  Sylvie looked behind her, and smiled at Robyn, who stepped next to her and slid her arm around her waist. Evan appeared from nowhere, and both girls split apart to allow him to step between them, his arms sliding around their waists. He grinned at the group of stunned young men and preening, scantily-clad girls as he spoke.

  "Gentlemen, this is a place of sexual experimentation as well as a place for you to explore the needs of your sisters, and enjoy her favours, or anyone else's, for that matter. There are no rules, nothing is forbidden except the following; there are no names, no-one will exchange details, telephone numbers, email addresses, anything like that; other than your sibling, no-one here knows you, and it must remain that way; you are anonymous for a reason, and must protect that anonymity, just as it will protect you. The cardinal rule, however, is: if a girl says no, she means no, and there is no negotiation or alteration possible on that point."

  He paused, again waiting for the susurration of whispered comment in the room to die down.

  "Each of the ladies has been given a bracelet, only Sylvie, Robyn, and I have keys for them, and on that bracelet is a panic button; pressing it will cause the male with her to be removed from here and this group immediately and permanently. The bracelets cannot be removed, any tampering with them will send an alarm to Sylvie, Robyn, or me, and our security staff will deal with the matter accordingly. Remember, gentlemen, no-one gets hurt, ever. You have each been assigned a room, what you do in there is entirely up to you, provided the rules I just mentioned are adhered to; otherwise, have fun, be gentle, and remember, your sister brought you here because of how she feels about you, so please honour and respect the step she's taken, and be sure you thank her appropriately!"

  While Evan spoke, his hands had disappeared from around his two sisters' waists, and now, the two girls turned to him and kissed him deeply, before kissing each other deeply, soulfully, their lips and tongues working, and Finn couldn't help but see, like everyone else in the room, that his hands were underneath their dresses, that they had no panties on, and that Evan was running his fingers over their glistening slits, between the cheeks of their bottoms, and rubbing slowly over their pink little anuses as they kissed and tongued each other. Sylvie and Robyn broke their kiss to smile slyly at the assembled brothers and sisters. Robyn now spoke, her face flushed as Evan's hand continued to work between her legs.

  "This house is shielded from using mobile telephones, but even so, we still can't allow their use here, especially if the handset is GPS-enabled, just in case, so each of your sisters has a bag with your names on it. Please take off all watches and personal jewellery, and put it in the bag, along with your telephone handset, and leave the bag on the table by the door; it will be sealed and locked in the strong-room by myself and one of our security team, and returned to you before you go. There is no time here, ladies and gentlemen, and for the duration of your stay, you will live in a perpetual 'now'; all the windows have sealed shutters, so you won't know if it's day or night, all you will know will be the time you spend exploring, understanding and loving the one who loved you enough to bring you here. Please feel free to indulge your every whim, to experiment, to try new things with new people if that's what you want to do; as my brother has said, nothing is forbidden except that no-one be forced or harmed. There are several fully-stocked pantries, the ladies all know where they are, please, eat and drink whatever you please, whenever you please, it's here for you to enjoy as the mood takes you. There will be several banquets and buffets during your stay here, you will be alerted thirty minutes before one is due to start, whether or not you choose to attend is entirely up to you. There is no alcohol allowed here, for obvious reasons, but we have a wide range of soft-drinks, fruit juices, and boutique bottled waters from around the world, please, help yourselves."

  She stopped speaking to catch her breath; obviously, whatever Evan was doing was catching-up with her.

  "The first banquet and mixer is tonight, the bell will sound thirty minutes beforehand, everyone is requested to attend, but there are no rules; what happens at the banquet and mixer is entirely up to you, all of you, but I think I can promise you a festive night you might just remember for the rest of your lives! Until then, your time is your own, I urge you to take it and use it to get properly acquainted!"

  Robyn smiled, accepting a kiss from both Sylvie and Evan, then turned back the assembled group.

  "We are believers in true
hedonism, in living a life of joy and sexual experimentation, with none of society's rules to hinder and hamper us, and we take a great delight in living a sybaritic lifestyle to the best of our capabilities; for this weekend, we welcome you to join us as we share our lifestyle with you. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Sisterfest!"

  Finn had been listening with only half an ear; his attention had been fixed on his ravishing sister, and the sight of her wearing lingerie he'd only ever imagined her wearing in his most fevered fantasies. Lara had somehow moved into the circle of his arms, and now he was aware that his need for her had concentrated itself in his groin, in his straining erection, and Lara was pushed right up against it, the cleft in her bottom the perfect place to hold and cuddle his raging hardness.

  As soon as Robyn finished speaking, Lara turned and smiled at him, then stood on tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the lips.

  "I love you, Finny, and I'm sorry I lied to you to bring you here, I've wanted you for so long, and I didn't know how else to get you here, are you mad at me?"

  Finn took her by the shoulders and looked deeply into her eyes, seeing only the truth, and smiled reassuringly.


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