Protected by Conan Wolf (Magnificent Beasts, #3)

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Protected by Conan Wolf (Magnificent Beasts, #3) Page 5

by Calin, Ana

  “They basically licked you all over with their eyes.” Her voice is low, fluid, her eyes falling to my lips. She raises her hand, touching them. Her arousal creams her panties, and my cock strains angrily against my jeans. I should push her away, right now, but I just can’t find the strength to do it. Her touch, the warmth of her delicate body so close to mine, I can’t rip myself away.

  “You know what I think, Conan? I think you enjoy making women horny for you, giving them wet dreams, making them crave you. You know you’re an irresistible beast, and it gives you pleasure to mess with women’s heads.”

  “It’s true.” I keep my voice low, but it’s deep and vibrant in my chest. It makes her pupils widen, probably because it adds to the animal sex appeal she just talked about. “But I wasn’t messing with your head yesterday, if that’s what you think. I wasn’t trying to hurt you.”

  “Oh, no? Swear to me that you didn’t enjoy turning your back on me and feeling my hungry gaze up and down your body. You have sharp senses, you surely smelled my arousal. Swear to me you didn’t relish knowing I wanted you so baldy that it hurt, and treating me like I wasn’t even interesting enough to stir your cock.”

  “You don’t understand,” I say gruffly. “I can’t afford to get horny around you. It’s dangerous.”

  “Yes, dangerous because you don’t want to imprint on me.” She waves her hand in a dismissive gesture. The same hand with which she just touched my lips. Thankfully she doesn’t notice that I lean my head towards her, yearning for her touch back on my mouth that feels dry now. I’m inexplicably thirsty.

  “Suppose I imprinted on you. Tonight. That would be a deal-breaker for Lorenzo. He hopes you’ll agree to a union with him, that’s his price for giving you answers. When he met you today you were still free, untouched by a werewolf. One kiss between you and me and that could change. He’d take it as a personal insult if you went to him in Venice with your bodyguard-slash-mate. He’d know whatever happened between us happened right after you met him, and he could even drop this façade of good guy, and go into a frontal attack. Because he’s nothing good or gentle about his true face, believe me.”

  “Oh, I do believe you. I’ve met plenty of men with masks. One glance in Lorenzo’s eyes was enough to know he’s faking good nature. He’s a villain.”

  It’s like an iron fist has let go of my heart. “I’m glad to see you can’t be seduced by a good façade.”

  “There was a time when I could be fooled. No longer.” Hardness of character adds to the sass in her voice. “And you can’t fool me either. You would do and say anything to dissuade from coming on to you, but you don’t have to worry. I won’t hit on you again in my life, I swear it.”

  She walks backwards away from me. “But I do want your help with this.”

  She turns to the side table next to her bed and calls the front office. “Do you have what I asked for?” She gives the device a satisfied smile, which can only mean she got an affirmative answer. “Please bring it up.”

  She hangs up and stares me in the face like she’s got a wicked plan.

  “Conan, you and I are going to pull off our plans with Lorenzo Piovra. But for that I need you to do something for me tonight. I promise you, it’s not imprinting, and I won’t let that happen even if things becomes smoldering hot.”

  I frown. “Smoldering hot?”

  “Just promise me you’ll help me with this.”

  “I can’t promise anything if I don’t know what I’m promising.”

  “Just do it, blindly, and in return I promise that I’ll do anything you ask of me at Lorenzo’s palace, anything that will benefit the Wolf pack.”

  I hesitate.

  “This might not seem like a very valuable promise right now,” Janine says. “But just consider how much Lorenzo wants to imprint on me.”

  Indeed, at this moment the game is entirely in Janine’s hands. I guess she can’t ask me for the world, can she. And she already said it’s not about imprinting, so I nod. “I promise.”

  Janine’s cobalt blue eyes fill with darkness, her smile mischievous. “Thank you.”



  On my request, Conan opens the door after the knock, and the concierge hands him the box with my order. Due to Lorenzo’s visit, Conan and I didn’t get to go shopping, so I had the concierge do the dirty work for me.

  Anticipation swirls in my stomach. I can’t wait to see Conan’s face when he opens the box and unwraps the paper from the present I got myself. The exchange of looks between him and the concierge sends a prickle through my stomach—Conan still has no idea what’s gonna go down in this room tonight, but the concierge does, because he knows what he bought for me.

  He glances from Conan to me—I walk up and press my body to the side of the huge muscular beast in a white shirt that almost snaps on his big arm muscles, my small hand gripping his bicep. The concierge’s drooping eyes widen, since I’m wearing only my red lace underwear and the look of a woman who’s just about to get it on wildly with a big scarred beast.

  “Tip the man, Conan,” I say in a sexy voice. “It was a special job that I asked him to do for me.”

  Conan pushes bills in the man’s hand, eager to get rid of him and be alone with me again to demand answers. He slams the door in the man’s face and turns to me, his eyes glinting blood red.

  “What the hell was that?” he demands. I take the box from his hands, staring him in the eye, then turn around and walk to the bed with it.

  This is it. I’m about to set my plan for revenge in motion. It can go two ways. It could torment him and make him want me like he never wanted a woman in his life, or I could lose his respect forever, and have to endure his contemptuous looks for the rest of my life.

  I open the lid and begin unpacking the order.

  “I asked you a question, Janine.”

  I press my eyes shut—God, how I love the way he said that. Like a boss, like the man of the house. I pick up the item and turn around, stroking it up and down as I explain.

  “We talked about dildos last night, didn’t we?”

  “Yes, but....”

  He’s lost for words, which makes me feel slightly more confident. My blood still runs like crazy through my veins, but at least I threw Conan off. He looks at me with a loosened jaw for the first time in days, watching me as I stroke the big, veined replica of a cock.

  “As I said, I need sexual relief before we enter Lorenzo’s palace for God knows how long. There might be eyes everywhere, so this may be my last chance. If I had little privacy under your watch, I might have none under Lorenzo’s.”

  “I see.” Conan licks his hard masculine lips, a gesture so coy it makes my blood rush. “Then I shall give you some right now.”

  He turns to the door but I stop him. “I want you to watch.”

  He stops in place, his white shirt tightening over the tense muscles in his back.

  “You can’t be serious.” There’s genuine surprise in his voice, not the anger I expected. He keeps his back to me, so unfortunately I can’t see his face.

  I sit on the bed, crossing my legs.

  “I have been dreaming about you for a long time, Conan. Probably since the day I met you. The least you can do for me is let me look at you while I do myself, and watch me in return. Come on, it’s merely small pleasures that I’m asking for, isn’t it?”

  He turns to look at me, and I see something in his eyes that wasn’t there before. “You don’t understand, Janine. I wouldn’t be able to give you what you want even if things were different.”

  “Why not?” I can’t believe the entitlement in my attitude. Sitting here on the bed, legs crossed, demanding answers like a queen with a dildo in her lap.

  “Because I’m not normal that way. I don’t want what normal men want.”

  “You’re into kinks?”

  “Kinks.” He snorts. “I’ve been a soldier all my life, fought many wars, I’ve seen and lived things that changed m
e forever. I cannot see women and relationships like normal men do. Like civilians, not even like human soldiers with PTSD or other kind of mind damage.” He walks to me as he talks, mouthwatering in his bad boy jeans and the fitted white shirt that hugs the most muscular body I’ve ever seen.

  “I never felt anything tender or sweet for a woman. I only experienced such feelings indirectly, through Drago and Nero, and that’s so new I don’t even know what to do with it. But that doesn’t mean I lived as a monk so far. I used women, and it wasn’t the vanilla kind of using.”

  “Why don’t you tell me more about that.” I set the dildo aside on the bed, my hand slipping into my panties. My legs are still crossed so that Conan doesn’t get a good look at what I’m doing, but his eyes drop down my lap. Hell, I don’t even know where I’m getting the guts from to even do this right now, must be the booze.

  “Janine, I shouldn’t be anywhere near you right now.”

  “You promised you would help me. And this is what I wanted your help with—cumming.”

  He balls his huge fists, his knuckles protruding white. His jaw ticks, his irises glinting blood red.

  “You said—”

  “I said it would be imprinting-safe. And it will be.”

  “But you want to have sex with me.”

  “Oh, no, no, no, my handsome beast. I wanted to have sex with you last night, when you treated me like dirt. You think your imprinting on a woman is such a big deal, but let me remind you that giving her heart forever is a huge deal for a woman as well. I was ready to fall in love with you yesterday, give myself to you forever, but now I’m light years away from such intentions.”

  My hand moves faster in my panties as I tell him that, the lust for revenge fueling me.

  “I want you to watch me as I have pleasure myself,” I say in a worked up voice. “If things go really well, I may ask you to touch me. But you won’t imprint on me because, as you said, for that you would have to kiss me or fuck me. None of that is going to happen.”

  Conan doesn’t say anything, he just stands there staring at me as I masturbate and talk to him at the same time. I’m so turned on that I arch my body as I speak, my tone and breath changing, my thighs squirming. I’m still wearing my high heels, and I decide I won’t be taking them off tonight. I’ll make this fabulous beast curse the moment he turned his back on me, being a jerk and making me suffer.

  “The first thing you will delight me with is this—talk to me about all the dirty ways you’d take me. Maybe we can’t share much physical intimacy, but how about some dirty secrets. You can’t imprint on me by doing that.”

  “Why, Janine?” he breathes. “Why do you provoke me like this?”

  “Provoke you? You didn’t seem interested in me at all last night, I figured there’s nothing I can do to turn you on. After all, you’re an old beast, a soldier who’s seen it all, a crazy sexy specimen that women throw themselves at. Let’s just say I want to use you in my own perverted way.”

  “You don’t understand. You put yourself in danger.”

  “Are you going to hurt me?”

  “Not physically.”

  “Then no more trying to talk me out of this. You promised you’d help me. Keep your promise, and I will keep mine in return—I’ll do whatever you ask of me in Venice. I’ll do everything in my power for the Wolf pack to win, and nothing will ever change my allegiance. Tell me the dark and dirty things you’re into.”

  He hesitates. Maybe I should give him some incentive. I lift my legs from the ground, feeling grateful for my natural flexibility, and slide the panties off my legs. I bring my feet back down, and open my legs for Conan to see my now slick pussy in fully.

  He looks away, but I won’t let him. He’ll have to take all of this, I’ll have him crave me like I’m the only woman left on earth.

  “No, my sexy bodyguard. I want you to keep your eyes on me all the time.”

  I grab the dildo and his lips part, fire in his eyes.

  “Please, don’t,” he whispers. I grin, noticing his hard on through his pants. It must hurt.

  I push the tip of the dildo inside of me, inhaling sharply as the hard thing parts my walls. It’s been so long. “Tell me, Conan. What do you like doing to women?”

  “I like only a certain type of woman.”

  “Oh, this is interesting. What kind?”

  “Bad girls. Women who’ve done harm, who’ve broken hearts. Who’ve taken their girlfriends’ men, who broke up marriages, who suck every cock with a yacht they can get their surgically pumped lips on.”

  My lust is starting to leave me, and Conan notices. He grins, understanding that the tables have turned, and he could actually win this one. He moves closer to me, and I feel the need to cover myself, but I manage to resist the urge and not give him satisfaction.

  “I’m a hard man, Janine, not just in body and spirit, but in everything that I am. The hardness you see in my face, it’s there for a reason. But since we’re here.” He hunkers down, but he’s so big that only brings him face to face with me. “I imagined those pretty lips of yours around my cock once, your intelligent eyes looking up at me like you worshipped me while you sucked me off.”

  I swallow hard. This makes me feel naked and vulnerable, which means he’s winning.

  “That was the closest thing I ever felt to something tender.” He juts out his chin smugly. “Now are you sure you want to go through with this?”

  No, I won’t let him humiliate me by making me feel vulnerable and weak. I force myself to smile, and touch his hand. I have this one chance of turning the tables in my favor again, and I’ll sure as hell take. I guide his hand to the dildo.

  “You do it. Pump me with it, slowly, and tell me more of how you fucked those women. Do you only fuck their mouths, or do you occasionally take their pussies, too?”

  God, the delight at seeing this brute’s scarred but handsome face flooded with surprise is the best thing ever. He doesn’t move the hand with the dildo, so I plant my feet still in high heels on each side and move slowly against the dildo, going down on it until it fills me.

  “Oh, God,” I whisper as my inside clenches full of pleasure around the fake cock. The experience is amazing because I get to do this looking straight into Conan’s face, actually feeling like I’m doing him, not the dildo. I don’t know if it’s only because he’s a werewolf, and therefore special, but I’ve never been so attracted to anyone before.

  A darkness falls over his eyes, and I realize he must starting to enjoy seeing me like this, worked up, all sweaty and red and almost spilling my juices over a fake cock with my hungry eyes on him. And he’s not even doing anything for it. I have to take my power back.

  “You do it, too,” I command, panting. “Take your cock out and jerk off. I want to see you.”


  “No buts. You promised. I’m the boss tonight, you do what I tell you. And you get to tell me what to do in Venice.”

  My request takes him aback, I can see that, but the darkness remains in his eyes, which can only mean he’s going to do it. He takes his free hand to his jeans, and I’m lost.

  I lick my hot lips as I watch him unbuckle his belt and whip his cock out. I breathe in sharply as it springs free, big and ribbed, its big head purple with need. I can’t believe that he wanted this as badly as I did while I was sliding up and down the dildo in his hand.

  He wraps his large fist around his cock, his strong knuckles showing white. He strokes himself hard as I use the dildo, his burning eyes unwavering from my face. I’m pulled into them, unable to look away. His irises look like those of a dragon, like lava. I’ve never seen anything like it before. He’s taking me, owning me with those eyes as he puts one knee on the bed between my legs, standing over me as he jerks off.

  The muscles in his arm snake under his white shirt as he works on himself, his hard lips parted, his face a beautiful bronze apart from the scar running from his eyebrow to his upper lip, a steady white reminder of his vi
olent nature.

  “If I were one of those women,” I say as I’m close to cumming. “What would you do to me now? How would you take me?”

  “I’d straddle your face,” he says in his deep voice, now gruff with need. Just looking at the pleasure in his face is enough to bring me to the verge of cumming around him. “And have you lick my balls. Then I’d twist my hand in your hair and push my cock deep into your mouth, down your throat until you choked on it. Depending on your sins, on what people you’d crossed and how vile you were, I’d spill my cum all over your face, making you aware of how you’re sucking off a man you’d never introduce to your high society friends. But you, Janine.” His bad boy gaze changes, his irises like lava gaining a different kind of intensity.

  “I would never do any of those things to you, not like that. I feel very differently about you.”

  “How,” I manage hungrily. “How do you feel about me?”

  “I...” But I can’t hear what he says because the way he looks at me makes me explode around him, coating him in the essence of my pleasure. I push my head back into the fluffy duvet, my eyes rolling as the orgasm runs through me. The idea that I’m being taken by the magnificent Conan Wolf shakes me to the very marrow of my bones.

  I come back to myself and look up into his eyes. God, the hunger with which he’s watching me penetrates my entire body.

  “You know who I think of now as I’m looking at you?”

  “Another woman?” I breathe.

  “More of a concept. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and intellect. I may have a thing for smart women.”

  On some mystical emotional level, I know he means it. He just realized he might like another type of woman aside from bad girls whom he likes to give a taste of their own poison.


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