Tears of the Moon

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Tears of the Moon Page 3

by Quinn Loftis

  Sally’s heart broke a little as she saw the haunted look that filled her son’s eyes at the mention of the vampires. She hoped they would be able to erase some of those horrors from his memory, though she imagined some of what he experienced was probably blocked by his own mind as a defense mechanism.

  “Uncle Gavril said you aren’t a werewolf, mommy,” Titus said. “But he said you are very special.”

  Sally smiled. “Some people around here do think I’m special.” She cast a glance at Costin. “I’m called a gypsy healer.”

  “Explain, please,” their son said as he sat in Costin’s lap and gave her his full attention.

  Sally got comfortable and sat cross-legged with her back leaning against the couch. Then she began to tell Titus what she knew about being a gypsy healer.

  Chapter Three

  “I never thought anything could scare me as much as the vampires. It turns out, I was wrong. I’m more afraid of being in my own skin.” ~Zara

  * * *

  Wadim kept a hand on Zara’s furry back as they entered Vasile’s office. After Wadim convinced her to return to the mansion, the pair had gone back down to the archives to see if he could find anything in the pack records about uncontrollable phasing by a dormant. So far, he’d turned up nothing. He’d been hoping he would have some information to give Vasile, or even one of the healers, that might help them understand Zara’s condition. As Alpha, Vasile held strong magic and the gypsy healers were powerful, as well, though their magic was different from that of the wolves.

  Wadim glanced around the room and nodded to those present. Jen was sitting in Decebel’s lap while Thia was on the floor on a blanket playing with her toes as if they were the best toy she’d ever seen. Fane sat on the long couch holding a sleeping Slate, while Jacque sat beside him. Rachel was present, as well, sitting on the love seat with her mate, Gavril, beside her. Vasile was in his usual spot, sitting on the edge of his desk. Alina had pulled Vasile’s chair from behind his desk and rolled it up beside him before taking a seat in it. Wadim noticed Sally and Costin, who were always a part of serious meetings, were absent. He imagined they were spending time with Titus after having been away from the boy for so long.

  “Come in, Wadim,” Vasile said and then motioned to the room. “Find a seat or stand, whatever suits you.”

  Wadim took a seat in the wingback chair that rested in between the couch and love seat. Zara sat on her haunches next to his legs, leaning her large body against him.

  “Are you alright?” Wadim asked her through their bond. He knew what was coming was a big deal. To allow Vasile to force the phase would mean giving the Alpha a form of control over her mind. Wadim knew she must hate giving up such control. He did, too, where his mate was concerned, for that matter. And Wadim knew it was taking all of Zara’s willpower to keep from bolting from the room.

  “As good as I can be, I suppose,” she answered, though she sounded defeated.

  “You didn’t let the vampires destroy you, Z. I’ve no doubt you are going to be able to bring your wolf to heel. Try and be patient with yourself and your wolf.”

  “Patience isn’t one of my stronger attributes,” she said.

  “Then you’re in good company because I’m pretty sure few in this room even understand what patience is,” Wadim teased and felt her relax a tiny bit. It was enough for the moment.

  Vasile cleared his throat and all eyes, including Wadim and Zara’s, turned to the Alpha.

  “Zara,” Vasile said as he looked at Wadim’s mate. “After all you have endured, I am sorry that this is the way you’ve been introduced to your wolf. You are Canis lupus, and it is not something you should fear. You are a member of this pack now, a part of this family, and we are going to do everything we can to help you transition into this new life. I will not lie and say it will be easy.”

  “You got that right,” Jen muttered, earning her a rueful smile from Vasile.

  “But I can promise you, in the long run, it will be worth whatever struggles you will face,” Vasile finished and then glanced at Rachel, bowing his head as if to yield the meeting to her.

  Wadim watched, his wolf’s curiosity piqued, as the healer stood. She straightened the long dress she wore, a subtle reminder that the healer hailed from a different time period and felt more comfortable in modest clothing. Her eyes landed on Wadim and Zara as she spoke.

  “I’ve been doing some digging into the history of the gypsy healers,” Rachel said. “Thus far, I have not found a situation like yours mentioned in our recorded past. However, I have come across some magic I could use that might help you stay in your human form.”

  Wadim tensed as he felt his wolf begin to pace inside of him. It didn’t like the idea of their mate not being able to phase. Her wolf form was a predator, much better able to protect his mate should the need arise. In her human form, the young woman was more vulnerable. But even as he worried, he felt his mate relax further. Zara wasn’t ready to have such a drastic change added to the already mounting alterations she’d experienced over the past months. Being rescued from the vampires and thrown into a world of wolves, not to mention finding out one of the wolves was her soul mate, was almost too much for her. Wadim knew he and his wolf needed to give her time to adjust.

  “It’s only temporary,” Zara’s gentle voice filled his mind. “And it’s not because I don’t want to be a Canis lupus or that I don’t want to be with you. I want both of those things. It’s just a lot to handle.”

  “I’ll support whatever decision you make, baby. I want what’s best for you, and you know what that is better than anyone,” Wadim said, hoping she heard and felt the sincerity in his words.

  Rachel spoke to Zara. “The first step, of course, is to return you to your human form. Unfortunately, since you can’t control the phase, we will need Vasile to force your change.”

  “That sounds about as pleasant as a hot poker in the eye,” Jen said.

  Jacque glared at her best friend. “Saying stuff like that isn’t going to give Zara any encouragement. Bite your tongue if you can’t say something helpful, Jennifer.”

  Jen made a clawing motion at Jacque as she meowed and hissed like a cat. “Your claws are out in full force, Red. But, I must concede you are correct … this time.” Jen turned to look at Zara. “I apologize for my lack of tact and sensitivity. My mom dropped me on my head ten times too many when I was a child.”

  Zara’s wolf rumbled and Wadim felt her amusement.

  “I think Zara is already getting used to you,” Wadim said. “Thank you, Jacque, for being considerate, but my mate has thicker skin that anyone yet realizes.”

  A quick flash of shame crossed Zara’s mind as she pictured the marred and pockmarked skin beneath her clothing. That was truer than anyone, even Wadim, could imagine. She saw Wadim tense as he felt her emotions slip through the bond, so she quickly shut down the thoughts.

  No one else in the room seemed to notice. Jacque smiled at Wadim and then glanced at Zara. “Then you’re going to fit right in.”

  Vasile cleared his throat, and all eyes turned to him. “Zara, Wadim,” he said, looking at them, “are you both willing to consent to an Alpha command that will force Zara to phase back to her human form?”

  “I am,” Zara told Wadim.

  “Zara say she is, and I am as well,” he told his Alpha.

  Vasile nodded. “So be it. Everyone else please step out. When this is done, I need the males to return.”

  Wadim laughed when Jacque and Jen growled in unison.

  “No offense, Alpha,” Jen said, “but how many times do you and the males have to exclude us from meetings before you realize that we don’t take kindly to it?”

  “As usual,” Vasile said. “I will note your displeasure and reserve the right to lead as I see fit. Decebel and I have talked about merging our packs, though it is not set in stone just yet. He has agreed to defer major decisions to me which means, when I order the males to be present for a meeting without their
mates, they will heed the command. You do not have to like it, but it will not change my decision.” His voice wasn’t harsh, but it was undeniably commanding. Vasile was reminding Jen of her place.

  “I hear you.” Jen grumbled as she stood and filed out with the rest of the group.

  “That was a little harsh,” Zara said.

  “Wolf packs are not a democracy, Z. There has to be a definitive leader—an Alpha—that keeps the others in line. Wolves thrive on order, knowing where each member is ranked. Jen is an Alpha female, but she is not above Vasile, and she has to remember that. Vasile doesn’t reprimand her lightly. He does it because he knows what happens when wolves begin to question who is in charge. The more dominant wolves begin to buck at his orders and challenge him without thought to the fact they would then be responsible for caring for an entire pack themselves. Not every dominant wolf is meant to lead.”

  “Is there a book I can read on this stuff?” she asked him.

  “Actually, there are many books. You are mated to the pack historian, remember? I’ve got all the literature you need on all things Canis lupis,” Wadim assured her.

  Finally, only Vasile, Alina, Wadim, and Zara remained. The Alpha stepped closer to Zara then knelt in front of her. “This might feel a little uncomfortable but try and give me your will. Make a conscious choice to allow me to push your wolf back and give your human form to regain control.”

  Zara nodded her large wolf head.

  Wadim noticed that Alina had stepped forward and held out a blanket. “Thank you,” he said as he took it from her and draped it over his mate.

  Vasile placed his hand on Zara’s head and spoke in a voice that made Wadim want to roll over and submit. “Phase.” The word came out in a guttural commanding tone.

  * * *

  Zara felt a tug inside of her, as though a cord was being reeled in. In the blink of an eye, she was lying on the floor of Vasile’s office with a blanket, thankfully, covering her nakedness. She didn’t need two other people in the room the first time Wadim saw her naked. She was already humiliated enough.

  Zara grasped the blanket around her shoulders, careful to keep everything covered. With Wadim’s help, she rose from her prone position. Vasile stood up, as well, and smiled at her in a fatherly way. Alina, too, was smiling, and there was a slight sheen to her eyes. Seeing the emotion in the other female made Zara swallow back feelings that threatened to release tears.

  “Thank you,” she said to Vasile. “I’m not going to lie. I was a little scared that I was going to be in my wolf form indefinitely.”

  Alina stepped forward and wrapped Zara in a hug. Being touched in a gentle manner was somewhat startling to Zara, though Wadim’s constant affections were helping her adjust to the sensation. Zara sank into the Alpha female’s embrace and allowed herself to enjoy being cared for. It was a different kind of safe feeling than the one she felt with Wadim, but safe nonetheless. When Alina released her, she patted Zara’s cheek gently. “We love you.”

  The words hit Zara like a bat to the gut, and all she could do was nod in response. One day, when she wasn’t overwhelmed with, well, everything, she would be able to tell Alina how much her words meant.

  “Wadim,” Vasile said, “take Zara down to Rachel so she can work her magic. Then you two take some time to rest.”

  “Um, Vasile,” Zara said hesitantly as she bit her bottom lip. “Why didn’t you do the whole forcing-the-phase thing the other times I was in my wolf form, instead of putting me in a cage?”

  She wasn’t bitter about the cage. She understood they were just trying to ensure her safety, as well as the other members of the pack, but that didn’t stop her curiosity.

  “We wanted to minimize collateral trauma,” Vasile said, his eyes gentle as he looked at her. “Being forced to phase can feel invasive. Most people don’t appreciate being forced to do anything, and I try to only use Alpha commands as a last resort. I may be the Alpha, but I am not in the habit of taking away my pack’s free will. That would make me a tyrant. I refuse to become that kind of leader.”

  Vasile’s response made Zara respect him even more. “Your pack is blessed to have you as their Alpha,” she said.

  “Our pack,” Wadim corrected from behind her, his breath ruffling her hair because he stood so close.

  “A little space?” she asked him, though it was really just to tease him.

  “You’re wrapped in a blanket, completely naked beneath, with another male near you. You’re lucky I haven’t picked you up and taken twenty steps back from him. He’s my Alpha and he is mated, but he’s still male and you’re still naked. And I need to stop pointing that out to myself.”

  Zara laughed out loud. Wadim sounded frustrated, and she found herself thinking how adorable it was that he was becoming so flustered over her lack of clothing, despite the fact she was completely covered, except for her head.

  “I think a detour to my room might be in order,” she said and then bowed to Vasile. “Thank you, again. I am very grateful to you both.” Wadim took her hand and pulled her toward the door.

  “Thank you, Alphas,” he called out over his shoulder. He opened the door but froze as a snarl erupted from his throat. He pulled Zara quickly into his arms and wrapped his larger frame around her. Zara got a brief look at four, wide-eyed males who were standing in the hall, obviously waiting to go into Vasile’s office.

  “You’ve got a pretty little mate.” Zara heard Costin say. Then she heard Decebel’s voice.

  “Do you have a death wish?”

  Wadim’s growling increased, and she realized that Costin had been goading her mate. She found it interesting that they were all so possessive and protective of their mates, yet they liked to tease each other about their jealousy, as though they weren’t all exactly that way.

  “You need clothes. Now,” Wadim said through gritted teeth as he increased their pace.

  “Will that help you calm down?” Zara asked, as her lips turned up in a small smile.

  “Maybe.” He huffed. “I know it’s not rational to feel so protective of you around men I’ve known for centuries, especially since they are already mated. But rational thinking doesn’t always occur to my wolf. He is driven by instinct. I apologize if I am making you uncomfortable.”

  Zara felt his guilt through their bond and pulled him to a stop so she could look up at him. “Wadim, you make me a lot of things, but uncomfortable isn’t one of them. Just know, I’m yours. Even if it takes me a while to be ready for the whole Blood Rites and mating thing.” Her cheeks warmed as she spoke of the intimate encounters to come. “I’m yours.”

  He leaned down, pressed his lips gently to hers, and then let out a deep sigh. “Thank you.”

  She smiled and nodded. “Now, let’s get me some clothes so we can get down to Rachel before my wolf decides to come out to play again.”

  Chapter Four

  “Trust is a fragile thing. When trust is broken, restoring it can be next to impossible. Why? Because it is our natural instinct to protect ourselves. Not just our physical bodies, but our emotions and feelings as well. A person will only lie to someone he does not respect. When someone betrays my trust, it shows me that I was not worthy of their respect. Why would I willingly put myself back in a relationship with a person who does not respect me?” ~Decebel

  * * *

  Decebel stood in Vasile’s office, leaning against the wall next to the door. He wanted to be near the exit in case his mate decided to act out while he was gone. She’d been extremely aggravated when he’d left her. While his female had grown and matured over the past couple of years since he’d met her, she still, at times, reacted without first thinking through the consequences. He understood her frustration at being left out of the meeting. There was, perhaps, no reason to be excluded from the proceedings since Decebel would tell her everything that was said. He’d long ago learned his lesson about keeping things from her. All it did was put distance between them, not to mention gain him bruises from well-
aimed hairbrushes.

  “No disrespect, Da’,” Fane said as he took a seat, “but you make my life difficult when you pull these private meetings.”

  Costin grumbled his agreement. Decebel smiled. He’d called Costin earlier to inform him about the meeting, and the bartender’s mate had not been happy. The gentle healer had lost none of her fire despite the horrible ordeal she’d endured. She’d made it very clear she didn’t appreciate being left behind any more than Jennifer or Jacque did.

  His eyes glowing slightly with the presence of his wolf, Vasile looked at his son. “I do not make decisions on a whim, Fane. If I exclude the females, there is a reason and it is a damn good one.”

  Decebel’s brow rose at the sternness of Vasile’s words. The calm, serene Vasile who’d previously dealt with Zara was gone. In his place was an enraged Alpha. What could have possibly happened in the short amount of time from one meeting to the next that had put Vasile in such a dangerous mood?

  “Costin, you in particular need to keep this private, at least for the moment. Once I explain the situation, I will leave it up to you what you want to tell Sally,” Vasile said. Costin met the Alpha’s gaze briefly before nodding.

  “Whatever you pick up from this meeting, I need you to promise me to keep it to yourself until I say otherwise,” Decebel said through the mate bond. He could feel Jennifer hovering in the background of his mind.

  “You have my word, mate,” she answered. “Thank you for not blocking me.”

  “Apparently, old dogs can learn new tricks,” he said, feeling her ruffled feathers ease a bit.

  “I received a phone call just before we all met with Zara,” Vasile began, drawing Decebel’s attention back to the room. “It was from Skender.” Vasile paused as he let the information sink in.


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