Tears of the Moon

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Tears of the Moon Page 11

by Quinn Loftis

  “Why is Bethany only in a sheet?” Fane asked, apparently sifting through her mind.

  “It’s toga night. Didn’t I tell you?” Jacque laughed when she heard Fane growl.

  “You had better be wearing much more than a sheet, Jacqueline.”

  “Do sandals and a crown of little flowers count as ‘much more’?” She could feel the emotions in him building as she verbally rubbed his fur the wrong direction.

  “Show me,” he commanded. The growl in his voice made Jacque squirm, in a good way.

  “Of course.” She conjured up an image of herself in her mind. But instead of looking down and simply reflecting to Fane what she was actually wearing, Jacque imagined herself wrapped in a thin sheet that hung elegantly off her form. Then she added the sandals and flower crown she’d mentioned.

  When she heard Fane laugh and felt his ire slip away, she knew she’d failed.

  “Sorry, Luna, but I know you better than that. You would never wear something that showed that much of your beautiful cleavage.”

  He was right, of course. Jacque didn’t mind showing her assets to her mate, but the rest of the world didn’t get a free show. “Fine. I’m not wearing a toga. As to why Bethany is wearing a sheet, I’m hoping we’re about to find out. It doesn’t appear so much like she is wearing the sheet as she’s been captured in it. She’s wrapped up like a mental patient in a strait jacket. Give the girl some privacy, wolf-man. I’ll fill you in on what you need to know, if you need to know at all. Which I’m already quite sure you don’t need to know. Other women walking around in sheets should not be your concern. At all. Ever.”

  “I love it when you get possessive.” He purred and she felt his breath against her neck, despite the fact that he wasn’t there. Fane loved using their bond to tease her, not only mentally, but physically as well.

  “Love you,” Jacque said as she mentally pushed him away.

  “And I you, my Luna.”

  Jacque brought her attention back to the room. Having been lost in her mind, she hadn’t noticed that Bethany was sitting uncomfortably on the couch next to her. Sally and Jen were laughing and apologizing at the same time.

  “Sorry, Bethy,” Jacque said, “but you can’t come in wrapped in a sheet and not share. Go on and spill it. Rip it off like a bandage and get it over with. The sooner you do, the sooner the two hyenas shut their traps.”

  Jacque shot her two best friends a look, and they snapped their mouths closed.

  Jen raised her hand.

  Jacque sighed. “What, Jen?”

  “Opening that door without knowing who was on the other side, naked as the day you were born, is now on my bucket list to do. At least once, maybe twice.”

  “Of course, it is,” Sally said as she patted Jen’s head. “Poor Decebel.”

  Jacque turned back to Bethany, who still hadn’t said anything. “The floor is yours.”

  “A few months ago, Drake and I completed the Blood Rites and the mating,” Bethany began.

  “It was my teaching that broke him down, wasn’t it?” Jen asked. A grin stretched across her face as she pulled her shoulders back and sat up a little straighter.

  Bethany laughed softly. “Sort of,” she admitted. “He caught some of my thoughts about what you told me, and I bailed to take a shower. He broke the lock on the door and came into the bathroom looking like a wolf on the hunt. You can fill in what happened when he got a look at me naked and wet in the shower.”

  “They love naked and wet. It’s two of their favorite adjectives.”

  Sally turned her head slowly to look at Jen. “You know what an adjective is?”

  “Dude, being a perv doesn’t make me stupid. It just makes me honest.”

  Jacque shook her head. “Continue, Beth.”

  “I thought, after we’d crossed that line, things would be less volatile.”

  Jacque held up her hand and pointed at Jen, whose mouth was open to speak. “No more comments, questions, cheering, or booing until she’s done.”

  Jen snapped her mouth shut and then stuck her tongue out at her friend.

  “The second time we were intimate, things got a little more intense than the first. Drake sort of lost control and his claws came out, literally. He scratched me along my sides and hips. They were deep and bled quite a bit. He was so out of it he didn’t even realize what had happened until he surveyed the damage afterward. I’ll admit, the sheets looked like a bloodbath.”

  “Wait,” Jen said, ignoring Jacque’s stare. “When did this happen?”

  “I’m not sure exactly, a couple months ago, I guess.”

  “I bet that happened the night before he and Decebel sparred.” Bethany looked puzzled. “Now it makes sense,” Jen said.

  “What makes sense?” Sally asked.

  “Decebel came in that evening frustrated and snarly because he’d been sparring with Drake for hours. Apparently, Drake would barely defend himself. He only fought back enough to keep Dec going. Decebel didn’t realize until he’d beat Drake into a mess of meat that he’d been purposely allowing himself to get bested.”

  “He was punishing himself,” Jacque said.

  “And he used my mate to do it.” Jen growled. “Next time your mate wants to be beaten to within an inch of his life, send him to me instead. Dec felt sick because he’d done so much damage to Drake.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Bethany said softly.

  “Not your fault,” Jen said. “You’re mate’s a grown man and responsible for his own actions.”

  “What happened after that?” Jacque asked her.

  “Well, it took me a week to catch on, but basically he took that part of our relationship off the table. He still touches me, kisses me, all but smothers me, but never lets it go further.”

  All three girls snorted at the same time and said, “Fur butts.”

  Bethany smiled and nodded. “I thought he’d get past it. When he didn’t, I forced him to talk to me about it. He explained that he was afraid he’d lose control again and hurt me even worse.”

  “What was the tipping point?” Jen asked and pointed at Bethany’s sheet clad form. “I mean, obviously something happened to make you flip your lid.”

  “Yeah, about that. I’ve just been growing more and more frustrated. My emotions feel out of control at times. I’ve honestly wondered if the continual draining of blood by the vampires did some permanent damage to my brain. I haven’t said anything to Drake about it because we’ve just been arguing a lot. This evening when I told him I was coming here, he shut me down. He simply told me no.”




  All three girls spoke at one time. Bethany nodded. “Yes. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I told him I thought some space would be good. I’m not leaving him or anything, but he’s just so intense. It’s hard to deal with that without the follow through. My skin has become so sensitive to his touch that I pant like a freaking dog in heat when he simply takes my hand. I mean all the sweet touches and soft kisses were beginning to make me crazy, like literally crazy. Taking him against his will might have become an option if I thought I had any chance at overpowering him.”

  “That’s my girl,” Jen said and winked like a proud mama.

  “When I told him I wanted my space, he refused to let me have it. Then it hit me. Why not torture him the way he’s been torturing me? So, I stripped off my clothes and told him I wouldn’t put them back on until he stopped being ridiculous.”

  “And that’s when I knocked on your door? Man, do I have great timing or what.” Jen laughed.

  “Or what,” Sally and Jacque said at the same time.

  “I just don’t know what else to do.” Tears formed in Bethany’s eyes, and Jacque wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into an embrace. “And I cry about nothing. I mean, I cried at a dog commercial the other day. I lied to Drake and said it was allergies.”

  Sally walked over on her knees fr
om where she’d been sitting and sat back on her heels in front of Bethany. Her eyes met Jacque’s. The redhead could tell Sally was thinking the same thing she was.

  “Bethany, would you mind if I touched you?” Sally asked gently.

  Jacque shot Jen a glare and shook her head when the blonde opened her mouth. Jacque was getting good at making her best friend shut her trap with just a look. Apparently, it only took fifteen years to train Jen to behave appropriately.

  “Okay,” Bethany said.

  Sally placed her hand on Bethany’s stomach and closed her eyes. Jacque watched in awe—she always did when she saw Sally use her magic—as the light flowed into Bethany.

  After a few minutes, Sally pulled her hand back. A serious looked showed on her face. “Shut the bond down tightly if you don’t want Drake to know what I’m about to say.”

  “Okay,” Bethany said. “What are you about to say?”

  “The emotions, sensitive skin, increased desire, and irrational crying isn’t because of your time with the vampires, sweetie,” Sally said. “You’re pregnant.”

  Bethany’s mouth dropped open then closed then opened again. “We only did it twice,” she said, looking at the girls but seeming to see right past them.

  Jacque couldn’t help her smile. “I’ve heard it only takes once, mama.”

  Bethany’s head snapped over to Jacque. “Mama?” she whispered, sounding a little awed and a lot terrified. “I’m going to be a mama. I can’t be a mama.”

  There was a long howl that suddenly filled the night.

  Jacque patted Bethany’s back. “Weren’t able to hold the bond closed, were ya?”

  Bethany shook her head. “He felt my alarm. I couldn’t stop him from opening it.”

  “We’re going to have company soon, right?” Jen asked.

  Bethany nodded. “He’s coming.”

  “We got your back, Bethy,” Jacque said, and Sally and Jen nodded.

  “If you want us to stay with you for this initial confrontation, we can be your buffer. Sometimes having a supportive and, at times, funny peanut gallery keeps the fur balls from throwing tantrums,” Jen explained.

  “Is she serious?” Bethany asked Sally and Jacque.

  “Believe it or not, she is,” said Sally. “We’ve probably got more experience than most keeping the wolves from losing it.”

  “He would never hurt me,” Bethany said, “but I still think I’d like you to stay.”

  “Of course,” Jacque assured.

  “But he’s going to be…” Bethany paused and let out a resigned sigh.

  “So overbearing you are going to want to push him off a cliff into alligator-, shark-, and electric eel-infested waters,” Jen said, completing Bethany’s sentence.

  “Yeah, and…”

  “More possessive than a starving lion eating his first kill in years,” Jen continued.

  “Wouldn’t the lion be dead?” Sally asked.

  “Not the point,” Jen said.

  “He’s not going to…”

  “Let you out of his sight or even an inch from his side until the baby comes,” Jacque said.

  Bethany laughed. “It’s not funny, but it is.”

  “You either laugh or you maim your mate. Those are pretty much your options,” Jen said with a shrug. “Sometimes you have to do both.”

  “Costin seems laid back,” Bethany said looking at the healer. “Does he get possessive like the others?”

  “Ha, not lately,” said Sally. “But usually he is more laid back than the others. However, even relaxed Canis lupus males have those same instincts as the more aggressive ones. Hunt, claim, possess, protect, provide for, love. They do all of it fueled by incredible passion.”

  “It sounds beautiful when you put it like that,” Bethany said.

  “At times, it is beautiful,” Sally said.

  “At times, it’s indescribable,” Jacque added.

  “And at times it brings you to your knees,” Jen said.

  Bethany’s face suddenly paled. “He’s almost here.”

  “Alright, battle faces on, ladies,” Jen said, rubbing her hands together as she stood and faced the door. “If he gets out of control, I’ll take him out at the knees.”

  “You’re not a bloody linebacker,” Sally pointed out.

  “No, I’m worse. I’m a female werewolf protecting my packmate.” Jen smiled, and Jacque grinned at the feral look in her friend’s eyes.

  Jacque stood, as did Sally, and they, too, faced the door, creating a wall in front of Bethany.

  “Jen, we’ve seen how standing between a male and his mate turns out,” Jacque said. “Maybe we should make a stand from beside Bethany instead of in front of her.”

  “Live on the edge a little, Red. It gets the blood pumping and the endorphins flowing.”

  “You know what endorphins are too?” Sally asked cocking her head to the side to look at Jen.

  Jen growled at their healer. “Do you know what a can of whoop-ass is?”

  “A 90’s redneck saying that not even the 90’s wants back?” Sally asked.

  Suddenly, several things happened at once. Bethany gasped, the door to the library flew open and slammed against the wall, and Jen pulled out a knife, whipping it open with a flick of her wrist, and growled at Drake. “If you say one thing that hurts her, I will cut you.”

  “It’s okay, Jen. Thank you, but it’s okay,” Bethany said as she gently pushed in between Sally and Jen until she was standing in front of them.

  Within a heartbeat, Drake was holding Bethany’s face, devouring her in a kiss that was desperate, passionate, and breathtakingly gentle all at the same time. Jacque felt tears well up in her eyes as she watched the way Drake handled Bethany. He touched her reverently, running his fingers across her cheeks, kissing each tear that was rolling down Bethany’s face. It was incredibly intimate, and the trio needed to leave. But none of them moved.

  “Ooookay,” Jen said, drawing the word out. “I did not see that coming. Did y’all see that coming? I mean, on my list of possible occurrences, that just wasn’t one of them.” She paused and grinned. “I like it. I like it when they surprise me.” She folded up the knife and slipped it into her back pocket.

  “A switchblade, Jen?” Jacque asked. “Really?”

  “What?” Jen asked. “I can’t really threaten to cut someone if I’m not holding a blade. It’s much more effective if I’m pointing a sharp knife at them.”

  “How about you just don’t threaten to cut people at all?” Sally asked.

  Jen thought about it for a minute then shook her head. “Nah, then confrontations wouldn’t be nearly as exciting.”

  “Let’s go.” Drake’s voice grabbed their attention.

  He picked up the still-wrapped Bethany in his arms and started for the door.

  “We promised Bethany we’d stay with her while y’all hashed this out,” Jen said, halting the large male in his tracks.

  His eyes were glowing when he looked at the three of them. “We don’t need an audience for what’s about to happen. Bethany will call you when we’re ready to talk.”

  Jacque pinched her lips together as she snorted.

  Jen gave him a thumbs up with an approving smile. “Get’er done, fur ball.”

  Sally groaned. “Seriously, Jen, it’s time to come up with some new material. Borrowing decades-old one-liners is unbecoming of a smart ass of your caliber.”

  Jen narrowed her eyes on Sally. Then she gave a stiff nod. “By golly, Watson, I do believe you’re right.”

  Jacque shook her head and pointed toward the door. “Bed tonight and tomorrow we can begin working on your new material.”

  As they walked out of the library, Jen said, “Maybe we should go by Bethany’s suite just to make sure—”

  “NO!” Sally and Jacque yelled at the same time.

  Chapter Eleven

  “So much has changed in such a short amount of time. Sometimes I wonder if, when the smoke settles and all is said and d
one, there will there be anyone left standing, or will we destroy each other and the world right along with us?” ~Lilly

  * * *

  “You sure you’re up to doing this right now?” Cypher asked.

  Lilly nodded. It was late and she was tired, but Vasile and Alina had a right to know what she’d already told the girls. They had a right to know because it meant potentially having the sprites stand alongside them against the battle with the Order that was coming.

  After their meeting with Costin and Sally, Lilly had spent some time with Slate while waiting on Cypher to arrive. She’d told the warlock that morning she needed to talk to the Alpha pair. He’d responded, “You won’t be doing it alone, so you better wait until I get there.” She knew he just wanted to be there to support her. He didn’t want her to have handle it on her own, not because she couldn’t, but because she didn’t have to. She had him now. Just like he had her.

  “I’m sorry to keep you both up,” Lilly said, looking at Vasile and Alina. They were quite a striking pair sitting together on the couch, both so poised and elegant, yet also strong.

  “It’s not a bother,” Vasile said. “Sleep hasn’t been something that has been very plentiful for some time now. We’d still be awake even if you weren’t here.”

  Lilly took a deep breath and then dove into her story. She told them the same thing she’d told Sally a week ago in Texas and Jacque only a couple of days ago.

  By the time she was done, both Alina and Vasile had scooted to the edge of the couch and were leaning forward, their attention completely focused on her words.

  “So that’s it,” Lilly said. “I solved the mystery of why I’m able to do what I do and found out Sally’s mother is a supernatural being as well. It took me a while to tell anyone because I was still trying to wrap my head around it myself.”

  “It’s a lot to take in,” Alina agreed.

  “Have you talked with them about what’s going on outside of their realm?” Vasile asked.

  “Yes, that’s another reason I wanted to meet with you guys. The queen of the sprites would like to meet with you, as does Cindy Morgan. I figured you would be on board with that and took the liberty of contacting the high fae for assistance.” Just as she finished talking, there was a knock on Vasile’s office door.


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