Christmas In Mistletoe

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by Clare Lydon

  Ruby turned up her smile. She was still coming down from her orgasmic high. Still floating on air. All because of Fran. “Wow. You didn’t tell me you were such a top.”

  Fran’s laughter lit the air as her gaze dipped and her cheeks pinked. “I’m not, but I have my moments.” Now it was over, she was almost shy.

  Ruby kissed her again. “Feel free to have those moments whenever they take you. To say you were hot is an understatement.”

  Fran responded with the most perfect smile in the world.

  Pleasure tiptoed up Ruby’s spine. Everything Fran did from now on was going to be the best thing ever. Ruby was hers, hook, line and sinker.

  “What do you want to do now?” Fran eyed Ruby with a hooded stare.

  Ruby gave her one right back. “Let’s start by pulling out the sofa bed and getting you out of your clothes.”

  Chapter 21

  A gigantic spider was chasing Fran. She went to scream, but nothing came out. She shuddered, then her eyelids sprang open. She blinked, heart racing. Her gaze landed on light grey blinds, then a desk. No spider, but where the hell was she?

  Then she remembered. They were in the barn office, after a night of incredible sex. She rubbed her right eye with her hand, then tried to breathe without waking Ruby. Her mouth was open slightly, her head tilted on the pillow, her autumnal-coloured hair splayed down her skin.

  Fran had broken her rules, hadn’t she? She’d slept with a singer. She took a breath. She’d do it again, too. Perhaps multiple times. Could she be considering a relationship with a singer? She was a glutton for punishment, wasn’t she?

  However, Ruby was not on her books, as Delilah had been. Plus, she was way more sorted than Delilah. Keeping work and personal life separate was a lesson Fran had learned the hard way. Maybe it was fortunate that Ruby had turned her down all those months ago. She believed in fate. Everything happened for a reason.

  A phone vibrated nearby. As slowly as she could, Fran leaned over the side of the sofa bed and reached down to her clothes. She had five messages from Damian: that was never good news. They were mostly about Fast Forward. The social media trolling had stepped up a gear. Tenny, in particular, was being targeted because she wasn’t as skinny as the rest of the group.

  Fuck this shit. When were people going to get over the fact that pop stars could be whatever they wanted to be, and not purely stick-thin?

  But it was the modern world they lived in. Fran would happily go back to the pre-social media days. However, it wasn’t going to happen this week, and Fast Forward needed more help than could be provided on the end of a phone.

  Fran moved to get out of bed to give Damian a call. It was only 7.30am, but he was already up and working. However, her progress was stopped by a hand grabbing her waist.

  Fran turned, then smiled at a sleepy Ruby. Damn, she was gorgeous. Fran dropped her phone back onto her clothes and gave Ruby her full attention. Damian could wait.

  “Good morning to you.” She settled next to Ruby, kissing her lips. Ruby even tasted good in the morning.

  “Hey,” Ruby replied, her voice sketchy. “I can’t quite believe we’re waking in my dad’s office after our first date. Hardly glamorous, is it?”

  “Yesterday was a date?”

  Ruby grinned. “Kinda. Then you turned it into an ambush with your silky sex ways.”

  Fran threw her head back and laughed. “I think you gave as good as you got.”

  “I have my own skills.”

  “I’m well aware.” Fran kissed Ruby’s lips. The temptation to fuck her again was strong, but Fran had business to attend to. Even though she hated that, and knew Ruby would, too.

  “Where were you sneaking off to, by the way?”

  Fran sighed, then sat up. “I’ve got good news and bad news. The bad news is I’ve had some urgent messages, and I need to head back to London today. Fast Forward and Damian need me.” She glanced at Ruby. “But it’s a wrench leaving you.”

  Ruby furrowed her brow. “Are you going to miss Saturday’s gig?”

  Fran shook her head briskly. “No, I’ll get back for that.” At least, she hoped she would if everything went well. But Ruby didn’t need to hear that. Fran took Ruby’s hand in hers. “I wouldn’t miss you being heckled by Audrey for the world.”

  Ruby laughed. “Don’t even joke.” She pulled the duvet up her body as she shivered.

  Fran jumped up and put her pants back on, followed by her T-shirt. Then she sat back on the bed. With her naked shoulders and tussled hair, Ruby looked every bit the sex goddess. “Don’t you want to know the good news?”

  “I’m still reeling from the fact you’re going to fuck me and leave me.”

  Fran’s eyes widened. Shit, was that really what Ruby thought?

  But then the edges of Ruby’s mouth softened. She got onto her hands and knees and crawled to Fran for a kiss. “That was a joke, by the way.”

  Fran gulped. “I can never be sure. I know you think I’m all business first.”

  Ruby shook her head. “Not true. I understand you’ve got work to do. I just think you need to make more time for family and friends. And potential new love interests.” She kissed her again.

  A naked Ruby kneeling in front of Fran was somewhat distracting. “I totally agree with that.” Fran kissed Ruby’s breasts. “Don’t you want to know the good news?”

  “Apart from you kissing my breasts? Hit me.”

  Fran brought her head back level with Ruby. “Damian has got another band on-board to support you on Saturday. They’re called Troubadour, and they’re an up-and-coming folk/pop band who love Christmas and are happy to do it for the exposure. Also, they want to visit a Christmas tree farm.” Fran held out her hands and gave Ruby a wide grin. “So only four of the five messages said ‘get the fuck back to London’.”

  “That is good news.” Ruby ran a hand through her hair. “Will you still be able to do all the designs for the gig?”

  “Absolutely.” Fran picked up Ruby’s hand again. “But can I ask a favour? Can you call in on my parents, just check they’re okay? I know they’re big boys, but they both looked so frail at times this week.”

  Ruby squeezed her hand. “Of course. Mum’s been doing it anyway since the accident, but I’ll check on them, too. They’re part of the village now. We look out for each other.”

  “I know. Thank you.” Fran licked her lips, before holding up her phone. “I really need to call Damian. Do you mind if I do it here?”

  Ruby shook her head. “Go ahead. I’ll pack up the bed and get dressed.” Ruby was true to her word, getting up right away, avoiding any more eye contact.

  Yes, it was shit timing, but there was nothing Fran could do about it. She hoped Ruby wasn’t pissed off with her. She would do everything in her power to get back for Ruby’s big gig, but she loved her job, too. No matter how much she’d taken to Mistletoe, London was where her life was. It was where Ruby’s life was, too. How would they cope outside the Mistletoe bubble?

  Only time would tell.

  Chapter 22

  Damian was already at the label’s office when Fran arrived on Wednesday. The office was a hub of activity. The fourth quarter madness was in full swing and most of the 50 staff were at their desks. Phones rang, music blared and tinsel hung from most monitors. A Christmas tree, decorated with silver and red tinsel, with fake snow tinting its branches stood in a corner. Fran stared at it. Was it from Mistletoe Christmas Tree Farm? Probably not, but wherever it was from, somebody had cared for it. Planted it, pruned it, tended to it, perhaps even named it. She smiled as she thought about a teenage Ruby naming Nettie. Ruby put her all into whatever she was doing: singing or selling Christmas trees. Fran did the same with her work. They had far more in common than either of them first thought.

  Fran waved at a couple of colleagues as she sat, dumping her bag on the empty chair beside her. It was already weird being back here, away from Mistletoe. Everything in London was so loud, especially in this office whe
re DJ wars broke out every day. The air was thicker. The expectation heavy. In Mistletoe, only the moment counted. Of late, all of Fran’s moments in Mistletoe had been glorious. One particular night stood out as five-star rated.

  Damian got up from his desk opposite to give her a hug. “Thanks for coming back.” He squeezed her tight. “Sorry to make you, but Tenny’s not coping. To be honest, she needs more than me. Maybe more than you. Could we get another singer to have a chat with her? She’ll really listen to them. When I talk, she tends to glaze over. The social media stuff isn’t helping, but it’s more she needs to speak to someone who’s been there and done it.”

  Fran pursed her lips. Maybe that was what Ruby needed, too, to get over her big-stage fright. Fran was surrounded by singers who hated the big stage right now. “Let me think about it and have a word with Jules.” Jules was Fran’s boss and the label co-founder. She dealt with issues far better than her partner, Niall, who tended to flip out and create chaos. Plus, Jules would know who might be available this week.

  “By the way, I love your outfit. Those colours really suit you.” Damian pointed a finger at her. “You look alive.”

  Fran glanced down at her mustard top and teal-blue trousers. “Thanks.” She bit down a smile. “How are the numbers looking, if we gloss over Tenny’s possible breakdown?”

  Damian nodded, walking back behind his desk. “Good. Fast Forward are holding their own with Skinny YouTube Star and Cupboard Boy – in sales and streams. Top three at least judging on the Monday figures, and that’s better than we hoped.”

  Fran sat, drumming her fingers on her desk. “Good. They’ve just got to get through a barrage of press on Friday, a gig Friday night, and a TV appearance on Saturday.” She looked up at Damian, keenly aware of her clashing schedules. “They’re not being interviewed on Saturday as well, are they?”

  Damian shook his head. “Nope. Just a single performance, nothing else.”

  “Okay.” Fran paused. “When are they due in?”

  “Midday for rehearsals and pep talks.”

  Fran blew out a raspberry in contemplation. It was always tricky with new artists. She remembered Delilah being a nervous wreck. However, Delilah always had steel inside her. Even when she was getting flack in the press and getting trolled on social media, she carried on regardless. The press had linked Delilah to a new man every week, which annoyed the heck out of her. It had annoyed Fran, too.

  She clicked on her email and swatted a few away. Only 167 to go. Email was the curse of her life. Somebody a few desks away turned a song up and got moaned at for doing so. They turned it down right away.

  Then a hush settled over the office.

  Somebody clearing their throat made Fran look up.

  The hairs on the back of Fran’s neck prickled when she saw who it was. Delilah. With her long, blond hair and slender frame, she looked every inch the pop star. She’d been at least a stone heavier when she’d started, but the trolls and the cameras took their toll.

  Fran didn’t have to look around to know the whole office was gawping. It didn’t matter how many times her workmates met pop stars, their fame always rolled out before them and tripped people up. Today was no exception.

  Only Fran knew the look on Delilah’s face was hesitant. Everybody else just saw the chart-topper.

  Fran moved her bag and motioned for Delilah to sit.

  Delilah glanced around the office, then did so.

  “Everybody will get over you being here in a minute, just sit still like a normal person.”

  Delilah rolled her eyes. “I am a normal person.”

  Fran spluttered. “You were never normal.”

  Fran hadn’t seen Delilah for ages, and she’d wondered how it would be when she did. So far, Fran’s heart-rate was steady, her mind calm. It was an improvement on all the times Delilah had made every muscle in her body tense – not in a good way. Perhaps having no time to worry about seeing her was one reason. Plus, Fran had moved on. Having someone else meant Fran had let go of the past a little more. Now, seeing Delilah didn’t cause her to panic. It was almost normal.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you were on tour?”

  “We built in a festive break, so I’m done for the year until we start the European leg on December 29th. I had a meeting with my producer here this morning, so I thought I’d stop by and say hi to you.”

  Damian walked over and gave Delilah a hug. They’d always got on when she and Fran were together. “Can I get you both a coffee?”

  Fran could have kissed him. Damian always did have superb tact. “Yes, please,” she replied. Then Fran ushered Delilah over to the sofa in the corner of the office.

  Delilah sat beside her, kicking her legs out. Unlike Ruby, Delilah’s legs were short. They’d sat next to each other like this a thousand times when they were together. However, now Delilah didn’t need to police her every action around Fran, she seemed more relaxed. Which was more than a little sad.

  “How’s the tour going?”

  “Really well. The crowds are so responsive, I’m blown away. It’s everything I wanted, and it’s all down to you.”

  Fran raised an eyebrow. “It might have something to do with you, too.”

  “You know what I mean. You signed me.”

  Fran snagged her ex’s gaze. “Those start-up days were heady, weren’t they? Playing those smaller clubs all around London. Look at you now, playing major venues.”

  Delilah nodded. “It’s amazing. Also fucking exhausting. I’ll be glad to just chill at my flat for a few days and do nothing.” She paused. “Maybe you’d like to catch up over dinner one night?”

  Fran’s bum cheeks clenched. Dinner with Delilah was not a small thing. Paparazzi followed her everywhere. There would be photographs, and she knew how it would look to Ruby. They were still so new. Then again, it would be lovely to catch up. She’d just have to warn Ruby first.

  “I’d love to,” Fran said. “Gretchen not around?” Gretchen was the singer Delilah was dating, also still in the closet.

  Delilah shook her head. “She’s in Canada. Staying there for Christmas, catching up with her folks. She’s coming back for New Year.” Delilah sighed. “The most trying time of the year is on us again.”

  “No change with your parents?”

  Delilah shook her head. “About as likely as a meteor strike. But you’ll be impressed.” She took a deep breath. “I’ve decided I’m going to do the deed this year and come out to them. My tour’s wrapped until after Christmas, so my plan is to drive to their place and tell them.”

  “Over Christmas dinner?” Fran was horrified. “Maybe not the best time.”

  “Christmas Eve. Don’t worry, I have a back-up plan. If they throw me out — highly likely — I’m going to my cousin’s. But in the unlikely event they want me to stay, I will. I’ve done too much avoiding over the past few years, and it’s causing me anxiety. My therapist and I decided to tackle it head-on.”

  “Therapist?” Fran was amazed. Delilah had resisted all help when they’d been together.

  “Yep. I might not have acted on anything you said, but I was listening. Everything you said was right. It’s time to be brave.” Delilah fiddled with her hair. “How are your dads?”

  “They’re good. They’ve moved to a small village called Mistletoe. It’s like living in a Christmas card.”

  Delilah spluttered. “How are you feeling about that? Ms ‘Christmas is just an overblown roast dinner’?”

  “I said that in the village bar. It didn’t go down well.”

  “I can imagine.” Delilah looked her up and down. “What about you? The label going well?”

  Fran nodded. “It is. Fast Forward are breaking out in style. They could be bigger than you.”

  Delilah smiled. “I hope they are. Girl power and all that.” She clenched her fist and pumped it up. “Talking of girls, how are things in that department. Are you seeing anyone?”

  Fran bit her lip, trying to damp down
her emotions. Was she? On their first unofficial date, they’d shagged in Ruby’s parents’ office. It was hardly what she’d call a relationship just yet. “Kind of. Sort of.”

  Delilah’s clenched fist stayed that way as she nodded.

  Fran threw up her hands. “I don’t know. We slept together on Monday, and then I had to rush back because Fast Forward are having a meltdown. I should have been here anyway, so that was my fault. But this woman is… She’s…” Fran paused. What was she? So many things. Sexy. Smart. Gorgeous. Infuriating. But they probably weren’t things Fran should be telling Delilah of all people. “I don’t know what she is.”

  “It sounds like she’s got you in a spin.”

  “Something like that.” Fran held up her hands. “But now I’m back dealing with pop stars, like normal.”

  Delilah sat up. “Why are Fast Forward having a meltdown? I love their Christmas single.”

  Fran gave Delilah a tight smile. “They’re new on the music scene. They’re getting a whole lot of flack on social media because they’re women. Remember what it was like being new to the business and having a vagina?”

  Delilah raised both eyebrows. “I do, and I’m still dealing with it every day. They need to get off social media and ignore it, but it’s tough at the start. I wish someone had told me in no uncertain terms.”

  “Maybe you could be that person.” A light bulb flickered in Fran’s brain. “In fact, they’re coming in today and it’s the lead singer, Tenny, who’s having the biggest jitters. Would you stick around and talk to her? Damian’s tried, but coming from you, it would mean so much more.”

  Delilah checked her phone. “Sure. I’m having lunch with Jules and Niall, but after that?”

  “That would be brilliant. Thank you.”

  Delilah put a hand on Fran’s leg. “Anything for you.”

  Right at that moment, Damian came back with the coffees. He put them on the table in front of them, then ran away.


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