The Mage’s Revenge (Crescent Moon Academy Book 2)

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The Mage’s Revenge (Crescent Moon Academy Book 2) Page 14

by CY Jones

  Knowing I won’t get anything else out of him on the subject, I ask, “When is the ceremony to lay her to rest?”

  “I’m not doing one,” he answers simply.

  That one statement angers me more than anything. “Are you actually that foul of a person? Despite what she did, she was still your mate and the mother of your children. Even though she hated you more than anything in this world, she still did her duty and put up with you, and you mean to tell me, you don’t even have the decency to lay her to rest properly?” I growl.

  “That woman did not do her duty, at least not properly. Here’s a lesson for you, son. A pretty face and nice body isn’t everything. She may have bore me two heirs, but both of you proved to be disappointments. My oldest, a female who dared to fall in love with a harlequin, and you, my only son, hell bent on repeating history. Your mother was nothing but a privileged whore who spent her time spending my money and fucking any male that would give her the time of day. She swore, in blood, to honor and obey me, and when it came time to live up to that promise, she decided to rebel against me to save you. Worthy heir indeed. If you were really worthy, you would not have needed her protection or the one standing beside you,” he spats, hatefully.

  “Go to hell, old man. I hope Mother turns into a fierce ghost and haunts you until she drives you to your death. Worthy heir my ass. Why should we be worthy of you? You were never worthy of either of us,” I shout. “Where’s her body? I’ll make arrangements to lay her to rest myself.”

  “Watch your tongue, boy,” he threatens, but it’s an empty threat. What exactly can he do to me with Sabre beside me? She's just itching for the command to get rid of him.

  “Where’s Mother's body?” I repeat, just as angered.

  Smiling, he looks me dead in the eyes and replies, “I’m afraid she met a tragic end where there was nothing left to bury. Not even a tiny wisp of her soul.”

  “You’re despicable,” I snarl, truly disgusted.

  Turning, I go to leave before I really do kill him when he hollers, “Wait! Where the hell do you think you’re going? I’m not done with you yet.”

  “Well, I’m done with you,” I reply, not bothering to turn around.

  “Really,” he says almost joyfully. “Does that mean you don’t want to hear about the girl you inquired about? What’s her name again? Angelica?”

  Just the mention of her halts my footsteps, and I turn slowly, my eyes glowing with raging flames, ready to strike him dead. I haven’t forgotten it was him that fit the pieces together and blabbed to Morganstein about her existence. If it weren’t for my father, Angelica wouldn’t have to worry about Morganstein. “What of her? Haven’t you already done enough?”

  Before he can answer, there’s a knock at the door, and he calls for whoever it is to come in, which does nothing but infuriate me even more. I don’t care who else he summoned here. All I care about is that my angel asleep in my bed is safe. What more can this asshole possibly know about her?

  To anger me further, it’s Violet who walks through the door, preening as she stands beside me like a peacock, too sure that I won’t choke the life out of her in my father’s presence.

  “Violet,” I spit the name out through clenched teeth. “It’s funny you show up now, after all the time I spent looking for you.” My tone is not nice. In fact, it tells her just how displeased I am with her.

  “Were you looking for me? I haven’t heard,” she lies innocently, batting her fake lashes. When she moves closer to rub her body against me, I push her away so hard, she falls to the floor, shrieking in outrage.

  “Don’t play dumb with me,” I snarl, standing over her like a menacing shadow. Here’s my chance. I can just strike her dead and be done with her.

  “Now, son, is that anyway to treat a lady? Weren’t you just lecturing me about my treatment of females lower than me?” he mocks, and I grind my teeth. Standing, he helps Violet up and tugs her on his lap as he sits down as if to taunt me. If I had any feelings for her, I may have reacted, but as our relationship is now, I couldn’t care less that he’s poached her. They both watch me, disappointed neither is getting the reaction that they wanted.

  “What about Angelica? What have you done now?” I question, moving this conversation along. He can fuck Vi all he wants. I could give two fucks about her. Before I leave this office, I’ll be letting them both know I’m calling off our mating.

  “Ahh, dear Violet, you came at the perfect time. I really hate repeating myself and this news involves you too, so you both might as well hear it at once.”

  “What is it?” she says, snuggling closer to him, making me want to gag. She’s really laying it on thick.

  “It’s about your mating ceremony, my dear. I’m afraid I received a better offer from a much more powerful family, so I’ll be calling the agreement with you and your family off in favor of Morganstein and his daughter, Angelica. Your father has already been informed and wishes the new couple good tidings for the future.”

  As she absorbs my father’s words, all the color drains from her face as she sits there dumbfounded, like she doesn’t know how she got there. Me, on the other hand, I laugh so hard, tears start to pool in my eyes. Holy fuck. What a turn of events. It’s like my father gifted me a ticking bomb, and now, he’s waiting eagerly for it to go off.

  “Why are you laughing? I thought you liked the fake little harlequin. Isn’t that why you came to see me in the first place? Wasn’t it on her behalf? According to Violet’s reports, you’ve lost interest and have grown bored of her, treating her quite poorly. A new prospect should make you happy, especially one of your choosing.”

  He’s not even hiding the fact that she reports back to him. How bold, but does he really think he’s doing me a favor?

  “Since when do you care about my happiness?” I spat.

  But before he can answer, the trembling brat on his lap speaks up. “You... You can’t do this!” the stupid idiot stutters and I stop laughing, watching her in awe. Just how stupid can she be?

  “What can’t I do?” Father asks, speaking with a tone set on a dangerous edge. If Vi had any brain cells left, she’d shut up right now, but she’s proven many times that she’s not that bright.

  “Cancel our mating! My father said you owed us. You… you said Zion would be mine. You promised me,” she cries.

  Father’s hand flies to her throat, tightening his grip, causing her to choke. Her eyes tear up, overflowing down her flushed cheeks. “My dear, who are you to tell me what I can or cannot do with my heir? Who are you, period? You’re nothing but a weakling. A toy. A pretty trinket that, for a time, offered me amusement, but now, your usefulness has expired. If you’re looking for someone to blame, then blame your parents. Your lack of power is their fault, making you unworthy to carry my family’s name. Now that a better prospect has come along, you’re no longer needed. I will not gamble my bloodline on your weak genes.”

  His words are harsh, inflicting as much damage as possible, and he still has yet to lighten his grip around her neck, instead squeezing tighter as his eyes glow red. Craving violence, he watches her closely as she fights for breath. The decision is in his hands if she lives or not, literally. Right when she’s about to pass out, he flings her away to the floor in the same spot as before from when I pushed her. “Stay right there. Once I’m done with my son, I’ll find a better use to fit your lowly status.”

  “How cruel,” I snark. “Are you done yet?” I speak in a bored tone, ready to be done with this disastrous visit.

  “You’re not arguing, so I take it you’re pleased with the change?” he prods.

  “I have no opinion,” I answer carefully. I wouldn’t want him to read too much into my words.

  I really want to scream, hell no! It’s not that I object to being Angelica’s mate, it’s just that she’s not the type of female who happily goes along with plans others made for her life. I don’t know how she was raised. Most female mages know from birth their lives are not thei
r own, but it seems like her father brought her with too much free will. When she’s told she has no other choice but to mate with me, she’s going to rebel. Holding back is not in her nature, which raises another question.

  With a raised brow, I ask, “Tell me, Father, who exactly will be informing her of all this?”

  “Her father, Lord Morganstein, of course.”

  Hmm. Is that the only reason why he’s coming here? I could ask Father, but I’m doubtful he’ll tell me the truth. “Is there anything else? I think I had enough family time to last the next century,” I retort dryly.

  “You can go, but don’t disappear. I rather not waste time looking for you. Unlike with Violet, this won’t be a long engagement. We’ll be holding the mating ceremony as quickly as possible.”

  “What’s the rush?” I ask, suspiciously. Normally, it takes years before one is mated once their prospective partners are announced with many frivolous events planned in between to promote such an occasion. Usually when a mating ceremony is rushed after the announcement nefarious reasons that one wishes to keep silent is involved. For example, getting one’s prospective mate pregnant or the other party doesn’t care to make it secret that they are only in it to obtain fortune or social standing.

  “It’s what her father wants. For whatever reason, he finds you worthy of his daughter. Be glad to have such an opportunity. Mating into the Morganstein line will only propel you further in social standing.”

  I don’t care about any of that, but I don’t argue. Him willing to mate me off means he has no plans to kill me. I should be grateful I don’t have to watch my back, but I don’t like feeling like I’m the sacrificial pawn, playing right into his plans. First, he wanted to kill me and start over from scratch, building a new family. Now, just like what he told Vi, he has found use for me again and has changed his mind. It’s not like he won’t gain anything from this new turn of events, but what about Angelica? What will she think about all this? What will she do once she finds out? How will she retaliate? I’m not stupid enough to believe she’ll be fine with a man she does not know and already dislikes deciding her future.

  “With both of your bloodlines, even you can produce a powerful heir that all the others will be envious of.” At his words, I think about what the healer told us. The real consequence to her reckless actions. The quicksand Angelica stepped into has spread to my feet, sucking us both in deeper. I don’t say anything else. Instead, I walk away, leaving Vi to her fate. The door hasn’t even closed yet before I hear her scream and I lengthen my steps, walking faster and efficiently erasing her from my mind. She made her bed when she teamed up with my Father. Now, it’s on her to deal with the consequences.

  Chapter 12


  I know it was probably pretty cunty of me, but the next time I found myself fully awake and well enough to stand on my two feet, it was while Zion was away at class, and I jumped on the opportunity and snuck out of his room like a thief in the night. I didn’t even bother to speak to him or thank him the next day while I took more time off from school to recover in my cabin. Many days have passed, and I still can’t find the words to say to him. It's not that I’m not grateful, I am. It’s just… I don’t know how to interact with the gentle, more considerate side of Zion. Trading insults with the asshole is easy, but tender, sweet Zion is like a foreigner whose language I don’t understand. Communicating is impossible. Sure, his overwhelming bounded field of smug confidence is still there, a trait I’m sure will never fade no matter how much time passes, but the vulnerable side where he left himself unguarded and was able to communicate his feelings left me dumbstruck. I don’t like being caught off guard. It’s not a very good feeling. He’s unleashed hidden feelings inside of me that I wasn’t ready to let see the light of day and now, I’m stuck in the middle of a whirlpool of self-doubt. Round and round I go, drowning in what's next.

  I’m a coward. Not only have I been avoiding Zion, but the other heirs too.These last couple of days, I have been alone in my cabin with only my overflow of thoughts for company. Every knock at the door, I’d ignore as well as all the attempts to break through the wards keeping whoever wanted to be let in, out. Then there’s Archer who, in a short time of knowing me, understands my fragile state of mind, and for what’s left of my sanity, would chase away the more persistent of my admirers. Well… all but one. The one person I would actually open my door to speak to has not come by to see me at all. Did I finally piss Kirito off so much that he doesn’t wish to see me anymore? Am I that shallow that even after all the trouble I’ve caused for myself and others, that is the only thing that really bothers me? I wonder, have I always been this self-destructive or is this a new trait? Is this how humans are when they are depressed?

  Well, whatever this is, I have already made up my mind to go to school tomorrow. No more hiding in my little secluded cabin deep in the woods. Tomorrow, I’ll face everyone and only then will I decide my next step. “Sounds like a sound plan,” Archer comments inside my head.

  “You know, everyone already knows I’m part of the Mage War and have a Champion. You don’t have to stay in your corporal form.”

  “I use up less mana this way and besides you, there’s no one else I wish to speak to.”

  “How very antisocial of you. I don’t think I make the best role model in the new world,” I joke, but because of my mood, I cannot find it in me to smile.

  “Maybe not, but you’re still young. You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.”

  “Why do I think you’re talking about something else besides my stellar non-existent socializing skills, Archer?”

  “I’m just a Champion and you are my Master, who am I to lecture you?” he retorts almost smugly.

  “Careful, you’re starting to sound like Zion, except he’d never admit anyone was above him. I’m starting to think he thinks himself a god.”

  “So what if he does? If he’s proven himself powerful enough to back up his claim, who are we to argue?”

  “Humm…” I say placing my hand under my chin. “I’m starting to get a read on what kind of Chief you were when you were alive. Those full of themselves never have happy endings, you know?”

  “A warrior’s ending usually isn’t happy.” I don’t know if he’s happy or sad when he says this. I wish he could remember more about his past. I would like to know more of what kind of warrior he was outside the history’s books. Anything recorded, especially by humans, is usually one-sided.

  “This conversation is depressing. All it does is remind me of who I have to face tomorrow, and all my problems. I rather not think about that right now.”

  “Then what would you like to do?”

  “Hmm, good question. We could train, but I feel like that’s all we do. Plus, I hate losing and you always get the better of me. I don’t feel like losing in Scrabble again either. Your vocab is way too vast for someone who was just conjured into existence. Mr. Meow ditched us, so we can’t play the flashlight game with him in his cat form, plus it was starting to get old after awhile anyways.”

  “What about chess?” he offers and I brighten at the idea. He’s still learning how to play so he won’t easily beat me like he has the other games we played. Archer certainly does not believe in letting his Master win, and he enjoys popular board games like Scrabble and Monopoly.

  “Okay, get the chess set out and we’ll play a game or two.”

  “How are you so good at this already?” I huff, annoyed after losing the second game in a row. “It’s so unfair,” I whine.

  Sitting across from me, Archer doesn’t answer, instead, watching me with an alert gaze. To be an Archer, his eyesight has to be exceptional, and because he’s also otherworldly, he can see more than most people. It makes me wonder, what does he see when he looks at me?

  “Why don’t we call it quits? It’s late, and since you’ve decided to go to school tomorrow, you need your sleep.”

  He’s right. I do need my sleep, but my mind is so busy, it
makes sleeping almost impossible. Still, I leave the table and get myself ready for bed, and once I’m lying alone in my bed, my mind drifts with a thousand buzzing thoughts that refuse to be quiet. I heard from Archer that Zion’s father is here. I wonder, what does he want? I may not know Zion well, but I have gathered that he and his father don’t have much of a relationship. The twins even told me his father tried to kill him the last time he was at their family home. I’m no stranger to growing up in a household where you’re hated and despised by a parent, but unlike me, Zion is his father’s biological child. How evil are you to want to kill your own flesh and blood?

  I laugh. What kind of question is that? Of course he’s evil. Wasn’t it he who ratted me out to Morganstein? Exposed the secret my mother died to keep? My existence had nothing to do with him, but he still blabbed about me just so he can earn favor with my sperm donor. Zion’s father or not, I owe him and once I decide to pay him back in kind, it won’t be pretty.

  Then there’s my own father, my true one. The man that raised me these nineteen years. I still have no idea if he’s alive or dead after Morganstein attacked him. He hasn’t tried to contact me since I witnessed their fight through his familiar’s eyes. Did his wounds heal? Is he safe? If so, where is he? I’m doubtful Leslie would tell me shit, but she would have alerted Quinn if something happened to his father, and I haven’t seen hide nor hair of that boastful king. Would he keep information about my father from me?

  “Sleep,” Archer whispers in my head, interrupting my thoughts.

  “I can’t. I have too much on my mind,” I complain.

  “Fretting about it won’t do you any good. I’m sure your father is fine and is in hiding somewhere where Morganstein can’t reach him. If it were me, I wouldn’t try to contact you either, to ensure you stay safe.”


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