The Mage’s Revenge (Crescent Moon Academy Book 2)

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The Mage’s Revenge (Crescent Moon Academy Book 2) Page 25

by CY Jones

  “I’m an anime junkie, so I can curse with the best of them and can get very creative with insults. Please, don’t tell me your parents don’t speak English.”

  “They do, but they prefer their native language. There will be times you won’t understand what they're saying. I guess I can teach you the common references for now on the flight and also traditions followed before and after every meal and when greeting others.”

  “Yay, school,” I cheer sarcastically.

  “Come on, babe, make this easier on me. I need to sell you to my parents, remember?”

  “Fine,” I grumble, “but as soon as someone tries to stuff me in a komono and paint my face like a geisha, all bets are off.”

  For the rest of the flight, I listen to Kirito like I’m studying for a major exam, cramming everything I could inside my brain and hoping it’ll stick. It’s not like I’m a bad student. When I do bother to go to class, I get pretty good grades on all my tests and exams. It drove Mr. Hoffman nuts when he couldn’t fail me.

  “Test time,” Kirito chimes happily. “Tell me six ways to address others.”

  “Kun is used for young men or boys, usually someone you’re familiar with like you,” I beam. “Chan is used for young children. San is used for someone you respect or are not close to. Kohal is used for someone younger than you or in a lower position or grade. Senpai is used for someone older than you or in a higher grade or position, and lastly, sensei is used for a teacher.”

  “Good job. You didn’t even break a sweat at that one. Okay then, what do you say before and after every meal?”

  “You clap your hands together in a prayer and say, ‘Gochisosama deshi ta’,” I answer.

  “Which means what in English?”

  “‘Thank you for the meal’.”

  We go on and on with him quizzing me until I can’t take it anymore. “Kirito, I appreciate this crash course, but if I have to listen to any more, my ears are going to bleed. Since I’m American, your parents aren’t expecting me to be fluent in Japanese, and if they are, you’re going to have to warn them that’s not the case.”

  “I know, but not everyone staying on the property knows English. The main estate servants are well educated, but it’s not the same everywhere. If we leave the estate, the chances of anyone speaking English is even less likely. What if you get lost?”

  “You worry too much. Why would I leave the estate without you?”

  “It could happen. My mother could drag you off somewhere.”

  “I’m doubtful your mother will be displeased with me enough to drag me off to downtown Tokyo and leave me there, stranded. That’s just bad manners and nothing like the traditional woman you made her out to be, plus she’s not stupid. Like it or not, I’m a Morganstein. Most mages are frightened of Lord Killjoy. If it was found out she mistreated me or intentionally put me in danger, she’d have to deal with him. I’m doubtful she’ll put herself in that position.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. I’m trippin’, I know. We still have a little over an hour left, if you don’t want to study, then why don’t you help calm me down in the state room?”

  Leaning in, he kisses me hard, and I can’t resist him. By the time we make it into the room, we’re both already half naked. I let him fuck his worries away and ride off to pure bliss as he pounds inside me. When we’re together like this, I forget about everything and everyone. The guilt of leaving the others behind without a word fades away in the shadows of my mind. The guilt of leaving Zion and my grandfather to clean up my mess is forgotten for a brief reprieve I know I don’t deserve.

  But I’m not the only one feeling guilty, and I help him forget too by allowing him to play out any fantasy he wants, which is why the shades are up and my tits are pressed against the small round window, practically covering it while he pounds into me from behind. I learned early on Kirito’s kink is being watched, which is why Razz is almost always in audience everytime we fuck. If I were brave, I’d let him take me out in the open in the main cabin where the steward and stewardess could see. Since they’re both sworn to secrecy, I know they wouldn’t tell a soul what they saw. I know Kirito would get a kick out of it and probably stay hard the remainder of the trip, but I’m too shy to mention it, and he respects me too much to ask, so Razz continues to be his wingman.

  “If everything goes well, when we get back, I want to fuck you with Zion,” he admits suddenly.

  “What? Where the hell did that come from?”

  “We both have something to prove, and he’ll need to learn what sharing really is. Fucking you together will speed up the process. We both want to see you happy and satisfied.”

  “And the rest? Are we inviting them too? I’ve already told you, I can’t choose.”

  “They can watch, but we may be pushing Zion’s limits if we ask them to join in.”

  “No, you’re pushing his limits and mine too. Do you really think I can take five cocks at once?”

  “Yes,” he whispers in my ear, biting down on my lobe as he drills inside me deeper like he’s looking for some lost treasure he left there last night.

  We cum together hard, and we both pass out even harder. I feel like I just closed my eyes when he’s shaking me awake again to get myself put together before we land.

  It was drizzling lightly once we departed the jet, but as we rode in the expensive luxury car waiting on us, the rain started to pour in a steady rhythm. I hope this wasn’t some bad omen on how this trip will go. I don’t know what we’ll do if we leave without Kirito’s parent’s support. Giving up isn’t really an option, and I’d never ask him to do something crazy like cut himself off from his family just to be with me nor would the action solve the problem. That action would be suicide for him, and I think I know him well enough to know he’s just crazy enough to take it. Just the two of us can’t convince Lord Killjoy to let us be together.

  The silence in the car is almost suffocating. I’m nervous, more nervous than I have ever been before, and I guess he’s finally starting to realize this mission isn’t going to be as easy as he first thought. He’s not the only one who has declared his love and had to go through countless trials and tribulations, and even then, they still may not have ended up together. I feel like we’re stuck in the middle of a construction nightmare and there’s so many roadblocks in our way.

  Staring out the window at the overcast sky, I sigh louder than I intended, which causes Kirito to reach over and squeeze my hand, giving me his silent support. His own gaze is still locked outside the window, but he still lets me know that he is here.

  The Choi’s don’t live far from civilization or the airport, and in less than ninety minutes, we’re pulling up to a gated community. Carved above our heads, on an ancient sign, are the words ‘Choi Village’ in Japanese characters, making this trip so much more real as we bypass the guards and drive in. In the backseat, my nervousness has tripled, causing my heart to race and my skin to gather a light sheen of sweat.

  In an attempt to calm myself, I stare hard at the scenery around me. I’ve actually never been to Japan before, and for the exception of what I’ve seen in books, everything was new to me. On the jet, Kirito gave me a brief description of the layout and what to expect. Since this is a mage community, Choi Village was made to be self-sufficient. Toward the entrance, the houses were smaller, all traditionally built like I’ve gone back in time and entered some old Japanese film, but even though the craftsman’s style wasn’t modern, they were still sturdy, built to withstand any storm. I was told the workers who help maintain and run the village and their family’s stay in those houses, for example the family that runs the general store, the bakery, and all those that work in the charming market place we passed. Gardners too and all those worker bees who maintain this sparking community, which is why it’s so clean.

  The bigger houses are going toward the back. Sparking estates of the mage families who chose to live here and take up the Choi name. Their homes are also in that same traditional style,
but so much bigger, having been attached to three or four buildings with impressive gardens.

  We pass a school, but it’s small and only for elementary age. Because of the modern age permits and regulation laws, the older kids have to pass exams and attend middle and high school outside the village’s limits. It’s not really a big deal since mostly the kids of the servants stay in Japan to go to school and the ones of the mages are sent off to one of the mage academies throughout the country.

  Finally, near the backline of the village, we pull up to the Choi’s main estate. Kirito told me the main home was large, but I wasn’t expecting this. It looked just like an Emperor's palace with rows and rows of traditional houses all linked together. Just like the ones I’ve seen in movies and history books. Everything was so sparkling, so new, so pretty, but in the ancient Minka style with the traditional sliding doors, and wooden verandas. Even the gardens I could see from here were so green, the flowers so brightly colored that, to the human eye, it would seem fake. I could see why Kirito’s home was located so far in the back. They needed the space to house this monstrosity. I could stay here a week and still not see everything it has to offer.

  Driving over here, cheers from the street could be heard. The young master is home. The young master is home, like Kirito is some sort of celebrity. Living in such a small community, I guess when the heir goes away for school for years and then comes back that would be news. Plus, it shows his family's character that their people are actually excited to see them and doesn’t loathe their existence. Where I’m from, my father has to constantly be on guard from backstabbers and usurpers too greedy to be happy with what they have and is always looking for an opportunity to gain more. It’s a good thing that I’m not his heir. After everything that has been found out about me, I’m sure the commune would have all ganged up on my family and tried to physically throw my father out of his position. At least my oldest brother, Heartly, is there to keep the peace since my father is still missing.

  Standing upfront dead center of a gaggle of servants, waiting with her hands primly crossed in front of her, is an elegant lady dressed in a traditional style dress with her long dark hair, complicated fashioned, and adorned with antique pins. She looks tall and formable and clearly someone I wouldn’t want to fuck with. From her facial expression, I can’t tell if she’s thrilled to see me. Like the heir’s in school, she’s an expert at maintaining her mask. I have no doubt that this woman must be Kirito’s mother, or at least very closely related since their similarities are uncanny.

  Both have dark hair and almond shaped eyes the color of milk chocolate. Their pretty, petite features are the same and curled on her wrist is a shimmering emerald green snake that she wears like a bracelet. I may be scared shitless of her, but Kirito has no such reservations, and he jumps out the car and grabs the lady in a tight embrace, spinning her in circles.

  “Kirito, put me down. You’re going to ruin my dress,” she scolds.

  “Don’t be like that, Mother,” he greets her in his native tongue with a wide smile on his face. Finally, he stops spinning and sets her down and they both move their twin slanted eyes on me. One with love and the other indifference. “Mother, this is my Angelica,” he beams as he says in English, introducing me.

  “Angelica, this is my mom Tohru-san.”

  Since he introduced her with her first name, I run with that. Plastering on what I hope is a believable smile, I hold my hand out and reply, “Konnichiwa, it’s nice to meet you, Tohru-san,” in what I’m hoping is passing Japanese.

  Daintly, she takes my hand like she’s unsure it won’t infect her somehow, but when we shake, her grip is firm with just enough power behind it for me to know for certain, she’s not to be trifled with. She replies back in Japanese, and with my limited vocabulary, I believe my greeting was returned.

  “Mother, Angelica is American and knows little Japanese, can you let Father and the staff know to speak in English while she’s here? We wouldn’t want to come off rude and inhospitable.”

  “Of course,” she smiles, but it’s clearly fake, but what can she say? Apparently, manners are important in their culture.

  With the pleasantries out of the way, Kirito's mother motions for the staff to bring our things and see me off to the room I’ll be staying while I’m here, but before we part ways, Kirito asks his mother which room I’ll be staying in, and they immediately get into an argument in rapid Japanese.

  From the gist of what I could understand, she was going to put me in an area so far removed from the main area, I might as well be the guest of a servant, but on her son’s insistence, I’m being moved to the nicest guest area closest to the building that houses the family’s rooms. Waiting patiently, I listen to them argue until Kirito turns to me in a huff and declares he’ll be the one to escort me and he’ll see her later. Without giving me a chance to react, he grabs my arm and leads me away. Great, we’ve barely been here five minutes and he and his mother have already gotten into a fight over me, I think to myself.

  The building is nice, and apparently, I get it all to myself, but I don’t get the chance to look around properly when as soon as the servants leave, Kirito pulls me into his arms and hugs me like he’ll never get the chance again.

  “I knew when I saw her standing out there in that dress she was going to give us a hard time,” he murmurs into my neck.

  “Your mother has dresswear designed to give others a hard time?” I laugh, finding that concept funny.

  “Yes, she does. What she wore today was a statement. That you’re not Japanese, so in her eyes, you’re not good enough.”

  “Aww, I understand now,” I hum. I didn’t think she normally wore such old fashioned outfits and the pins and clips looked ancient. Heirlooms from some long lost era. Apparently, she was pulling out all the stops. I sigh loudly before carefully responding. “We knew this wasn’t going to be easy. It’s not realistic to expect her to love me at first sight like you,” I joke.

  “Yeah, but could it have killed her to be a little nicer? I always thought she’d be overjoyed to see me bring a girl I’m serious about home. No matter what nationality she was from. I never thought she was so narrow-minded. Not once has she or my father ever said I had to marry a Japanese girl.”

  “She’s your mom. She just wants what’s best for you,” I say softly.

  Snuggling into my neck a little more, he pulls back on a sigh. “I’m going to talk to her. If I let her stew any longer, it’ll only get worse.”

  “You do that.” I’m hoping my words give him the encouragement he needs. A sad Kirito is just weird.

  He’s reluctant to leave me, but after reassuring him that I’ll be fine, he finally leaves, but not before kissing me soundly and ordering me to relax. Once he’s gone, I quickly get lonely, which is crazy. Even though I grew up in a big family, Quinn and my Dad were the only ones who actually spent any time with me. My dad was always busy with the head duties of the commune and was often away on trips. Leslie tried her best to keep Quinn occupied and away from me, so I was left to my own devices a lot. Loneliness was never a thing for me because I had my magic and my dolls to keep me company, but now, even those things are uncertain. With Zion’s mana filling my body, it’s not like I can’t use my magic. I just can’t overdo it. Plus, he’d prefer that I don’t use it at all to give my magical circuits the time they need to heal.

  Gazing around my new surroundings, I take everything in. The dark wooden bed is more of a simplistic design and lower to the ground than I’m used to, but once I sit down on it, I find it more comfortable than it looks. There’s a table in the middle of the room, but instead of chairs, sparkling adorned pillows sat on the floor in place of sitting mats. There’s a vanity covered in expensive makeup and jeweled colored jars filled with luxurious creams and a dresser with a beautifully crafted jewelry box filled with antique jewels and hair pins. On the other side of the room is a sitting area with an actual cream colored settee, small round table, and a bookcase fille
d with novels against the wall. This room was made for a princess, and if it were in the family wing, I’d think this was the room given to Kirito’s mate.

  After sleeping most of the trip on the jet, I’m not tired, but stuck in this little home, there’s so much I can see to satisfy my curiosity when there’s a whole new world outside these sliding doors. Kirito told me to relax, but he didn’t say I had to stay in my room, and it’s not like I’m a prisoner. I’m a guest here. An important guest. At least to Kirito I am. Mind made up, I push back the sliding doors and step outside to explore. “Archer, why don’t you walk with me? You can be my guard,” I say and he materializes beside me.

  My presence alone would cause a commotion, but walking beside my Indian warrior one would think twice before approaching me. Not that I’d think anyone would try to assassinate me here, but you can never be too careful, plus Archer makes the best people repellant. Just because I’m bored doesn’t mean I want to suddenly become a people person. Also, with Archer beside me, I don’t have to use my magic at all. He can do everything for me. The last thing I need is Kirito’s mother finding out something is wrong with me. She may not be around right now, but I’m not foolish enough to think she doesn’t have her spies planted. All the servants here work for her after all.

  “The gardens are so pretty here. Almost like a Garden of Eden,” Archer comments.

  “It is. I’d hate to be working as a gardener in this place, but I suspect magic is involved. I still think it’s surreal that normal people work as servants here. I’ve been lectured and had it drilled into my head for years to keep my powers a secret for normies, and here, I come to a place where the secret I was told to keep quiet is shared openly.”

  “Not that openly,” a voice says behind me and I turn startled. Upset with myself for being caught off-guard, but I know if the person had dangerous intentions, Archer would have taken care of them before they had the chance to speak. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Yuki Kageyama, but you can call me Yuki-kun if you like. I’m Kirito-kun's personal servant and best friend.”


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