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Loving Memories

Page 13

by Imogene Nix

  Steve watched as Jenny crawled onto the bed with a smile. His plan was ready and in place. Two small boxes sat in the top drawer of his bedside table. One designed to give her a night of pleasure, the other to cement the life he wanted them to share. His fingers itched to reach for the second, but he controlled himself. Not yet. Set the scene. She deserves no less.

  He looked around, taking in the cool, light green wall opposite the bed. It was a far cry from the cappuccino of the other house, but they’d chosen the house and décor together, with the view to the three of them living there for a long time.

  The sound of the ocean crashing soothed the ragged emotions in his chest. He’d planned tonight for the last few days, anxious to ensure they were both relaxed and mellow.

  “You’re thinking again, Steve.” Jenny spoke quietly as she settled on top of the covers beside him.

  “Only about how beautiful you are, and how much better my life has become since you entered it.”

  It was true. Barely three months ago, he’d thought himself in love with Cara and was willing to settle for second best. Then Cara had died and he’d thought his world had ended. He supposed on one level it had, but the real and happy life had begun when he’d met the sad-eyed Jenny at the airport.

  In the weeks since they had closed the case on Cara’s death and the close shave for Lola and Fiona, they’d decided the best course of action was to move. So the three of them had flicked through house brochures, Lola picking ones she liked. He’d laughingly told her she was intent on picking one with a pool and room for a puppy. She smiled and nodded her agreement.

  Jenny looked for one in a good neighborhood, with a school for Lola and lots of children. “She needs to mix more.”

  Steve had worried about her, given she didn’t speak, but Jenny had hunted for a psychologist she felt Lola would click with.

  It hadn’t been an easy transition for any of them. Lola had suffered wild nightmares for the first two weeks after the siege, and Jenny had been insistent that whenever they had to visit his old house that she not be there with them. He’d found a hotel with a large suite and two bedrooms, which he’d requested so he could maintain his privacy with Jenny, but with Lola only seconds away.

  The house by the beach had been perfect. It had a large yard and a fenced pool, so Lola was enchanted. Hell, he’d even promised her a puppy once she was settled. Jenny had fallen in love with the views the balconies afforded and the five bedrooms.

  He’d teased her about filling them and she’d blushed rosy red. He hoped they’d fill another bedroom soon.

  This morning over breakfast, Lola had uttered her first words. The scene had nearly unmanned him, and he’d had to fight back tears. Jenny had simply enfolded the little girl in her arms. The simple “I love you” from Lola had meant so much.

  It seemed appropriate that he propose on the night that the file on Jarvis Mellor and Cara was closed. It had been an exhausting and emotional day, but they’d survived the testimony of those who offered the information that filled in the gaps.

  When the coroner closed the case, both he and Jenny had heaved a sigh of relief. “I’m glad that’s over, but I’m still amazed they managed to work out where Cara had met Jarvis Mellor.” Jenny fluffed up her pillows before settling down with her arms folded over her stomach. “I thought I knew everything there was to know about Cara. Now that we know she met him all those years ago and kept it quiet, I’m surprised.” She shrugged. “But then, I guess the Cara we knew was only a front.”

  “I know. If the Victorian Police hadn’t come to the party, sharing the details of the joint Victorian-Thai investigation into Cara’s parents’ death, we would never have known he was a suspect.” He gathered Jenny against him.

  “Or that she’d even been interviewed.” Jenny snuggled into his embrace, her head on his chest. “At least we know what happened to Lola. I still can’t believe Cara had her parents murdered. It still seems like an awful dream.”

  He shook his head. “And for Lola to have witnessed it. You were the first person to pick up on that.”

  She twiddled the watch on her wrist. “I think the worst thing was hearing that Cara and Jarvis were involved in trafficking the drugs. Her parents were good people. They didn’t deserve to die. Same as Lola’s parents.”

  “No. Even if they were mules for Jarvis and Cara, no one should be tortured and shot. And to have Lola watch, is something I will never forgive Cara for.”

  “ least we can do something for Lola. Make her feel better about her memories.

  Thank you for arranging for her parents to be interred at the local cemetery. It’ll be good for her to be able to visit their gravesite. It will help her, once she’s older, to have a positive memory of them.”

  “Even with what they did?”

  “That makes it even more important, Steve.”


  “Now tell me what was in the letter that arrived today.”

  He grinned. “It was from Child Services.”

  Jenny sat bolt upright in the bed. “What? Why didn’t you tell me?” She swung around, her black hair flying like silk.

  “They’re granting us temporary custody while we work through the formal adoption process.”

  “Yes!” She fisted the air. “We need to tell Lola.”

  He gathered Jenny close and kissed her. When she was breathless, he pulled away.

  “We’ll tell her tomorrow.” Steve stroked her hair. “I don’t want to talk about that anymore.” He snuggled Jenny down again, close against his heart. Now...he needed to ask now. “But what I do want...” He gulped nervously and pulled her face up to his, anxious to gain her commitment. “I need...”

  Drawing away slightly, he opened the drawer with one hand and fished around for the box with the velvet finish. His fingers found it and curled around it. He sucked in a deep breath, dropping the box out of sight as he clasped her close.

  “ know how I feel about you. I tried to show you, tell you, but I want to...I want to ask you to marry me.” He finished the words in a rush, his stomach coiling and turning like a nest of snakes. “Please?”

  She stilled in his arms, and his chest tightened.

  Would she say yes? Would she say no?

  She pulled away and gazed into his eyes. “Why are you asking me now?”

  Confusion set in. “What do you mean?”

  She smiled, just a little uptick of her lips. “Why are you asking me now? Today? Why not yesterday or tomorrow?”

  He leaned back, sure there was something deep in the question. “Because today we’re starting a new life. I, I need you to be part of it, with Lola and I.”

  She relaxed and smiled at him, her eyes glowing in the light of the lamps. “Yes, I will, because I love you too.”

  His heart thumped against his chest. Now he had everything. She loved him, and she was committed to them and their family.

  Jenny’s heart filled with love. “You know it won’t be easy? I’ll have good days and bad ones. So will Lola. We’re both going to be fairly high maintenance.”

  He pulled her closer. “If it’s worth having, then you have to put in the effort. I’m more than willing to do that for this.”

  She melted against him, knowing that she too would do everything in her power to make this relationship work. Steve looked at her steadily as he brought forward a shaking hand, holding a box.

  Her breath caught in her throat. “What?”

  Steve smiled at her. “This is for you. I hope you like it. If you don’t...” His voice trailed away as he opened the box.

  Nestled within the satin bed lay the most exquisite emerald and diamond ring, and she wanted to reach out and touch it. To make sure it was real and not some fevered dream. The stones glittered in the light, and she felt her throat clog with tears of happiness.

  He lifted the ring, and she carefully extended her hand. His touch feather light, he slipped it onto her finger while her stomach ji
ttered like the wings of a million butterflies. Steve kissed the knuckle of her finger and raised his head.

  Steve loved her. Every day he let her know he loved her curves and the softness of her body. His kisses and his touches as he worshiped her body were honest, and she gloried in them.

  “So what are you waiting for, lover boy?”

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  Inheritance Of The Blood by Imogene Nix

  In the darkness evil waits...

  As a young bride Kira was whisked away from everything and everyone she knew, including her new husband and became Christina, an operative of the Displaced Persons Unit.

  As the danger grows she sees an opportunity to save her husband Vasya and sister Serina. But nothing is the same. Serina is grown up—married and pregnant.

  Vasya too is older and darkly forbidding. Trusting Christina doesn't come easily until a catastrophic event takes place. Now, knowing the truth everything he thought he knew is changed. But at a very high cost.

  The four must work together to defeat the Demon, Zuor and the stakes are higher than they imagined and all could be lost.


  The burning at the back of her neck warned she was being watched. A quick glance didn’t clarify it. Instead, she turned around in time to see her mother’s face, pale. “Mama?”

  She took a step forward, but her grandfather snatched her wrist.

  The grip was painful, and Kira stilled. “Let your parents talk.”

  She didn’t know what the topic of conversation was, but it couldn’t be good.

  The dappled sunlight seemed cooler than before.

  Her father crooked his forefinger at her grandfather while they stood there. For a moment she wished Vasya had come with them, but he had to work. Just the thought of her new husband warmed Kira.

  She only had a few minutes to contemplate her newly defined status as a married woman, when her grandfather pulled at her hand. “Come with me.” He tugged and, confused, Kira allowed herself to be towed away.

  A glance at her parents’ faces stole any feeling of well-being.


  “Shh, my love. You must go.” His grip was implacable and his face stern, but he shivered.

  “What are you doing? Where are you taking me, Grandfather?”

  They moved rapidly through the village they’d visited to sell their wares just that morning, and for the first time since they’d arrived in the market place she felt fear. What was wrong? Was it something to do with Vasya?

  “You are in danger. We must send you away.” The words confused her further. Send her away? Danger?

  “Where is Vasya?” She stumbled over a stone, but he kept tugging her onwards.

  With a quick glance around, he hauled her into a dirty laneway between the buildings. Kira gasped, trying to drag air into her starving lungs. “There’s no time. We must get you away.”

  A nondescript shopfront lay ahead, and he pushed on the door. It rattled and opened with a loud groan. “Andre? Andre, are you here?”

  An older man shuffled into the room, bent nearly double from the weight of the load on his back. “Marat? What do you want?”

  “My granddaughter. They are coming for her and us. Get her away. Take her now, while you can.”

  The man’s face clouded over. “Are you sure?”

  “Grandfather, where is Vasya?” Fright had the blood in her veins pounding.

  “Hush, my precious. Andre will see you well.” He turned. “Whatever it takes, Andre. Take her now.” With surprising speed, her grandfather whirled and was gone.

  The man, Andre, eyed her. “Come this way, child. There is no time to be lost.”

  * * *

  Eleven years later

  The tattoo of her heart and cry of terror woke her, as they usually did. Once again, as she had since that rapid flight from those who sought her, she found herself in a lonely bed. Hundreds of miles away from everything she’d dreamed of, in a house she’d built for them to share. As always, it left her wishing that Vasya had fled with her.

  Instead, here she was, exiled without her husband. With a sob, she rolled over and let the tears fall.

  * * *

  Available from Beachwalk Press

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  The Celtic Cupid Trilogy

  When Cupid—otherwise known as Diocail— is banished from his home on a remote Scottish Island, he's set a series of tasks by the great god Lugh, who also happens to be his father.

  In Blame The Wine, he must bring two lovers together... BBW Cara and James, the man she’s lusted over from afar who happens to be a super geek and head Veha Industries.

  In A Stranger's Embrace, Diocail is driven to help an emotionally fragile Jane and Davis, a famous author. The task is more complicated, with the existence of Carstairs her could-be ex-husband and teenage daughter, Frannie.

  In Revenge on Cupid, Diocail must take the ultimate chance and find his own happily ever after with Simone. Sometimes the past gets in the way and HEA's don't come cheap though.


  The dusty, dingy little diner was full, even with its current state of cleanliness—or lack thereof. People from the surrounding offices didn’t care about anything except the incredible, well-prepared food at a reasonable cost. They flooded in, like waves to the shore. As one tide left, another swept in.

  “Honestly, Simone. I’m going to try getting his attention one more time. If that doesn’t work, I’m out of there. I mean, how long can I keep trying?” Cara picked at the caramel tart she hadn’t been able to resist with the cheap metal fork and flicked the blob of fresh cream that sat on top to the side of the plate.

  “You’ve said that tons of times before. Besides, what are you going to do to get his attention? Hmm? Walk naked through the typing pool?” Simone bobbed the straw in her smoothie as she eyed her friend with a frown. “It’s been what? Eighteen months since you saw him, and you’ve mooned over him from a distance ever since you met him. You need to move on, Cara. That is, unless there’s something you haven’t shared?”

  The query was arch. Cara shivered even as she shook her head. “No.”

  Simone quirked an eyebrow, obviously unconvinced with the answer. Cara let out a deep sigh of frustration. “There’s a’s only temporary, for a PA reporting directly to him.” She speared a forkful of tart, chewed quickly and swallowed, before continuing. “In his office, full-time for the period of the engagement. I saw the memo yesterday. I mean, I have the skills, right? I can type, answer phones, make coffee, file, greet people. What’s more, I can probably do it better than all those size eights in the typing pool that Ms. Jackman seems to prefer.” She nodded thoughtfully. “All I have to do is get past the ogre in Human Resources.”

  Simone stared at her, disbelief clear on her face. “Girl, I so remember that woman. If you think you can get past her, you’re doing better than I ever did. That’s why I left Veha Industries, remember? Maybe it’s time to haul out your resumé and consider some other options. Look for something better.” Simone shook her head and billows of her crimson hair swirled through the still air.

  Cara understood Simone only had her best interests at heart. But this time she knew the outcome would be different. Hell, she could feel it in the air. The tingle of expectation.

  “Cara, the HR ogre will hang you out for breakfast before she offers you anything like a position in that office. Remember her mantra? Good looks and good work make for a positive workplace!”

  Simone didn’t sugar-coat anything. It was another great reason for their long- term friendship. Honesty. But Cara didn’t want to hear the truth in the statement. Even if it was exactly
as her friend said.

  Cara nodded quickly. “Yeah, I know, but if I don’t try, then I won’t know how close I can get to him, right? And the only way to catch his attention is to get past her and see him in person.” Cara quaked a little at the information she needed to share. The favor she needed to ask. “Anyway, I tidied up my resumé and dropped the application into a memo envelope yesterday, so it’s too late to back out now. I mean, fortune favors the brave. Doesn’t it? If I don’t snag an interview, I’m going to visit the career advisor across the street and register with them.” She shrugged. “I’ll look for temp work until something more long-term shows up. I can see what they have on offer and well...who knows? Maybe a job with the right boss is just waiting for me. But I’d rather this worked out, to be honest.” Her voice trailed off into a whisper. “I really wish he would notice me.”

  Simone took a long slurp of her banana drink, and Cara noticed her questioning gaze even as she squirmed. Finally, Simone nodded. “It’s your funeral. So anyway, you’d better show me this memo if you want me to be a referee for you. I’m guessing that’s what you need, right? I’ll have to know what I’m supposed to say about you before they ring.”

  Cara smiled. “Thanks, Simone. I knew I could count on you.” She slipped a piece of paper out of her handbag and handed it over. “Sorry it’s a bit creased. It was in the bottom of my bag, I stashed it so none of the others from the pool would see. You know how it is.”

  Available from Love Books Publishing

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  BioCybe by Imogene Nix

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  Can a cyber-enhanced warrior and a ship's captain find love together?


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