Pearl (Jewels Cafe Book 8)

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Pearl (Jewels Cafe Book 8) Page 12

by Tabitha Barret

  He nodded and winked at someone as the music ended. “I believe there are other names on your dance card this evening.” He bowed to me and stepped back towards the refreshment table.

  Carson stepped in front of me and held out his hand. “May I have the next dance?”

  My mother came out of nowhere and stepped in front of Carson. “Forgive me, Carson, I need a word with my daughter.”

  He smiled and nodded as my mother whisked me off to the other side of the room.

  “You looked beautiful up there, Pearl. I just wanted to tell you how proud I am.” She fluffed out my hair and straightened my dress.

  “Mother, I voted for Hana.”

  She raised her eyebrow and smiled. “I know dear. I overheard Mrs. Kane talking about how you were extolling Hana’s virtues as she tried to praise you for your bravery during the carnival fiasco. Pearl, I know you hate these functions and that you do them to fit in, so I’m glad that you used your time in the spotlight to help make someone else fit in.” She leaned over and wiped away some eyeliner under my eye.

  I laughed at her comment about fitting in. “I don’t do this to fit in. I do this to make you happy. I want you to be proud of me. Being a late bloomer puts so much stress on you. You always have to make excuses for me. So, I thought having one of these silly pageant titles would make you happy. It would give you something positive to talk about. Now, it turns out that I’m a conjurer instead of a caster, so I feel like I can’t win.” Since learning that I was a conjurer, she hadn’t spoken about my powers coming in.

  She grew pale as I spoke and stared at me. She swallowed a few times during my outburst, which made me immediately regret saying all the things I had bottled up.

  She finally took my hand and smiled. “You misunderstood, my darling. I have always been proud of you. Your father and I love you so much. I understand the pressures the coven puts on late bloomers. I tried to shield you from them by talking about your other attributes, but it was never because I was disappointed in you. I know how hard you have to work to fit in and the toll it takes on you. In regards to being a conjurer, I feared that you would have to leave our coven to join one of the conjurer covens. That’s why your father and I have been attempting to make changes within the coven. I wasn’t ready to lose you. You’re still growing up and I don’t want to miss all the wonderful things that will happen to you. I feared that I wouldn’t be a part of your life if you joined another coven. Oh, I see how many mistakes I have made. I was trying to protect you and instead I isolated you. I am so sorry.” She pulled me into her arms and hugged me tightly.

  I burst into tears and held onto her. “I love you too.”

  She kissed my forehead and leaned back to look at me. “Darling, you saved everyone. You fought a devious man who was an accomplished caster. Everyone is talking about how brave and strong you are. While I am grateful that you stood up to Westerbrook, I’m more relieved that you are safe. When I think of what could have happened to you. Well, that’s why I’ve been quiet since the carnival. I’ve been dealing with the fact that I could have lost you. I didn’t want to upset you or let you see me cry. I didn’t want you to see my fear. I shouldn’t have hidden that from you. I should have told you how proud I was. My first concern was for your safety. I’m sorry that my shock kept me from telling you how I felt. The entire town knows how proud I am of you. Ask anyone.” She laughed as she dried my eyes.

  I chuckled through my tears as I imagined her telling everyone who had ever mocked me about how I defeated a dark wizard all on my own.

  “I was scared too.”

  She patted my cheek. “Last night, you proved that I don’t have to worry about your safety. You’re quite capable of protecting yourself. Noah has been telling the coven about your extraordinary talents. I would’ve loved to have seen Westerbrook’s expression when you trapped him. The scoundrel deserves his banishment. The coven is searching far and wide for him. He and his accomplices will think twice about coming after you again.”

  I sniffled and wiped my cheeks. “It felt good to protect the people I love.”

  She hugged me again. “Now, I want you to dry off your face and enjoy the rest of the dance. There are a few gentlemen who are eager for your attention. Later, we will have much to discuss about your choice of covens and schools. Until then, relax and have fun. You’ve earned this celebration.”

  I looked over at Benjamin and sighed. “Benjamin finally admitted that he has feelings for me. I love him, Mother. I have for a long time, but I know that you don’t approve of him.”

  She frowned and looked over at him standing with his hands in his suit pockets. “I’ve never had an issue with Benjamin. I separated the two of you because of the coven and their ridiculous notions about casters dating conjurers. You already had troubles, so I didn’t want to add to them. I know full well that you speak with him in private, which is perfectly fine. He has been a good friend to you. I feared that you would want to marry him someday, so I tried to keep you from heartbreak in the end. With the advent of the YWWA and other groups that allow both casters and conjurers to congregate, I had hopes that things would change in time. As a conjurer you can date him. Even with Mr. Rafferty being a caster, I doubt anyone will give the girl who stopped a Shadow Master a hard time about anything.” She winked at me and smiled. “Oh, there’s Lady Tallersall. I need to go sing your praises and make her eat crow. Excuse me, Celeste.”

  Stunned, I stared at her when she called me Celeste for the first time in my life.

  Carson stepped forward and put his arms around me. “I can personally attest to the fact that your mother has been telling everyone that you singlehandedly saved Silver Springs.” He wiped a stray tear from my cheek. “Sorry, I saw you crying and wanted to make sure you were okay, so I eavesdropped. You seem to be taking this hero business too lightly.”

  I held onto him and swayed along with him as the song changed tempo.

  “I think I’m still in shock. I spent the entire night conjuring just to make sure that my power didn’t disappear. I was afraid that my conjuring was a fluke. I can’t tell you how many flowers I made last night just to prove that I could do it. My room looks like a florist shop.”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “You are the most talented conjurer Noah has ever seen and you spent the night making flowers. Silly girl.”

  I shrugged. “Well, I did lay down the best protection spells I could find. I was shaken up last night and had trouble sleeping. I kept thinking that Westerbrook would come after me.”

  He frowned. “Celeste, he would be a fool to challenge you again.”

  I shrugged as I looked around the room. “He said that he would see me again but I wouldn’t see him. It didn’t make me feel safe.”

  He pulled me into a hug and held me. “He’s just trying to scare you. Don’t let him in.” He craned his neck and looked down at me. “Are you sure you can trust Noah? Don’t get me wrong, I like him, but I’m worried about him. He was in deep with these people.”

  “He spent all morning talking with the coven and explaining his role with them. He doesn’t know much and could only identify Westerbrook and the Black Dog as Shadow Masters. He didn’t even know about Mrs. Hazelton’s involvement. There are rumors that she and Westerbrook were sleeping together, but I don’t believe them. I think she’s just evil. I do feel sorry for Tamara. She was so afraid when I saw her.”

  He brushed the hair off my cheek. “I feel for her too if she’s caught up in all of this. Hopefully, the covens can find her and help her.”

  “Me too.”

  We slowly danced as the parents said good night and headed for the door so that the Winter Solstice Ball could really start.

  Carson and I spent the next two slow songs gazing into each other’s eyes, trying to block out all the drama and stress from the past week.

  “I love this dress and the way you look in it.” He gave me a quick peck on the cheek before releasing me. “Promise that we can dance toge
ther when we want.”

  “Of course we can.”

  He kissed my knuckles and backed away so that High Priest Ainsworth could shake my hand on his way out the door.

  “We will set up time to talk tomorrow before you leave for school, Miss Dreger. We still have much to discuss about Lord Westerbrook.” The High Priest tipped his head and nodded proudly at me.

  “Yes, sir. I’ll be there.”

  Looking over at Noah, who was smiling at me, I waved. For the first time, I felt truly happy and hopeful for the future.


  Walking up my driveway, I held my shoes in my hand, happy to have my aching feet find relief against the cold asphalt.

  Benjamin hooked his arm through mine. “So, she really said that she liked me?”

  “Well, something like that. She doesn’t have anything against you is more like it.”

  He shrugged. “I can accept that.”

  “I’ll take what I can get.” I laughed and squeezed his arm.

  He looked at me from the corner of his eye. “You know, I was going to walk you home, but I think you should walk me home. The yard is long and dark. Something might jump out to attack me from the azalea bushes. I think a powerful conjurer should make sure I get home safely.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at him. “Oh sure, I’ll protect you.”

  We turned towards the side yard and entered the garden. Benjamin stopped and pulled me into his arms. “Anika knows how much I care about you. She always has. I made it clear right from the start that I was enraptured by you. Not that I could tell you that.”

  I threw my arms around his shoulders. “It’s okay. I’m starting to like her. She complimented my dress before the pageant and actually wished me luck in a way that made me believe that she wasn’t planning to knock me off the stage.” I chuckled at how one kiss from Benjamin made Anika seem like a nice person.

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned in to kiss me. Time stood still and the world felt less terrifying. I wasn’t afraid of what tomorrow would bring. Instead, I was happy standing there with my best guy friend.

  He looked down at me and put his head against my forehead. “Celeste Dreger, your entire life is about to change. You fought a dark wizard, earned the respect of both the caster and conjuring covens, saved your friends and learned that you are a gifted conjurer. Things will never be the same for you. Promise me that I won’t lose you.”

  I put my hands on both his cheeks and closed the gap between us to kiss him. “There is not a force in this world that could keep me from you.”

  His entire face lit up as he kissed my nose. “I believe you.”

  I removed my hands from his face and stepped back to make a spinning motion with my arms while pointing my toes and making a semi-circle with my foot. “Gheață neîntreruptă!” I held out my palms to hand him a heart shaped piece of clear ice. “The day that this unending ice heart melts is the day that I stop loving you.”

  He pulled me close and kissed me. “I know this is a sentimental moment, but that was seriously impressive. You don’t know how proud I am of everything you’ve accomplished, and not just because you can make this extremely complicated heart. The confidence you have and the sparkle in your eyes when you look at people makes me so happy. This is the person I knew you could be.” He rubbed his nose against my mine and chuckled.

  “Thank you.” I blushed at the way he looked at me with such admiration and love. He was right about everything changing, but I knew I could handle it with him, Carson and Noah by my side.


  “Do you really have to go back to school? I was hoping that you would stay and transfer to my school.” Benjamin held my hand and played with my fingers laying on top of the small café table.

  “My mother wants me to stay, but honestly, I need to figure out what I want to do with my life now that I don’t have to hide from everyone, including myself. I’m not ready to leave my friends at Hallowed Woods, so I decided on Cliff Haven Academy. It’s close to them and Hallowed Woods interacts with them all the time. There, I can really get a fresh start. Besides, we can talk whenever we want and you can visit whenever you want.”

  He sighed and sat back in his chair. “I know it’s the right thing for you, but I’ll miss you. You’d better knock on my door and tell me all about Cliff Haven.” He played with his hot chocolate mug to avoid looking at me as he got misty eyed.

  I was sad to leave Benjamin, but deep down I knew that I had to become the best version of myself to be happy. He deserved someone who wasn’t afraid to show the world what they could do.

  A hand came down on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, mate, I’ll tell you all about the school gossip and give you updates on all the amazing things Celeste does.” Noah dropped down into the empty seat next to us. “I can’t wait to go to school. I’ve always wanted to see what an academy was like. I hope they treat the familiars well.”

  I smiled at him and patted his knee. “They’d better treat you well. I’m glad that the coven agreed to let you come to school with me. Moreover, I’m glad my parents agreed, though they didn’t have much choice with us mated. Keeping us apart would only make things harder for us.”

  He ran his hand through his blonde hair and smiled at me. “I can’t wait to start my new life with you.”

  I held his hand and kissed his knuckles. “Me too.”

  Carson rushed over to us holding three large cups and put them on the table. “I made sure that the drinks were not spiked; however, I did slide Julian a large tip to thank him for the love spell. Who would have thought one Pumpkin Spice Latte would have changed so many things.” He leaned over and kissed my cheek but I turned to kiss his smooth lips.

  “Change things for the best, you mean.” I patted his cheek and tapped his chin.

  “Yes, for the best.” He smiled as he handed me my Pumpkin Spice Latte.

  Benjamin lifted his hot chocolate in the air. “Till the next time we meet, I will think of you often. I will think of you fondly, but mostly, I will think of you all.”

  Everyone raised their cups and gave a cheer. We sipped drinks and immediately spit them out when we realized they were way too hot to drink.

  Carson fanned his burnt lip and looked to Benjamin. “To a long, healthy friendship.”

  Benjamin smiled and nodded. “Here, here.”

  Noah nodded at both of them and raised to tea to them.

  I leaned back in my chair and smiled at my guys. I wanted to take a photo to show Sadie the quiet bookworm, who couldn’t do magic, sitting with her hot guys ready to take on whatever challenge Cliff Haven Academy could throw at her, but I would see her soon enough.

  Don’t worry, there is more Pearl coming…see below for details.

  If you liked Pearl you’ll enjoy these other Jewels Cafe books:

  Amber by Mia Harlan

  Sapphire by Eva Delaney

  Peridot by M Sinclair Author

  Opal by Candice Wondrak

  Topaz by J.E. Cluney

  Ruby by Ann Dentonn

  Amethyst by CY Jones

  Emerald by Jade Waltz

  Onyx by Melissa Adams

  Moonstone by Lucy Felthouse

  Rose by Jewels Arthur

  Flip the page to read a preview of Emerald (Jewels Café Series #9) by Jade Waltz

  They say good things come in threes.... and for those who wait.

  Emerald used to believe that until her thirty-third birthday, when her life got turned upside down.

  Her pet Godzilla dies, she loses her job and to top it all off, her car breaks down in this weird town called Silver Springs.

  One sip from a pumpkin spice latte at the local cafe, Emerald is surrounded by three gorgeous males -Chryso, Maw, and Vesuv - who state they want to help and won’t take no for an answer.

  Something about them calls to her but Emerald is afraid to explore what - especially when she was having the worst day of her life.

  Will she stick around l
ong enough to figure out what is going on between them? Or will she find a way home and never return to Silver Springs ever again?

  Emerald is a sci-fi alien reverse harem romance and part of the Jewels Cafe series.

  Chapter One: Emerald

  There was nothing like starting the day with a Viking send-off.

  Tears fell into the toilet bowl as I leaned over to light the matchbox boat. Inside was my favorite—now dead—pleco fish, Godzilla, hanging over sides in all of his glory.

  Flames caught the homemade boat, quickly covering my long lost friend as “Under the Sea” played over my portable Bluetooth speaker.

  “May your algae be endless in whatever aquatic city you conquer next.”

  Whipping the tears away, I pulled the toilet’s lever down and watched my beloved old friend swirl away to his underwater burial.

  “What a way to start the day,” I mumbled, throwing the unused matches onto the bathroom counter. “Now isn’t the time to sit and grovel.”

  Checking my reflection in the mirror, I gave my cheeks a couple slaps to try and balance the redness around my eyes before tying my hair into a tight bun. Satisfied with the results, I grabbed my room key and dashed out the door. The door slammed shut behind me as I rushed down the hallway to the sounds of its automatic locks securing my private suite.

  I slammed my hand on the elevator's downward button and checked my smartwatch. There were a few minutes until the emergency meeting that would decide the fate of the hotel.

  I grunted in frustration. Usually, I would be early to such things, following the belief that had been engraved in me over and over in my life by my grandma and mother.

  ‘Only good things come to those who are always early rather than on time, while on time was more acceptable than being late, and late was better than never. If you ever show up without notice, then you better grovel.’


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