There's Trouble: A Friends to Lovers Romance

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There's Trouble: A Friends to Lovers Romance Page 5

by Nadine Hudson

  “Umm, yeah. Thanks,” she answers quietly, looking almost embarrassed or ashamed for sleeping with me.

  I walk over to her and help her up from my bed.

  “Listen honey,” I say, still not able to recall her damn name, “you were fantastic last night. What happened between us is nothing to be embarrassed about.” I lift her hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles gently. She smiles in response.

  “I’m just not looking for anything serious right now. I had a great time with you and maybe we can do it again before you leave but I’m not interested in a relationship. Do you understand?”

  She nods her head up and down but I can tell she’s upset. I walk back to my dresser and pull out one of my company t-shirts. Women always love taking my clothes for some reason. I hand it to her and she looks up at me.

  “Keep it. Remember me,” I smile and she smiles back at me before looking back down at the t-shirt. There. All better.


  I get to the station just a few minutes before my shift starts and I spot Brooke’s car in the parking lot. Looks like she and Chief Joe are the only ones here. My heart starts to pound a little harder as I think back on her and Ian deep in conversation last night. I shake my head at the thought.

  I make my way through the building and into the upstairs room. I find Brooke sitting at the table humming something but I can’t tell what it is. I smile to myself listening to her. She has her hair down again and for some reason she’s not dressed in her usual jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers. Today she’s wearing leggings, a nice top, and sandals. I eye her curiously for a moment before she realizes I’m there and she looks up from her paperwork and smiles brightly at me.

  Now that she’s looking at me I also notice she’s wearing some light makeup. Her large beautiful green eyes are outlined with eyeliner making them appear even bigger. For a moment I get lost in them. I inhale deeply. I’ve never seen her look this good. Why does she suddenly

  “How was your night with the flavor of the week?” she asks, smiling broadly and pushing a few curls from her face.

  Her question steals me away from my thoughts.

  “Uh, it was uh, it was good. Same old, same old yano,” I reply, rubbing the back of my head and feeling a bit uncomfortable. Since when do I feel weird talking to Brooke?

  “How uh, how was your night?” I ask and cross my arms tightly in front of my chest when I realize I’m fidgeting. Why the hell am I nervous? It’s Brooke.

  Her smile widens. “It was uh, it was really good,” she answers without looking at me. She stares off for a moment, a goofy smile spread across her face. She’s remembering something from last night. Something with Ian. Did they have sex? No, I saw him leave before her. Could they have met up afterward? An unsettling feeling begins to build in my stomach again and I don’t know where it’s coming from. It’s followed immediately by a wave of anger and I feel my face get hot. Brooke looks happy. I should be happy for her. Why do I feel like this?

  “Why are you all dressed up today?” I ask. My question comes out more accusatory than I intended it to. Brooke shakes her curls around with her hand and looks down at her outfit.

  “I don’t think I’m dressed up. Leggings and a shirt?”

  “And makeup. And your hair is down. It’s not your typical jeans and t-shirt ensemble that's all.” I reply, my tone cool.

  She shrugs, “I guess I just needed a change.”

  I eye her curiously but she doesn’t look at me. I walk over to the counter and pour myself a cup of coffee.

  “Morning everyone.” I hear behind me. I glance over my shoulder and see Ian walking through the door, smiling brightly at Brooke. I roll my eyes and turn back around. Great.

  “Hey. Good morning,” Brooke answers.

  “Wow. You look lovely,” he says to her and I grip my coffee mug tightly at his words. I turn and take a seat next to her at the table.

  “Oh, thank you,” she says smiling in her bashful way. That’s one of my favorite things about Brooke. She doesn’t know how beautiful she is so when she gets a compliment it usually surprises her. I frown thinking that I could have come in this morning and offered her a compliment instead of an accusation. The two of them continue talking and laughing together as if I’m not even there. What the hell is happening?

  I need to intervene somehow. But how? My flirting and charm has never worked on her. I begin to feel a little desperate. A feeling I am not used to and definitely don’t like.

  “Hey Brooke. You wanna bring your car over to my place after our shift? I owe you a wash, remember?” I flash her my sexiest smirk. She turns her attention to me and smiles softly.

  “Sorry, she can’t. She’s busy tonight.” Ian interjects, winking at Brooke and my blood starts to boil.

  “I wasn’t fucking talking to you. She can speak for herself,” I snap.

  Brooke whips her head around to look at me. An expression of disbelief written on her face. Shit. I glance up at Ian who’s staring back at me, fucking grinning. I suddenly have a strong desire to punch that smug smirk off his face. My hands ball themselves into fists. I look back at Brooke and I see that look in her eyes that makes my whole self vulnerable. Damn it. What is with that look? This time there was no question it was directed at me. She wants me to stop. She likes him. I feel her hand rest on my arm and my muscles suddenly relax.

  “I can’t tonight, Conner. I have plans with Ian,” she says calmly.

  Her answer knocks the wind out of me. Did she just choose this douchebag over me? I look him up and down. My eyes narrow. The rage returns to my body.

  She must have picked up on it because Brooke turns back to Ian.

  “Can you give us a minute, please?”

  He smiles at her and nods as he turns to leave.

  “Might take more than a minute,” I say to him as he’s walking away hoping I get under his skin.

  He laughs but doesn’t turn around and leaves the room.

  I look back to Brooke who is looking at me shaking her head in disapproval. She’s obviously pissed. Shit.

  “What the hell is your problem?” she growls.

  “I told you before. There’s something about him that I just don’t like.”

  “And I told you before, don't put me in the middle of your pissing match.” She starts to raise her voice.

  “I really like him, Conner. And regardless of whether you like him or not I’m going to keep seeing him. And unless you want to be fired I suggest you start acting right and not like some psychopath. You can’t keep snapping out at him like that. He is your Captain. I know you’re still angry about not getting the position but please don’t put me in the middle of it.”

  Is that what she thinks this is about? The Captain position? Is that all this is about? It makes sense. No, it can’t just be that. There’s something off about him and I don’t trust him.

  “Tell me the truth, Brooke. Did you sleep with him last night? Are you even on birth control?”

  “What?!” She answers almost too quickly. I look back at her suspiciously.

  “That is none of your goddamn business, Conner!” Now she is yelling at me. “How dare you even ask me that?”

  “Well that’s the only reason I can think of for you to willingly choose to spend time with him over me.”

  “You arrogant son of a bitch.First of all, yes! I am on birth control. Second, has it ever occured to you that the world, my world included, doesn’t revolve around Conner Smoak? That maybe I would like a chance to find happiness of my own? Has that crossed your mind even once since we’ve been friends? Because at every turn, it seems like you just want to keep me locked away like some delicate antique that’s only to be looked at and never touched. I want to be touched too, Conner!” She screams at me as her eyes start to fill with tears.

  I can’t help but think how adorable she looks when she’s trying to be mad and intimidating. My first instinct is to wrap her in my arms and hold her. Touch her. But before I can make a
move I spot Gabe standing in the doorway looking around awkwardly. He obviously heard her yelling at me. I reach out to grab her hand and comfort her but she pulls away quickly.

  “Not to mention,” she starts on me again, “You have taken home more random women than I can even count and I have never once asked you to choose between me and them.”

  I pause for a moment thinking about what she just said. I look directly into her green eyes as a realization washes over me.

  “Brooke,” I breathe, “you’d never have to.” I stare back at her. How could she not know this by now?

  She stares at me. Her breathing has grown heavy. I search her face. She looks surprised by my answer. I watch tears start to build in her eyes again and her expression turns sad, like what I said had hurt her somehow. I want to reassure her. I want to take her in my arms and squeeze the pain out.

  “Conner,” she starts more calmly, “I don’t need you to protect me. I need you to please stop.” She doesn’t give me a chance to respond before she storms out of the room.

  I’m speechless. Overwhelmed with emotions that I can’t even begin to try to recognize let alone process. She’s never gone off on me like that before. I feel about two inches tall. Is she right? Have I been completely selfish? Do I just want to keep her locked away? I can’t say I’ve ever met a guy she’s dated that I’ve actually liked. I feel like I’ve lost her somehow but was she ever really mine to lose? I look to Gabe who is now staring back at me.

  “What have I done?”



  By the time my shift ends I am still fuming from my argument with Conner. I still can’t believe he had the audacity to ask me if I had sex with Ian. Who the hell does he think he is? I don’t ask him about his sexcapades. Why does he care anyway? He didn’t care when he was all wrapped up on the dance floor with that prissy little blonde. I’ve been wrestling with his words all day in my mind. But the ones that frustrated me most were, you’d never have to.

  Just as I start to feel like I’m ready to try and close the door on him, on my feelings for him, on my dreams of him, he comes at me with some incredibly sweet and endearing bullshit comment like that. He’s completely infuriating! I wanted to leap into his arms and kiss him but just moments before I was ready to slap him across the face for his interrogation of my love life.

  “You’re a fucking mess, Brooke,” I mumble quietly to myself while cleaning up my locker. I groan and slam the metal door shut in frustration and am startled as soon as I turn around. Ian is standing behind me. A large sexy smile on his face.

  “Rough day at the office dear?”

  I feel my face flush. “Sorry, yeah, uh…you could say that. Are you ready to go?”

  “I’ve been ready since last night.” A mischievous grin grows across his face and I feel myself blush again. He’s so alluring.

  “C’mon, I’ll drive,” he says, holding out his arm waiting to lead me out the door.

  We drive along River Road and he asks me question after question. Some about the town and places to go for different things, some about my family and upbringing. I’m trying to be engaging but find myself giving him short, uninteresting answers. My mind keeps coming back to my argument with Conner.

  I don’t know what he expects from me. Does he just want me to stay his best friend forever? To be there for him and only him. That’s just plain selfish. But then again what else do I really expect from Conner?

  “What do you think?” Ian asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “I’m sorry. What?” I realize I haven’t heard a word he said for the last few minutes.

  “I said I’m getting hungry. I’m thinking ice cream. What do you think?”

  “Oh, uh, yeah. Ice cream sounds great. There’s a little ice cream shop on the other side of town we can go to.”

  “Brooke?” he asks and glances over at me.


  “Are you okay? You don’t seem very interested in being with me tonight. Like you’re distracted or something?”

  Shit. He’s right. I’ve been doing this backwards. Ian is supposed to be my distraction from Conner. Not the other way around. How does he continue to consume my thoughts like this? Well not anymore. From this point on Ian will have my undivided attention.

  I turn slightly in my seat so I’m facing him. “I’m so sorry Ian. I’m still just trying to shut my brain off from work today.”

  He smiles at me. “I can help with that.” Reaching over he takes my hand from my lap and entwines his fingers with mine. He pulls my hand to his mouth and kisses it softly. I inhale sharply. He continues rubbing my fingers across his lips and planting soft kisses. His lips send chills down my body and I feel the familiar tingle in my panties. He’s so sexy. He pulls my hand away from his mouth and lets our hands rest together on his center console.

  “Your mind off of work yet?”

  “It’s getting there.” I give him a flirtatious grin then bring his hand to my mouth. I mimic what he had just done to me and I hear him inhale deeply. I smile against his knuckles. It feels good knowing I can affect him the same way he affects me. Lets go a step further. I gently tap soft slow kisses along his fingers then take one of them into my mouth. I watch his chest rise and fall as he sucks in another deep breath.

  I keep going. I wrap my lips around his finger and suck hard. I allow it to slide deep into my mouth and I watch his mouth fall open but he keeps his eyes on the road. His breathing starts to accelerate. This is turning him on. Seeing him horny turns me on too. I shift in my seat.

  Ian pulls his hand slowly from my mouth and I watch a side grin spread across his cheek. His hand travels down the front of me and pulls the waistband of my leggings away from my body. Without hesitating he reaches his hand inside and pushes my panties out of the way. He feels around my wetness and I watch him bite his lip. I want to bite his lip.

  “Brooke, you are so fucking wet already.” He smiles with appreciation. He slides two fingers inside me with ease. I gasp. I lift my hips from the seat allowing him to enter me further. Deeper. I want to feel more of him inside me. I begin panting as he pumps his fingers faster.

  “Your pussy is so fucking tight baby. Can I make you come like this?” His voice is so deep, so seductive. I want to. I want to come for him. The thought alone makes my body start building. I tighten my grip around his huge muscular bicep and pull his hand deeper into me. As his fingers continue to move he presses his palm against my clit and starts to circle it.

  “Aahhh,” I cry out in pleasure. I tilt my head back against the headrest. My feet are practically pushing through the floor as I lift my body up to meet his hand trying to get my fill of his fingers inside me. I squeeze my eyes closed tightly as I feel myself reaching my peak. Just as I do, Conner’s face appears in my mind's eye. And suddenly, I’m visualizing that it’s Conner’s hand I feel inside me. “Come for me,” Ian growls loudly and as if on command I start to tighten and throb around his fingers as I climax. I open my eyes, completely breathless. Completely confused. What the fuck was that?

  He pulls his hand from my pants and brings it to his mouth. He slides both fingers through his lips and sucks them.

  “Mmmmm, the only part of you I haven’t tasted yet.” he smirks at me again. “Your mind off of work yet?”

  I laugh and I feel my face turn red. Oh my God! Did Ian bring me to orgasm or did Conner?


  Ian and I have spent every day together this week. I’ve shown him the sights not that this small town has many to show off. We’ve gone to the bowling alley, the farmers market, and the movies. Basically anywhere we could go that doesn’t require us to be alone. Ever since the orgasm in his car I’ve been trying to avoid sexual contact with him. I’m so nervous that somehow Conner is going to invade the moment again and it has me paranoid.

  Unfortunately, it looks like I’m going to have to face my fears. Tomorrow is Saturday and Ian invited me over to his house. He wants to make me dinner. He�
��s so cute. I just have to get my shit together by then. I can’t continue to allow Conner to control my life. The more frustrating part is that I can’t even be mad at him for this. It’s not his fault that he has infiltrated my thoughts and I don’t know how to control myself.

  I really like Ian. He’s a great guy and is super sweet to me. Not to mention incredibly sexy! But if we’re going to have any kind of real relationship I need to figure out how to wriggle free from the grip Conner Smoak seems to still have on my heart.



  “I’m telling you Gabe. There’s just something about this guy that I don’t like…” I say, leaning back in my chair as I bounce a tennis ball off the wall and catch it as it returns back to me. “Something just doesn’t make sense. I mean, why would some big shot from New York City ask to be transferred to a smaller station? It’s not like he specified which station he wanted to be transferred to either, like he had family nearby that he wanted to be closer to or something. Just any random station.”

  I hear Gabe sigh and I can see him shaking his head out of the corner of my eye. Gabe and I are the only ones at the station this morning and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to vent my frustrations about Ian.

  “Is it possible, Conner, that the thing you don’t like about him is that he has a thing for Brooke?” Gabe asks.

  I can tell by how slowly he asks that he is being cautious. I catch the ball as it comes back to me and freeze for a second. I roll the ball around between my hands as I think over Gabe’s question. If he was a good guy it wouldn’t bother me if he had a thing for Brooke, right? That can’t be the only reason I don’t like him. He’s also a smug prick.

  “That doesn’t help, but no it’s something else. Something just doesn’t sit right with me about this whole situation. I don’t know, Gabe. I just feel like he’s hiding something.” I start tossing the ball against the wall again.

  “Or...maybe you just want him to be hiding something because you want to be right about him,” he suggests.


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