End of the Line | Part 1

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End of the Line | Part 1 Page 4

by Levi, Casey

  The game was a tie- nine to nine, and the next point won. Kristen was getting tired, and her knees were beginning to bruise from all the falls she had taken. She could feel the sand digging into her skin every time she hit the ground.

  Aran glanced at Bodie who was smiling wickedly, and without warning Aran bumped the ball up in the air. Bodie jumped and spiked the ball down, and at the same time Kristen jumped as high as she could. She hit the ball back onto the other side, and Julie and Aran both jumped for the ball- missing and slamming into each other.

  “Woo!” Kristen threw her hands up and turning around she gasped in surprise as Reed picked her up in a tight hug.

  “I guess you won’t have any making up to do.” Reed whispered in her ear as he let her body slide down the front of him, and the feeling of his skin against hers almost made her lose her balance.

  Kristen looked up at him and feeling a bit bold she said. “Maybe I’ll still make it up to you.”

  Desire burned through Reed’s eyes, but before he could say anything, Julie’s voice broke through. “I don’t know about anyone else, but it’s hot. I’m ready to go swimming.” She said as she brushed the sand off her knees.

  The rest of the morning and afternoon had gone by fast for Kristen. They had finished at the beach around late afternoon, and then went to the pier for lunch at some crab shack. They went sightseeing at a few of the local museums, and Kristen could feel herself becoming more relaxed around Reed. They were beginning to talk like old times, and it felt good. Even though Mairland kept giving her dirty looks and would try to steal Reed’s attention.

  On the way back to the hotel, she looked over at Reed. He was casually leaned back in his seat and was drumming his fingers to the beat of a song what was playing on the radio. His raven hair was windblown away from his face, but she was disappointed to see his eyes covered by the dark lenses of his sunglasses.

  After they had gotten back to the hotel, Kristen decided to shower and take a nap before they went out tonight. When she got to her room, she grabbed her boxer shorts and white tee and headed into the bathroom. She felt relieved as the hot water washed over her body, and only winced when she washed over her knees and elbows where the sand had dug into her skin. Once out, she put her clothes on and braided her hair to the side. She walked out of the bathroom and fell right onto her bed, closing her eyes, and letting sleep take over her.


  Chapter Five

  When Kristen woke up, darkness had surrounded her. She felt a panic rise in her chest and sat up throwing the covers back. She flipped on the bedside lamp just as the phone rang, and she jumped in surprise.

  “Hello?” She said roughly as Julie’s demanding voice came down the line. Kristen just rolled her eyes. “Okay, I’ll be down in fifteen… okay, I got it.”

  Kristen hung up the phone and looked at the clock. She could not believe that she had slept for four hours, and where was Reed? Why hadn’t he woken her up? She shook her head and climbed out of bed. Walking over to the closet, she pulled out her dress that she would be wearing. It was a strapless, mid-thigh, sea-green dress that Julie had helped her pick out. Along with it, she was going to be wearing a pair of black stilettos to match.

  After wiggling into her dress, Kristen did a black and gold smoky eye look, with a dark green liquid eyeliner. Something that Julie had suggested for her look. It only took her a few days to practice putting it on like Julie had showed her. She hurried and pinned her hair back at the nap of her neck, but some of her curls found their way loose and curled around her face.

  She looked at herself in the mirror, but the more she looked the more she felt nervous. She had never worn something like this, but Julie had pushed for her to look more like a lady and not a tomboy with her relaxed look she normally would go for. Kristen grabbed her purse from the dresser and headed for the lobby to meet her friends.

  * * *

  They waited in line for almost an hour, and once inside Reed admired the décor. The room was like a giant dome, and in the middle of the room was a big open dance floor. Surrounding the dance floor were tables that were densely lit with multicolored lights, and the walls were lined with bars. There were two sets of stairs on either side of the room, and they led to an upper level that looked over the whole dance floor. Reed assumed that area was for a more private place to chill.

  “Wow! This place is amazing, and huge.” Kristen said, glancing around the room.

  They walked through the crowds of people and sat down at a table near the back of the room by the stairs. After taking their seats, a young waitress dressed in a skintight black dress and knee-high boots approached them.

  “Welcome to the Dome! What can I start you off with?” She flashed them a wide smile.

  “Can we get a round of tequila?” Aran set a fifty on the servers’ tray. “And keep it coming!”

  “You got it Hun!” The waitress winked at him and disappeared into the crowd.

  A few minutes later the waitress brought a tray of shot glasses. She set the tray down and smiled as she disappeared again. They all grabbed a shot glass off the tray and tossed it back. Reed felt the burn of the alcohol settle inside his stomach and grabbed another one.

  “Damn that’s good.” Bodie slammed his shot glass down on the table and picked up another one. “Here’s to good friends, good times, and good liquor.”

  “Amen! Now let’s go dance!” Julie shot her glass down, then grabbed Kristen’s hand and dragged her to the dance floor.

  Reed picked up another shot and tossed it back as everyone left the table and went to the dance floor. He sat back in his chair and watched as Kristen twirled around on the dance floor with Julie and Aran. She began moving her hips from side to side, and he had to fight the urge to go over to her and slide his hands over her body. Julie and Aran had made a sandwich with Kristen in the middle, and he watched as they grinded against each other.

  “Aye bro.” Bodie sat down across from him and grabbed another shot glass.

  He nodded at him, but never looked away from Kristen as she danced across the floor. She was no longer dancing with Julie and Aran, and she did not seem to care. Her arms were lifted above her head, and she was slowly moving them down her body. The motion looking very sexual.

  Bodie must have noticed, and turning he shook his head. He raised his hand up to call on their waitress. “Can we get another round?” He said as she approached their table.

  “You got it.” The waitress turned on the heels of her boots and walked towards the bar.

  “Dude, why don’t you just go dance with her?”

  “It’s complicated.” Reed wanted nothing more than to go and dance with Kristen, but damn had he messed things up.

  “Bro you’re an idiot. You can’t see how she feels about you?” Bodie’s expression turned serious, and Reed looked at him in surprise. He had never seen this side of Bodie before. He was usually the mediator and laid back.

  “What are you talking about? She probably hates me.” He could not help the bitterness in his voice.

  “Dude if you can’t see it, then you’re a bigger dumb-ass then I thought.” Bodie grabbed another shot as the server set the tray down and shot it back. “You won’t have this chance forever.” He said standing up and made his way back to the dance floor.

  “Yeah, well, what does he know?” Reed mumbled under his breath.

  “I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but your friend’s right you know.” The server said as she sat down in the chair next to him.

  “Did I ask you?” He hadn’t meant to snap at the woman, but he was not asking for anyone’s opinion.

  “Honey I’m a waitress at a night club. I see a lot of shit, and that girl there has been staring at you since you guys got here. Unbelievably, but every second you sit here getting wasted, your missing out on being with her.” The server stood up and patted him on the shoulder before walking away.

  He did not get it. How could they see something he could not? What do t
hey know anyhow? They did not know the situation, and what had happened. Reed could feel the irritation building up inside him and wished that there were another way to take out his frustrations. Well he knew of one, but that was not going to be happening, so instead he grabbed another shot glass. He downed the shot, then another, and another, and another.

  * * *

  “Julie I’m going to get a drink!” Kristen hollered over the music.

  She pushed her way through the crowd of bodies and walked over to one of the bars. Her forehead was beginning to bead with sweat, so she fanned her face with her hand while waiting for the bartender.

  “What’s your poison?” A deep voice asked from behind her.

  “Excuse me?” Kristen turned around to confront the man, but stopped when she noticed how incredibly gorgeous he was. He looked about six feet tall, short brown hair that was spiked at the top of his head. His eyes were a green or a blue color, but she could not tell due to the dim lighting.

  He flashed her a wide smile, and Kristen noticed how straight and white his teeth were. “I mean, what are you drinking?”

  “Oh, I…” Kristen could not seem to find the words to form a sentence, but thankfully the bartender walked up to them at that moment.

  “What can I get you?”

  “Two rum and cokes, please.” He said before Kristen could say anything.

  “You got it.” The bartender mixed their drinks, and then slid them across the counter.

  “Just put it on my tab.” He slid his card across the counter and picked up the drinks. Turning, he handed one to her.

  “Thanks.” She took the drink form him and slowly sipped it.

  “I’m Tyler by the way.” He said before taking a big gulp of his drink.


  “It’s nice to meet you, Kristen.” Tyler flashed a crooked smile, and slowly leaned towards her. “Would you like to dance?”

  She hesitated for a moment. She did not know if she wanted to dance with him, and yes, he was gorgeous, but he was not Reed. Right now, he was the only one she wanted to dance with, but instead he was just sitting at the table drinking the night away.

  She hurried and chugged her drink down, then set the glass down on the counter. “Tyler, I appreciate the drink, but I don’t-”

  “There you are! I’ve been looking for you.” Julie said, stepping in between her and Tyler. “Oh! Who’s your friend?”

  “Tyler.” He held out a hand for Julie.

  “I’m Julie, Kristen’s best friend. Now enough chatter, let’s dance!” Julie grabbed both of their hands and dragged them to the crowed dance floor.

  “I guess I get that dance after all.” Tyler winked at her as he took her hand in his.

  Kristen gave him a wiry smile but followed his lead. She was thankful that a fast song was playing, and not a slow one. She tried not to think about Reed, and how she wished it were him she was dancing with. She quickly pushed that thought out of her head. Why couldn’t she just enjoy her night dancing with someone else? Someone like Tyler? Someone to have fun with.

  “So where are you from?” She asked him as their bodies moved closer together.

  “Miami. You?” Tyler said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “Eli, Nevada originally. So, what are you doing in California?” She said as she turned around in his grip so her back was pressed against his chest.

  He leaned in closer to her, and Kristen could feel his breath tickle the back of her neck. “Work. What about you?”

  Kristen inhaled a sharp breath. “School.”

  “Smart and sexy; I like it.”

  Kristen could not seem to find her words as Tyler pressed himself against her. The warmth of his body heated hers to the core. She turned back around to face him, with their lips only inches apart, he smiled wickedly at her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, moving them down to her rear, and pulled her hips towards his. She felt a nervous swarm of butterflies in her stomach, and it only grew worse when a deep gravelly voice spoke from behind her.

  “Is it alright if I cut in for a dance?”

  Tyler looked down at her and hesitated for a moment. “Just one dance with my friend, and then I’m all yours. Promise.” She smiled at him.

  The corners of his mouth turned up in a smile, and then he leaned down to brush a soft kiss to her cheek. After he walked away, she turned around to face Reed.

  A slow song came on, and memories of their last dance together came to mind. Before she could hesitate, Reed wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her towards him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and Reed pulled her body closer to his so there was no space separating them. She could feel his solid chest press into her, and the closer they got the closer she began to imagine what it would feel like to have their bodies tangled up. The image grew more sexual as Reed tightly grabbed her hips and began to grind their bodies together.

  Kristen began to relax against him, and he must have sensed it. His hands moved over her body, exploring every curve of it. She did not hesitate as she placed her hands over his and helped guide him. He leaned into her, and brushed his lips across her neck, and then slowly trailed them along her jaw line. With his lip’s barley on hers, she could feel the anticipation growing.

  She felt lost in that moment. They hadn’t been this close since that night, and everything around her seemed to disappear as his lips softly brushed against her skin. She had wanted to taste the sweetness of his lips, and the smooth taste of the tequila that lingered on his breath, but before she could Reed’s mouth was moving.

  He brushed his lips across her cheek and moved them towards her ear. “Let’s go somewhere a little more private.”

  He interlocked his fingers with hers and led them towards the stairs. Once they reached the top floor, they found a booth in the corner and sat down. A few seconds later, a red headed server approached them. Reed ordered two rum and cokes and handed her a twenty.

  “So, who’s your new friend?” He said after the server walked away, and without looking at her.

  Kristen shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “His name is Tyler, and he’s not my new friend.”

  The server returned with their drinks, and Reed picked up his glass and took a big gulp. “He sure seemed like he wanted to be your friend.”

  She grabbed her drink from the table and chugged it down. She could not believe him. He obviously has had a lot to drink and was becoming an ass. His mood swings were beginning to give her whiplash all on their own.

  “I didn’t even want to dance with him. I was just being nice.” Kristen set her glass back down on the table and picked up another one that had been placed in front of her.

  “I would say you were being a bit more then nice.” Reed finally looked over at her, and his blue eyes looked cold. “Tell me something? Would you have left with him?”

  “If you only brought me up here to fight, then I’m leaving. I don’t need this from you right now Reed, and if you really want to start something, then why don’t I start off by saying how big of an asshole you are.” Kristen set her drink down with more force than she meant to and stood up to leave.

  “Excuse me?” Reed grabbed a hold of her arm and pulled her back down next to him. “An asshole? I would watch my mouth if I were you.”

  “Yes, an asshole. How can you seriously be so blind?” She stood up again, but Reed grabbed her arm. “Let go of me!” She yanked her arm away from him and stormed off.

  Kristen eagerly walked towards the restroom. She needed to get away from him. How could he be sexy one minute, and cold the next? And what did he mean by, ‘Would you have left with him?’ She wanted to smack him so bad right now. How could he not see the way she felt about him?

  She had been so caught up in her emotions that she jumped when a young woman came out of the bathroom stall. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine!” Kristen practically spit the words out at her, that the young woman hurried and washed her hands and left the r

  She dropped her head in guilt and let out a sigh. She needed to figure this out, because so far this has not been the weekend she had planned for. She was so tired of Mairland and her snide remarks, and now with Reed. She did not know what to do but run away from it all. Now she knew that that was not a choice.

  Looking back up, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks were tinted red from all the dancing and alcohol, most of her curls had found their way loose from the hold she had on them, and her eyes burned with rage. She turned the facet on and splashed the cool water over her face. After she patted her face dry, she let out a deep breath. She had made her decision about Reed. She was going to tell him how she felt, and nothing was going to stop her from doing it.

  She walked out of the lady’s room to search for Reed. He was still sitting in the booth they had found, and she seen that Mairland had found her way next him. She stood up taller, stuck out her chest, and took in a deep breath. She did not care if Mairland was there, she was going to tell him. She had to. He might reject her, and it would be awkward and not to mention it would hurt like hell.

  The closer Kristen got, the more nervous she started to feel. “Okay Kristen, you can do this. You. Can. Do. This.” She muttered to herself.

  As she approached the booth, Reed abruptly sat up in his seat. “Kristen-” Kristen put her hand up to stop him from what he was about to say. She had to get this out before she changed her mind and run out of here like a fool.

  “Reed I need to talk to you, and I can’t hold it in any longer. I know that there has been a mixture of feelings between us, and I don’t care about the past anymore. I’m so sorry for walking away from you that night, and I know now that I should have just told you then… then maybe things would be different.” Kristen sucked in a deep breath. “Reed I love you. I always have.”

  As the seconds ticked by, Kristen could feel her heart begin to beat rapidly against her chest. She did not understand why Reed had not said anything. She was too late. He did not feel the same about her, and that she had read him wrong. At that moment she so desperately wished she could disappear; she had made a mistake. She should have just left it alone and bid her time until she left for Europe.


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