Jet: An Enemies-to-Lovers Rockstar Romance (The Sinful Seven Series Book 2)

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Jet: An Enemies-to-Lovers Rockstar Romance (The Sinful Seven Series Book 2) Page 3

by Connie Lafortune

  The place is jam-packed and there’s not a parking spot to be had. I circle the block a few more times before deciding to walk the few blocks. I could use the exercise since I’m sure all of the food I’ll be ordering will put me over my calorie limit for the day. Maybe even the week!

  Goodness gracious, the scents that waft through the air as I walk inside are addicting. Onions, greasy fries, and the scent of spices is orgasmic. My mouth waters just thinking about my first bite. I read the menu board while standing in line, and everything sounds so delicious. Maybe I should have ordered ahead to save some time, since they’re slamming, but I can always take it to go. No biggie.

  The line’s moving fast so I decide on the double bacon burger and the spicy fries just as I slide up to the counter. I’m just about to place my order when the kitchen doors swing open and blue eyes hold mine.

  What the hell’s Jet doing here?

  We both freeze like deer caught in the headlights. I’m the first to speak when the clerk asks me again for my order.

  “Um, sorry. Can I have the number three with the spicy fries and a medium diet cola? Thanks.” I hear the bastard snicker when I asked for my diet soda. Yeah, I’m one of those stupid girls who thinks the diet soda balances out all the calories from the nasty food I’m going to devour in a hot second.

  I should move over like all the other customers do while waiting for their order, but I’m glued to the spot watching Jet unload dishes before grabbing the dirty ones. If I didn’t see it with my own two eyes, I never would have believed it for a second. I mumble something to the clerk about waiting outside since it’s too hot in here when he snickers again.

  Man, does he think it’s because he’s all hot, sweaty, and delicious? Holy hell, I didn’t just go there, did I? Yes, I did, and I’ll be the first to admit that he’s sexy as all hell. Big time. But he’s off limits and he’s made it abundantly clear that he hates my guts and wants nothing to do with me. So, I don’t need to be told twice. I storm out the door. The cool breeze feels good against my heated skin, so I wait outside for my food to be ready.

  I’m stunned when someone grabs my arm, hauling me into the alley before I have a chance to run. I pity the person since I’m kicking and screaming and trying to claw at his face.

  “Quinn, what the fuck!” My heart’s beating out of my chest when I realize it’s Jet and not some psycho.

  “Are you fucking crazy? I could have killed you for fuck’s sakes!” His smug look tells me all I need to know. In a nanosecond my gun is pressed against his forehead, and by the stunned look on his face I think it’s safe to say he’s shocked. I’m a woman who lives alone in New York, of course I have my permit. I’m stupid but I’m not suicidal. He just caught me off guard is all.

  “Seriously? You’re stalking me but I’m the one with a gun to my head?” Is this guy for real? I have no idea what his deal is. I need to stop this once and for all.

  “You forget that I’m not one of your groupies following you around like a puppy in heat. I’m your agent and the best one around. So refrain from talking to me like that or we will have some serious issues. I’ve been nothing but nice to you, and for some reason you always bite my head off. It stops here and now, you got it? Otherwise, I might need to call Caleb and let him know I can’t work with the band and that would be detrimental to everyone involved. Including you. Now if you’ll excuse me, thanks to you, I’m addicted to the damn burgers I had last night. Thank you very much.”

  I don’t bother waiting around for an apology. I march my ass into the diner, grab my food, and get the hell out before Mr. Vicious knows what hit him. I’m so done playing nice. If he thinks I’m such a bitch, he hasn’t seen anything yet.

  It takes me a few minutes to walk back to my car because there’s no stopping a pissed-off Quinn. Ask my five brothers, they know firsthand.

  I’m so angry that I don’t remember driving home, and that’s stupid on my part. But the food more than makes up for the confrontation I had with Jet. I’m slurping the last of my soda when my phone pings with an incoming text.

  Lucas: We need to have a meeting when we get back home. If this tour is going to happen, we all need to be on the same page, including you. Jet is a ticking time bomb and it’s all my fault. I’m sorry I got you involved.


  After the confrontation I had with Quinn at the diner yesterday, I’m crawling out of my skin. She pulled a damn gun on me! Like what the fuck. Yes, I’m sure I scared her shitless since I practically dragged her into the alley.

  What did I expect? That she’d go willingly? Hell, she must have thought I was going to mug her, or worse. I’m such an idiot. This right here is what I’m talking about. Sometimes I see red and that’s what happened when I thought she was stalking me.

  I was so pissed I called Lucas and ruined his vacation, but hey, it’s only fair since he did the same to mine. Going behind my back and sending Quinn to my place to sign those damn papers. What the hell was he thinking? Now we’re having a meeting as soon as he gets home to clear the air. The fuck good that’s going to do. She’s still going to be a damn thorn in my side.

  Ah, fuck it. I’m not going to spend the rest of my downtime worrying about her. She’s a big girl and I’m sure she’s dealt with more than her fair share of egotistical rock bands and inflated egos. I thought everything was going halfway decent until Lucas stuck his nose in where it didn’t belong. Something he’s never done before. Ever. Which is the reason this bothers me so damn much. Why did he get involved at all?

  Unless payback’s a bitch? It’s a possibility since I went behind his back to give his dad a ticket to our first concert. In my defense, I knew Lucas would regret it when everything was said and done, since his dad’s the reason he got started as a musician. I get why he was pissed, I do. His dad had no right to hold onto a secret for years that could have changed Lucas’s life for the better if he’d known. In the end, it all worked out. His father admitted that Arisha was his birth mom and I’d like to think I played a small part in their reconciliation.

  This is a prime example of why I never let down my guard. It’s the reason why I don’t trust people, because no matter how hard I try, they always let me down in one way or another. And maybe I’m reading too much into this Quinn and Lucas thing. I know he’s hell bent on all of us getting along, and believe me I’m doing my best. But there’s something about Quinn that I just can’t put my finger on. I’m so used to people I love hurting me beyond belief that I just wait for it to happen again. I’m my own worst enemy, I suppose. So I need to start building up those walls and keep them strong, resilient, and impenetrable again.

  Mack is the exception to the rule. He’s the only one who’s never let me down. My shelter in the storm and apparently the only one who truly has my back. He knew something happened when I finally joined him for lunch yesterday, but I just brushed it off. He doesn’t need to concern himself with my problems. He’s got enough of his own and he’s already done so much for me.

  I owe him my life. Literally.

  That’s why I’m going back to the diner today and every day that I’m back since his asshole employees are all no-shows. Pieces of shit. He bends over backwards for all of them and they don’t even have the decency to treat him with respect.

  So I will be spending all of my time working instead of relaxing. It’s better than looking at these four walls and thinking the worst, but I will need to figure out what happens after the tour is over. Idle minds and I do not mix. Other than writing more songs for our next album and doing a few music videos, my time will be my own. It’s all good, but I really do miss busking on the streets. Not something I can do much of anymore since everyone pretty much recognizes me. Last thing I want to do is create havoc in the streets of Manhattan.

  All kinds of memories come rushing back to me as I use the adjacent alley to get to the Hungry Dog Diner. I stop, take a breath, and rub the ache that suddenly settles in the center of my chest. I think this might be
the first time I’ve come down here in, what, seven years? Maybe eight? Not much has changed as I see all the cardboard boxes lining the outer fence, while dirty faces peek out to see if I’m friend or foe. Some are too young and shouldn’t know what hunger feels like, and some are old enough to remember what it was like to go to bed with a full stomach.

  Suddenly, the smell of trash that assaults my senses makes me want to retch when I think that not so long ago that was me. I’m going to be sick. I rush past like I’m watching a horrific scene play out in a movie or some horrible accident where you want to look away but you can’t. Peeking through your fingers to see if it’s over. Only in this scenario, it never will be. After all these years, it’s still not acceptable that there are so many homeless kids on the streets.

  I’m panting by the time I slide in the back door and stumble through the kitchen. Mack takes one look at me, doesn’t say a word, and escorts me into the back room. I don’t know what’s worse, being out there or being in here.

  “We can’t save the world, boy. But we can help wherever we can. For as long as I have breath in this old body, I’ll feed as many of them as I can.” I should take comfort in his words, but I don’t because I know for everyone he feeds there are thousands who go hungry.

  I swear I try as hard as I can, but my body’s shaking so badly that I just lose my shit. Remembering what I did to survive makes me sick to my stomach, and knowing that some of those little faces might have done the same.

  Destroys me!

  For the first time in so long, I purge all of the guilt that I’ve stifled for so many years. My tears are not mine alone but for every girl and boy who is enduring the same fate I did.

  Yes, it was my choice to run from my family, but I had my reasons. Unlike others who have that ripped out from underneath them, whether because their parents were divorced, lost their jobs, or just made poor decisions. I don’t want anyone’s pity, but sometimes a hug will do the trick. I’m a grown-ass man blubbering like a child, but Mack holds me close against his chest. For right now, it’s exactly where I need to be.


  Today, I’m actually going to take a much-needed day off. After everything that’s happened with Jet this week and over the last few months, I need to hang out with my girls and just chill out. I want to forget about The Sinful Seven, tours, and testosterone. It might be difficult since they’ll want to play twenty questions, but I just might spend the first twenty minutes or so doing a quick recap and after that, nothing. I want to spend the day catching up with their lives and forgetting about mine for a change. Sounds like the perfect way to spend the day.

  It doesn’t hurt that we’re going to our favorite hangout either. The Main Spa. They are the best massage and a mani-pedi place in town, and their delicious fruit smoothies and gourmet dishes are guaranteed to make me relax or I’ll die trying.

  I’m meeting my friends there in an hour and it’s going to be an all-day affair. If we have enough energy at the end of the day, we’ll end the evening on the rooftop of the Loco Tequila and watch the stars while sipping some luscious margaritas. It doesn’t get much better than that.

  I’m pulling into the parking garage when my phone chimes. Hell to the no, I’m not answering that ringtone today or any other day. I’m on vacation and Jet can apologize to me when we go back to work. Now that I’m here, I shut off my phone since there’s no one I want to talk to but my girls.

  “Girl, you look great! You don’t need a damn spa day!” Nina air-kisses both of my cheeks when I walk into the lobby.

  I chuckle, “When’s the last time you had your eyes examined?” An eye roll ensues and we all laugh, reminding me how much I miss my friends. The cons of being on the road for so many months at a time.

  “Seriously, working with a hot-as-fuck rock band must agree with you because you’re glowing. Spill your guts, baby girl. Which one is giving you those mind-blowing orgasms? We know it can’t be Lucas since he’s with Abby, so that leaves Trevor or Jet.” Ugh, just the mention of that man’s name has me fuming. If they only knew the half of it.

  “I’m their PR agent and that’s all there is to it. It’s a professional working relationship. Now, let’s go play in the mud since I’m dying to find out what all of you have been up to.” When they all start talking at once, I’m grateful that they let it go so quickly. For now.

  There’s nothing like a full-body massage, followed by a mud bath and a mani-pedi to make a girl forget about her problems. I’m so loosey-goosey that I swear I won’t be able to walk when my nails dry. And the strawberry smoothie that I’ve been sucking on is pure perfection! The girls swear it’s full of antioxidants and good for me. I’ll take their word for it since it tastes like a milk shake I haven’t had since I was a child. Yummy goodness.

  “This was the best idea you’ve had in a long time, Quinn. Although I’m a bit jelly that you were the only one who had a male massage therapist. He was totally hot.”

  “I swear I didn’t plan it. It just happened where he was the next one available, not that I’m complaining. If you girls are up to it, maybe we can go to the rooftop and have a bite and dance the night away.”

  Traci squeals like a teenager at the mention of dancing. She is such a girlie girl. “Well, it would be a shame to go home alone after we spent all day getting scrubbed and polished, now wouldn’t it?” This girl is just too much.

  “I agree,” Alisa chimes in. “I feel too pretty to waste it on all of you. It would be fun to see how many sharks will circle the water when the four of us walk out onto that dance floor.”

  “I think it’s safe to say it’s unanimous. After we finish up here, we go paint the town red. Or green or purple,” Nina chuckles and I swear she’s so giddy that they must have slipped some alcohol in her smoothie.

  “Sounds like a great plan, but should we go home and change first?” I always carry extra clothes in the trunk of my car for last-minute business meetings and such, but I don’t think the girls do.

  “Will you be mad if we tell you we brought another outfit just in case you didn’t want to end the day?” Nina smiles. “Sorry you’re the only one who will get stuck wearing what you had on.” Oh, she of little faith.

  “Wrong. I always carry an overnight bag in the trunk of my car for special occasions.”

  “Hmm, could it be for all those nights where you do the walk of shame? You can kiss-and-tell and we swear we won’t say a word.” Yeah, not a happening thing.

  “Sorry to disappoint all of you, but it’s for business purposes. I never know from one minute to the next if I’m going to have an impromptu meeting. Now, let’s finish up, get changed and go grab the perfect spot to dance the night away.” This right here is exactly what I need. It’s been so damn long since I let my hair down.

  An hour later, we’re sitting on the rooftop of the Loco Tequila sipping our delicious margaritas. We were just in time for happy hour! It just doesn’t get any better than this. Loco Tequila is a rooftop tapas bar that has amazing food, and the Spanish atmosphere just adds to the ambience of the evening. This is by far my favorite place to dine in the city. Small portions are the best way to sample as much food as you can. Several hours come and go and so do the drinks. Men of all shapes and sizes buy us several rounds, dance with us, and try to take us home but we stand firm. We’re a bit too tipsy to lower our guard, so we will be drinking water until it’s time to leave.

  At one in the morning we all get in our cars to head home. It was a good night and I can’t remember the last time I felt this contented. I had a great day with my friends and there was no drama, just lots of laughs, great food, and dancing. My feet surely disagree but I just might soak in a hot tub when I get home before heading to bed. After all, I can sleep in tomorrow since I’m still on vacation.

  Before getting out of the car, I bend over, take off my shoes, and walk barefoot along the path to my house. I hum a tune absentmindedly until I come face-to-face with someone leaning against my front door.


  Quinn never answered any of my voicemails or texts. So I decided to go to her place to discuss something that’s weighing heavy on my mind. Not a smooth move since she already accused me of stalking her, but if she had answered her phone I’d be sitting at home or sleeping. Now I patiently wait for her to come home. Erasing any doubt that she might be spending the night with her boyfriend or someone else. I don’t think I ever asked if she was dating anyone. Not that it matters, but I’ll be pissed if I spent the whole night waiting only for her to be a no show.

  I’m sipping on a bottle of water when I hear a car approaching, then bright lights blinding me before crunching gravel gets my attention. She’s home. I parked my car in the next lot over, so she has no way of knowing I’m here. A dick move, but I like the element of surprise. She can’t run and hide that way.

  When she slams the car door, I get up from the comfy swing and stand in front of her door, the porch light illuminating my frame. I don’t want to scare her again, it’s not my intention. She’s humming a tune until she looks up and sees me standing there. I can see the fire in her eyes from this distance. She’s not happy I’m here. Too bad. If she had answered me, we’d be relaxing in our own space.

  “You’ve overstepped your boundaries, Jet. You’re not welcome here, so I suggest you slither into the night before I call the police. It’s late and I’m done with the drama.”

  “Just hear me out. Then I’ll leave and you’ll never have to talk to me again. This is important, otherwise I wouldn’t have come to your house. Please, Quinn.”

  Her hands are shaking as she pushes me out of the way to unlock the door. Instinct has me reaching for her arm to stop her. Big mistake. “Let go of me! I swear if you don’t turn around and leave, I’ll be forced to have you arrested.”

  After what happened in the alley, you’d think I learned my lesson. But this is too damn important to just walk away. “I promise if you hear me out I’ll give you that damn interview, that’s how important this is to me. I just had this crazy idea today that if I ran it by you and the band, you’d all be onboard. It would be perfect for our exposure and help so many needy kids. I’m begging you, just to hear me out.” She must notice how much pain I’m in because she opens the door and invites me in. Thank fuck!


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