Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (The Big Bad Wolf Trilogy Book 1)

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Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (The Big Bad Wolf Trilogy Book 1) Page 23

by Janie Marie

  Logan chuckled, hugging Kylie, her mind blown by the police chief’s words.

  “Younger than you usually settle for, Than?” Logan sounded completely relaxed now they were alone.

  Than shrugged and looked back at the detective. “She’s your age. Top of her class.” He looked back at Logan. “A goddess in bed, that one.”

  Logan chuckled and asked, “He call you?”

  Than nodded. “Hurry up—we’re meeting at Ryder’s. I don’t think he’s very happy with you. Be ready for that.” He nodded at Kylie again and left them to pull the door open for Kali, not hiding the ass squeeze he gave her when she leaned over to move his jacket off her seat.

  Logan laughed softly and hugged her again as he lowered his lips to her neck. “I need to go.”

  She sighed and enjoyed every little kiss and lick he gave her.

  “Call me if anything happens, yeah?”

  She nodded, smiling because he slipped his hand under her shirt to caress her side where she still had bruises.

  “And send me a text when you’re alone.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, her body shaking in a way only he could make it.

  “All right, I’m leaving. Lock the door to your room. I don’t want Kevin sneaking in because everyone is gone.”

  Kylie smiled and nodded.

  “Oh, and you might want to get a nap in before I come over.”

  “We’re not messing around like that, Logan.”

  He laughed and kissed her cheek over and over. “You sure?”

  “I’m sure,” she said, laughing when he started trying to reach for her bra. “Stop!” She smacked his hands and shoved him. “We’re going to talk and sleep. No”—she moved her hand in a shaking motion.

  Logan lauged and grabbed her hands. “What—no shaking up cans of soda?”

  She blushed, smiling even more when he reached up to hold her face.

  “Okay,” he murmured, kissing her softly. “Just talking. I want to hear who asked you for a blow job so I can beat the shit out of him.”

  “Don’t beat anyone up.” She was giddy to have him protective of her.

  “I’m at least scaring the fuck out of the little shit.” He grinned, kissing her forehead. “See you in a few, baby.”

  “Yeah.” She felt like she was floating.

  “But leave your bra off.” He let go and walked down the steps. “I’m using your tits for my pillow.”



  A low laugh pulled Logan’s attention from the image of Kylie he had on his phone. He looked up and pushed himself off the hood of his car to meet Than in the driveway.

  Than scanned him, shaking his head. “Do you really have it that bad?”

  Logan shoved his phone in his pocket and frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  They started walking along the pea gravel path toward the Godson family mansion.

  Than grinned, pointing to his pocket. “The girl. I didn’t think it was that serious. Ryder just said you were sort of seeing the girl this was all about. I thought he was joking.”

  “I doubt Ryder can make a fucking joke,” Logan muttered. “But, yeah, I guess I’m with her.”

  They started up the huge stairway that led to the front entrance.

  “You guess?” Than chuckled.

  “Fuck you.”

  Than laughed at him.

  Logan sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Don’t give me shit. You’re the one banging your new young detective.”

  The police chief shrugged. “At least mine is legal. You’re not fucking this one, are you?”

  “Not yet.” Logan panicked. He knew the laws were strict in Oregon because he was obviously older than Janie. Back then, he’d made sure they could be together, but he wasn’t sure if things had changed. “Can I get in trouble with her? She’s not eighteen.”

  There was a mischievous gleam in Than’s eyes as he spoke, “I know she’s not eighteen. Kali looked up your age difference right away. She was ready to shut you down, but you’re in the clear because you’re within the three-year gap.”

  He released a big breath. “I can’t believe I didn’t even double-check. I never really planned on fucking her. Well, not until she was at least an adult.”

  “You said you weren’t fucking her.” Than chuckled, patting his back. “Maybe wait, yeah? She’s got too much shit going on, and you need to focus on getting her out of trouble and fixing the mess you started.”

  Logan rolled his eyes, but his heart ached from the truth of that simple statement. He’d started it. “He wasn’t going to take care of shit.”

  Than hummed. “You know better than to jump to conclusions when it comes to Ryder. Or any of us.”

  “Whatever,” Logan said, dismissing further talk about the subject. “Before we go in, what do you know about Kylie?”

  Than sighed and pulled out a cigarette. “I know you’re protecting her from her family. Which one is hurting her? If it’s Kevin, I’ll bury him where no one will ever find him.”

  Logan chuckled, shaking his head. “I would’ve already done it. It’s the sister. Her mom covers it up.”

  “That’s odd.” He shrugged. “But I guess the other daughter is her blood.”

  “Right.” Logan was nervous about bringing up Kylie’s past because she really needed to be the one to talk to the cops, but she was too stubborn or afraid. If Than found out, he could start building a case. “It’s been happening for a long-ass time—since her dad passed away. Kylie thinks Kevin is clueless, but he knows. She could hardly walk without limping the first day I saw her. She’s tough, and she hides her pain, but we’re fighters—he had to notice it at some point. And I know he’s seen that bruise on her cheek. The first time I saw them together, he acted completely clueless about it. I thought it was him until I realized she wasn’t afraid of him.”

  Than nodded, blowing out some smoke. “I noticed it. It looks about a week old.”

  “Yeah, she covers it up well. She used to wear her hood up—I guess she was going for the shy teen look. I get him not seeing everything, but she was limping.”

  “I’m assuming she refuses to seek help?”

  Logan nodded. “Said that she’s tried to get help in the past. I guess in her old town, because she only moved here her junior year. She doesn’t like to talk about shit, though. I think she’s terrified of being called a liar.”

  “Well, you know all about that.” Than took another drag. “Lorelei Payne-Blackwood, her stepmom, is gorgeous. It wouldn’t take much on her part to get the cops to lay off.”

  Logan grunted, but he could easily see that happening.

  “Cops are corruptible, Logan, especially in this world.” Than smirked. “But we’re already watching her family.”

  Logan whipped his head around. “What for?”

  Than tossed his cigarette and stamped it out. “An anonymous tip came in last week. They didn’t offer much—just that we should consider the circumstances surrounding both Dr. Oliver Hood’s and Dr. Scarlet Hood’s deaths.”

  “What have you found?”

  “Oliver was having an affair. And Scarlet found out.” Than rubbed his wrist.

  “So what does that mean? Her mom died when she was what? Six or seven?”

  “Seven,” said Than. “She was communicating with someone. About what, we don’t know. All we know is that she met someone over the course of six months. We’re considering exhuming their remains to do autopsies. It appeared neither of them had one performed because both deaths were ruled accidents.”

  Logan’s mind started spinning. “Kylie said her mom used to take her to a Chinese restaurant—that she was always meeting someone. She didn’t seem to know more, but I guess that makes sense because she was so young.”

  Than considered this information. “Well, that sort of helps solidify that Scarlet was seeing someone. You’re sure Kylie doesn’t know who her mom was meeting?”

  Logan shook his he
ad. “No, she said she doesn’t remember much of her mom. It seemed like she only had dreams to go by. What are your theories?”

  Sighing, Than said, “Only that Oliver was cheating—with Lorelei.”

  Logan’s eyes went wide. “Really?”

  Than bobbed his head. “And now we know that Scarlet may have been considering divorce. Or perhaps she was cheating as well.”


  “You sure know how to pick them.” Than chuckled, his eyes drifting up to the moon. “Do you want me to take her out of that house? I’ll do everything I can to ensure they’re punished, but with the new circumstances, it will take time for the courts to convict. Especially since it looks like they’re leaving her alone with you around. It’s always hard to prove unless someone goes in right then, or they’ve thoroughly documented evidence throughout their abuse.” He waved toward the house. “With this shit about the girls beating up the sister, it might come out they’re just having a sibling spat. Violent as hell, but it could be more trouble for Kylie. More than likely, her sister and mom will walk.”

  Logan looked down, then said, “Let me talk to her first. I want them to pay, but I’m leaving it to her on how. I was going to ask her about moving out when she turns eighteen.”

  Than shook his head. “I already dug around. There’s a block on her inheritance. Lorelei has full control until Kylie finishes college or until she’s twenty-one. It was something her birth mother did to ensure she wasn’t reckless, I suppose.” He shrugged. “She has several odd stipulations that suggest they worried she’d blow through it all. In the event of Kylie’s death before then, Lorelei gets everything.”

  Logan frowned, wondering what her parents must’ve been thinking. “You’re sure it wasn’t Lorelei?”

  Than nodded, looking away from the moon. “Both wills were solid, except Oliver’s wife changed on his when he remarried.”

  “That sucks.” Logan sighed, his gaze drifting to the moon too.

  “She’s real, you know,” Than said quietly. “Asleep, but real. Living and breathing. Waiting for her prince to take her home.”

  Logan smiled as he took in the little half-moon. “You know I wasn’t raised to fall in love with the fairy tales.”

  “Because your mother wanted you to be hers. And that didn’t stop you, did it?” Than patted his back, knowing Logan wouldn’t reply. “You may not have been raised to join us, but you’re a Grimm. Soon enough the stories will be too hard to resist—you’ll see what I do.”

  “Yeah.” He closed his eyes, refusing to think about everything his mother had done that ruined so much of his life—so much of his baby doll’s life.

  “Are you doing better with her and Ryder?”

  Logan could always count on Than to keep him in check, to maintain peace between everyone. “I didn’t think I was. She’s always been the one, you know?”

  “Yeah, I know, kid.” Than gestured to the door. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “All right.” He rang the doorbell, running his hand through his hair.

  “You didn’t tell Kylie who Janie is, right?”

  Logan smiled to himself. “Of course not.”

  “Good.” Than rubbed sanitizer on his hands. “Kylie doesn’t need to know our secrets. No matter who she ends up becoming to you, she’s not your destiny, and you know what’s at stake if you open your mouth.”

  His fists started to shake. “I won’t.”

  “Good boy.”

  He should’ve stayed quiet; his guilt was crushing him, but he felt the urge to defend Kylie. “Janie shouldn’t have done what she did.”

  Than looked away from the door. “She was just trying to help. You know what those girls put her through, and you haven’t been around lately to know she’s emotional as hell. Of course she snapped and attacked them for that shit. But you wouldn’t know that because you’ve been balls deep in ass and pussy.”

  Logan lowered his head. Than was right. He always got carried away with pussy around a fight because he wanted his baby doll beside him, and she was with Ryder. Even if they weren’t together, it stabbed her in the heart to see him that way again, so they would stop talking, then Ryder would bring her around after so they could make up.

  “Don’t get in too deep with this girl.” Than sighed, rubbing his wrist again. “You have major shit to work out before you go falling for someone else. Especially someone you know nothing about. She’s not one of us.”

  “I’m not talking about this shit with you.” He could hear someone approaching the door.

  Than’s reply was as sharp as a blade, “Then don’t blame Janie for your fucking mistakes.”

  “Hey,” Savaş greeted, opening the door.

  “Hey, you big bastard. Took you long enough.” Than knocked his shoulder as he stepped in first, patting Savaş on the back.

  Savaş grinned, gesturing for Logan to enter. “Had to get dressed.”

  Than rolled his eyes. “You’re not supposed to have the girls around when shit is going down.”

  Savaş shut the door before leading them through the foyer. “They helped us find her. Head up to the media room. We’re still waiting. Want a drink?”

  Than nodded. “No alcohol. Keep Logan clean, too. He needs a clear head.”

  “Pussies.” Savaş laughed, walking away.

  “Can you stop acting like my father?” Logan glared at Than.

  “Stop acting like a child, and I’ll stop treating you like one.” Than shook his head as they ascended the stairs. “You know he’s going to be pissed. If something happens to her, we’re all screwed.”

  “Well, that’s why we’re all in this mess,” Logan muttered and turned into the media room where loud shouts, insults, and just random curse words were being thrown back and forth between Ryder’s brothers, Tercero and Archer.

  “Whatever you say, Logan. You know what really happened.”

  Logan didn’t respond to Than’s comment, but he followed him over to the empty couch as he scanned the room. The only people there were Tercero, Archer, and their girlfriends. Both Janie and Ryder were missing.

  “Hey, idiots,” Than said, both of them sitting at the same time. “Where’s Ryder?”

  Neither brother looked away from their game, but Archer responded, “Fucking Janie.”

  Than looked at Logan, but he ignored his stare, keeping his eyes on the game to hide the usual pain of knowing Janie was with Ryder.

  “They’ve been going at it nonstop ever since he talked her into coming home,” Archer added.

  Than spoke up. “A little more information than we wanted, but do one of you want to go tell him we’re here?”

  Tercero was the one to answer. “We were specifically told that if we interrupted them, we’d be dead. So, no. He was panicking—he needs to be with her right now. Sorry, Logan.”

  Logan shook his head. “It’s fine.”

  “Knew he was into the new chick,” Archer said, grinning at Tercero before focusing on Logan. “Are you gonna wait to claim that V-card?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Logan glared at him.

  Archer smirked, not fazed by the beating that would come to him. “She wasn’t exactly giving off Logan Grimm fucked me vibes.”

  “Mind your business,” he snapped. “And keep your traps shut about me and Janie when you see her.”

  A malicious smile formed on Archer’s face. “Thought you could keep your baby doll a secret? I’m surprised she didn’t already know, but making her think she’s the only girl . . .” He tutted as though he was chiding a child. “Bad Logan.”

  Logan moved to knock his ass out.

  Than grabbed his shoulder. “Enough. Both of you.”

  He shook Than off and closed his eyes, trying to push down the rage building inside of him.

  After a few more seconds, Archer spoke up again. “Are you still fucking around while you’re with her? Or is she keeping you satisfied?”

  Logan stood up quickly, as did
Than and Archer. But a voice stopped him from shoving the police chief off so he could kill the smart-mouthed Godson.

  “Logan, stop.”

  He turned to see Janie enter the room. She wore an oversized shirt and an unmistakable head of sex-hair. Ryder came in after her, wearing only a pair of low-sitting track pants, carrying a gallon jug of water in one hand, and a protein shake in the other.

  Ryder stayed quiet, watching Janie walk closer until she was standing right in front of Logan.

  Logan only looked away from his rival when her soft fingers slid across his forehead.

  She gave him a smile before hugging him. “Archer, I won’t stop him from beating the shit out of you if you keep it up.”

  Logan hugged her but held her at arm’s length. It went against his instincts to pull her closer, but knowing Kylie was so upset with his and Janie’s relationship had him feeling guiltier than he already felt. He owed it to them both to be better, but it was Kylie who was waiting for him. Not his baby doll.

  A teasing smile spread over her lips as Ryder walked up behind her. “I just wanted to see,” she said, giggling before turning to look at Ryder. “I told you.”

  Ryder rolled his eyes before addressing whatever secret they were sharing. “Yeah, you proved your point, but you didn’t have to hug him, babe. You’re not even wearing a bra. Go over there before I fuck him up just for feeling your tits on him.”

  “Like he hasn’t felt them before,” Archer muttered.

  Ryder’s stare was deadly. “Shut the fuck up.”

  Than laughed and sat while Logan looked between his ex and her boyfriend.

  “Hey,” Ryder said, sounding a little more relaxed now that Janie had plopped down on the oversized chair, her eyes lighting up at the game Tercero was still playing.

  “Hey.” Logan sat back down.

  “Up,” Ryder said, staring at Janie while she messed with a game controller. She got up without looking at him and sat on his lap after he took her spot.


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