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Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (The Big Bad Wolf Trilogy Book 1)

Page 31

by Janie Marie

  “I know I can,” Logan said, lying out of his ass. Ryder was going to snap his arm if he tried to escape the hold. Of course, Ryder applied the slightest pressure to remind him. Logan glared up at him. “Get off.”

  “Like you do with pictures of my girlfriend?” Ryder gave him a deadly glare that would send guys of all ages to their grave.

  Sighing, Logan glanced at Gareth and Gawain Knight. They’d known him longer than Ryder, but never went up against their little sister’s boyfriend. They wouldn’t interfere unless he allowed it anyway. Not that he’d ask for help. “I don’t get off to anything of hers.”

  “What picture do you have?” Ryder asked him. “Tell me, or I’ll tell her it was an accident your arm got snapped in half.”

  Logan actually chuckled. “It’s not a picture. It’s a sketch.”

  “Of her naked?” Ryder wrenched his arm. “And you keep it in your nasty-ass underwear drawer?”

  “What do you want me to say? That I didn’t sketch her when we were together? Well, I did . . . all the fucking time. I have lots of sketches hidden away,” he said, trying to piss Ryder off.

  “I’ll ask again, Grimm,” Ryder said, squeezing his wrist, “do you have a sketch of my moon naked?”

  Logan stiffened at Ryder’s term of endearment for Janie and shook his head. No more taunts. Even if he knew he could hold his own against Ryder for a while, it would hurt a lot of people if he pushed his rival too far. So he said, “It’s just the last sketch I did when we were together. She was wearing a nude cami and I was a horny kid. I used her hair to hide the straps. She only looks naked.”

  “Yeah right,” Ryder said, but he released him and stood up. “Get rid of it.”

  Logan pushed himself up and allowed Gareth to guide him away.

  “Do I have to knock you out before he does?” Gareth asked, laughing as Gawain sent them a glare for being stuck with Ryder. “And get rid of it,” Gareth added. “You don’t want anything falling into the wrong hands. Or for your girlfriend to find it. Then again, maybe she’ll wise up and leave your ass.”

  Logan threw him a sour look. “It’s just a sketch. I’ll throw it out.”

  Gareth chuckled, leaning against a table as Logan snatched up a bottle of water. “So this new girl . . . is it real?”

  “Yes,” he said, sighing. “Well, I’m fucking up already so maybe not.”

  “Pretty dumb to expect her to get along with Janie, bro.” Gareth picked up one of the paintball guns they had lying out and teasingly aimed it at his crotch. “What are you playing at with her?”

  “They’re using each other,” Ryder said, a dark gleam in his eyes as he strolled over with Gawain. “Isn’t that right, Grimm?”

  “Fuck you,” Logan said, placing his bottle down.

  A taunting smirk stretched across Ryder’s face. “My baby will be upset with that. She’s possessive of my dick.”

  “Brothers are present . . .” Gawain looked ready to gag.

  Ryder ignored him. “Tell me, Grimm, were you planning on using the blonde to make my girl jealous? Or was she using you for her twisted little desires to finally be the girl others envy?”

  “I wasn’t using Kylie for anything,” he said, pissed. “She wasn’t using me either. She needed my help. I just ended up liking her.”

  Ryder snickered, bumping Gareth’s elbow before snatching the paintball gun from him. “Yet you had to wait for her to take my advice before you admitted it. Would you have really been like one of those silly romance stories Janie tries to tell me about and not tell the girl until the end of the book?” He laughed louder. “Not so big and bad next to a little blond girl, are you?”

  “I was concerned about protecting her,” he told them. “You know why I didn’t tell her I liked her. And you’re not going to say shit to her about it.”

  “Just like you won’t say shit,” Ryder fired back, standing straighter to show off his size and strength. “I mean it, Grimm. Not a damn word. If you fuck my girl over even more than you already have, you’re dead.”

  Logan glanced at Janie’s brothers, taking in their serious expressions. They were going to back Ryder—not him.

  “There are limits to what we permit, Logan,” Gawain said, disappointment lacing his words. “She’s always the limit you do not cross.”

  None of Gareth’s playfulness was present as he said, “Your girlfriend isn’t one of us. And based on what the others said about her reaction to Janie, as well as yours to any threat you believe is against her, you need to be careful. You’re on thin fucking ice with every Knight, Godson, and Prince. Not to mention the others . . .”

  “You could be looking at a renouncement,” Gawain added.

  “So I can’t fucking have a girl if she isn’t Janie?” He knew that wasn’t what they were saying, but he didn’t like being reminded of the little power he had around them—how much of a hold they had on his life.

  “You know that’s not what this is.” Gawain stepped between the two of them. “You’re a Grimm—you’ve read the stories. You put it all at risk for some family spat happening with a girl you don’t even know.”

  “Family spat?” Logan shook his head. “She was being abused. She needed protection.”

  “You could’ve asked for help,” Gareth said. “Properly.”

  Gawain’s intense stare surprised Logan. “We won’t protect you from him. Arthur’s orders are for every Knight to stand down. Prince did the same.”

  “I can handle myself,” Logan said, sliding his gaze toward Ryder.

  “Sure you can,” Ryder said mockingly. “You’re such a successful hunter. Or is it reaper . . . hero. Or perhaps her wolf?”

  It felt like the oxygen had been sucked out of his lungs, but he inhaled at the sound of Janie’s voice carrying through the halls.

  “Time to play up our bromance for my baby,” Ryder said, staring him down. “I’ll let you land half your hits so you can feel like a man in front of your new pussy.”

  “Ryder,” Gawain said warningly.

  Ryder fixed a fake smile on his face and aimed it at Logan. “I suggest you sell being my best friend because I might spill a little blood for the wolves to scent. You remember how they are, don’t you? Or are you still pretending they’re just fairy tales?”

  “Babe,” Janie shouted, darting her eyes between them. “I’ll tell everyone you had to wound him before your spar if you play dirty.”

  “Get your gorgeous ass over here then.” Ryder tossed the gun onto the table. “Let me play dirty with you.”

  “Jesus,” Gawain muttered, walking away as Gareth laughed.

  Logan tuned them out and locked eyes with Kylie. Everything they were warning him about was serious—things he needed to consider. But all he could think of was how Kylie needed help, yet she didn’t want his.

  Even an asshole like Ryder could heal what had been broken. But not him. All he’d do was fail . . . again.

  Logan shook his head and turned away from both girls. The one from his past who he wanted to keep in his life forever, and the girl he wanted to protect.

  Ryder, of course, saw his face. “You look pathetic.”

  He chuckled. “I hate you.”

  “I’d hate me too,” Ryder admitted, glancing at the girls. “Get your shit together. I’m not watching my baby break down because she realizes she’s the reason you and your blonde broke up.”

  Logan sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It wouldn’t be her fault.”

  “Don’t be dumb,” Ryder said without menace. “To your blonde, Janie’s the enemy. And you’re asking them to play besties.” He let that sink in. “Janie will do whatever you want her to, but your new piece . . . I don’t think she will. She won’t even play nice in public like we do with each other. So figure out how you’re going to make shit work, or make up a convincing story for my girl so she doesn’t hate herself for coming between you and the happiness she wants for you.”

  “How do you spout such wise shit?�
� Logan chuckled, but he was thinking over everything. Janie would blame herself, and Kylie, even if Janie could be a perfect support system, was proving she wanted help from no one, especially not Janie.

  “I am wise, fucker.” Ryder sent him a playful smile and reached out, snagging Janie by the waist. “Where you sneaking off to, beautiful?”

  “I’m not saying,” Janie said, ignoring Logan.

  “Baby doll?” Logan called to her.

  “Chicks before dicks,” she said, trying to sneak away again.

  Ryder laughed, lifting her up. “Sweetheart, you wound me. No one comes before me for you.”

  Logan ignored them. “Janie, what happened?”

  She sent him a withering look. “Figure it out yourself. It’s not rocket science, Logan. You know better than to walk away.”

  Ryder rolled his eyes and squeezed her ass so she’d calm down. “Babe, no getting angry at your little bestie.” He smirked at Logan, no doubt for the ‘little’ comment, and continued. “He was just asking me for relationship advice. He’s gonna sweep her off her feet.”

  The scowl on Logan’s face didn’t drop fast enough. Janie saw it, and her eyes narrowed. “Baby doll,” he said, knowing she was pissed at him.

  “I’m done talking to you,” she said harshly.

  “Just tell me what she told you,” he begged. “Please.”

  She didn’t answer. She simply turned toward Ryder and rested her head on his shoulder when her boyfriend lifted her up higher.

  “Stop being a bitch, Grimm,” Ryder told him, smirking while Janie couldn’t see.

  “I’m not,” he said, halting at the truth. If Janie knew the shit Kylie had said about her, she’d either destroy Kylie, or Ryder would. He didn’t want Kylie to be Janie’s enemy, because even if Janie was mad at him, she was his only real friend. He couldn’t abandon her. Not again.

  Ryder sent him another teasing grin and squeezed Janie’s ass before carrying her to the supply table.

  Logan watched them as Kylie’s stare burned a hole in his back. He could go and smooth everything over with her, but he didn’t. Maybe the others were right; Kylie would wise up and leave. It was for the best, even if it sucked because she was fun when it was just the two of them. But his life wasn’t as solitary as people thought it was.

  He switched his attention between Janie and Ryder, and the Knight brothers. Kylie had no idea what being close to him really meant.

  So he walked away again. He’d leave it up to her to decide.

  She’d be safer that way, but if by chance she took a step toward finally helping herself, he’d stay. Even if it was wrong, a threat to all that mattered to him and the families, he’d see where they went.

  Gareth gave him a teasing grin when he got close. “Ouch, Grimm. You should see her face.”

  “She has to want to get help,” he said. “Forcing her to accept it isn’t gonna work.”

  “True,” Gareth admitted, laughing at his sister who was trying to escape Ryder’s hold. “Just think about my sissy. You know she’s all about heroes needing their Superwoman. But she’s delicate right now.”

  He glanced at the girl who was once his whole heart and saw how big her smile was and how silly she was behaving. They all saw and knew what it really meant. But he also saw the Superman shirt she wore. “She’s still trying.”

  Gareth nodded. “Don’t fuck it up then. You know what’s at stake.”

  “I know,” he said, closing his eyes.



  Ryder’s voice carried across the gym. “You’re not using those.”

  Kylie looked up to see him glaring at Janie. It would probably cause most people to pee themselves, but not Janie. She acted like a fearless toddler with the notorious bad boy, and she was being scolded left and right because she apparently wanted to play with the training weapons that were left out.

  It was hard to sit there and watch Janie have any bit of happiness while her heart was broken. Maybe it wasn’t Janie’s fault people wouldn’t stop saying how much Logan wanted her, but she was still the source of tension when it came to her and Logan’s relationship. It made it hard to really accept the kindness Janie had given her. It was almost maddening to feel comfortable with her—to laugh with her.

  Because she could see it—what Logan did; Janie was sweet. She was delicate yet fierce. If she made an asshole like Ryder Godson smile, she must have a damn heart of gold.

  Kylie pressed her lips together, thinking about how many guys, including Logan, Janie had. How did Ryder allow it?

  “Maybe it’s like a reversal,” she mumbled. “I’m the Ryder, and I have to figure out how to get along with her.”

  Logan said something to Janie. It was soft, and his gaze was tender as he stared down at her.

  Nope. No matter how sweet Janie could be, Kylie couldn’t deal with it.

  Girlfriends didn’t get along with ex-girlfriends. Even divorced couples hated their ex-husband or ex-wife. They fought and only dealt with each other if they had kids together.

  This thing with Janie was not how things were supposed to be. Logan was not supposed to be staring at his ex like she ruled his world.

  Janie covered her ears like a little kid and turned her face away from Logan. All while Ryder gave him a taunting smile and hugged her.

  A part of Kylie wanted to be calm and accept things were just different. She’d just had the mindset that she could make things work, but crap, it was hard to stay positive when Logan gave her the cold shoulder—all while Janie got attention from every guy in the building.

  Sighing, Kylie tried to think over how she’d gotten to this point. Everything with Logan was totally not how things went in the books she’d read. He was the farthest thing from the other bad boy she’d thought about—Ryder. Ryder was a jerk, but he didn’t look like the type to lie about his past.

  Logan had lied to her face, and Ryder had warned her that Logan was a liar.

  But she wanted him.

  So the question was how did they move forward even though he wanted his ex around? Why did he want her around anyway? The girl had admitted to attempting suicide, and falling in love with another guy while they were in a relationship. Why did he want to hold onto that?

  Then there was the apparent rape. Who blurted out that they were raped to someone they didn’t know? The police hadn’t believed her; they’d called her a liar. Was it possible Janie had lied? Was that why it was so easy to tell someone—she wanted attention? After all, Maura told lies all the time to get attention.

  Was the rape the reason Logan felt chained to Janie? Yes, that had to be it. The others had said Logan felt guilty.

  Still, why did Ryder let Logan stick around?

  Kylie glanced at Logan. He didn’t look at her, even though she knew he could tell she was watching him. He kept talking to Mark and Janie’s brothers, who she had yet to meet.

  Janie’s battle cry pulled Kylie’s attention away from her man-boy and the newcomers. The girl tried to make a run for it, but Ryder easily snatched her by the arm and pulled her to him. He kept her back to his front and effortlessly restrained her by wrapping one arm around her waist, pinning her arms to her sides. As Janie prepared to scream, Ryder, without looking at his girlfriend, used his other hand to cover her mouth and began speaking calmly to the others.

  “How are you, love?”

  Kylie jerked her head around, not realizing one of Janie’s brothers had approached her. He looked to be in his late twenties, and had no resemblance to his sister. Well, she supposed that made sense if they were adopted. Still, he didn’t seem to fit in at the gym. He was tall, tanned, and had short, brown hair, and he was dressed like he was attending a special-ops mission. “Oh, um. I’m good. Uh . . . How are you?”

  He gave her a friendly smile. “Fantastic. I’m Gawain, Janie’s brother. Mind if I join you?”

  God, he has an English accent!

  “I’m Kylie.” She scooted a bit to g
ive him room to sit. “And I don’t mind you sitting here.”

  He chuckled, watching Janie flail in Ryder’s hold. “So why is she trying to cheer you up?”


  He nodded toward Janie, who had managed to turn around in Ryder’s arms—and was attempting to bear-hug him to death? “Jane, my sissy. Normally, she only acts silly with us, but when she’s trying to cheer someone up, she’ll drag Ryder into her shenanigans.”

  “You call her Jane?” she asked.

  A sort of wince marred his face, but his tone was neutral. “Most of us call her Jane or sissy. Her mum called her Jane.”

  “Oh,” Kylie said, smiling a little at the sound of a grown man calling someone sissy. “I don’t really know her. She’s my boyfriend’s ex. Well, if he’s still my boyfriend.”

  “I’m sure Logan still considers himself your boyfriend.” He grinned at her. “He wouldn’t make a big deal out of just any girl.”

  Warmth flooded her body. He was so nice for not telling her how dumb she was, or how much Logan wanted Janie back.

  “So what did Logan do?”

  Kylie widened her eyes. “How do you know he did anything?”

  He gestured to Logan. “He looked ready to kill something when he came out here. Janie asked him where you were, and he said you weren’t feeling well. When she went to check on you, he tried to stop her, so she told Ryder to hold him. He pinned Logan down for a good ten minutes.”

  “He did?” Kylie checked Logan over to make sure he wasn’t hurt. He looked fine. “Ryder hates me though. He wouldn’t do anything to help me.”

  “Oh, I doubt he views it as helping you.” He clasped his hands together as he leaned forward, watching Janie. “Don’t let it get to you. Everything is for her. That’s just what he is.”

  She frowned, finding it odd for someone to speak that way about Ryder. It was almost like he was saying Ryder wasn’t human.

  “He didn’t hurt Logan,” Gawain went on. “He only held him down and taunted him about you checking him out.”


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