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Transgressions Page 47

by E G Manetti

  “Have you found aught?” Lucius is immediately fascinated.

  “No, milord, or rather yes, but it is not the beginning…” Pausing, Lilian forces her wits to order. “I beg pardon, milord. My thoughts are but half formed.”

  Once more, Lilian takes a deep breath before she speaks. “I believe that Monsignor Angus’ bribery of Demitrov was incidental to the core of Demitrov’s betrayal, not the source. In fact, I think it quite likely that Seigneur Garwynn knew naught of Monsignor Angus and his bribes.”

  “What say you?” Milord’s eyes narrow and his lips flatten at Lilian’s words.

  “How could Demitrov have done it, milord? How could he have had it all in readiness when approached by Monsignor Angus? Ann was in place to access the data. They had the shelter of Seigneur Garwynn’s shadow for certain and possibly Monsignor Sebastian’s. Without foreknowledge of Bright Star or the Leonardo Society, Demitrov was able to sell what Monsignor Angus wished to purchase when Monsignor Angus wished to purchase it.”

  Milord’s face settles into harsh lines. Has she erred? Again? Milord reaches out a hand, and Lilian locks her spine. She will not flinch. Milord gently cups her chin. “Lilian, you are correct. Demitrov did not mastermind this. It must be Sebastian Mehta. It has always been Grey Spear.”

  “Yes, milord,” Lilian whispers, relieved that milord’s anger is not directed at her and pleased that milord agrees.

  “Lilian, you may sit.” Milord waves at the conference table as he wanders to the windows, deep in thought.

  After several minutes, Lucius goes to the techno group. “Mistress Marieth, Seigneur Marco and Master Nickolas are to join us.”

  Lucius has barely rounded his desk before Marco and Nickolas enter. It does not take long to brief Lucius’ lieutenant and protégé on Garwynn’s complicity with Demitrov and the truth behind the malfunction of the Archives’ monitors. Concluding, Lucius addresses Marco, “It is likely that Demitrov and Ann worked directly with Angus for the bribes. It had naught to do with Grey Spear.”

  “So it is as we thought, Monsignor Angus only intrigued for a place in Bright Star,” Marco nods happily. He rather likes the eccentric engineer and would not have enjoyed destroying him. “He is not in league with Sebastian Mehta. So how did Demitrov end up with Grey Spear?”

  With Marco’s words, Nickolas snaps sharply to attention. “To cover Benedict’s debts, Demitrov has been stealing from the Cartel for some time, and Seigneur Garwynn discovered it!”

  “That would explain it,” Lucius agrees. “At some point, Seigneur Garwynn discovered that Demitrov was defrauding Serengeti and used it to turn the accountant into a spy. Marco, if matters were reversed, what would you do on discovering a Grey Spear senior associate defrauding Serengeti?”

  “Inform Monsignor and discover how we might use him to Blooded Dagger advantage,” Marco replies without hesitation.

  “Then we can be certain that Seigneur Damocles is involved,” Nickolas says angrily. “If a Grey Spear associate were defrauding Serengeti, Monsignor would have Seigneur Trevelyan investigate the matter before acting. Monsignor Sebastian would do the same, only his spymaster is also Serengeti’s: Seigneur Damocles.”

  “Damocles would have discovered the brother’s weakness,” Lucius agrees.

  “Monsignor, how does this resolve the Archives attack?” Marco asks.

  “It does not,” Lucius frowns. “Trevelyan has that well in hand. The new questions are, how long has Demitrov been spying for Grey Spear, and what other damage has he caused?”

  “Now that is a disquieting thought, and I suspect a correct one.” Marco frowns. “Monsignor, can we compel Mistress Tabitha to yield all she knows and suspects? It is the quickest way through this morass.”

  “We can, but I would give Trevelyan a few days,” Lucius replies. “If he is able to gather enough for an indictment of either Monsignor Sebastian or Seigneur Garwynn, we can use it to legally breach the privilege seal on what Mistress Tabitha knows.”

  “We would be able to use her information as evidence in a Cartel protocol review.” Marco nods his understanding.

  “If milord pleases?” At Lucius’ gesture, Lilian continues, “Many of Mistress Tabitha’s Grey Spear assignments supported financials or legalistics. I know she had regular contact with Ann Hunter. She may have had some contact with Demitrov. A minor task at the time could be significant in light of the current information.”

  “Recall a minor assignment from two years gone with enough accuracy to be of assistance?” Lucius questions.

  “Six hundred days of assignments from memory alone? No, milord,” Lilian denies the possibility. “Even with her notes, it would be difficult, but Mistress Tabitha need only review assignments related to Demitrov and Ann Hunter.”

  As impossible as it seems, Lucius knows Lilian would not be so certain without cause. “Are you able to demonstrate this?”

  “Yes, milord. I beg a moment.” After a few taps, Lilian scrutinizes her slate and then turns it for Lucius’ review.

  A column of dates from the prior rainy season is marked by a series of symbols, numbers, and the occasional letter of no particular meaning. Lilian points to a date, “On this day milord had me remove the smuggling impact to the Mercium projections, Seigneur Marco expressed displeasure at the progress of the Matahorn Consortium profiles, and Master Nickolas replaced the Twelve Systems’ Productivity Index with the Commodity Metals Index in our Bright Star calculations.”

  At the detailed recitation, Marco and Nickolas lean forward to peer at the slate.

  “There was also an accident in the Mercium lab that caused minimal damage,” Lilian elaborates.

  “That is an exceedingly cryptic note form, Mistress Lilian,” Marco remarks.

  Apprentices can be asked to recall or act on comments from days earlier that no one else would be expected to recall. The notes enable rapid recall and have saved more than one apprentice from rebuke. Lilian’s notes are almost entirely symbolic, allowing her to transcribe everything from a seigneur’s frown to lengthy directions.

  “Have you reason to believe that Mistress Tabitha’s notes will be this involved?” Lucius wonders at the streaming symbols on Lilian’s slate.

  “Yes, milord,” Lilian affirms. “Her version will be different. I could not read it. The detail will be there.”

  Fascinated, Lucius traces the symbols with a forefinger. “When you were reviewing the Angus intrigue, you were using the notes, were you not?”

  “Yes, milord.”

  “Very well, Lilian. Have Mistress Tabitha review her notes and brief Seigneur Trevelyan.”

  “Yes, milord.”

  “Mistress Lilian, how did you come to invent such a sophisticated note form?” Marco inquires.

  Astonished by the seigneur’s conclusion, Lilian is quick to correct him. “I beg pardon, Seigneur. I did not invent this technique. Master Chrys showed me the way of it.”

  Sevenday 84, Day 6

  “Are you practiced with the Adelaide movement for the Festival Duet?” Milord’s breath is soft against Lilian’s lips. Milord’s lips follow the question, and then milord nibbles his way to her collarbone. Milord is stretched out on the couch, resting against the cushions and armrest, holding Lilian against his length. Milord’s warm, hard hands are exploring her bared midriff and breasts.

  “Yes, milord. Armed and unarmed.” What game is this? Released from restricted duty after Chin’s morning exam, Lilian was eager for milord’s midday attention. Milord’s preference for this teasing encounter is as unexpected as is his sudden interest in the Festival Duet.

  “Unarmed will do.” One of milord’s hands releases a hardened nipple and makes its wandering way under her skirt and along her thigh.

  “As milord pleases. May I be permitted”—a small gasp interrupts Lilian’s question as the wandering hand finds her center and gently probes—“be permitted to know milord’s interest in this?”

  Lilian offers another small gasp as delicate m
uscles contract.

  “I viewed you at discipline practice yesterday. You are very proficient.”

  Lilian is starting to move in response to the teasing, her thighs opening.

  “While we may not spar, a Duet could be very enjoyable.”

  Lilian whimpers involuntarily as muscles contract in response to stimulation.

  “We will try it sometime,” milord concludes.

  The fingers cease their teasing, and milord’s hand briefly cups her. Unexpectedly, milord shifts and turns Lilian in his arms, bringing them both to a sitting position. Smiling, milord captures Lilian in a kiss.

  It ends all too quickly as milord pushes her gently from his lap. Feet on the floor, head swimming, Lilian realizes that milord has ceased, intentionally leaving her aching for more. The remainder of the day is going to be decidedly uncomfortable.


  Crossing her ankles and summoning serenity, Lilian waits while Tabitha reviews two years of Grey Spear assignments. Across the small conference table, Rebecca peers at Tabitha’s slate while Trevelyan waits. Eventually, Tabitha sighs softly.

  “Truly, I own meager skills in accounting.” Tabitha morosely regards her slate. “It is not that I am unable to sift these items, only that it will require extended bells to determine if they are tied to a larger plot.”

  Lilian had not known that Ann Hunter had been Tabitha’s primary supervisor. The list of entries is extensive. Without strong skills in accounting, Tabitha will require either a great deal of Lilian’s assistance or extended bells in the Archives.

  “Those among my operatives with the appropriate skills are also among my most senior.” Trevelyan shakes his head discouragingly. “Their participation could draw undesirable attention.”

  It is not the first time Lilian has heard those words. When Lilian first pursued the traitor, they required a talented Archivist whose low rank would minimize interest in her work. It was then that Lilian introduced Rebecca to Trevelyan. Recall of that success sends Lilian’s mind racing through her consortium and their allies. The only accountant of sufficient skill has suffered for offering kindness, and Lilian owes her a boon. “Mistress Daphne.”

  “What say you, Lilian?” Trevelyan cannot quite place the name.

  “The water vial, seigneur. And aid removing the blade guards,” Lilian reminds the spymaster.

  When Chrys, Nickolas, and Simon finally succeeded in halting Martin’s training chamber assault, the Blooded Dagger associate helped revive the fallen Lilian. After her aid to Lilian, Grey Spear used Seigneur Garwynn’s control of the Cartel financials department to make Daphne’s commerce life beyond difficult. Eventually, at Lucius’ direction, Daphne was sent to the Southern Continent to keep her from harassment. Lilian and Trevelyan exchange a glance. The associate’s loyalty to Blooded Dagger is proven, her dislike of Grey Spear well cemented. His free-trader grin appearing, Trevelyan repeats, “Mistress Daphne.”


  Released to her worksite, Lilian discovers that the sensations aroused by milord’s midday teasing are returning, redoubled. Milord… With a repressed groan, Lilian shifts in her chair and attempts to concentrate on her assignments with little success. At the first of the sixth-bell chimes, Lilian springs from her worksite to prepare for milord.

  Lucius crosses the lobby to Lilian and Mr. George to find his apprentice in exactly the state he planned. Her eyes are dark pools, her expression stiff with repressed desire. There is tension in every line of her body. By the time he gets her to bed, he will be able to take her as hard and as fast as he wishes, and she will find pleasure in it.

  Honor is my blade and shield. Seated in the transport, Lilian unbinds her hair, her eyes on milord, who has not spoken a word, although dark heat is rising in his gaze. It is everything Lilian can do to work her hair.

  Do not look at milord. Ignore the heat in milord’s eyes. Do not dwell on the sensual mouth capable of so much. Do not look at the clever hands, the broad shoulders and chest. Remain still. Do not wriggle.

  Honor knows not fear. Rise. Follow milord from the transport. Do not imagine the dark nipples with the dusting of dark, curly hair, the taut stomach, strong thighs, aroused… honor endures.

  The riser doors recess, and the carriage starts to move.

  “The sooner you are unclad, the sooner I will be inside you.” Milord’s voice is heavy with passion.

  Milord’s words and the desire in milord’s eyes send passion lancing through Lilian, setting off a delicious aching in her cleft. Her eyes riveted to the bulge forming at milord’s groin, Lilian wordlessly pulls her blouse from her skirt and works the fasteners. As the carriage reaches the penthouse, Lilian slips off her jacket and blouse, catching the garments in the hand not holding the satchel strap.

  With a small sound of approval, milord extends a forefinger to lightly circle the sharp point of Lilian’s breast visible through two layers of silk. The elusive contact is as exciting as it is taunting. Lilian arches into it, wishing more.

  With a small, unsatisfactory flick at the straining peak, milord moves away. His long strides eat away the distance to the bedchamber. Shaking off her passion-induced haze, Lilian hurries after milord, closing the distance to the required two paces before milord crosses the bedchamber threshold.

  Reaching the reading chair, milord drops his jacket on the back. Swallowing against her increasing arousal, Lilian transfers her slate to the hand holding her discarded garb, freeing a hand to reach for the fastening of her skirt. At the console table, Lilian slips out of her shoes and stows her satchel, blouse, jacket, and skirt. She can hear the sound of milord’s boots hitting the floor from his seat in the chair behind her. Turning to face milord, she begins to remove her bra.

  “Cease. Lie down on the bed.”

  Trembling with anticipation, Lilian climbs into the middle of the bed as milord rises from the chair. Stepping from his trousers, milord is revealed, long and hard, fully erect. Climbing over her, milord pushes Lilian onto her back, his knees on either side of her legs. Slowly milord tugs down the black lace and silk cups of her bra, dragging the delicate lace across the sensitive tips, sending shivers of pleasure down Lilian’s spine and to her core. Tucked beneath Lilian’s breasts, the soft cups push her breasts up into milord’s hands. Milord cups and fondles the aching mounds, thumbs skimming tight peaks, making them harder. The caresses wring a moan from Lilian as she rises to meet milord’s touch. Milord’s mouth comes down to meet her aching breasts. Milord’s tongue flicks lightly, and then his teeth scrape first one taut peak and then the other until Lilian is keening softly, her hips twisting in need as her sex swells and pulses.

  Releasing her breasts, milord slides back, his hands skimming to her hips, catching the band of sodden black silk covering her cleft. With a ruthless tug, milord pulls the silk down and free of her legs. Cool air washes over Lilian’s heated flesh as milord’s hands find her knees and part her legs, opening her to milord’s gaze. Milord leans in and blows gently along her opening, sending tingles of delight to mix with the desperate throbbing. As the steady breeze of milord’s breath rises along her sex, Lilian’s jewel swells and tightens eagerly. At the light pressure of puffed air, Lilian gives a sharp cry.

  Pressing his lips to Lilian’s engorged nub, milord chuckles softly, creating a small, erotic hum. It is followed by milord’s tongue as he works her opening and her jewel. Shuddering and writhing under the sensual onslaught, Lilian begs, “Please, milord, please.”

  Lilian’s entreaty is rewarded with the hard, fast graze of teeth along her sex, and then two fingers push inside her. The exquisitely intense contact has Lilian crying out once again, her hips bucking and thrusting as her hands find milord’s shoulders and cling. In return, a thumb works her jewel, hard. Hot, wet, and swollen with need, Lilian convulses around the invading fingers, pushing against the fingers and thumb that are giving her such incredible pleasure.

  Milord’s fingers and thumbs retreat, leaving Lilian painfully empty and f
rantic for more. “Please, milord, please.”

  Milord rises over her, and Lilian’s hands slide from milord’s shoulders along his back and to his buttocks. Now. He is going to take her now. Milord is thick and hard as he powers into her. The forceful penetration sends powerful waves of pleasure through Lilian, her sex clenching violently in wild response. She rises to milord, clutching his shoulders and wrapping her legs around him, driving the hot hard length of milord as deep as possible. Milord responds with the violence of a storm, pounding into her. Each thrust sending her higher, further into passion. Into incredible, wanton arousal. Lilian’s arms and legs tighten in a desperate attempt to get closer. There is naught but milord’s scent, milord’s strong body, milord’s thundering sex.

  Lilian’s world hazes red and narrows to the feel of milord’s hard, rapid thrusts stroking stimulated tissues until it sparks into a consuming flame. The flame blazes, Lilian is alight with the glory of it as it turns sun-bright and explodes, overwhelming her with a release so intense she briefly drowns in it.

  “Lilian.” Milord’s voice is soft, his breath warm against her skin. Opening her eyes, Lilian discovers milord, seated next to her in his robe, one finger stroking the uninjured side of her face.

  “Milord, did I sleep?”

  “You fainted.”

  29. The Mongoose

  The Serengeti Group’s central purpose is the extraction, refinement, and merchandising of Vistrite, the exclusive property of the Blooded Dagger Cartouche. The Iron Hammer Cartouche is the exclusive provider of the specialized engineering and manufacturing of the controller devices that house encoded Vistrite crystals in advanced technology. Logistics, including warehousing, transportation, and distribution, are within the province of Grey Spear, the sole owner of the navigational algorithms and charts for distribution within all the systems subject to the Order of the Five Warriors.

  The Serengeti Group and each of its Cartouches recognize that certain commerce functions must be coordinated and executed for the Cartel as a whole if the Cartel is to achieve its purpose. Each Serengeti department seigneur will be required to swear to place the Serengeti Group and the Cartel Agreement above the seigneur’s Cartouche in loyalty and execution of duty. ~excerpt from The Serengeti Group Articles of Commerce (The Cartel Agreement).


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