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Transgressions Page 49

by E G Manetti

  “Martial capability?” Lucius’ eyes narrow. “That is creative. The governors all know of the Sting and its side effects. Any potential martial capability will not be explored until after it is perfected. The governors know this as well.”

  “According to Garwynn, he did not know any of that and chose to investigate before consulting Monsignor Sebastian.” Trevelyan snorts disbelievingly.

  Lucius snorts as well. “I do not believe it either, but it is plausible, and that is what will matter in a Cartel protocol review. What of the missing Laser Sting?”

  “Garwynn says Demitrov retains the stolen Laser Sting,” Trevelyan replies. “Demitrov insists it is with Seigneur Garwynn. Until we locate the device, we cannot prove who is speaking the truth.”

  “We know it is somewhere here in headquarters.” Lucius frowns. “Keep searching.”

  “Yes, Monsignor.” Trevelyan takes a sip of his tea. Both Lucius and he know that searching for one, relatively weak Vistrite signature in the Cartel is very much searching for a needle in a haystack.

  “Sebastian?” Lucius turns to his ultimate quarry.

  “Mistress Tabitha has been diligent. She documented a dozen forays into Blooded Dagger privileged areas and two fraudulent contracts that redirected Cartouche resources into enterprises owned by Monsignor Sebastian. The work was performed at Seigneur Garwynn’s request and carried out under the supervision of Demitrov.”

  “So we have all three traitors neatly tied together.” Lucius smiles darkly.

  “Seigneur Garwynn does not deny his part in the fraud, but he is claiming mitigating conditions.” Trevelyan smiles wryly. “With a great show of sorrow and reluctance, Seigneur Garwynn admitted that Monsignor Sebastian is becoming increasingly unstable in his temper.”

  “Not surprising that Garwynn would make such an excuse.” Lucius shrugs. “It matters not, corrupt or mad. We have what we need for our indictment of Sebastian. By now he knows we have Garwynn, so we must act quickly.”

  “We will have him in custody by dark of night,” Trevelyan assures Lucius. “As with Garwynn, we will leave Thorvald out of it.”

  Lucius nods his assent. If presented with a valid indictment, Thorvald would hold to his duty and arrest his Cartouche preeminence. Lucius will not ask it of a man who once faced pirates with him. “What think you of Garwynn’s tale?”

  “I think it convenient that he admits only to what we can prove and is quick to ascribe the highest motives where he is able.” Trevelyan confirms Lucius’ opinion. “He is very clever and very self-serving. I trust him not at all. It is well we can indict him. I would not like to see him take governorship of Grey Spear. I believe Monsignor would find he had traded a snake for a fox.”

  Lucius’ fingers steeple. “Interesting choice of words. Lilian also sees the traitors and their intrigues as rather like fighting a many-headed snake. Which begs the question, who shall we have for Grey Spear in place of Sebastian? Where does the snake end?”

  Lucius’ eyes narrow and the dark smile reappears.

  Trevelyan knows the expression well. Lucius has a plan.


  As Lilian crosses the scarlet threshold with the midday chimes, milord rises from his desk. “Retain your slate.”

  Blinking her surprise at the unusual midday instruction, Lilian leaves only her jacket and satchel on the small side table. At the scarlet couch, milord pulls Lilian down next to him and captures her chin.

  Examining Lilian’s jaw, Lucius hums softly in approval at the sight of the smooth, unmarred skin. The last physical trace of Martin’s assault has disappeared. Lucius wishes the spiritual damage from two terrifying and violent assaults in recent months were as readily examined. Nor is it reassuring that Lilian shows no sign of distress. Lucius has learned that the more stoic Lilian appears, the more deeply she is masking emotion. With the Shades’ Grace, the task he is about to set her will help her heal.

  Releasing Lilian’s chin, Lucius instructs, “Lilian, I would know who in Grey Spear swept Shoshanna Revetali from the Cartel. In fact, I would know everything your consortium of apprentices and junior associates knows or suspects about every member of that house. It needs not be useable evidence, only accurate.”

  Lilian’s eyes widen. “May I be permitted to know the purpose, milord?”

  Milord’s face holds anticipation and resolve. “We have what we need to indict Sebastian Mehta. Your thorn in his side has proven a most effective blade. A Cartel review will take place within two sevendays. By then, I must know who should take Sebastian’s place as preeminence.”

  Stretching out his legs and loosening his tunic, milord continues, “It cannot be Garwynn. He is too deeply entwined in this business and needs to be swept from the Cartel with Sebastian and Damocles. That house is so disordered it is difficult to sift the corrupt from the obedient, the obedient from the incompetent.”

  “Yes, milord, I understand.” We are going snake hunting. Lilian taps her slate, considering how best to execute milord’s will. It is a pity Chrys is exit planet, he would be of use. The others will assist, as will Vicenza. The first-year apprentices will give what they have, but they may not have much to offer. They need more assistance, and time is short. Looking up from her slate, a plan forming, Lilian asks, “Milord, is Master Nickolas available to aid in this?”

  While perhaps not the last words Lucius expected to hear, they are unexpected. Lucius is well aware that the tension between his protégé and apprentice has eased since the festival brawl. He does not consider them to be on easy terms. “To what purpose?”

  “The findings will need to be sifted. Protégés own a different perspective from other associates, particularly about ranked members of the Cartel. The information will be better with Master Nickolas’ aid.” Lilian does not add, because she cannot bear to, that there are some who will not assist the tainted doxy in any endeavor, no matter the merit.

  Lucius considers pushing for what his apprentice has left unsaid and then discards the notion. Forcing her to speak that which distresses her will serve little purpose. Her spoken rationale is sufficient.

  “So be it,” Lucius agrees. “Include Master Nickolas.”

  “My thanks, milord.” Lilian turns to her slate, rapidly tapping out alerts. “It is done.”

  With a smile that holds both passion and mischief, milord pulls the shuttered slate from her hands and places it on a nearby table. “Remove your skirt and blouse.”


  The first-bell chimes are ten minutes gone when Lilian follows milord across the reception area and into the largest conference chamber. Milord’s leisurely pleasure left Lilian relaxed and milord in a good humor. It also left them very little time to refresh themselves before this meeting. There is a rustle of activity as those in the conference chamber rise at milord’s entrance, followed by a hasty resettling after milord takes his seat, Lilian standing behind milord’s left shoulder.

  At the far end of the table, from behind Seigneur Trevelyan, Rebecca greets Lilian with an irreverent wink that Lilian returns with an admonitory shake of her head. It matters not if Rebecca intends to tease Lilian over her late arrival and its likely cause or acknowledge milord’s impending triumph over Sebastian Mehta. They are surrounded by milord’s most trusted seigneurs. Proper decorum must be maintained.

  To milord’s right, Seigneur Solomon laughs at some remark of Seigneur Marco’s. Beyond Solomon, Jurian, Metricelli Deuce’s conservative Vistrite seigneur, frowns down the table at Tabitha, a junior associate seated in the august group. The only other unranked participants are Nickolas and Master Medic Chin, both men of high status, if not seigneur rank.

  Without preamble, Lucius goes straight to the purpose of the meeting. “Seigneur Trevelyan has evidence that Sebastian Mehta and his kinsman Garwynn have violated the Cartel Agreement. They have willfully defrauded Blooded Dagger, ordered numerous violations of my security-privilege, and are behind the theft of the Laser Sting and the destruction of the Archive
s’ monitors.”

  Stunned silence is followed by exclamations of shock by Solomon and Jurian and a vindictive “Monsignor should have his head” from Marco.

  Waving the chamber to silence, Lucius continues, “Among other crimes, we have connected Sebastian to fraud on Desperation and the counterfeiting of Vistrite. Although we could indict Sebastian and Garwynn before the Governing Council for these crimes, it is my will that these matters be kept within Serengeti.”

  “Of course, Monsignor.” Solomon is the first to react. “An indictment for that set of crimes might lead to the discovery of the Laser Sting and other information that should remain tightly within Blooded Dagger and Serengeti security-privilege.”

  “There is more to it.” Lucius nods at Solomon. “Before we discuss the specifics of the indictment and how to counter challenges, Seigneur Trevelyan has evidence that Sebastian’s motives were treasonous as well as avaricious. Trevelyan?”

  Gathering the group with a glance, Trevelyan states, “The severity of these transgressions has allowed us to break the seal on Grey Spear’s security-privilege in order to collect additional evidence and information. Mistress Tabitha will present that information.”

  Rising, Tabitha takes a deep breath and stiffens her spine. Except for Seigneur Trevelyan, she holds little trust in the elite and would rather not be here. Nonetheless, she is desperate to aid in the fall of Sebastian Mehta. “Over the twenty months of my bond, Monsignor Sebastian often and openly expressed to both Seigneur Garwynn and Seigneur Damocles that Monsignor Sebastian believed it was his destiny to become Serengeti preeminence.”

  Snarls of outrage greet that statement, effectively silencing Tabitha. With a frown at the table, Trevelyan says, “Seigneurs, if you please. Much of what Mistress Tabitha knows will enrage. Please, allow her to continue.”

  The table immediately subsides; even Jurian has the grace to appear chagrined.

  At Trevelyan’s encouraging gesture, Tabitha begins again. “At first it appeared as naught but extreme ambition and ego. Monsignor Sebastian was reasoned enough in his plans, beginning with the corruption of a highly placed Blooded Dagger associate, Demitrov Sandoval. Each time an intrigue succeeded, Monsignor Sebastian accepted it as proof that he would soon control the Cartel.

  “After a season or two, Monsignor Sebastian became less reasoned and more driven by ire. When intrigues did not generate the results he wished, Monsignor Sebastian became enraged, certain that it was his destiny to rule the Cartel. Monsignor Sebastian stated on several occasions that Monsignor Lucius should have died in the pirate actions as Monsignor Lucius was meant to.”

  At this last, the seigneurs cannot contain their outrage and anger, causing Tabitha to again halt her testimony. At a glance from Lucius, the fervor dies away.

  It is for this moment Tabitha has longed. What she will voice next will condemn her former lord among all warriors. He will never again be considered fit for commerce. “Around the time the counterfeiting plot was discovered, Monsignor Sebastian became convinced that Monsignor Lucius’ apprentice, Lilian, was intriguing against him.”

  “An apprentice? He feared an apprentice?” Jurian’s shocked tones echo in the stunned chamber. “He is lost to all reason.”

  There is shifting among the seigneurs as they nod in agreement, but at Lucius’ gesture, they hold their peace and allow the associate to continue uninterrupted.

  At the warriors’ reactions, Tabitha insists, “Truly, I invent this not. It was then that even Seigneur Damocles became cautious in his dealings with Monsignor Sebastian. Some of the intrigues continued to be useful. Or so I surmised from Seigneurs Garwynn’s and Damocles’ reactions. Other intrigues were farfetched.

  “The last in which I was directly tasked was to defraud Blooded Dagger so it would be too weak to withstand the next major intrigue. It was an impossible task. Even with Demitrov’s collusion, it could not be done. The minor fraud on Desperation was discovered within two seasons. A serious loss of funds would have been detected almost immediately.”

  The seigneurs nod in agreement, and Tabitha continues, “I executed two fraudulent transactions under Demitrov’s supervision. Before further assignments could be executed, my bond proved, and I was offered service with Seigneur Trevelyan.”

  A brief discussion follows Tabitha’s testimony as the gathering considers the implications.

  “Treason for certain,” Marco states. “The plan to usurp preeminence is evidence enough. Mistress Tabitha, have you any direct evidence that Monsignor Sebastian plotted Monsignor Lucius’ death?”

  “No, Seigneur.” Tabitha shakes her head. “I only witnessed his rage that Monsignor Lucius survived.”

  “So we indict him for derangement or crimes against the Cartel and Blooded Dagger?” Solomon interjects.

  “His crimes,” Lucius declares. “Derangement will require a shrine review, and those take time, during which Sebastian will be free to continue his depraved intrigues. Nor did he act alone. Although Sebastian may be disordered in his wits, Garwynn and Damocles are not. They could have halted Sebastian seasons before he did much damage. As it is, Sebastian’s crimes will sweep him from the Cartel and Garwynn with him. With a little Luck of the First, Damocles as well.”

  “The Grey Spear seigneurs will challenge the indictment,” Jurian comments.

  “Of course they will,” Lucius agrees. “And I will have no suggestion of a rushed or improper judgement. The review will occur with every Cartel seigneur invited to attend.”

  “Of course.” Solomon nods. “Monsignor can bar Sebastian Mehta from the Cartel based on the crimes against Blooded Dagger. Only a full review will compel Grey Spear Cartouche to revoke preeminence.”

  “A Cartel review will also exact maximum advantage for Blooded Dagger.” Lucius sweeps the table with his eyes. “We arrest Sebastian tonight based on the evidence. Within the sevenday, you must produce a blade-sharp case. We dare not wait longer. I will not have Serengeti subject to the governorship of a madman.”

  At the sounds and motions of agreement, Lucius smiles, satisfied. It broadens as he adds, “Then there is the matter of Sebastian’s replacement. I will know within a sevenday whom I favor. I will need your influence among the Grey Spear seigneurs to ensure my choice is the next preeminence.”

  As Nickolas and the seigneurs settle in to sift the charges and determine the best positioning, Master Medic Chin approaches Tabitha and leads her away for a quiet conversation in a corner.

  Master Chin would be better able to judge. Lilian remembers her response to Lucius’ inquiry on Sebastian Mehta’s mental state.


  Sebastian Mehta’s Crevasse City estate is located on the Garden Center’s eastern promenade, a prestigious section of the city that dates to the second century. North of the Shrine Ring, the expansive compound gates onto a primary path to the shrines. In the twilight of seventh bell, the secluded area is deserted. The two guards are reaching the end of their watch and thinking only of their evening meal.

  When a Serengeti seigneur and two militia guards approach, the startled guards step forward, eager to be of assistance and certain the warrior has come to the wrong entrance. It is their last thought before two of Trevelyan’s operatives materialize from the shadows and fell them with sedative darts.

  With no more sound than shadows, Trevelyan, two operatives, and four militia guards enter the compound and slip into the kennels, where they know Sebastian Mehta is evaluating a new litter of hunting dogs.

  “Too small.” Sebastian hands a squirming pup to his kennel master. “Sell it and the overly friendly one.”

  Obediently, the kennel master puts the small creature in the cage. He is reaching into the corral to collect the other dog when something tickles his neck. Attempting to brush it away, he finds his wrist caught and pulled sharply up and behind his back. Before he can struggle, the edge of a blade is pressed against his throat. “Easy does it. We’re not here to harm you.”

  The man
with the blade is accompanied by five others, including a warrior who is holding a fireburst pistol on Monsignor Sebastian. Sebastian’s bodyguard and the two other kennel servitors are as tightly constrained as the kennel master.

  “Lucius is deranged,” Sebastian spits at Trevelyan. “I am no traitor. It cannot be proven.”

  “The indictment is countersigned by Monsignor Elenora and Seigneur Herman,” Trevelyan replies evenly. “You can come with us or resign as Serengeti governor.”

  “Resign! I will do no such thing. Leave now and I may not take your signet,” Sebastian snarls. “You have no idea what I can do.”

  “As you will,” Trevelyan nods.

  A hooded figure steps up behind Sebastian and quickly injects him with one of the Master Medic’s potions. The kennel master, his men, and Sebastian’s bodyguard are quickly sedated and left to slumber. In moments, Sebastian is cloaked, carried to the transport bay, and placed in a vehicle marked with the designation of Sebastian’s household militia. With the efficiency of practice, one of Trevelyan’s operatives overrides the vehicle’s security. They exit Sebastian’s estate fewer than ten minutes after their arrival. Twenty minutes and two miles later, they leave Sebastian sharing a suite with Garwynn in Rimon’s Shrine Quarters. The two warriors will remain in seclusion until their trial.

  30. Snake Hunt

  Warriors of Serengeti are subject to the same requirements, protocols, and strictures as all others of the Cartel unless otherwise specified by contract. In the event of a severe or traitor transgression, review of the offense will be conducted by the Governing Monsignors to determine the truth of the violation. Any conviction for a severe offense carries a mandatory sentence of financial and honor recompense to the harmed party, be it an individual, a Cartouche, or the Cartel. The offender and the offender’s heirs will be banished from the Cartel, the number of generations banned to be decided by the harmed party or parties. Any conviction of a traitor offense carries all the penalties of a severe offense, and the offender’s signet will be forfeited to the harmed party. ~excerpt from The Serengeti Group Articles of Commerce (The Cartel Agreement).


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