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Transgressions Page 51

by E G Manetti

  Any violation of the Cartel Agreement is cause for a Governing Monsignor to be banished by The Cartel through a majority vote of the other Governing Monsignors in a Cartel Review. In place of the indicted Governor, a majority vote of that Governor’s seigneurs serves as a single vote on the judgement panel. If the offended parties are satisfied by Cartel Justice, the transgressions and penalties can and will be sealed to Cartel security-privilege and not made public or otherwise disclosed to the Civil Authorities and the Twelve Systems Governing Council. ~excerpt from The Serengeti Group Articles of Commerce (The Cartel Agreement).

  Seven Day 87, Day 2

  “Seigneur Marco, it is simply not possible.” Marieth’s cool deference is tinged with exasperation.

  Lilian hovers at the open door of Marco’s office, hesitant to interrupt but unwilling to be late for eighth-bell attendance. While milord is closeted in the Governor’s Hall for the judgement of Sebastian and Garwynn Mehta, Lilian is to look to Marco and Bright Star.

  “Seigneur Petra is the Blooded Dagger Seigneur on Fortuna,” Marco is speaking. “She must have a temporary office on this level.”

  “Seigneur, the Cartel is filled to capacity,” Marieth explains. “I cannot displace Seigneur Jurian or another higher-ranking seigneur for Seigneur Petra.”

  The number of seigneurs within Serengeti Headquarters has doubled with Monsignor Sebastian’s judgement. All twenty-nine Grey Spear seigneurs that reside in the Third System are present, as are twenty of the twenty-four remote seigneurs. Except for Seigneur Rachelle and Seigneur Tristan of Iron Hammer who remain on Troy, all the Blooded Dagger and Iron Hammer seigneurs from the Third System are present, along with several dozen from the remote systems.

  “Petra is our Bright Star liaison with Monsignor Angus,” Marco snaps. “In two months the Bright Star summit convenes on Fortuna. There is much to be done, and I need her nearby.”

  “Seigneur, I have no answer,” Marieth says tightly. “On this level we have only a half dozen guest offices to accommodate more than twice that in guest seigneurs.”

  “Give her Master Nickolas’ office,” Marco directs.

  “It has an interior window!” Marieth is shocked at the idea of a seigneur being so exposed.

  “Hang a curtain,” Marco’s voices. “It is but a few days.”

  At that, eighth bell chimes and Lilian steps into view of the doorway.

  With a resigned shrug, Marieth says, “Master Nickolas can take up residence in the Mercium lab. I cannot give him Master Simon’s office. It is already given to Seigneur Jurian’s senior associate.”

  The seigneurs have not only descended on headquarters, they have also brought their key retainers, further overrunning the offices and conference chambers.

  “Mistress Lilian, come.” Marco waves her into the chamber. “I have but a quarter period.”

  The commerce of the Cartel will not slow for the proceedings. Those seigneurs not required for testimony or indictment will exit and reenter the proceedings as their duty permits. Lilian has no expectation of encountering milord before Sixth Day. Her knowledge of what is transpiring will be gleaned from Rebecca and Douglas. Those apprentices will glean theirs from Trevelyan and Aristides, respectively, as their masters come and go from the proceedings.


  The last of the morning mist dissolves as Lucius’ gaze skims the shining green of the Garden Center. He looks past the glinting towers of commerce and over the distant hills, where the deep brown is beginning to show patches of pale green. Barely noting the promise of the returning green season, Lucius’ mind is turned to the promise of the day. After a decade of strife, Lucius’ Cartel will soon be free of the corrosive spite and machinations of Sebastian Mehta.

  It was the Luck of the First that his discovery and indictment of Sebastian Mehta coincided with Mulan’s Festival the prior day. It gave Lucius an extra day to prepare for the pageantry of Sebastian’s Cartel review while Thorvald attended his deity. And it will be a pageant, a display of Blooded Dagger supremacy and Lucius’ control of his Cartel. Although Lucius will not sweep Damocles and Garwynn from his Cartel with Sebastian, it will not be long. Within a year, Mercium and Bright Star will bring Lucius the wealth and power needed to remove those two and with them, the last traces of Sebastian Mehta’s influence.

  Three warning pings herald the recessing of the scarlet door. Trevelyan, Marco, and Solomon step inside, attired in formal, high-collared jackets adorned with the Blooded Dagger Cartouche insignia, gold seigneur signets, and daggers on their belts. Wordlessly, Lucius leaves his tea on a side table and collects his slate. The platinum and rubies of his insignia, signet, and dagger sparkle coldly as he strides to the door. By the sixth day, Sebastian Mehta’s signet will be forfeited and his dagger in the care of the Shrines.


  Lucius’ riser opens on the tenth level moments after Elenora’s, their synchronized arrival as carefully orchestrated as every other aspect of the Cartel review. While Lucius expects the lesser verdict of Disordered Mind, he will indict both warriors for Crimes Against the Cartel in the distant hope that he can sweep Garwynn from the Cartel with Sebastian. If not, the Grey Spear seigneurs will be more malleable on reparations in return for avoiding the shame of a Cartel criminal conviction of their preeminence and financials seigneur.

  As they reach the large, tenth-storey conference chamber used for the governors’ review meetings, Elenora and her seigneurs drop back, allowing Lucius to enter first. Decorated in the Cartel’s sand, gray, and midnight blue, the auditorium is almost at its capacity of one-hundred-fifty. In the center section, the Blooded Dagger seigneurs rise as Lucius crosses the threshold. They are immediately followed by Iron Hammer to the left and then more slowly, Grey Spear on the right.

  A score of Serengeti Militia ring the walls to protect the assembly and, if necessary, maintain order.

  Reaching the conference table that has been configured as a judgement panel, Lucius takes the center place, facing the assembled seigneurs. Behind him, on the massive reviewer, the Blooded Dagger Cartouche is twice the size of the Iron Hammer and Grey Spear Cartouches that flank it. As Marco and Solomon settle to his left, Elenora takes her place to Lucius’ right, in front of her cartouche emblem and facing her seigneurs. The area before the Grey Spear Cartouche is glaringly empty.

  As Kemeha takes his place next to Elenora, Herman reaches the podium, and Trevelyan reaches a side door. Lucius holds his impassive stance, letting time drag as he scans the seigneurs, emphasizing the visual display of Blooded Dagger supremacy, holding everyone on the edge of anticipation by his will alone. With a curt nod to Herman, Lucius takes his seat, followed by Elenora. A breath later, the seigneurs fold into their chairs with the quiet rumble of surf reaching the shore.

  Herman mounts the podium and activates the reviewer, superimposing the charges against Sebastian and Garwynn over the Grey Spear Cartouche. The implication is not lost on any of the assembled. Grey Spear’s honor is indicted along with its preeminence.

  As the charges appear, Trevelyan reappears, followed by Thorvald and two militia officers who escort Sebastian and Garwynn to stand in front of the podium. Both men are formally garbed, insignia and signets proudly displayed. Neither bears a dagger. Ramrod straight, both warriors stare impassively at Lucius and Elenora as the indictment is read.

  “Monsignor Sebastian, how do you respond to the charges?” Herman formally intones.

  Sebastian’s impassive countenance twists into a snarl. “Lies, fabrications, and falsehoods! There is no proof.”

  Interesting, Lucius thinks. He doesn’t claim lack of guilt, only that I cannot prove it. He truly is deluded. It matters not. The evidence is overwhelming, and their witness is alive and well. Sebastian will not wriggle free this time.

  “I deny violating my oath to the Cartel,” Garwynn responds quietly and broadly, avoiding a direct response to the fraud and Laser Sting charges.

  Clever, Lucius thinks. He knows how this wil
l end and that he has lost his place as Serengeti Financials Seigneur. He is positioning to retain his signet.

  “Name your advocate,” Herman directs. As with a Governing Council Protocol Review, the accused is entitled to an advocate. The question is a matter of form. Sebastian and Garwynn will name the Grey Spear Legalistics Seigneur.

  “Seigneur Damocles will prove these charges false,” Sebastian declares boldly, his eyes gleaming with his latest malicious scheme.


  “Damocles? Truly?” Estella moves over on the lounge to make space for Lucius.

  “Sebastian erred in that choice,” Lucius comments, pouring a glass of wine. It nears tenth bell, and Lucius is glad to be free of his constraining formal wear and in the comfort of a midnight-blue silk robe. “Every time Damocles challenged the monitor evidence in his capacity as Serengeti Security-Privilege Seigneur, Herman reprimanded him for it.”

  “Surely they must have known that as an advocate, Damocles could not challenge evidence using his Serengeti rank,” Estella wonders. Picking up her wine, she takes a small sip, the slight tang evidence of an extra dose of Chin’s potion. It is only the second time she has used it this month. Eventually, it will come daily, and the dosages will increase.

  “Sebastian knows Elenora and I will not be swayed.” Lucius settles next to Estella and gently wraps an arm around her shoulders. “I think he hopes to elicit a voided indictment from the Grey Spear seigneurs.”

  “As a witness, Damocles would only be called once,” Estella nods. “As an advocate he can repeatedly remind the other Grey Spear seigneurs that he questions the evidence and is the security-privilege seigneur.”

  “Damocles may question the evidence, but he is unable to refute it.” Lucius stretches his legs onto the lounge. “After Demitrov’s testimony tomorrow, I doubt he will even attempt to question it. Sebastian’s only choice will be to appeal to Sinead’s Shrine for a finding of Derangement.”

  “Do you doubt the Shrine’s conclusion?” Estella asks, setting aside her empty glass.

  “No,” Lucius shakes his head. “Chin is not certain that Sebastian meets the test for Derangement, but Chin is a scientist and holds to stricter definitions for certainty than the Shrines require.”

  “A shrine appeal did not work for Gariten,” Estella points out, curling into Lucius and resting her head on his chest.

  “Gariten had no friends, and his crimes were more heinous.” Lucius tightens the arm wrapped around Estella to hold her close. “For all his sins, Sebastian is not involved in piracy or illegal servitude. We can tie Sebastian to the counterfeiters but not the deaths from their actions. Which is well for Serengeti; a Twelve Systems Protocol Review of a Serengeti Governor would be damaging to the Cartel.”

  With a murmur of assent, Estella closes her eyes and drifts into sleep, leaving Lucius to sip his wine and contemplate the coming day and the downfall of Sebastian Mehta.

  Seven Day 87, Day 3

  The Governors’ Hall hums with speculation as the seigneurs assemble for the second day of Sebastian Mehta’s Cartel review. Of far less interest is Garwynn’s joint indictment. Three strong chimes accompany Lucius’ entrance, sending the seigneurs to their feet. This day Grey Spear does not delay, none of the seigneurs wishing to be noted as laggard when they are about to lose the protection of Sebastian’s shadow.

  Repressing a triumphant smile, Lucius takes his place. Sebastian and Garwynn are brought forth and seated in front of the podium with their advocate, Damocles. At Lucius’ gesture, Herman turns to Trevelyan, who is again by the antechamber door. “Bring in the witness.”

  Witness. The word echoes in whispers throughout the chamber. What could a witness add to the monitor records, the financial records, and the log files that were presented the prior day? Damocles’ challenges do not change the evidence, and there is no question of the integrity of the data.

  Trevelyan steps back into the chamber, his bulk obscuring the figure flanked by two militia guards. When they reach the end of the conference table opposite the podium and the accused, Trevelyan steps aside. Medium in stature and build, the man in the sand jumpsuit of a Serengeti prisoner has the pallor of the incarnated, the marks of the Grim Twins’ interrogation eradicated with the aid of Master Chin. Demitrov Sandoval.

  “Demon shit!” Sebastian half explodes from his chair and is hastily pulled back by Garwynn, who is hissing rapidly in Sebastian’s ear.

  “What value is a disgraced Blooded Dagger accountant?” Damocles rises with a sneer.

  “No value to Blooded Dagger and a great deal to Grey Spear,” Trevelyan snaps back coldly. “We all saw the evidence of Garwynn colluding with this traitor to the detriment of Blooded Dagger and Serengeti.”

  “What say you, Demitrov?” Herman demands. “Did you defraud Blooded Dagger? Enable a cartel-endangering Vistrite counterfeiting scheme and attempt to steal the precious Laser Sting technology at the behest of Seigneur Garwynn and Monsignor Sebastian?”

  “I did, Seigneur,” Demitrov admits, every line in his body defeated. “Two years I did their bidding, knowing Monsignor Sebastian wished the downfall of Monsignor Lucius and Blooded Dagger.”

  The Blooded Dagger section erupts in outrage, ignoring Herman’s attempt to restore order. By the podium, Garwynn has a restraining hand on Sebastian’s arm and is whispering urgently as Sebastian’s brows lower in rage.

  Rising in his chair, Lucius gestures for silence, and his seigneurs immediately subside. Returning to his seat, Lucius nods to Herman to continue.

  “Were you aware that if Monsignor Sebastian succeeded, it could irreparably damage the Cartel?” Herman follows.

  “Yes, Seigneur,” Demitrov confirms.

  The entire hall briefly erupts as the Blooded Dagger and Iron Hammer seigneurs voice their outrage, and their Grey Spear companions shift uneasily and whisper among themselves.

  Once again Lucius restores order. It is all but done. Demitrov will yield it all to preserve his brother Benedict. In a few minutes, there will be no refuting the charges against Sebastian and Garwynn.

  Damocles rises in his place, exuding confidence. “I would question the witness.”

  “It is your right,” Herman acknowledges.

  Damocles strides menacingly toward Demitrov. “How dare you make such claims? Monsignor Sebastian did naught more than look to the advancement of Grey Spear.”

  Before Damocles can close the final yard to the witness, Trevelyan and the militia guards step forward, halting Damocles in his tracks.

  Secure behind the guards, Demitrov counters, “We—Ann Hunter and I, that is. We found plenty of opportunities to line Grey Spear coffers at the expense of Iron Hammer, Serengeti customers, and vendors. Monsignor Sebastian would have none of it. We were to concentrate on Blooded Dagger. Blooded Dagger was to be brought down.”

  Ignoring the rustling among the seigneurs, Damocles challenges, “Is it not more likely that Monsignor Sebastian would not trust the two of you with more than minor intrigues? That’s all they really were, after all.”

  “Funding counterfeiters to create destructive Vistrite to bring down Blooded Dagger is hardly minor,” Demitrov retorts. He is lost. He will not fall alone.

  “Was Monsignor Sebastian aware that such an intrigue could also bring down the Cartel?” Herman demands from the podium.

  “He was,” Demitrov nods adamantly. “Seigneur Garwynn warned him that could be the result, and Monsignor Sebastian did not care. He said—”

  “Filthy, demon-shit-eating traitor!” Sebastian explodes from his chair and springs toward Demitrov. “I’ll rip your tongue out. I’ll—”

  Two burly militia guards rush from the walls and tackle Sebastian as he passes Lucius’ seat at the table.

  “He said,” Demitrov continues over the pandemonium, “that he would rebuild Serengeti—”

  “Bastard offspring of a crevasse-crawler!” Sebastian screams as he struggles against his captors. “You and your decadents-addicted brother sh
ould have been thrown into the Crevasse at birth!”

  His face a mask of hatred that mirrors Sebastian’s, Demitrov shouts, “Monsignor Sebastian said he would destroy Serengeti and remake it as Grey Spear Cartel!”

  “Vile betrayer! I’ll castrate you!” Spittle flies from Sebastian’s mouth as he tries once again to break free. “I’ll feed your weakling brother to my dogs!”

  “He didn’t care if thousands died!” Demitrov yells his final damning testimony as the guards drag Sebastian screaming into the antechamber.

  The door recesses, cutting off Sebastian’s rant. In the stunned chamber, the only notable sound is Demitrov’s labored breathing.

  Self-master. Lucius holds his face impassive, determined to reveal naught of his emotions. Master anger. His rage at Sebastian’s machinations is unabated. Master joy. His sense of triumph at finally defeating his enemy is almost overwhelming. Mastery of mind. He must not yield to emotion. There is yet much to be accomplished to secure his Cartel and ensure that Hercules replaces Sebastian. Self-master.

  Across the floor, Lucius briefly meets Aristides’ cool gaze. The Media Management Seigneur’s regard warms, and his lips offer a hint of a smile as he nods at Lucius. It is as Lucius hoped. Aristides is pleased by Sebastian’s downfall.

  “Monsignor Lucius,” Herman’s tone holds a question. “If it pleases, I believe it is time for a brief recess.”


  There is no question that, for all his formality, Master Nickolas views Lilian as an ally, if not an equal. After another day spent primarily in the Mercium lab instructing milord’s protégé on complexity theory, Lilian is riding a wave of exuberance as she hastens to the Fountain Café to meet her friends.

  So far, the Cartel review has proceeded as milord predicted. Both days, the skill consortium gathered at the Fountain Café shortly after sixth bell in the evening to exchange information and gossip. They are not alone. The café is packed, as are the elegant lounges and restaurants of the lobby. Lilian notes Nickolas and Fletcher are seated with several others in the elegant lounge where she viewed Fletcher’s moon race the prior green season.


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